use of org.apache.rya.indexing.entity.model.Property in project incubator-rya by apache.
the class MongoEntityStorageIT method update_stale.
@Test(expected = StaleUpdateException.class)
public void update_stale() throws Exception {
final EntityStorage storage = new MongoEntityStorage(super.getMongoClient(), RYA_INSTANCE_NAME);
// Store Alice in the repository.
final Entity alice = Entity.builder().setSubject(new RyaURI("urn:SSN/111-11-1111")).setExplicitType(new RyaURI("urn:person")).setProperty(new RyaURI("urn:person"), new Property(new RyaURI("urn:name"), new RyaType(XMLSchema.STRING, "Alice"))).setProperty(new RyaURI("urn:person"), new Property(new RyaURI("urn:age"), new RyaType(XMLSchema.INT, "30"))).setProperty(new RyaURI("urn:person"), new Property(new RyaURI("urn:eye"), new RyaType(XMLSchema.STRING, "blue"))).build();
// Show Alice was stored.
final Optional<Entity> latest = storage.get(new RyaURI("urn:SSN/111-11-1111"));
assertEquals(alice, latest.get());
// Create the wrong old state and try to change Alice's eye color to brown.
final Entity wrongOld = Entity.builder(alice).setVersion(500).build();
final Entity updated = Entity.builder(alice).setVersion(501).setProperty(new RyaURI("urn:person"), new Property(new RyaURI("urn:eye"), new RyaType(XMLSchema.STRING, "brown"))).build();
storage.update(wrongOld, updated);
use of org.apache.rya.indexing.entity.model.Property in project incubator-rya by apache.
the class MongoEntityStorageIT method delete.
public void delete() throws Exception {
// An Entity that will be stored.
final Entity entity = Entity.builder().setSubject(new RyaURI("urn:GTIN-14/00012345600012")).setExplicitType(new RyaURI("urn:icecream")).setProperty(new RyaURI("urn:icecream"), new Property(new RyaURI("urn:brand"), new RyaType(XMLSchema.STRING, "Awesome Icecream"))).setProperty(new RyaURI("urn:icecream"), new Property(new RyaURI("urn:flavor"), new RyaType(XMLSchema.STRING, "Chocolate"))).build();
// Create it.
final EntityStorage storage = new MongoEntityStorage(super.getMongoClient(), RYA_INSTANCE_NAME);
// Delete it.
final boolean deleted = storage.delete(new RyaURI("urn:GTIN-14/00012345600012"));
// Verify a document was deleted.
use of org.apache.rya.indexing.entity.model.Property in project incubator-rya by apache.
the class MongoEntityStorageIT method update.
public void update() throws Exception {
final EntityStorage storage = new MongoEntityStorage(super.getMongoClient(), RYA_INSTANCE_NAME);
// Store Alice in the repository.
final Entity alice = Entity.builder().setSubject(new RyaURI("urn:SSN/111-11-1111")).setExplicitType(new RyaURI("urn:person")).setProperty(new RyaURI("urn:person"), new Property(new RyaURI("urn:name"), new RyaType(XMLSchema.STRING, "Alice"))).setProperty(new RyaURI("urn:person"), new Property(new RyaURI("urn:age"), new RyaType(XMLSchema.INT, "30"))).setProperty(new RyaURI("urn:person"), new Property(new RyaURI("urn:eye"), new RyaType(XMLSchema.STRING, "blue"))).build();
// Show Alice was stored.
Optional<Entity> latest = storage.get(new RyaURI("urn:SSN/111-11-1111"));
assertEquals(alice, latest.get());
// Change Alice's eye color to brown.
final Entity updated = Entity.builder(alice).setVersion(latest.get().getVersion() + 1).setProperty(new RyaURI("urn:person"), new Property(new RyaURI("urn:eye"), new RyaType(XMLSchema.STRING, "brown"))).build();
storage.update(alice, updated);
// Fetch the Alice object and ensure it has the new value.
latest = storage.get(new RyaURI("urn:SSN/111-11-1111"));
assertEquals(updated, latest.get());
use of org.apache.rya.indexing.entity.model.Property in project incubator-rya by apache.
the class BaseEntityIndexer method updateEntity.
* Updates a {@link Entity} to reflect new {@link RyaStatement}s.
* @param subject - The Subject of the {@link Entity} the statements are for. (not null)
* @param statements - Statements that the {@link Entity} will be updated with. (not null)
* @throws IndexingException
private void updateEntity(final RyaURI subject, final Collection<RyaStatement> statements) throws IndexingException {
final EntityStorage entities = this.entities.get();
final TypeStorage types = this.types.get();
checkState(entities != null, "Must set this indexers configuration before storing statements.");
checkState(types != null, "Must set this indexers configuration before storing statements.");
new EntityUpdater(entities).update(subject, old -> {
// Create a builder with the updated Version.
final Entity.Builder updated;
if (!old.isPresent()) {
updated = Entity.builder().setSubject(subject).setVersion(0);
} else {
final int updatedVersion = old.get().getVersion() + 1;
updated = Entity.builder(old.get()).setVersion(updatedVersion);
// Update the entity based on the Statements.
for (final RyaStatement statement : statements) {
// The Statement is setting an Explicit Type ID for the Entity.
if (Objects.equal(TYPE_URI, statement.getPredicate())) {
final RyaURI typeId = new RyaURI(statement.getObject().getData());
} else // The Statement is adding a Property to the Entity.
final RyaURI propertyName = statement.getPredicate();
final RyaType propertyValue = statement.getObject();
try (final ConvertingCursor<Type> typesIt = {
// Set the Property for each type that includes the Statement's predicate.
while (typesIt.hasNext()) {
final RyaURI typeId =;
updated.setProperty(typeId, new Property(propertyName, propertyValue));
} catch (final TypeStorageException | IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to fetch Types that include the property name '" + statement.getPredicate().getData() + "'.", e);
return Optional.of(;
use of org.apache.rya.indexing.entity.model.Property in project incubator-rya by apache.
the class EntityDocumentConverterTest method to_and_from_document.
public void to_and_from_document() throws DocumentConverterException {
// Convert an Entity into a Document.
final Entity entity = Entity.builder().setSubject(new RyaURI("urn:alice")).setExplicitType(new RyaURI("urn:person")).setProperty(new RyaURI("urn:person"), new Property(new RyaURI("urn:age"), new RyaType(XMLSchema.INT, "30"))).setProperty(new RyaURI("urn:person"), new Property(new RyaURI("urn:eye"), new RyaType("blue"))).setProperty(new RyaURI("urn:employee"), new Property(new RyaURI("urn:hours"), new RyaType(XMLSchema.INT, "40"))).setProperty(new RyaURI("urn:employee"), new Property(new RyaURI("urn:employer"), new RyaType("Burger Joint"))).build();
final Document document = new EntityDocumentConverter().toDocument(entity);
// Convert the Document back into an Entity.
final Entity converted = new EntityDocumentConverter().fromDocument(document);
// Ensure the original matches the round trip converted Entity.
assertEquals(entity, converted);