use of org.apache.samza.table.Table in project samza by apache.
the class TestRemoteTableEndToEnd method testSendToUpdatesWithoutUpdateOptions.
// Test will fail as we use sendTo with KV<K, UpdateMessage> stream without UpdateOptions
@Test(expected = SamzaException.class)
public void testSendToUpdatesWithoutUpdateOptions() throws Exception {
// max member id for page views is 10
final String profiles = Base64Serializer.serialize(generateProfiles(10));
final RateLimiter readRateLimiter = mock(RateLimiter.class, withSettings().serializable());
final TableRateLimiter.CreditFunction creditFunction = (k, v, args) -> 1;
final StreamApplication app = appDesc -> {
final RemoteTableDescriptor joinTableDesc = new RemoteTableDescriptor<Integer, TestTableData.Profile, Void>("profile-table-1").withReadFunction(InMemoryProfileReadFunction.getInMemoryReadFunction(profiles)).withRateLimiter(readRateLimiter, creditFunction, null);
final RemoteTableDescriptor outputTableDesc = new RemoteTableDescriptor<Integer, EnrichedPageView, EnrichedPageView>("enriched-page-view-table-1").withReadFunction(new NoOpTableReadFunction<>()).withReadRateLimiterDisabled().withWriteFunction(new InMemoryEnrichedPageViewWriteFunction2("testUpdateWithoutUpdateOptions", false)).withWriteRateLimit(1000);
final Table<KV<Integer, Profile>> outputTable = appDesc.getTable(outputTableDesc);
final Table<KV<Integer, Profile>> joinTable = appDesc.getTable(joinTableDesc);
final DelegatingSystemDescriptor ksd = new DelegatingSystemDescriptor("test");
final GenericInputDescriptor<PageView> isd = ksd.getInputDescriptor("PageView", new NoOpSerde<>());
appDesc.getInputStream(isd).map(pv -> new KV<>(pv.getMemberId(), pv)).join(joinTable, new PageViewToProfileJoinFunction()).map(m -> new KV(m.getMemberId(), UpdateMessage.of(m, m))).sendTo(outputTable);
int numPageViews = 40;
InMemorySystemDescriptor isd = new InMemorySystemDescriptor("test");
InMemoryInputDescriptor<PageView> inputDescriptor = isd.getInputDescriptor("PageView", new NoOpSerde<>());
TestRunner.of(app).addInputStream(inputDescriptor, TestTableData.generatePartitionedPageViews(numPageViews, 4)).run(Duration.ofSeconds(10));
use of org.apache.samza.table.Table in project samza by apache.
the class TestRemoteTableEndToEnd method testSendToUpdatesFailureAfterPutDefault.
// Test fails with the following exception:
// org.apache.samza.SamzaException: Update after Put default failed with exception.
@Test(expected = SamzaException.class)
public void testSendToUpdatesFailureAfterPutDefault() throws Exception {
// the test checks for failure when update after put default fails
String testName = "testSendToUpdatesFailureAfterPutDefault";
final String profiles = Base64Serializer.serialize(generateProfiles(30));
final RateLimiter readRateLimiter = mock(RateLimiter.class, withSettings().serializable());
final TableRateLimiter.CreditFunction creditFunction = (k, v, args) -> 1;
final StreamApplication app = appDesc -> {
final RemoteTableDescriptor joinTableDesc = new RemoteTableDescriptor<Integer, TestTableData.Profile, Void>("profile-table-1").withReadFunction(InMemoryProfileReadFunction.getInMemoryReadFunction(profiles)).withRateLimiter(readRateLimiter, creditFunction, null);
final RemoteTableDescriptor outputTableDesc = new RemoteTableDescriptor<Integer, EnrichedPageView, EnrichedPageView>("enriched-page-view-table-1").withReadFunction(new NoOpTableReadFunction<>()).withReadRateLimiterDisabled().withWriteFunction(new InMemoryEnrichedPageViewWriteFunction2(testName, false, true)).withWriteRateLimit(1000);
final Table<KV<Integer, Profile>> outputTable = appDesc.getTable(outputTableDesc);
final Table<KV<Integer, Profile>> joinTable = appDesc.getTable(joinTableDesc);
final DelegatingSystemDescriptor ksd = new DelegatingSystemDescriptor("test");
final GenericInputDescriptor<PageView> isd = ksd.getInputDescriptor("PageView", new NoOpSerde<>());
appDesc.getInputStream(isd).map(pv -> new KV<>(pv.getMemberId(), pv)).join(joinTable, new PageViewToProfileJoinFunction()).map(m -> new KV(m.getMemberId(), UpdateMessage.of(m, m))).sendTo(outputTable, UpdateOptions.UPDATE_WITH_DEFAULTS);
int numPageViews = 15;
InMemorySystemDescriptor isd = new InMemorySystemDescriptor("test");
InMemoryInputDescriptor<PageView> inputDescriptor = isd.getInputDescriptor("PageView", new NoOpSerde<>());
Map<Integer, List<PageView>> integerListMap = TestTableData.generatePartitionedPageViews(numPageViews, 1);
TestRunner.of(app).addInputStream(inputDescriptor, integerListMap).run(Duration.ofSeconds(10));
use of org.apache.samza.table.Table in project samza by apache.
the class TestRemoteTableEndToEnd method testSendToWithDefaultsAndUpdateOnly.
// Test fails with the following exception:
// org.apache.samza.SamzaException: Put default failed for update as the UpdateOptions was set to UPDATE_ONLY.
// Please use UpdateOptions.UPDATE_WITH_DEFAULTS instead.
@Test(expected = SamzaException.class)
public void testSendToWithDefaultsAndUpdateOnly() throws Exception {
String testName = "testSendToWithDefaultsAndUpdateOnly";
final String profiles = Base64Serializer.serialize(generateProfiles(30));
final RateLimiter readRateLimiter = mock(RateLimiter.class, withSettings().serializable());
final TableRateLimiter.CreditFunction creditFunction = (k, v, args) -> 1;
final StreamApplication app = appDesc -> {
final RemoteTableDescriptor joinTableDesc = new RemoteTableDescriptor<Integer, TestTableData.Profile, Void>("profile-table-1").withReadFunction(InMemoryProfileReadFunction.getInMemoryReadFunction(profiles)).withRateLimiter(readRateLimiter, creditFunction, null);
final RemoteTableDescriptor outputTableDesc = new RemoteTableDescriptor<Integer, EnrichedPageView, EnrichedPageView>("enriched-page-view-table-1").withReadFunction(new NoOpTableReadFunction<>()).withReadRateLimiterDisabled().withWriteFunction(new InMemoryEnrichedPageViewWriteFunction2(testName, false)).withWriteRateLimit(1000);
// counters to count puts and updates
COUNTERS.put(testName + "-put", new AtomicInteger());
COUNTERS.put(testName + "-update", new AtomicInteger());
final Table<KV<Integer, Profile>> outputTable = appDesc.getTable(outputTableDesc);
final Table<KV<Integer, Profile>> joinTable = appDesc.getTable(joinTableDesc);
final DelegatingSystemDescriptor ksd = new DelegatingSystemDescriptor("test");
final GenericInputDescriptor<PageView> isd = ksd.getInputDescriptor("PageView", new NoOpSerde<>());
appDesc.getInputStream(isd).map(pv -> new KV<>(pv.getMemberId(), pv)).join(joinTable, new PageViewToProfileJoinFunction()).map(m -> new KV(m.getMemberId(), UpdateMessage.of(m, m))).sendTo(outputTable, UpdateOptions.UPDATE_ONLY);
int numPageViews = 15;
InMemorySystemDescriptor isd = new InMemorySystemDescriptor("test");
InMemoryInputDescriptor<PageView> inputDescriptor = isd.getInputDescriptor("PageView", new NoOpSerde<>());
Map<Integer, List<PageView>> integerListMap = TestTableData.generatePartitionedPageViews(numPageViews, 1);
TestRunner.of(app).addInputStream(inputDescriptor, integerListMap).run(Duration.ofSeconds(10));
use of org.apache.samza.table.Table in project samza by apache.
the class QueryTranslator method sendToOutputStream.
private void sendToOutputStream(String queryLogicalId, String logicalOpId, String sinkStream, StreamApplicationDescriptor appDesc, TranslatorContext translatorContext, RelNode node, int queryId) {
SqlIOConfig sinkConfig = sqlConfig.getOutputSystemStreamConfigsBySource().get(sinkStream);
MessageStream<SamzaSqlRelMessage> stream = translatorContext.getMessageStream(node.getId());
MessageStream<KV<Object, Object>> outputStream = OutputMapFunction(queryLogicalId, logicalOpId, sinkStream, queryId));
Optional<TableDescriptor> tableDescriptor = sinkConfig.getTableDescriptor();
if (!tableDescriptor.isPresent()) {
KVSerde<Object, Object> noOpKVSerde = KVSerde.of(new NoOpSerde<>(), new NoOpSerde<>());
String systemName = sinkConfig.getSystemName();
DelegatingSystemDescriptor sd = systemDescriptors.computeIfAbsent(systemName, DelegatingSystemDescriptor::new);
GenericOutputDescriptor<KV<Object, Object>> osd = sd.getOutputDescriptor(sinkConfig.getStreamId(), noOpKVSerde);
OutputStream stm = outputMsgStreams.computeIfAbsent(sinkConfig.getSource(), v -> appDesc.getOutputStream(osd));
// Process system events only if the output is a stream.
if (sqlConfig.isProcessSystemEvents()) {
for (MessageStream<SamzaSqlInputMessage> inputStream : inputMsgStreams.values()) {
MessageStream<KV<Object, Object>> systemEventStream = inputStream.filter(message -> message.getMetadata().isSystemMessage()).map(SamzaSqlInputMessage::getKeyAndMessageKV);
} else {
Table outputTable = appDesc.getTable(tableDescriptor.get());
if (outputTable == null) {
String msg = "Failed to obtain table descriptor of " + sinkConfig.getSource();
throw new SamzaException(msg);
use of org.apache.samza.table.Table in project samza by apache.
the class JoinTranslator method validateJoinQuery.
private void validateJoinQuery(LogicalJoin join, JoinInputNode.InputType inputTypeOnLeft, JoinInputNode.InputType inputTypeOnRight) {
JoinRelType joinRelType = join.getJoinType();
if (joinRelType.compareTo(JoinRelType.INNER) != 0 && joinRelType.compareTo(JoinRelType.LEFT) != 0 && joinRelType.compareTo(JoinRelType.RIGHT) != 0) {
throw new SamzaException("Query with only INNER and LEFT/RIGHT OUTER join are supported.");
boolean isTablePosOnLeft = inputTypeOnLeft != JoinInputNode.InputType.STREAM;
boolean isTablePosOnRight = inputTypeOnRight != JoinInputNode.InputType.STREAM;
if (!isTablePosOnLeft && !isTablePosOnRight) {
throw new SamzaException("Invalid query with both sides of join being denoted as 'stream'. " + "Stream-stream join is not yet supported. " + dumpRelPlanForNode(join));
if (isTablePosOnLeft && isTablePosOnRight) {
throw new SamzaException("Invalid query with both sides of join being denoted as 'table'. " + dumpRelPlanForNode(join));
if (joinRelType.compareTo(JoinRelType.LEFT) == 0 && isTablePosOnLeft) {
throw new SamzaException("Invalid query for outer left join. Left side of the join should be a 'stream' and " + "right side of join should be a 'table'. " + dumpRelPlanForNode(join));
if (joinRelType.compareTo(JoinRelType.RIGHT) == 0 && isTablePosOnRight) {
throw new SamzaException("Invalid query for outer right join. Left side of the join should be a 'table' and " + "right side of join should be a 'stream'. " + dumpRelPlanForNode(join));
final List<RexNode> conjunctionList = new ArrayList<>();
decomposeAndValidateConjunction(join.getCondition(), conjunctionList);
if (conjunctionList.isEmpty()) {
throw new SamzaException("Query results in a cross join, which is not supported. Please optimize the query." + " It is expected that the joins should include JOIN ON operator in the sql query.");
// TODO Not sure why we can not allow literal as part of the join condition will revisit this in another scope
conjunctionList.forEach(rexNode -> rexNode.accept(new RexShuttle() {
public RexNode visitLiteral(RexLiteral literal) {
throw new SamzaException("Join Condition can not allow literal " + literal.toString() + " join node" + join.getDigest());
final JoinInputNode.InputType rootTableInput = isTablePosOnRight ? inputTypeOnRight : inputTypeOnLeft;
if (rootTableInput.compareTo(JoinInputNode.InputType.REMOTE_TABLE) != 0) {
// it is not a remote table all is good we do not have to validate the project on key Column
For remote Table we need to validate The join Condition and The project that is above remote table scan.
- As of today Filter need to be exactly one equi-join using the __key__ column (see SAMZA-2554)
- The Project on the top of the remote table has to contain only simple input references to any of the column used in the join.
// First let's collect the ref of columns used by the join condition.
List<RexInputRef> refCollector = new ArrayList<>();
join.getCondition().accept(new RexShuttle() {
public RexNode visitInputRef(RexInputRef inputRef) {
return inputRef;
// start index of the Remote table within the Join Row
final int tableStartIndex = isTablePosOnRight ? join.getLeft().getRowType().getFieldCount() : 0;
// end index of the Remote table withing the Join Row
final int tableEndIndex = isTablePosOnRight ? join.getRowType().getFieldCount() : join.getLeft().getRowType().getFieldCount();
List<Integer> tableRefsIdx = -> x.getIndex()).filter(// collect all the refs form table side
x -> tableStartIndex <= x && x < tableEndIndex).map(// re-adjust the offset
x -> x - tableStartIndex).sorted().collect(// we have a list with all the input from table side with 0 based index.
if (conjunctionList.size() != 1 || tableRefsIdx.size() != 1) {
// TODO We can relax this by allowing another filter to be evaluated post lookup see SAMZA-2554
throw new SamzaException("Invalid query for join condition must contain exactly one predicate for remote table on __key__ column " + dumpRelPlanForNode(join));
// Validate the Project, follow each input and ensure that it is a simple ref with no rexCall in the way.
if (!isValidRemoteJoinRef(tableRefsIdx.get(0), isTablePosOnRight ? join.getRight() : join.getLeft())) {
throw new SamzaException("Invalid query for join condition can not have an expression and must be reference " + SamzaSqlRelMessage.KEY_NAME + " column " + dumpRelPlanForNode(join));