use of in project incubator-pulsar by apache.
the class SimpleLoadManagerImplTest method testUsage.
public void testUsage() {
Map<String, Object> metrics = Maps.newHashMap();
metrics.put("brk_conn_cnt", new Long(1));
metrics.put("brk_repl_conn_cnt", new Long(1));
metrics.put("jvm_thread_cnt", new Long(1));
BrokerUsage brokerUsage = BrokerUsage.populateFrom(metrics);
assertEquals(brokerUsage.getConnectionCount(), 1);
assertEquals(brokerUsage.getReplicationConnectionCount(), 1);
JvmUsage jvmUage = JvmUsage.populateFrom(metrics);
assertEquals(jvmUage.getThreadCount(), 1);
SystemResourceUsage usage = new SystemResourceUsage();
double usageLimit = 10.0;
usage.setBandwidthIn(new ResourceUsage(usageLimit, usageLimit));
assertEquals(usage.getBandwidthIn().usage, usageLimit);
assertNotEquals(usage.getBandwidthIn().usage, usageLimit);
use of in project incubator-pulsar by apache.
the class SimpleLoadManagerImpl method getSystemResourceUsage.
public SystemResourceUsage getSystemResourceUsage() throws IOException {
SystemResourceUsage systemResourceUsage = LoadManagerShared.getSystemResourceUsage(brokerHostUsage);
long memoryUsageInMBytes = getAverageJvmHeapUsageMBytes();
systemResourceUsage.memory.usage = (double) memoryUsageInMBytes;
return systemResourceUsage;
use of in project incubator-pulsar by apache.
the class GenericBrokerHostUsageImpl method calculateBrokerHostUsage.
private void calculateBrokerHostUsage() {
SystemResourceUsage usage = new SystemResourceUsage();
this.usage = usage;
use of in project incubator-pulsar by apache.
the class LoadBalancerTest method writeLoadReportsForDynamicQuota.
private void writeLoadReportsForDynamicQuota(long timestamp) throws Exception {
for (int i = 0; i < BROKER_COUNT; i++) {
LoadReport lr = new LoadReport();
SystemResourceUsage sru = new SystemResourceUsage();
sru.setBandwidthIn(new ResourceUsage(5000 * (10 + i * 5), 1024000));
sru.setBandwidthOut(new ResourceUsage(15000 * (10 + i * 5), 1024000));
sru.setMemory(new ResourceUsage(25 * (10 + i * 5), 2048 * (i + 1)));
sru.setCpu(new ResourceUsage(200, 400));
Map<String, NamespaceBundleStats> bundleStats = new HashMap<String, NamespaceBundleStats>();
for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
String bundleName = String.format("pulsar/use/primary-ns-%d-%d/0x00000000_0xffffffff", i, j);
NamespaceBundleStats stats = new NamespaceBundleStats();
stats.msgRateIn = 5 * (i + j);
stats.msgRateOut = 15 * (i + j);
stats.msgThroughputIn = 5000 * (i + j);
stats.msgThroughputOut = 15000 * (i + j);
stats.topics = 25 * (i + j);
stats.consumerCount = 50 * (i + j);
stats.producerCount = 50 * (i + j);
bundleStats.put(bundleName, stats);
String znodePath = String.format("%s/%s", SimpleLoadManagerImpl.LOADBALANCE_BROKERS_ROOT, lookupAddresses[i]);
String loadReportJson = ObjectMapperFactory.getThreadLocal().writeValueAsString(lr);
bkEnsemble.getZkClient().setData(znodePath, loadReportJson.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8), -1);
use of in project incubator-pulsar by apache.
the class LoadBalancerTest method testUpdateLoadReportAndCheckUpdatedRanking.
* tests rankings get updated when we write write the new load reports to the zookeeper on loadbalance root node
* tests writing pre-configured load report on the zookeeper translates the pre-calculated rankings
public void testUpdateLoadReportAndCheckUpdatedRanking() throws Exception {
for (int i = 0; i < BROKER_COUNT; i++) {
LoadReport lr = new LoadReport();
SystemResourceUsage sru = new SystemResourceUsage();
sru.setBandwidthIn(new ResourceUsage(256, 1024000));
sru.setBandwidthOut(new ResourceUsage(250, 1024000));
sru.setMemory(new ResourceUsage(1024, 8192));
sru.setCpu(new ResourceUsage(5, 400));
String znodePath = String.format("%s/%s", SimpleLoadManagerImpl.LOADBALANCE_BROKERS_ROOT, lookupAddresses[i]);
String loadReportJson = ObjectMapperFactory.getThreadLocal().writeValueAsString(lr);
bkEnsemble.getZkClient().setData(znodePath, loadReportJson.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8), -1);
// sleep to wait the load ranking be triggered
// do lookup for bunch of bundles
int totalNamespaces = 200;
Map<String, Integer> namespaceOwner = new HashMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < totalNamespaces; i++) {
TopicName topicName = TopicName.get("persistent://pulsar/use/primary-ns-" + i + "/test-topic");
ResourceUnit found = pulsarServices[0].getLoadManager().get().getLeastLoaded(pulsarServices[0].getNamespaceService().getBundle(topicName)).get();
if (namespaceOwner.containsKey(found.getResourceId())) {
namespaceOwner.put(found.getResourceId(), namespaceOwner.get(found.getResourceId()) + 1);
} else {
namespaceOwner.put(found.getResourceId(), 1);
// assert that distribution variation is not more than 10%
int averageNamespaces = totalNamespaces / BROKER_COUNT;
int tenPercentOfAverageNamespaces = averageNamespaces / 10;
int lowerBound = averageNamespaces - tenPercentOfAverageNamespaces;
int upperBound = averageNamespaces + tenPercentOfAverageNamespaces;
// assert each broker received ownership of fair amount of namespaces 90%+
for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> broker : namespaceOwner.entrySet()) {"Count of bundles assigned: {}, {}", broker.getKey(), broker.getValue());
assertTrue(broker.getValue() >= lowerBound && broker.getValue() <= upperBound);