use of in project poi by apache.
the class BaseTestSheetUpdateArrayFormulas method testRemoveArrayFormula.
* create and remove array formulas
public final void testRemoveArrayFormula() throws IOException {
Workbook workbook = _testDataProvider.createWorkbook();
Sheet sheet = workbook.createSheet();
CellRangeAddress range = new CellRangeAddress(3, 5, 2, 2);
assertEquals("C4:C6", range.formatAsString());
CellRange<?> cr = sheet.setArrayFormula("SUM(A1:A3*B1:B3)", range);
assertEquals(3, cr.size());
// remove the formula cells in C4:C6
CellRange<?> dcells = sheet.removeArrayFormula(cr.getTopLeftCell());
// removeArrayFormula should return the same cells as setArrayFormula
assertArrayEquals(cr.getFlattenedCells(), dcells.getFlattenedCells());
for (Cell acell : cr) {
assertEquals(CellType.BLANK, acell.getCellTypeEnum());
// invocation of sheet.removeArrayFormula on any of them throws IllegalArgumentException
for (Cell acell : cr) {
try {
fail("expected exception");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
String ref = new CellReference(acell).formatAsString();
assertEquals("Cell " + ref + " is not part of an array formula.", e.getMessage());
use of in project poi by apache.
the class TestCellReference method testConvertNumToColString.
public void testConvertNumToColString() {
short col = 702;
String collRef = new CellReference(0, col).formatAsString();
assertEquals("AAA1", collRef);
short col2 = 0;
String collRef2 = new CellReference(0, col2).formatAsString();
assertEquals("A1", collRef2);
short col3 = 27;
String collRef3 = new CellReference(0, col3).formatAsString();
assertEquals("AB1", collRef3);
short col4 = 2080;
String collRef4 = new CellReference(0, col4).formatAsString();
assertEquals("CBA1", collRef4);
use of in project poi by apache.
the class TestCellReference method testFormatAsString.
public void testFormatAsString() {
CellReference cellReference;
cellReference = new CellReference(null, 0, 0, false, false);
assertEquals("A1", cellReference.formatAsString());
//absolute references
cellReference = new CellReference(null, 0, 0, true, false);
assertEquals("A$1", cellReference.formatAsString());
//sheet name with no spaces
cellReference = new CellReference("Sheet1", 0, 0, true, false);
assertEquals("Sheet1!A$1", cellReference.formatAsString());
//sheet name with spaces
cellReference = new CellReference("Sheet 1", 0, 0, true, false);
assertEquals("'Sheet 1'!A$1", cellReference.formatAsString());
use of in project poi by apache.
the class XSSFSheet method getDataValidations.
public List<XSSFDataValidation> getDataValidations() {
List<XSSFDataValidation> xssfValidations = new ArrayList<XSSFDataValidation>();
CTDataValidations dataValidations = this.worksheet.getDataValidations();
if (dataValidations != null && dataValidations.getCount() > 0) {
for (CTDataValidation ctDataValidation : dataValidations.getDataValidationArray()) {
CellRangeAddressList addressList = new CellRangeAddressList();
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<String> sqref = ctDataValidation.getSqref();
for (String stRef : sqref) {
String[] regions = stRef.split(" ");
for (String region : regions) {
String[] parts = region.split(":");
CellReference begin = new CellReference(parts[0]);
CellReference end = parts.length > 1 ? new CellReference(parts[1]) : begin;
CellRangeAddress cellRangeAddress = new CellRangeAddress(begin.getRow(), end.getRow(), begin.getCol(), end.getCol());
XSSFDataValidation xssfDataValidation = new XSSFDataValidation(addressList, ctDataValidation);
return xssfValidations;
use of in project poi by apache.
the class XSSFSheet method shiftRows.
* Shifts rows between startRow and endRow n number of rows.
* If you use a negative number, it will shift rows up.
* Code ensures that rows don't wrap around
* <p>
* Additionally shifts merged regions that are completely defined in these
* rows (ie. merged 2 cells on a row to be shifted). All merged regions that are
* completely overlaid by shifting will be deleted.
* <p>
* @param startRow the row to start shifting
* @param endRow the row to end shifting
* @param n the number of rows to shift
* @param copyRowHeight whether to copy the row height during the shift
* @param resetOriginalRowHeight whether to set the original row's height to the default
public void shiftRows(int startRow, int endRow, final int n, boolean copyRowHeight, boolean resetOriginalRowHeight) {
XSSFVMLDrawing vml = getVMLDrawing(false);
// first remove all rows which will be overwritten
for (Iterator<Row> it = rowIterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
XSSFRow row = (XSSFRow);
int rownum = row.getRowNum();
// check if we should remove this row as it will be overwritten by the data later
if (shouldRemoveRow(startRow, endRow, n, rownum)) {
// remove row from worksheet.getSheetData row array
// Performance optimization: explicit boxing is slightly faster than auto-unboxing, though may use more memory
final Integer rownumI = new Integer(row.getRowNum());
int idx = _rows.headMap(rownumI).size();
// remove row from _rows
// also remove any comments associated with this row
if (sheetComments != null) {
CTCommentList lst = sheetComments.getCTComments().getCommentList();
for (CTComment comment : lst.getCommentArray()) {
String strRef = comment.getRef();
CellAddress ref = new CellAddress(strRef);
// is this comment part of the current row?
if (ref.getRow() == rownum) {
vml.removeCommentShape(ref.getRow(), ref.getColumn());
// also remove any hyperlinks associated with this row
if (hyperlinks != null) {
for (XSSFHyperlink link : new ArrayList<XSSFHyperlink>(hyperlinks)) {
CellReference ref = new CellReference(link.getCellRef());
if (ref.getRow() == rownum) {
// then do the actual moving and also adjust comments/rowHeight
// we need to sort it in a way so the shifting does not mess up the structures,
// i.e. when shifting down, start from down and go up, when shifting up, vice-versa
SortedMap<XSSFComment, Integer> commentsToShift = new TreeMap<XSSFComment, Integer>(new Comparator<XSSFComment>() {
public int compare(XSSFComment o1, XSSFComment o2) {
int row1 = o1.getRow();
int row2 = o2.getRow();
if (row1 == row2) {
// get multiple comments per row into the map
return o1.hashCode() - o2.hashCode();
// when shifting down, sort higher row-values first
if (n > 0) {
return row1 < row2 ? 1 : -1;
} else {
// sort lower-row values first when shifting up
return row1 > row2 ? 1 : -1;
for (Iterator<Row> it = rowIterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
XSSFRow row = (XSSFRow);
int rownum = row.getRowNum();
if (sheetComments != null) {
// calculate the new rownum
int newrownum = shiftedRowNum(startRow, endRow, n, rownum);
// is there a change necessary for the current row?
if (newrownum != rownum) {
CTCommentList lst = sheetComments.getCTComments().getCommentList();
for (CTComment comment : lst.getCommentArray()) {
String oldRef = comment.getRef();
CellReference ref = new CellReference(oldRef);
// is this comment part of the current row?
if (ref.getRow() == rownum) {
XSSFComment xssfComment = new XSSFComment(sheetComments, comment, vml == null ? null : vml.findCommentShape(rownum, ref.getCol()));
// we should not perform the shifting right here as we would then find
// already shifted comments and would shift them again...
commentsToShift.put(xssfComment, newrownum);
if (rownum < startRow || rownum > endRow) {
if (!copyRowHeight) {
row.setHeight((short) -1);
// i.e. from down to up if shifting down, vice-versa otherwise
for (Map.Entry<XSSFComment, Integer> entry : commentsToShift.entrySet()) {
XSSFRowShifter rowShifter = new XSSFRowShifter(this);
int sheetIndex = getWorkbook().getSheetIndex(this);
String sheetName = getWorkbook().getSheetName(sheetIndex);
FormulaShifter shifter = FormulaShifter.createForRowShift(sheetIndex, sheetName, startRow, endRow, n, SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL2007);
rowShifter.shiftMergedRegions(startRow, endRow, n);
//rebuild the _rows map
Map<Integer, XSSFRow> map = new HashMap<Integer, XSSFRow>();
for (XSSFRow r : _rows.values()) {
// Performance optimization: explicit boxing is slightly faster than auto-unboxing, though may use more memory
final Integer rownumI = new Integer(r.getRowNum());
map.put(rownumI, r);