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Example 71 with PersistenceException

use of in project sling by apache.

the class OakClusterViewService method readOrDefineClusterId.

     * oak's discovery-lite can opt to not provide a clusterViewId eg in the
     * single-VM case. (for clusters discovery-lite normally defines the
     * clusterViewId, as it is the one responsible for defining the membership
     * too) Thus if we're not getting an id here we have to define one here. (we
     * can typically assume that this corresponds to a singleVM case, but that's
     * not a 100% requirement). This id must be stored to ensure the contract
     * that the clusterId is stable across restarts. For that, the id is stored
     * under /var/discovery/oak (and to account for odd/edgy cases we'll do a
     * retry when storing the id, in case we'd run into conflicts, even though
     * they should not occur in singleVM cases)
     * @param resourceResolver the ResourceResolver with which to read or write
     * the clusterId properties under /var/discovery/oak
     * @return the clusterId to be used - either the one read or defined
     * at /var/discovery/oak - or the slingId in case of non-fixable exceptions
     * @throws PersistenceException when /var/discovery/oak could not be
     * accessed or auto-created
private String readOrDefineClusterId(ResourceResolver resourceResolver) throws PersistenceException {
    //TODO: if Config gets a specific, public getDiscoveryResourcePath, this can be simplified:
    final String clusterInstancesPath = config.getClusterInstancesPath();
    final String discoveryResourcePath = clusterInstancesPath.substring(0, clusterInstancesPath.lastIndexOf("/", clusterInstancesPath.length() - 2));
    final int MAX_RETRIES = 5;
    for (int retryCnt = 0; retryCnt < MAX_RETRIES; retryCnt++) {
        Resource varDiscoveryOak = resourceResolver.getResource(discoveryResourcePath);
        if (varDiscoveryOak == null) {
            varDiscoveryOak = ResourceHelper.getOrCreateResource(resourceResolver, discoveryResourcePath);
        if (varDiscoveryOak == null) {
            logger.error("readOrDefinedClusterId: Could not create: " + discoveryResourcePath);
            throw new RuntimeException("could not create " + discoveryResourcePath);
        ModifiableValueMap props = varDiscoveryOak.adaptTo(ModifiableValueMap.class);
        if (props == null) {
            logger.error("readOrDefineClusterId: Could not adaptTo ModifiableValueMap: " + varDiscoveryOak);
            throw new RuntimeException("could not adaptTo ModifiableValueMap: " + varDiscoveryOak);
        Object clusterIdObj = props.get(PROPERTY_CLUSTER_ID);
        String clusterId = (clusterIdObj == null) ? null : String.valueOf(clusterIdObj);
        if (clusterId != null && clusterId.length() > 0) {
            logger.trace("readOrDefineClusterId: read clusterId from repo as {}", clusterId);
            return clusterId;
        // must now define a new clusterId and store it under /var/discovery/oak
        final String newClusterId = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
        props.put(PROPERTY_CLUSTER_ID, newClusterId);
        props.put(PROPERTY_CLUSTER_ID_DEFINED_BY, getSlingId());
        props.put(PROPERTY_CLUSTER_ID_DEFINED_AT, Calendar.getInstance());
        try {
  "readOrDefineClusterId: storing new clusterId as " + newClusterId);
            return newClusterId;
        } catch (PersistenceException e) {
            logger.warn("readOrDefineClusterId: could not persist clusterId " + "(retrying in 1 sec max " + (MAX_RETRIES - retryCnt - 1) + " more times: " + e, e);
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e1) {
                logger.warn("readOrDefineClusterId: got interrupted: " + e1, e1);
  "readOrDefineClusterId: retrying now.");
    throw new RuntimeException("failed to write new clusterId (see log file earlier for more details)");
Also used : Resource( PersistenceException( ModifiableValueMap(

Example 72 with PersistenceException

use of in project sling by apache.

the class OakViewChecker method resetLeaderElectionId.

     * Hook that will cause a reset of the leaderElectionId
     * on next invocation of issueClusterLocalHeartbeat.
     * @return true if the leaderElectionId was reset - false if that was not
     * necessary as that happened earlier already and it has not propagated
     * yet to the ./clusterInstances in the meantime
public boolean resetLeaderElectionId() {
    ResourceResolver resourceResolver = null;
    try {
        final String myClusterNodePath = getLocalClusterNodePath();
        resourceResolver = getResourceResolver();
        if (resourceResolver == null) {
            logger.warn("resetLeaderElectionId: could not login, new leaderElectionId will be calculated upon next heartbeat only!");
            return false;
        String newLeaderElectionId = newLeaderElectionId();
        final Resource resource = ResourceHelper.getOrCreateResource(resourceResolver, myClusterNodePath);
        final ModifiableValueMap resourceMap = resource.adaptTo(ModifiableValueMap.class);
        resourceMap.put(PROPERTY_ID_RUNTIME, runtimeId);
        // SLING-4765 : store more infos to be able to be more verbose on duplicate slingId/ghost detection
        String slingHomePath = "n/a";
        if (slingSettingsService != null && slingSettingsService.getSlingHomePath() != null) {
            slingHomePath = slingSettingsService.getSlingHomePath();
        resourceMap.put(PROPERTY_ID_SLING_HOME_PATH, slingHomePath);
        final String endpointsAsString = getEndpointsAsString();
        resourceMap.put(PROPERTY_ID_ENDPOINTS, endpointsAsString);
        Calendar leaderElectionCreatedAt = Calendar.getInstance();
        resourceMap.put("leaderElectionId", newLeaderElectionId);
        resourceMap.put("leaderElectionIdCreatedAt", leaderElectionCreatedAt);"resetLeaderElectionId: storing my runtimeId: {}, endpoints: {}, sling home path: {}, new leaderElectionId: {}, created at: {}", new Object[] { runtimeId, endpointsAsString, slingHomePath, newLeaderElectionId, leaderElectionCreatedAt });
    } catch (LoginException e) {
        logger.error("resetLeaderElectionid: could not login: " + e, e);
    } catch (PersistenceException e) {
        logger.error("resetLeaderElectionid: got PersistenceException: " + e, e);
    } finally {
        if (resourceResolver != null) {
    return true;
Also used : Calendar(java.util.Calendar) ResourceResolver( Resource( PersistenceException( LoginException( ModifiableValueMap(

Example 73 with PersistenceException

use of in project sling by apache.

the class HeartbeatHandler method issueClusterLocalHeartbeat.

/** Issue a cluster local heartbeat (into the repository) **/
protected void issueClusterLocalHeartbeat() {
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        logger.debug("issueClusterLocalHeartbeat: storing cluster-local heartbeat to repository for " + slingId);
    ResourceResolver resourceResolver = null;
    final String myClusterNodePath = getLocalClusterNodePath();
    final Calendar currentTime = Calendar.getInstance();
    try {
        resourceResolver = getResourceResolver();
        if (resourceResolver == null) {
            logger.error("issueClusterLocalHeartbeat: no resourceresolver available!");
        final Resource resource = ResourceHelper.getOrCreateResource(resourceResolver, myClusterNodePath);
        final ModifiableValueMap resourceMap = resource.adaptTo(ModifiableValueMap.class);
        if (firstHeartbeatWritten != -1 && lastHeartbeatWritten != null) {
            // SLING-2892: additional paranoia check
            // after the first heartbeat, check if there's someone else using
            // the same in this cluster
            final long timeSinceFirstHeartbeat = System.currentTimeMillis() - firstHeartbeatWritten;
            if (timeSinceFirstHeartbeat > 2 * config.getHeartbeatInterval()) {
                // but wait at least 2 heartbeat intervals to handle the situation
                // where a bundle is refreshed, and startup cases.
                final Calendar lastHeartbeat = resourceMap.get(PROPERTY_ID_LAST_HEARTBEAT, Calendar.class);
                if (lastHeartbeat != null) {
                    // the last time
                    if (!lastHeartbeatWritten.getTime().equals(lastHeartbeat.getTime())) {
                        // then we've likely hit the situation where there is another
                        // sling instance accessing the same repository (ie in the same cluster)
                        // using the same - hence writing to the same
                        // resource
                        logger.error("issueClusterLocalHeartbeat: SLING-2892: Detected unexpected, concurrent update of: " + myClusterNodePath + " 'lastHeartbeat'. If not done manually, " + "this likely indicates that there is more than 1 instance running in this cluster" + " with the same My is " + slingId + "." + " Check for in your installation of all instances in this cluster " + "to verify this! Duplicate sling.ids are not allowed within a cluster!");
            // SLING-2901 : robust paranoia check: on first heartbeat write, the
            //              'runtimeId' is set as a property (ignoring any former value).
            //              If in subsequent calls the value of 'runtimeId' changes, then
            //              there is someone else around with the same slingId.
            final String readRuntimeId = resourceMap.get(PROPERTY_ID_RUNTIME, String.class);
            if (readRuntimeId == null) {
                // SLING-3977
                // someone deleted the resource property
                firstHeartbeatWritten = -1;
            } else if (!runtimeId.equals(readRuntimeId)) {
                final String slingHomePath = slingSettingsService == null ? "n/a" : slingSettingsService.getSlingHomePath();
                final String endpointsAsString = getEndpointsAsString();
                final String readEndpoints = resourceMap.get(PROPERTY_ID_ENDPOINTS, String.class);
                final String readSlingHomePath = resourceMap.get(PROPERTY_ID_SLING_HOME_PATH, String.class);
                logger.error("issueClusterLocalHeartbeat: SLING-2901: Detected more than 1 instance running in this cluster " + " with the same " + "My " + slingId + ", my runtimeId: " + runtimeId + ", my endpoints: " + endpointsAsString + ", my slingHomePath: " + slingHomePath + ", other runtimeId: " + readRuntimeId + ", other endpoints: " + readEndpoints + ", other slingHomePath:" + readSlingHomePath + " Check for in your installation of all instances in this cluster " + "to verify this! Duplicate sling.ids are not allowed within a cluster!");
                logger.error("issueClusterLocalHeartbeat: sending TOPOLOGY_CHANGING before self-disabling.");
                logger.error("issueClusterLocalHeartbeat: disabling discovery.impl");
                activated = false;
                if (context != null) {
                    // disable all components
                    try {
                    } catch (BundleException e) {
                        logger.warn("issueClusterLocalHeartbeat: could not stop bundle: " + e, e);
                        // then disable all compnoents instead
        resourceMap.put(PROPERTY_ID_LAST_HEARTBEAT, currentTime);
        if (firstHeartbeatWritten == -1) {
            resourceMap.put(PROPERTY_ID_RUNTIME, runtimeId);
            // SLING-4765 : store more infos to be able to be more verbose on duplicate slingId/ghost detection
            final String slingHomePath = slingSettingsService == null ? "n/a" : slingSettingsService.getSlingHomePath();
            resourceMap.put(PROPERTY_ID_SLING_HOME_PATH, slingHomePath);
            final String endpointsAsString = getEndpointsAsString();
            resourceMap.put(PROPERTY_ID_ENDPOINTS, endpointsAsString);
  "issueClusterLocalHeartbeat: storing my runtimeId: {}, endpoints: {} and sling home path: {}", new Object[] { runtimeId, endpointsAsString, slingHomePath });
        if (resetLeaderElectionId || !resourceMap.containsKey("leaderElectionId")) {
            // the new leaderElectionId might have been 'pre set' in the field 'newLeaderElectionId'
            // if that's the case, use that one, otherwise calculate a new one now
            final String newLeaderElectionId = this.newLeaderElectionId != null ? this.newLeaderElectionId : newLeaderElectionId(resourceResolver);
            this.newLeaderElectionId = null;
            resourceMap.put("leaderElectionId", newLeaderElectionId);
            resourceMap.put("leaderElectionIdCreatedAt", new Date());
  "issueClusterLocalHeartbeat: set leaderElectionId to " + newLeaderElectionId + " (resetLeaderElectionId: " + resetLeaderElectionId + ")");
            if (votingHandler != null) {
            resetLeaderElectionId = false;
        logger.debug("issueClusterLocalHeartbeat: committing cluster-local heartbeat to repository for {}", slingId);
        logger.debug("issueClusterLocalHeartbeat: committed cluster-local heartbeat to repository for {}", slingId);
        // SLING-2892: only in success case: remember the last heartbeat value written
        lastHeartbeatWritten = currentTime;
        // and set the first heartbeat written value - if it is not already set
        if (firstHeartbeatWritten == -1) {
            firstHeartbeatWritten = System.currentTimeMillis();
    } catch (LoginException e) {
        logger.error("issueHeartbeat: could not log in administratively: " + e, e);
    } catch (PersistenceException e) {
        logger.error("issueHeartbeat: Got a PersistenceException: " + myClusterNodePath + " " + e, e);
    } finally {
        if (resourceResolver != null) {
Also used : Calendar(java.util.Calendar) ResourceResolver( Resource( PersistenceException( LoginException( BundleException(org.osgi.framework.BundleException) ModifiableValueMap( Date(java.util.Date)

Example 74 with PersistenceException

use of in project sling by apache.

the class HeartbeatHandler method startNewVoting.

     * Management function to trigger the otherwise algorithm-dependent
     * start of a new voting.
     * This can make sense when explicitly trying to force a leader
     * change (which is otherwise not allowed by the discovery API)
public void startNewVoting() {"startNewVoting: explicitly starting new voting...");
    ResourceResolver resourceResolver = null;
    try {
        resourceResolver = getResourceResolver();
        final Resource clusterNodesRes = ResourceHelper.getOrCreateResource(resourceResolver, config.getClusterInstancesPath());
        final Set<String> liveInstances = ViewHelper.determineLiveInstances(clusterNodesRes, config);
        doStartNewVoting(resourceResolver, liveInstances);"startNewVoting: explicit new voting was started.");
    } catch (LoginException e) {
        logger.error("startNewVoting: could not log in administratively: " + e, e);
    } catch (PersistenceException e) {
        logger.error("startNewVoting: encountered a persistence exception during view check: " + e, e);
    } finally {
        if (resourceResolver != null) {
Also used : ResourceResolver( Resource( PersistenceException( LoginException(

Example 75 with PersistenceException

use of in project sling by apache.

the class JobHandler method reassign.

     * Reassign to a new instance.
public void reassign() {
    final QueueInfo queueInfo = this.configuration.getQueueConfigurationManager().getQueueInfo(job.getTopic());
    // Sanity check if queue configuration has changed
    final TopologyCapabilities caps = this.configuration.getTopologyCapabilities();
    final String targetId = (caps == null ? null : caps.detectTarget(job.getTopic(), job.getProperties(), queueInfo));
    final ResourceResolver resolver = this.configuration.createResourceResolver();
    try {
        final Resource jobResource = resolver.getResource(job.getResourcePath());
        if (jobResource != null) {
            try {
                final ValueMap vm = ResourceHelper.getValueMap(jobResource);
                final String newPath = this.configuration.getUniquePath(targetId, job.getTopic(), job.getId(), job.getProperties());
                final Map<String, Object> props = new HashMap<>(vm);
                if (targetId == null) {
                } else {
                    props.put(Job.PROPERTY_JOB_TARGET_INSTANCE, targetId);
                try {
                    ResourceHelper.getOrCreateResource(resolver, newPath, props);
                } catch (final PersistenceException pe) {
                    this.configuration.getMainLogger().warn("Unable to reassign job " + job.getId(), pe);
            } catch (final InstantiationException ie) {
                // something happened with the resource in the meantime
                this.configuration.getMainLogger().debug("Unable to instantiate job", ie);
    } finally {
Also used : QueueInfo( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ValueMap( ModifiableValueMap( ResourceResolver( Resource( PersistenceException( TopologyCapabilities(


PersistenceException ( Resource ( ResourceResolver ( ModifiableValueMap ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)34 LoginException ( RepositoryException (javax.jcr.RepositoryException)24 ValueMap ( Node (javax.jcr.Node)17 Calendar (java.util.Calendar)14 Map (java.util.Map)14 IOException ( ByteArrayInputStream ( InputStream ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)6 ConfigurationPersistenceException ( InstanceDescription ( QueueInfo ( Test (org.junit.Test)5 JobTopicTraverser (