use of in project qpid-broker-j by apache.
the class TrustManagerTest method testQpidMultipleTrustManagerWithTrustAndPeerStores.
* Tests that the QpidMultipleTrustManager gives the expected behaviour when wrapping a
* QpidPeersOnlyTrustManager against the peer certificate, a regular TrustManager
* against the CA root certificate.
public void testQpidMultipleTrustManagerWithTrustAndPeerStores() throws Exception {
final QpidMultipleTrustManager mulTrustManager = new QpidMultipleTrustManager();
final KeyStore ts = createKeyStore(_ca);
final X509TrustManager tm = getX509TrustManager(ts);
assertNotNull("The regular trust manager for the trust store was not found", tm);
final KeyStore ps = createKeyStore(_app1);
final X509TrustManager tm2 = getX509TrustManager(ts);
assertNotNull("The regular trust manager for the peer store was not found", tm2);
mulTrustManager.addTrustManager(new QpidPeersOnlyTrustManager(ps, tm2));
try {
// verify the CA-trusted app1 cert (should succeed)
mulTrustManager.checkClientTrusted(new X509Certificate[] { _app1, _ca }, "RSA");
} catch (CertificateException ex) {
fail("Trusted client's validation against the broker's multi store manager failed.");
try {
// verify the CA-trusted app2 cert (should succeed)
mulTrustManager.checkClientTrusted(new X509Certificate[] { _app2, _ca }, "RSA");
} catch (CertificateException ex) {
fail("Trusted client's validation against the broker's multi store manager failed.");
try {
// verify the untrusted cert (should fail)
mulTrustManager.checkClientTrusted(new X509Certificate[] { _untrusted }, "RSA");
fail("Untrusted client's validation against the broker's multi store manager unexpectedly passed.");
} catch (CertificateException ex) {
// expected
use of in project qpid-broker-j by apache.
the class FileTrustStoreTest method testCreatePeersOnlyTrustStoreFromFile_Success.
public void testCreatePeersOnlyTrustStoreFromFile_Success() throws Exception {
final KeyCertificatePair keyPairAndRootCA = TlsResourceBuilder.createKeyPairAndRootCA(DN_CA);
final Path keyStoreFile = TLS_RESOURCE.createTrustStore(DN_FOO, keyPairAndRootCA);
Map<String, Object> attributes = new HashMap<>();
attributes.put(FileTrustStore.NAME, NAME);
attributes.put(FileTrustStore.STORE_URL, keyStoreFile.toFile().getAbsolutePath());
attributes.put(FileTrustStore.PASSWORD, TLS_RESOURCE.getSecret());
attributes.put(FileTrustStore.PEERS_ONLY, true);
attributes.put(FileTrustStore.TRUST_STORE_TYPE, TLS_RESOURCE.getKeyStoreType());
final FileTrustStore<?> fileTrustStore = createFileTrustStore(attributes);
TrustManager[] trustManagers = fileTrustStore.getTrustManagers();
assertEquals("Unexpected number of trust managers", 1, trustManagers.length);
assertNotNull("Trust manager unexpected null", trustManagers[0]);
final boolean condition = trustManagers[0] instanceof QpidPeersOnlyTrustManager;
assertTrue("Trust manager unexpected null", condition);