use of in project incubator-pulsar by apache.
the class ClustersBase method deleteNamespaceIsolationPolicy.
@ApiOperation(value = "Delete namespace isolation policy")
@ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission or plicy is read only"), @ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Cluster doesn't exist") })
public void deleteNamespaceIsolationPolicy(@PathParam("cluster") String cluster, @PathParam("policyName") String policyName) throws Exception {
try {
String nsIsolationPolicyPath = path("clusters", cluster, "namespaceIsolationPolicies");
NamespaceIsolationPolicies nsIsolationPolicies = namespaceIsolationPoliciesCache().get(nsIsolationPolicyPath).orElseGet(() -> {
try {
this.createZnodeIfNotExist(nsIsolationPolicyPath, Optional.of(Collections.emptyMap()));
return new NamespaceIsolationPolicies();
} catch (KeeperException | InterruptedException e) {
throw new RestException(e);
globalZk().setData(nsIsolationPolicyPath, jsonMapper().writeValueAsBytes(nsIsolationPolicies.getPolicies()), -1);
// make sure that the cache content will be refreshed for the next read access
} catch (KeeperException.NoNodeException nne) {
log.warn("[{}] Failed to update brokers/{}/namespaceIsolationPolicies: Does not exist", clientAppId(), cluster);
throw new RestException(Status.NOT_FOUND, "NamespaceIsolationPolicies for cluster " + cluster + " does not exist");
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("[{}] Failed to update brokers/{}/namespaceIsolationPolicies/{}", clientAppId(), cluster, policyName, e);
throw new RestException(e);
use of in project incubator-pulsar by apache.
the class ClustersBase method getNamespaceIsolationPolicy.
@ApiOperation(value = "Get a single namespace isolation policy assigned in the cluster", response = NamespaceIsolationData.class)
@ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"), @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Policy doesn't exist"), @ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Cluster doesn't exist") })
public NamespaceIsolationData getNamespaceIsolationPolicy(@PathParam("cluster") String cluster, @PathParam("policyName") String policyName) throws Exception {
try {
NamespaceIsolationPolicies nsIsolationPolicies = namespaceIsolationPoliciesCache().get(path("clusters", cluster, "namespaceIsolationPolicies")).orElseThrow(() -> new RestException(Status.NOT_FOUND, "NamespaceIsolationPolicies for cluster " + cluster + " does not exist"));
// construct the response to NamespaceisolationData map
if (!nsIsolationPolicies.getPolicies().containsKey(policyName)) {"[{}] Cannot find NamespaceIsolationPolicy {} for cluster {}", policyName, cluster);
throw new RestException(Status.NOT_FOUND, "Cannot find NamespaceIsolationPolicy " + policyName + " for cluster " + cluster);
return nsIsolationPolicies.getPolicies().get(policyName);
} catch (RestException re) {
throw re;
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("[{}] Failed to get clusters/{}/namespaceIsolationPolicies/{}", clientAppId(), cluster, e);
throw new RestException(e);
use of in project incubator-pulsar by apache.
the class ClustersBase method getDomain.
@ApiOperation(value = "Get a domain in a cluster", response = FailureDomain.class)
@ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"), @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Domain doesn't exist"), @ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Cluster doesn't exist") })
public FailureDomain getDomain(@PathParam("cluster") String cluster, @PathParam("domainName") String domainName) throws Exception {
try {
final String failureDomainRootPath = pulsar().getConfigurationCache().CLUSTER_FAILURE_DOMAIN_ROOT;
return failureDomainCache().get(joinPath(failureDomainRootPath, domainName)).orElseThrow(() -> new RestException(Status.NOT_FOUND, "Domain " + domainName + " for cluster " + cluster + " does not exist"));
} catch (RestException re) {
throw re;
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("[{}] Failed to get domain {} for cluster {}", clientAppId(), domainName, cluster, e);
throw new RestException(e);
use of in project incubator-pulsar by apache.
the class ClustersBase method getFailureDomains.
@ApiOperation(value = "Get the cluster failure domains", response = FailureDomain.class, responseContainer = "Map")
@ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission") })
public Map<String, FailureDomain> getFailureDomains(@PathParam("cluster") String cluster) throws Exception {
Map<String, FailureDomain> domains = Maps.newHashMap();
try {
final String failureDomainRootPath = pulsar().getConfigurationCache().CLUSTER_FAILURE_DOMAIN_ROOT;
for (String domainName : failureDomainListCache().get()) {
try {
Optional<FailureDomain> domain = failureDomainCache().get(joinPath(failureDomainRootPath, domainName));
if (domain.isPresent()) {
domains.put(domainName, domain.get());
} catch (Exception e) {
log.warn("Failed to get domain {}", domainName, e);
} catch (KeeperException.NoNodeException e) {
log.warn("[{}] Failure-domain is not configured for cluster {}", clientAppId(), cluster, e);
return Collections.emptyMap();
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("[{}] Failed to get failure-domains for cluster {}", clientAppId(), cluster, e);
throw new RestException(e);
return domains;
use of in project incubator-pulsar by apache.
the class NamespacesBase method validatePersistencePolicies.
private void validatePersistencePolicies(PersistencePolicies persistence) {
try {
final ServiceConfiguration config = pulsar().getConfiguration();
checkArgument(persistence.getBookkeeperEnsemble() <= config.getManagedLedgerMaxEnsembleSize(), "Bookkeeper-Ensemble must be <= %s", config.getManagedLedgerMaxEnsembleSize());
checkArgument(persistence.getBookkeeperWriteQuorum() <= config.getManagedLedgerMaxWriteQuorum(), "Bookkeeper-WriteQuorum must be <= %s", config.getManagedLedgerMaxWriteQuorum());
checkArgument(persistence.getBookkeeperAckQuorum() <= config.getManagedLedgerMaxAckQuorum(), "Bookkeeper-AckQuorum must be <= %s", config.getManagedLedgerMaxAckQuorum());
checkArgument((persistence.getBookkeeperEnsemble() >= persistence.getBookkeeperWriteQuorum()) && (persistence.getBookkeeperWriteQuorum() >= persistence.getBookkeeperAckQuorum()), "Bookkeeper Ensemble (%s) >= WriteQuorum (%s) >= AckQuoru (%s)", persistence.getBookkeeperEnsemble(), persistence.getBookkeeperWriteQuorum(), persistence.getBookkeeperAckQuorum());
} catch (NullPointerException | IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new RestException(Status.PRECONDITION_FAILED, e.getMessage());