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Example 26 with DataStoreException

use of in project sis by apache.

the class GridGeometryInfo method getAxes.

 * Returns all axes of the netCDF coordinate system, together with the grid dimension to which the axis
 * is associated. See {@code org.apache.sis.internal.netcdf.ucar.GridGeometryWrapper.getAxes()} for a
 * closer look on the relationship between this algorithm and the UCAR library.
 * <p>In this method, the words "domain" and "range" are used in the netCDF sense: they are the input
 * (domain) and output (range) of the function that convert grid indices to geodetic coordinates.</p>
 * <p>The domain of all axes is often the same than the domain of the variable, but not necessarily.
 * In particular, the relationship is not straightforward when the coordinate system contains
 * "two-dimensional axes" (in {@link ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateAxis2D} sense).</p>
 * @return the CRS axes, in netCDF order (reverse of "natural" order).
 * @throws IOException if an I/O operation was necessary but failed.
 * @throws DataStoreException if a logical error occurred.
public Axis[] getAxes() throws IOException, DataStoreException {
         * Process the variables in the order the appear in the sequence of bytes that make the netCDF files.
         * This is often the same order than the indices, but not necessarily. The intent is to reduce the
         * amount of disk seek operations.
    final SortedMap<VariableInfo, Integer> variables = new TreeMap<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < range.length; i++) {
        final VariableInfo v = range[i];
        if (variables.put(v, i) != null) {
            throw new DataStoreException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.DuplicatedElement_1, v.getName()));
         * In this method, 'sourceDim' and 'targetDim' are relative to "grid to CRS" conversion.
         * So 'sourceDim' is the grid (domain) dimension and 'targetDim' is the CRS (range) dimension.
    final Axis[] axes = new Axis[range.length];
    for (final SortedMap.Entry<VariableInfo, Integer> entry : variables.entrySet()) {
        final int targetDim = entry.getValue();
        final VariableInfo axis = entry.getKey();
             * The AttributeNames are for ISO 19115 metadata. They are not used for locating grid cells
             * on Earth, but we nevertheless get them now for making MetadataReader work easier.
        AttributeNames.Dimension attributeNames = null;
        final String type = axis.getAxisType();
        if (type != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < AXIS_TYPES.length; i += 2) {
                if (type.equalsIgnoreCase((String) AXIS_TYPES[i])) {
                    attributeNames = (AttributeNames.Dimension) AXIS_TYPES[i + 1];
             * Get the grid dimensions (part of the "domain" in UCAR terminology) used for computing
             * the ordinate values along the current axis. There is exactly 1 such grid dimension in
             * straightforward netCDF files. However some more complex files may have 2 dimensions.
        int i = 0;
        final Dimension[] axisDomain = axis.dimensions;
        final int[] indices = new int[axisDomain.length];
        final int[] sizes = new int[axisDomain.length];
        for (final Dimension dimension : axisDomain) {
            for (int sourceDim = domain.length; --sourceDim >= 0; ) {
                if (domain[sourceDim] == dimension) {
                    indices[i] = sourceDim;
                    sizes[i++] = dimension.length;
        axes[targetDim] = new Axis(this, axis, attributeNames, ArraysExt.resize(indices, i), ArraysExt.resize(sizes, i));
    return axes;
Also used : DataStoreException( AttributeNames( TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap) SortedMap(java.util.SortedMap) Axis(org.apache.sis.internal.netcdf.Axis)

Example 27 with DataStoreException

use of in project sis by apache.

the class LandsatReader method read.

 * Parses the metadata from the given characters reader.
 * The parsing stop after the first {@code "END"} keyword.
 * See class javadoc for more information on the expected format.
 * @param  reader  a reader opened on the Landsat file.
 *         It is caller's responsibility to close this reader.
 * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurred while reading the given stream.
 * @throws DataStoreException if the content is not a Landsat file.
void read(final BufferedReader reader) throws IOException, DataStoreException {
    // Starts the description of a new image.
    String line;
    while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
        int end = CharSequences.skipTrailingWhitespaces(line, 0, line.length());
        int start = CharSequences.skipLeadingWhitespaces(line, 0, end);
        if (start < end && line.charAt(start) != '#') {
                 * Separate the line into its key and value. For example in CORNER_UL_LAT_PRODUCT = 12.61111,
                 * the key will be CORNER_UL_LAT_PRODUCT and the value will be 12.61111.
            final int separator = line.indexOf('=', start);
            if (separator < 0) {
                     * Landsat metadata ends with the END keyword, without value after that keyword.
                     * If we find it, stop reading. All remaining lines (if any) will be ignored.
                if (end - start != END.length() || !line.regionMatches(true, start, END, 0, END.length())) {
                    throw new DataStoreException(errors().getString(Errors.Keys.NotAKeyValuePair_1, line));
                 * If the key ends with "_BAND_" followed by a number, remove the band number from the
                 * key and parse that number as an integer value. Exemple: "REFLECTANCE_ADD_BAND_1".
                 * We keep the "_BAND_" suffix in the key for avoiding ambiguity.
            String key = line.substring(start, CharSequences.skipTrailingWhitespaces(line, start, separator)).toUpperCase(Locale.US);
            int band = 0;
            for (int i = key.length(); --i >= 0; ) {
                final char c = key.charAt(i);
                if (c < '0' || c > '9') {
                    if (c == '_') {
                        if (key.regionMatches(i - BAND_SUFFIX.length(), BAND_SUFFIX, 0, BAND_SUFFIX.length()))
                            try {
                                band = Integer.parseInt(key.substring(++i));
                                key = key.substring(0, i);
                            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                                warning(key, reader, e);
                 * In a Landsat file, String values are between quotes. Example: STATION_ID = "LGN".
                 * If such quotes are found, remove them.
            start = CharSequences.skipLeadingWhitespaces(line, separator + 1, end);
            if (end - start >= 2 && line.charAt(start) == '"' && line.charAt(end - 1) == '"') {
                start = CharSequences.skipLeadingWhitespaces(line, start + 1, --end);
                end = CharSequences.skipTrailingWhitespaces(line, start, end);
            try {
                parseKeyValuePair(key, band, line.substring(start, end));
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException | DateTimeException e) {
                warning(key, reader, e);
    listeners.warning(errors().getString(Errors.Keys.UnexpectedEndOfFile_1, getFilename()), null);
Also used : DataStoreException( DateTimeException(java.time.DateTimeException) SimpleInternationalString(org.apache.sis.util.iso.SimpleInternationalString)

Example 28 with DataStoreException

use of in project sis by apache.

the class VariableWrapper method readArray.

 * Reads the data from this variable and returns them as an array of a Java primitive type.
 * Multi-dimensional variables are flattened as a one-dimensional array (wrapped in a vector).
 * This method may replace fill/missing values by NaN values and caches the returned vector.
 * @param  area         indices of cell values to read along each dimension, in "natural" order.
 * @param  subsampling  subsampling along each dimension, or {@code null} if none.
 * @return the data as an array of a Java primitive type.
 * @see #read()
 * @see #read(GridExtent, int[])
private Object readArray(final GridExtent area, final int[] subsampling) throws IOException, DataStoreException {
    int n = area.getDimension();
    final int[] lower = new int[n];
    final int[] size = new int[n];
    final int[] sub = (subsampling != null) ? new int[n] : null;
    for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
        final int j = (n - i);
        lower[j] = Math.toIntExact(area.getLow(i));
        size[j] = Math.toIntExact(area.getSize(i));
        if (sub != null) {
            sub[j] = subsampling[i];
    final Array array;
    try {
        array = != null ? new Section(lower, size, sub) : new Section(lower, size));
    } catch (InvalidRangeException e) {
        throw new DataStoreException(e);
    return get1DJavaArray(array);
Also used : Array(ucar.ma2.Array) DataStoreException( InvalidRangeException(ucar.ma2.InvalidRangeException) Section(ucar.ma2.Section)

Example 29 with DataStoreException

use of in project sis by apache.

the class NetcdfStoreProvider method createByReflection.

 * Creates a new netCDF decoder as a wrapper around the UCAR library. This decoder is used only when we can
 * not create our embedded netCDF decoder. This method uses reflection for creating the wrapper, in order
 * to keep the UCAR dependency optional.
 * @param  input      the netCDF file object of filename string from which to read data.
 * @param  isUCAR     {@code true} if {@code input} is an instance of the UCAR {@link ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile} object,
 *                    or {@code false} if it is the filename as a {@code String}.
 * @param  geomlib    the library for geometric objects, or {@code null} for the default.
 * @param  listeners  where to send the warnings.
 * @return the {@link DecoderWrapper} instance for the given input, or {@code null} if the input type is not recognized.
 * @throws IOException if an error occurred while opening the netCDF file.
 * @throws DataStoreException if a logical error (other than I/O) occurred.
private static Decoder createByReflection(final Object input, final boolean isUCAR, final GeometryLibrary geomlib, final StoreListeners listeners) throws IOException, DataStoreException {
         * Get the appropriate constructor for the isUCAR argument. This constructor will be null
         * if the above code failed to load the UCAR library. Otherwise, instantiate the wrapper.
    final Constructor<? extends Decoder> constructor;
    final Class<?> expectedType;
    if (isUCAR) {
        constructor = createFromUCAR;
        expectedType = netcdfFileClass;
    } else {
        constructor = createFromPath;
        expectedType = String.class;
    if (constructor == null || !expectedType.isInstance(input)) {
        return null;
    try {
        return constructor.newInstance(input, geomlib, listeners);
    } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
        final Throwable cause = e.getCause();
        if (cause instanceof IOException)
            throw (IOException) cause;
        if (cause instanceof DataStoreException)
            throw (DataStoreException) cause;
        if (cause instanceof RuntimeException)
            throw (RuntimeException) cause;
        if (cause instanceof Error)
            throw (Error) cause;
        // Should never happen actually.
        throw new UndeclaredThrowableException(cause);
    } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) {
        // Should never happen (shall be verified by the JUnit tests).
        throw new InternalDataStoreException(e);
Also used : InternalDataStoreException( DataStoreException( InternalDataStoreException( UndeclaredThrowableException(java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException) IOException( InvocationTargetException(java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException)

Example 30 with DataStoreException

use of in project sis by apache.

the class NetcdfStoreProvider method probeContent.

 * Returns {@link ProbeResult#SUPPORTED} if the given storage appears to be supported by {@link NetcdfStore}.
 * Returning {@code SUPPORTED} from this method does not guarantee that reading or writing will succeed,
 * only that there appears to be a reasonable chance of success based on a brief inspection of the
 * {@linkplain StorageConnector#getStorage() storage object} or contents.
 * @param  connector  information about the storage (URL, stream, {@link ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile} instance, <i>etc</i>).
 * @return {@code SUPPORTED} if the given storage seems to be usable by {@code NetcdfStore} instances.
 * @throws DataStoreException if an I/O error occurred.
public ProbeResult probeContent(final StorageConnector connector) throws DataStoreException {
    int version = 0;
    boolean hasVersion = false;
    boolean isSupported = false;
    ByteBuffer buffer = connector.getStorageAs(ByteBuffer.class);
    if (buffer != null) {
        if (buffer.remaining() < Integer.BYTES) {
            return ProbeResult.INSUFFICIENT_BYTES;
        // Get a buffer with ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN.
        buffer = buffer.duplicate();
        final int header = buffer.getInt();
        if ((header & 0xFFFFFF00) == ChannelDecoder.MAGIC_NUMBER) {
            hasVersion = true;
            version = header & 0xFF;
            isSupported = (version >= 1 && version <= ChannelDecoder.MAX_VERSION);
         * If we failed to check using the embedded decoder, tries using the UCAR library.
         * The UCAR library is an optional dependency. If that library is present and the
         * input is a String, then the following code may trigs a large amount of classes
         * loading.
         * Note that the UCAR library expects a String argument, not a File, because it
         * has special cases for "file:", "http:", "nodods:" and "slurp:" protocols.
    if (!isSupported) {
        final String path = connector.getStorageAs(String.class);
        if (path != null) {
            final Method method = canOpenFromPath;
            if (method != null)
                try {
                    isSupported = (Boolean) method.invoke(null, path);
                } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
                    // Should never happen, since the method is public.
                    throw (Error) new IncompatibleClassChangeError("canOpen").initCause(e);
                } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
                    final Throwable cause = e.getCause();
                    if (cause instanceof DataStoreException) {
                        throw (DataStoreException) cause;
                    } else if (cause instanceof IOException) {
                         * Happen if the String argument uses any protocol not recognized by the UCAR library,
                         * in which case UCAR tries to open it as a file even if it is not a file. For example
                         * we get this exception for "jar:file:/file.jar!/".
                        Logging.recoverableException(getLogger(), NetcdfStoreProvider.class, "probeContent", cause);
                        return ProbeResult.UNSUPPORTED_STORAGE;
                    throw new CanNotProbeException(this, connector, cause);
        } else {
                 * Check if the given input is itself an instance of the UCAR oject.
                 * We check classnames instead of netcdfFileClass.isInstance(storage)
                 * in order to avoid loading the UCAR library if not needed.
            for (Class<?> type = connector.getStorage().getClass(); type != null; type = type.getSuperclass()) {
                if (UCAR_CLASSNAME.equals(type.getName())) {
                    isSupported = true;
         * At this point, the readability status has been determined. The file version number
         * is unknown if we are able to open the file only through the UCAR library.
    if (hasVersion) {
        return new ProbeResult(isSupported, MIME_TYPE, Version.valueOf(version));
    return isSupported ? new ProbeResult(true, MIME_TYPE, null) : ProbeResult.UNSUPPORTED_STORAGE;
Also used : DataStoreException( InternalDataStoreException( Method(java.lang.reflect.Method) IOException( ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer) InvocationTargetException(java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException) CanNotProbeException( ProbeResult(


DataStoreException ( IOException ( DataStore ( Path (java.nio.file.Path)6 DataStoreContentException ( FeatureSet ( GridCoverageResource ( IllegalNameException ( Resource ( BackingStoreException (org.apache.sis.util.collection.BackingStoreException)4 FactoryException (org.opengis.util.FactoryException)4 Reader ( UncheckedIOException ( InvocationTargetException (java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException)3 URISyntaxException ( ByteBuffer (java.nio.ByteBuffer)3 ProbeResult ( BufferedReader ( Closeable ( File (