use of in project sling by apache.
the class View method getViewId.
* Returns the id of this view.
* @return the id of this view
public String getViewId() {
final ValueMap props = getResource().adaptTo(ValueMap.class);
if (props == null) {
// avoid a NPE below
logger.warn("getViewId: could not get properties of " + getResource().getPath() + ", using resource name instead: " + getResource().getName());
return getResource().getName();
final String clusterId = props.get(VIEW_PROPERTY_CLUSTER_ID, String.class);
if (clusterId != null && clusterId.length() > 0) {
return clusterId;
} else {
return getResource().getName();
use of in project sling by apache.
the class VotingView method getVote.
* Get the vote of the instance with the given slingId
* @param slingId
* @return null if that instance did not vote yet (or the structure
* is faulty), true if the instance voted yes, false if it voted no
public Boolean getVote(String slingId) {
Resource members = getResource().getChild("members");
if (members == null) {
return null;
final Resource memberResource = members.getChild(slingId);
if (memberResource == null) {
return null;
final ValueMap properties = memberResource.adaptTo(ValueMap.class);
if (properties == null) {
return null;
final Boolean vote = properties.get("vote", Boolean.class);
return vote;
use of in project sling by apache.
the class VotingView method newVoting.
* Create a new voting with the given list of instances, the given
* voting/view id and the given slingid of the initiator.
* @param newViewId the new voting/view id
* @param initiatorId the slingid of the initiator
* @param liveInstances the list of live instances to add to the voting
* @return a DAO object representing the voting
public static VotingView newVoting(final ResourceResolver resourceResolver, final Config config, final String newViewId, String initiatorId, final Set<String> liveInstances) throws PersistenceException {
if (!liveInstances.contains(initiatorId)) {
// SLING-4617 : a voting, on a single instance, was created without the local instance
// this should in no case happen - the local instance should always be part of the live
// instances. if that's not the case, then something's fishy and we should not create
// the new voting - and instead rely on a retry later.
logger.warn("newVoting: liveInstances does not include initiatorId (local instance) - not creating new, invalid, voting");
return null;
final Resource votingResource = ResourceHelper.getOrCreateResource(resourceResolver, config.getOngoingVotingsPath() + "/" + newViewId);
final ModifiableValueMap votingMap = votingResource.adaptTo(ModifiableValueMap.class);
votingMap.put("votingStart", Calendar.getInstance());
String clusterId = null;
Calendar clusterIdDefinedAt = null;
String clusterIdDefinedBy = null;
final View currentlyEstablishedView = ViewHelper.getEstablishedView(resourceResolver, config);
if (currentlyEstablishedView != null) {
final ValueMap establishedViewValueMap = currentlyEstablishedView.getResource().adaptTo(ValueMap.class);
clusterId = establishedViewValueMap.get(VIEW_PROPERTY_CLUSTER_ID, String.class);
if (clusterId == null || clusterId.length() == 0) {
clusterId = currentlyEstablishedView.getResource().getName();
Date date = establishedViewValueMap.get(VIEW_PROPERTY_CLUSTER_ID_DEFINED_AT, Date.class);
if (date != null) {
clusterIdDefinedAt = Calendar.getInstance();
clusterIdDefinedBy = establishedViewValueMap.get(VIEW_PROPERTY_CLUSTER_ID_DEFINED_BY, String.class);
if (clusterId == null || clusterId.length() == 0) {
clusterId = newViewId;
clusterIdDefinedAt = Calendar.getInstance();
votingMap.put(VIEW_PROPERTY_CLUSTER_ID, clusterId);
if (clusterIdDefinedAt != null) {
votingMap.put(VIEW_PROPERTY_CLUSTER_ID_DEFINED_AT, clusterIdDefinedAt);
if (clusterIdDefinedBy == null || clusterIdDefinedBy.length() == 0) {
clusterIdDefinedBy = initiatorId;
votingMap.put(VIEW_PROPERTY_CLUSTER_ID_DEFINED_BY, clusterIdDefinedBy);
final Resource membersResource = resourceResolver.create(votingResource, "members", null);
final Iterator<String> it = liveInstances.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
String memberId =;
Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>();
if (memberId.equals(initiatorId)) {
properties.put("initiator", true);
properties.put("vote", true);
properties.put("votedAt", Calendar.getInstance());
Resource instanceResource = ResourceHelper.getOrCreateResource(resourceResolver, config.getClusterInstancesPath() + "/" + memberId);
String leaderElectionId = instanceResource.adaptTo(ValueMap.class).get("leaderElectionId", String.class);
properties.put("leaderElectionId", leaderElectionId);
resourceResolver.create(membersResource, memberId, properties);
logger.debug("newVoting: committing new voting: newViewId=" + newViewId + ", initiatorId=" + initiatorId + ", resource=" + votingResource + ", #members: " + liveInstances.size() + ", members: " + liveInstances);
resourceResolver.commit();"newVoting: new voting started: newViewId=" + newViewId + ", initiatorId=" + initiatorId + ", resource=" + votingResource + ", #members: " + liveInstances.size() + ", members: " + liveInstances);
return new VotingView(votingResource);
use of in project sling by apache.
the class VotingView method isInitiatedBy.
* Checks whether this voting was initiated by the given slingId
* @return whether this voting was initiated by the given slingId
public boolean isInitiatedBy(final String slingId) {
Resource r = getResource();
if (r == null) {
return false;
Resource members = r.getChild("members");
if (members == null) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("isInitiatedBy: slingId=" + slingId + ", members null!");
return false;
final Resource memberResource = members.getChild(slingId);
if (memberResource == null) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("isInitiatedBy: slingId=" + slingId + ", memberResource null!");
return false;
final ValueMap properties = memberResource.adaptTo(ValueMap.class);
if (properties == null) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("isInitiatedBy: slingId=" + slingId + ", properties null!");
return false;
final Boolean initiator = properties.get("initiator", Boolean.class);
boolean result = initiator != null && initiator;
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("isInitiatedBy: slingId=" + slingId + ", initiator=" + initiator + ", result=" + result);
return result;
use of in project sling by apache.
the class VotingView method toString.
public String toString() {
try {
final Resource members = getResource().getChild("members");
String initiatorId = null;
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (members != null) {
Iterator<Resource> it = members.getChildren().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Resource r =;
if (sb.length() != 0) {
sb.append(", ");
ValueMap properties = r.adaptTo(ValueMap.class);
if (properties != null) {
Boolean initiator = properties.get("initiator", Boolean.class);
if (initiator != null && initiator) {
initiatorId = r.getName();
return "a VotingView[viewId=" + getViewId() + ", id=" + getResource().getName() + ", initiator=" + initiatorId + ", members=" + sb + "]";
} catch (Exception e) {
return "a VotingView[" + super.toString() + "]";