use of in project incubator-rya by apache.
the class MongoPcjDocuments method getPcjMetadata.
* Gets the {@link PcjMetadata} from a provided PCJ Id.
* @param pcjId - The Id of the PCJ to get from MongoDB. (not null)
* @return - The {@link PcjMetadata} of the Pcj specified.
* @throws PCJStorageException The PCJ metadata document does not exist.
public PcjMetadata getPcjMetadata(final String pcjId) throws PCJStorageException {
// since query by ID, there will only be one.
final Document result = pcjCollection.find(new Document(PCJ_METADATA_ID, makeMetadataID(pcjId))).first();
if (result == null) {
throw new PCJStorageException("The PCJ: " + pcjId + " does not exist.");
final String sparql = result.getString(SPARQL_FIELD);
final int cardinality = result.getInteger(CARDINALITY_FIELD, 0);
final List<List<String>> varOrders = (List<List<String>>) result.get(VAR_ORDER_FIELD);
final Set<VariableOrder> varOrder = new HashSet<>();
for (final List<String> vars : varOrders) {
varOrder.add(new VariableOrder(vars));
return new PcjMetadata(sparql, cardinality, varOrder);
use of in project incubator-rya by apache.
the class JoinBatchInformationTypeAdapter method serialize.
public JsonElement serialize(final JoinBatchInformation batch, final Type typeOfSrc, final JsonSerializationContext context) {
final JsonObject result = new JsonObject();
result.add("class", new JsonPrimitive(batch.getClass().getName()));
result.add("batchSize", new JsonPrimitive(batch.getBatchSize()));
result.add("task", new JsonPrimitive(batch.getTask().name()));
final Column column = batch.getColumn();
result.add("column", new JsonPrimitive(column.getsFamily() + "\u0000" + column.getsQualifier()));
final Span span = batch.getSpan();
result.add("span", new JsonPrimitive(span.getStart().getsRow() + "\u0000" + span.getEnd().getsRow()));
result.add("startInc", new JsonPrimitive(span.isStartInclusive()));
result.add("endInc", new JsonPrimitive(span.isEndInclusive()));
result.add("side", new JsonPrimitive(batch.getSide().name()));
result.add("joinType", new JsonPrimitive(batch.getJoinType().name()));
final String updateVarOrderString = Joiner.on(";").join(batch.getBs().getBindingNames());
final VariableOrder updateVarOrder = new VariableOrder(updateVarOrderString);
result.add("bindingSet", new JsonPrimitive(converter.convert(batch.getBs(), updateVarOrder)));
result.add("updateVarOrder", new JsonPrimitive(updateVarOrderString));
return result;
use of in project incubator-rya by apache.
the class MongoPcjStorageIT method addResults.
public void addResults() throws Exception {
try (final PrecomputedJoinStorage pcjStorage = new MongoPcjStorage(getMongoClient(), conf.getRyaInstanceName())) {
final MongoRyaInstanceDetailsRepository detailsRepo = new MongoRyaInstanceDetailsRepository(getMongoClient(), conf.getRyaInstanceName());
detailsRepo.initialize(RyaDetails.builder().setRyaInstanceName(conf.getRyaInstanceName()).setRyaVersion("test").setEntityCentricIndexDetails(new EntityCentricIndexDetails(false)).setTemporalIndexDetails(new TemporalIndexDetails(false)).setFreeTextDetails(new FreeTextIndexDetails(false)).setProspectorDetails(new ProspectorDetails(Optional.absent())).setJoinSelectivityDetails(new JoinSelectivityDetails(Optional.absent())).setPCJIndexDetails(PCJIndexDetails.builder().setEnabled(true)).build());
// Create a PCJ.
final String sparql = "SELECT * WHERE { ?a <http://isA> ?b }";
final String pcjId = pcjStorage.createPcj(sparql);
// Add some binding sets to it.
final Set<VisibilityBindingSet> results = new HashSet<>();
final MapBindingSet aliceBS = new MapBindingSet();
aliceBS.addBinding("a", new URIImpl("http://Alice"));
aliceBS.addBinding("b", new URIImpl("http://Person"));
results.add(new VisibilityBindingSet(aliceBS, ""));
final MapBindingSet charlieBS = new MapBindingSet();
charlieBS.addBinding("a", new URIImpl("http://Charlie"));
charlieBS.addBinding("b", new URIImpl("http://Comedian"));
results.add(new VisibilityBindingSet(charlieBS, ""));
pcjStorage.addResults(pcjId, results);
// Make sure the PCJ metadata was updated.
final PcjMetadata metadata = pcjStorage.getPcjMetadata(pcjId);
final Set<VariableOrder> varOrders = new ShiftVarOrderFactory().makeVarOrders(sparql);
final PcjMetadata expectedMetadata = new PcjMetadata(sparql, 2L, varOrders);
assertEquals(expectedMetadata, metadata);
use of in project incubator-rya by apache.
the class PcjIntegrationTestingUtil method makeWriteResultMutations.
* Create the {@link Mutations} required to write a new {@link BindingSet}
* to a PCJ table for each {@link VariableOrder} that is provided.
* @param varOrders
* - The variables orders the result will be written to. (not
* null)
* @param result
* - A new PCJ result. (not null)
* @return Mutation that will write the result to a PCJ table.
* @throws PcjException
* The binding set could not be encoded.
private static Set<Mutation> makeWriteResultMutations(final Set<VariableOrder> varOrders, final BindingSet result) throws PcjException {
final Set<Mutation> mutations = new HashSet<>();
for (final VariableOrder varOrder : varOrders) {
try {
// Serialize the result to the variable order.
final byte[] serializedResult = converter.convert(result, varOrder);
// Row ID = binding set values, Column Family = variable order
// of the binding set.
final Mutation addResult = new Mutation(serializedResult);
addResult.put(varOrder.toString(), "", "");
} catch (final BindingSetConversionException e) {
throw new PcjException("Could not serialize a result.", e);
return mutations;
use of in project incubator-rya by apache.
the class PcjIntegrationTestingUtil method createAndPopulatePcj.
// ****************************Creation and Population of PcjTables Accumulo***************************
* Creates a new PCJ Table in Accumulo and populates it by scanning an
* instance of Rya for historic matches.
* <p>
* If any portion of this operation fails along the way, the partially
* create PCJ table will be left in Accumulo.
* @param ryaConn - Connects to the Rya that will be scanned. (not null)
* @param accumuloConn - Connects to the accumulo that hosts the PCJ results. (not null)
* @param pcjTableName - The name of the PCJ table that will be created. (not null)
* @param sparql - The SPARQL query whose results will be loaded into the table. (not null)
* @param resultVariables - The variables that are included in the query's resulting binding sets. (not null)
* @param pcjVarOrderFactory - An optional factory that indicates the various variable orders
* the results will be stored in. If one is not provided, then {@link ShiftVarOrderFactory}
* is used by default. (not null)
* @throws PcjException The PCJ table could not be create or the values from
* Rya were not able to be loaded into it.
public static void createAndPopulatePcj(final RepositoryConnection ryaConn, final Connector accumuloConn, final String pcjTableName, final String sparql, final String[] resultVariables, final Optional<PcjVarOrderFactory> pcjVarOrderFactory) throws PcjException {
final PcjTables pcj = new PcjTables();
// Create the PCJ's variable orders.
final PcjVarOrderFactory varOrderFactory = pcjVarOrderFactory.or(new ShiftVarOrderFactory());
final Set<VariableOrder> varOrders = varOrderFactory.makeVarOrders(new VariableOrder(resultVariables));
// Create the PCJ table in Accumulo.
pcj.createPcjTable(accumuloConn, pcjTableName, varOrders, sparql);
// Load historic matches from Rya into the PCJ table.
populatePcj(accumuloConn, pcjTableName, ryaConn);