use of org.apache.samza.SamzaException in project samza by apache.
the class HdfsSystemConsumer method getPartitionDescriptor.
private List<String> getPartitionDescriptor(SystemStreamPartition systemStreamPartition) {
String streamName = systemStreamPartition.getStream();
Partition partition = systemStreamPartition.getPartition();
try {
return cachedPartitionDescriptorMap.get(streamName).get(partition);
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
throw new SamzaException("Failed to obtain descriptor for " + systemStreamPartition, e);
use of org.apache.samza.SamzaException in project samza by apache.
the class TestDirectoryPartitioner method testInvalidDirectoryUpdating.
public void testInvalidDirectoryUpdating() {
// the update is invalid when at least one old file is removed
List<FileMetadata> testList = new ArrayList<>();
int NUM_INPUT = 6;
String[] inputFiles = { "part-001.avro", "part-002.avro", "part-003.avro", "part-005.avro", "part-004.avro", "part-006.avro" };
long[] fileLength = { 150582, 138132, 214005, 205738, 158273, 982345 };
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_INPUT; i++) {
testList.add(new FileMetadata(inputFiles[i], fileLength[i]));
String whiteList = ".*";
String blackList = "";
String groupPattern = "";
int[][] EXPECTED_PARTITIONING = { { 0 }, { 1 }, { 2 }, { 3 }, { 4 }, { 5 } };
DirectoryPartitioner directoryPartitioner = new DirectoryPartitioner(whiteList, blackList, groupPattern, new TestFileSystemAdapter(testList));
Map<Partition, SystemStreamPartitionMetadata> metadataMap = directoryPartitioner.getPartitionMetadataMap("hdfs", null);
Assert.assertEquals(EXPECTED_NUM_PARTITION, metadataMap.size());
Map<Partition, List<String>> descriporMap = directoryPartitioner.getPartitionDescriptor("hdfs");
verifyPartitionDescriptor(inputFiles, EXPECTED_PARTITIONING, EXPECTED_NUM_PARTITION, descriporMap);
String[] updatedInputFiles = { "part-001.avro", "part-002.avro", "part-003.avro", "part-005.avro", // remove part-004 and replace it with 007
"part-007.avro", "part-006.avro" };
long[] updatedFileLength = { 150582, 138132, 214005, 205738, 158273, 982345 };
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_INPUT; i++) {
testList.add(new FileMetadata(updatedInputFiles[i], updatedFileLength[i]));
directoryPartitioner = new DirectoryPartitioner(whiteList, blackList, groupPattern, new TestFileSystemAdapter(testList));
try {
directoryPartitioner.getPartitionMetadataMap("hdfs", descriporMap);"Expect exception thrown from getting metadata. Should not reach this point.");
} catch (SamzaException e) {
// expect exception to be thrown
use of org.apache.samza.SamzaException in project samza by apache.
the class StreamAppender method setupSystem.
protected void setupSystem() {
config = getConfig();
SystemFactory systemFactory = null;
Log4jSystemConfig log4jSystemConfig = new Log4jSystemConfig(config);
if (streamName == null) {
streamName = getStreamName(log4jSystemConfig.getJobName(), log4jSystemConfig.getJobId());
String systemName = log4jSystemConfig.getSystemName();
String systemFactoryName = log4jSystemConfig.getSystemFactory(systemName);
if (systemFactoryName != null) {
systemFactory = Util.<SystemFactory>getObj(systemFactoryName);
} else {
throw new SamzaException("Could not figure out \"" + systemName + "\" system factory for log4j StreamAppender to use");
setSerde(log4jSystemConfig, systemName, streamName);
systemProducer = systemFactory.getProducer(systemName, config, new MetricsRegistryMap());
systemStream = new SystemStream(systemName, streamName);
systemProducer.start(); + " has been registered in " + systemName + ". So all the logs will be sent to " + streamName + " in " + systemName + ". Logs are partitioned by " + key);
use of org.apache.samza.SamzaException in project samza by apache.
the class JobsClient method queryJobStatusServers.
* This method initiates http get request to the job status servers sequentially,
* returns the first response from an job status server that returns a 2xx code(success response).
* When a job status server is down or returns a error response, it tries to reach out to
* the next job status server in the sequence, to complete the http get request.
* @param requestUrlBuilder to build the request url, given job status server base url.
* @param <T> return type of the http get response.
* @return the response from any one of the job status server.
* @throws Exception when all the job status servers are unavailable.
private <T> T queryJobStatusServers(Function<String, String> requestUrlBuilder, TypeReference<T> typeReference) {
SamzaException fetchException = null;
for (String jobStatusServer : jobStatusServers) {
String requestUrl = requestUrlBuilder.apply(jobStatusServer);
try {
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
byte[] response = httpGet(requestUrl);
return objectMapper.readValue(response, typeReference);
} catch (Exception e) {
String exceptionMessage = String.format("Exception in http get request from url: %s.", requestUrl);
LOG.error(exceptionMessage, e);
fetchException = new SamzaException(exceptionMessage, e);
throw fetchException;
use of org.apache.samza.SamzaException in project samza by apache.
the class JobsClient method httpGet.
* This method initiates http get request on the request url and returns the
* response returned from the http get.
* @param requestUrl url on which the http get request has to be performed.
* @return the http get response.
* @throws IOException if there are problems with the http get request.
private byte[] httpGet(String requestUrl) throws IOException {
GetMethod getMethod = new GetMethod(requestUrl);
try {
int responseCode = httpClient.executeMethod(getMethod);
LOG.debug("Received response code: {} for the get request on the url: {}", responseCode, requestUrl);
byte[] response = getMethod.getResponseBody();
if (responseCode != HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
throw new SamzaException(String.format("Received response code: %s for get request on: %s, with message: %s.", responseCode, requestUrl, StringUtils.newStringUtf8(response)));
return response;
} finally {