use of org.apache.pulsar.common.util.collections.ConcurrentOpenHashMap in project incubator-pulsar by apache.
the class ConcurrentOpenHashMapTest method testComputeIfAbsent.
public void testComputeIfAbsent() {
ConcurrentOpenHashMap<Integer, Integer> map = new ConcurrentOpenHashMap<>(16, 1);
AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger();
Function<Integer, Integer> provider = key -> counter.getAndIncrement();
assertEquals(map.computeIfAbsent(0, provider).intValue(), 0);
assertEquals(map.get(0).intValue(), 0);
assertEquals(map.computeIfAbsent(1, provider).intValue(), 1);
assertEquals(map.get(1).intValue(), 1);
assertEquals(map.computeIfAbsent(1, provider).intValue(), 1);
assertEquals(map.get(1).intValue(), 1);
assertEquals(map.computeIfAbsent(2, provider).intValue(), 2);
assertEquals(map.get(2).intValue(), 2);
use of org.apache.pulsar.common.util.collections.ConcurrentOpenHashMap in project incubator-pulsar by apache.
the class ConcurrentOpenHashMapTest method concurrentInsertions.
public void concurrentInsertions() throws Throwable {
ConcurrentOpenHashMap<Long, String> map = new ConcurrentOpenHashMap<>(16, 1);
ExecutorService executor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
final int nThreads = 16;
final int N = 100_000;
String value = "value";
List<Future<?>> futures = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < nThreads; i++) {
final int threadIdx = i;
futures.add(executor.submit(() -> {
Random random = new Random();
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
long key = random.nextLong();
// Ensure keys are uniques
key -= key % (threadIdx + 1);
map.put(key, value);
for (Future<?> future : futures) {
assertEquals(map.size(), N * nThreads);
use of org.apache.pulsar.common.util.collections.ConcurrentOpenHashMap in project incubator-pulsar by apache.
the class ManagedLedgerOfflineBacklog method calculateCursorBacklogs.
private void calculateCursorBacklogs(final ManagedLedgerFactoryImpl factory, final TopicName topicName, final NavigableMap<Long, MLDataFormats.ManagedLedgerInfo.LedgerInfo> ledgers, final PersistentOfflineTopicStats offlineTopicStats) throws Exception {
if (ledgers.size() == 0) {
String managedLedgerName = topicName.getPersistenceNamingEncoding();
MetaStore store = factory.getMetaStore();
BookKeeper bk = factory.getBookKeeper();
final CountDownLatch allCursorsCounter = new CountDownLatch(1);
final long errorInReadingCursor = (long) -1;
ConcurrentOpenHashMap<String, Long> ledgerRetryMap = new ConcurrentOpenHashMap<>();
final MLDataFormats.ManagedLedgerInfo.LedgerInfo ledgerInfo = ledgers.lastEntry().getValue();
final PositionImpl lastLedgerPosition = new PositionImpl(ledgerInfo.getLedgerId(), ledgerInfo.getEntries() - 1);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("[{}] Last ledger position {}", managedLedgerName, lastLedgerPosition);
store.getCursors(managedLedgerName, new MetaStore.MetaStoreCallback<List<String>>() {
public void operationComplete(List<String> cursors, MetaStore.Stat v) {
// Load existing cursors
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("[{}] Found {} cursors", managedLedgerName, cursors.size());
if (cursors.isEmpty()) {
final CountDownLatch cursorCounter = new CountDownLatch(cursors.size());
for (final String cursorName : cursors) {
// determine subscription position from cursor ledger
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("[{}] Loading cursor {}", managedLedgerName, cursorName);
AsyncCallback.OpenCallback cursorLedgerOpenCb = (rc, lh, ctx1) -> {
long ledgerId = lh.getId();
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("[{}] Opened cursor ledger {} for cursor {}. rc={}", managedLedgerName, ledgerId, cursorName, rc);
if (rc != BKException.Code.OK) {
log.warn("[{}] Error opening metadata ledger {} for cursor {}: {}", managedLedgerName, ledgerId, cursorName, BKException.getMessage(rc));
long lac = lh.getLastAddConfirmed();
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("[{}] Cursor {} LAC {} read from ledger {}", managedLedgerName, cursorName, lac, ledgerId);
if (lac == LedgerHandle.INVALID_ENTRY_ID) {
// save the ledger id and cursor to retry outside of this call back
// since we are trying to read the same cursor ledger, we will block until
// this current callback completes, since an attempt to read the entry
// will block behind this current operation to complete
ledgerRetryMap.put(cursorName, ledgerId);"[{}] Cursor {} LAC {} read from ledger {}", managedLedgerName, cursorName, lac, ledgerId);
final long entryId = lac;
// read last acked message position for subscription
lh.asyncReadEntries(entryId, entryId, new AsyncCallback.ReadCallback() {
public void readComplete(int rc, LedgerHandle lh, Enumeration<LedgerEntry> seq, Object ctx) {
try {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("readComplete rc={} entryId={}", rc, entryId);
if (rc != BKException.Code.OK) {
log.warn("[{}] Error reading from metadata ledger {} for cursor {}: {}", managedLedgerName, ledgerId, cursorName, BKException.getMessage(rc));
// indicate that this cursor should be excluded
offlineTopicStats.addCursorDetails(cursorName, errorInReadingCursor, lh.getId());
} else {
LedgerEntry entry = seq.nextElement();
MLDataFormats.PositionInfo positionInfo;
try {
positionInfo = MLDataFormats.PositionInfo.parseFrom(entry.getEntry());
} catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) {
log.warn("[{}] Error reading position from metadata ledger {} for cursor {}: {}", managedLedgerName, ledgerId, cursorName, e);
offlineTopicStats.addCursorDetails(cursorName, errorInReadingCursor, lh.getId());
final PositionImpl lastAckedMessagePosition = new PositionImpl(positionInfo);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("[{}] Cursor {} MD {} read last ledger position {}", managedLedgerName, cursorName, lastAckedMessagePosition, lastLedgerPosition);
// calculate cursor backlog
Range<PositionImpl> range = Range.openClosed(lastAckedMessagePosition, lastLedgerPosition);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("[{}] Calculating backlog for cursor {} using range {}", managedLedgerName, cursorName, range);
long cursorBacklog = getNumberOfEntries(range, ledgers);
offlineTopicStats.messageBacklog += cursorBacklog;
offlineTopicStats.addCursorDetails(cursorName, cursorBacklog, lh.getId());
} finally {
}, null);
// end of cursor meta read callback
store.asyncGetCursorInfo(managedLedgerName, cursorName, new MetaStore.MetaStoreCallback<MLDataFormats.ManagedCursorInfo>() {
public void operationComplete(MLDataFormats.ManagedCursorInfo info, MetaStore.Stat version) {
long cursorLedgerId = info.getCursorsLedgerId();
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("[{}] Cursor {} meta-data read ledger id {}", managedLedgerName, cursorName, cursorLedgerId);
if (cursorLedgerId != -1) {
bk.asyncOpenLedgerNoRecovery(cursorLedgerId, digestType, password, cursorLedgerOpenCb, null);
} else {
PositionImpl lastAckedMessagePosition = new PositionImpl(info.getMarkDeleteLedgerId(), info.getMarkDeleteEntryId());
Range<PositionImpl> range = Range.openClosed(lastAckedMessagePosition, lastLedgerPosition);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("[{}] Calculating backlog for cursor {} using range {}", managedLedgerName, cursorName, range);
long cursorBacklog = getNumberOfEntries(range, ledgers);
offlineTopicStats.messageBacklog += cursorBacklog;
offlineTopicStats.addCursorDetails(cursorName, cursorBacklog, cursorLedgerId);
public void operationFailed(ManagedLedgerException.MetaStoreException e) {
log.warn("[{}] Unable to obtain cursor ledger for cursor {}: {}", managedLedgerName, cursorName, e);
// for every cursor find backlog
try {
if (accurate) {
} else {
cursorCounter.await(META_READ_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.warn("[{}] Error reading subscription positions{}", managedLedgerName, e);
} finally {
public void operationFailed(ManagedLedgerException.MetaStoreException e) {
log.warn("[{}] Failed to get the cursors list", managedLedgerName, e);
if (accurate) {
} else {
allCursorsCounter.await(META_READ_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// go through ledgers where LAC was -1
if (accurate && ledgerRetryMap.size() > 0) {
ledgerRetryMap.forEach((cursorName, ledgerId) -> {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Cursor {} Ledger {} Trying to obtain MD from BkAdmin", cursorName, ledgerId);
PositionImpl lastAckedMessagePosition = tryGetMDPosition(bk, ledgerId, cursorName);
if (lastAckedMessagePosition == null) {
log.warn("[{}] Cursor {} read from ledger {}. Unable to determine cursor position", managedLedgerName, cursorName, ledgerId);
} else {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("[{}] Cursor {} read from ledger using bk admin {}. position {}", managedLedgerName, cursorName, ledgerId, lastAckedMessagePosition);
// calculate cursor backlog
Range<PositionImpl> range = Range.openClosed(lastAckedMessagePosition, lastLedgerPosition);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("[{}] Calculating backlog for cursor {} using range {}", managedLedgerName, cursorName, range);
long cursorBacklog = getNumberOfEntries(range, ledgers);
offlineTopicStats.messageBacklog += cursorBacklog;
offlineTopicStats.addCursorDetails(cursorName, cursorBacklog, ledgerId);
use of org.apache.pulsar.common.util.collections.ConcurrentOpenHashMap in project incubator-pulsar by apache.
the class BrokerService method removeTopicFromCache.
public void removeTopicFromCache(String topic) {
try {
TopicName topicName = TopicName.get(topic);
NamespaceBundle namespaceBundle = pulsar.getNamespaceService().getBundle(topicName);
checkArgument(namespaceBundle instanceof NamespaceBundle);
String bundleName = namespaceBundle.toString();
String namespaceName = topicName.getNamespaceObject().toString();
synchronized (multiLayerTopicsMap) {
ConcurrentOpenHashMap<String, ConcurrentOpenHashMap<String, Topic>> namespaceMap = multiLayerTopicsMap.get(namespaceName);
ConcurrentOpenHashMap<String, Topic> bundleMap = namespaceMap.get(bundleName);
if (bundleMap.isEmpty()) {
if (namespaceMap.isEmpty()) {
final ClusterReplicationMetrics clusterReplicationMetrics = pulsarStats.getClusterReplicationMetrics();
replicationClients.forEach((cluster, client) -> {
clusterReplicationMetrics.remove(clusterReplicationMetrics.getKeyName(namespaceName, cluster));
} catch (Exception e) {
log.warn("Got exception when retrieving bundle name during removeTopicFromCache", e);