use of in project incubator-rya by apache.
the class MongoCreatePCJIT method createPCJ.
public void createPCJ() throws Exception {
final MongoConnectionDetails connectionDetails = getConnectionDetails();
final RyaClient ryaClient =, getMongoClient());
// Initialize the commands that will be used by this test.
final CreatePCJ createPCJ = ryaClient.getCreatePCJ();
final Install installRya = ryaClient.getInstall();
final InstallConfiguration installConf = InstallConfiguration.builder().setEnablePcjIndex(true).build();
installRya.install(conf.getRyaInstanceName(), installConf);
// Create a PCJ.
final String sparql = "SELECT ?x " + "WHERE { " + "?x <http://talksTo> <http://Eve>. " + "?x <http://worksAt> <http://TacoJoint>." + "}";
final String pcjId = createPCJ.createPCJ(conf.getRyaInstanceName(), sparql);
// Verify the RyaDetails were updated to include the new PCJ.
final Optional<RyaDetails> ryaDetails = ryaClient.getGetInstanceDetails().getDetails(conf.getRyaInstanceName());
final ImmutableMap<String, PCJDetails> details = ryaDetails.get().getPCJIndexDetails().getPCJDetails();
final PCJDetails pcjDetails = details.get(pcjId);
assertEquals(pcjId, pcjDetails.getId());
try (final PrecomputedJoinStorage pcjStorage = new MongoPcjStorage(getMongoClient(), conf.getRyaInstanceName())) {
final PcjMetadata pcjMetadata = pcjStorage.getPcjMetadata(pcjId);
// confirm that the pcj was added to the pcj store.
assertEquals(sparql, pcjMetadata.getSparql());
assertEquals(0L, pcjMetadata.getCardinality());