Search in sources :

Example 6 with Traceable

use of in project sling by apache.

the class ModelPreprocessor method searchSlingstartDependencies.

     * Search for dependent slingstart/slingfeature artifacts and remove them from the effective model.
     * @throws MavenExecutionException
private List<Model> searchSlingstartDependencies(final Environment env, final ProjectInfo info, final Model rawModel, final Model effectiveModel) throws MavenExecutionException {
    // slingstart or slingfeature
    final List<Model> dependencies = new ArrayList<>();
    for (final Feature feature : effectiveModel.getFeatures()) {
        for (final RunMode runMode : feature.getRunModes()) {
            for (final ArtifactGroup group : runMode.getArtifactGroups()) {
                final List<> removeList = new ArrayList<>();
                for (final a : group) {
                    if (a.getType().equals(BuildConstants.PACKAGING_SLINGSTART) || a.getType().equals(BuildConstants.PACKAGING_PARTIAL_SYSTEM)) {
                        final Dependency dep = new Dependency();
                        if (a.getType().equals(BuildConstants.PACKAGING_SLINGSTART)) {
                        } else {
                        env.logger.debug("- adding dependency " + ModelUtils.toString(dep));
                        // if it's a project from the current reactor build, we can't resolve it right now
                        final String key = a.getGroupId() + ":" + a.getArtifactId();
                        final ProjectInfo depInfo = env.modelProjects.get(key);
                        if (depInfo != null) {
                            env.logger.debug("Found reactor " + a.getType() + " dependency : " + a);
                            final Model model = addDependencies(env, depInfo);
                            if (model == null) {
                                throw new MavenExecutionException("Recursive model dependency list including project " + info.project, (File) null);
                            info.includedModels.put(a, depInfo.localModel);
                        } else {
                            env.logger.debug("Found external " + a.getType() + " dependency: " + a);
                            // "external" dependency, we can already resolve it
                            final File modelFile = resolveSlingstartArtifact(env, info.project, dep);
                            FileReader r = null;
                            try {
                                r = new FileReader(modelFile);
                                final Model model =, modelFile.getAbsolutePath());
                                info.includedModels.put(a, model);
                                final Map<Traceable, String> errors = ModelUtility.validate(model);
                                if (errors != null) {
                                    throw new MavenExecutionException("Unable to read model file from " + modelFile + " : " + errors, modelFile);
                                final Model fullModel = processSlingstartDependencies(env, info, dep, model);
                            } catch (final IOException ioe) {
                                throw new MavenExecutionException("Unable to read model file from " + modelFile, ioe);
                            } finally {
                                try {
                                    if (r != null) {
                                } catch (final IOException io) {
                                // ignore
                for (final r : removeList) {
                    final Feature localModelFeature = rawModel.getFeature(feature.getName());
                    if (localModelFeature != null) {
                        final RunMode localRunMode = localModelFeature.getRunMode(runMode.getNames());
                        if (localRunMode != null) {
                            final ArtifactGroup localAG = localRunMode.getArtifactGroup(group.getStartLevel());
                            if (localAG != null) {
    return dependencies;
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Dependency(org.apache.maven.model.Dependency) IOException( Feature( Artifact(org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact) DefaultArtifact(org.apache.maven.artifact.DefaultArtifact) MavenExecutionException(org.apache.maven.MavenExecutionException) RunMode( Model( FileReader( Traceable( ArtifactGroup( File(

Example 7 with Traceable

use of in project sling by apache.

the class ModelPreprocessor method addDependencies.

     * Add dependencies for a single project.
     * @param env The environment with all maven settings and projects
     * @param info The project to process.
     * @throws MavenExecutionException If anything goes wrong.
private Model addDependencies(final Environment env, final ProjectInfo info) throws MavenExecutionException {
    if (info.done == true) {
        env.logger.debug("Return prepared model for " + info.project);
        return info.model;
    // prevent recursion and multiple processing
    info.done = true;
    env.logger.debug("Processing project " + info.project);
    // read local model
    final String pattern = nodeValue(info.plugin, "modelPattern", AbstractSlingStartMojo.DEFAULT_MODEL_PATTERN);
    final String inlinedModel = nodeValue(info.plugin, "model", null);
    String scope = Artifact.SCOPE_PROVIDED;
    try {
        if (hasNodeValue(info.plugin, "modelDirectory")) {
            final String directory = nodeValue(info.plugin, "modelDirectory", null);
            info.localModel = readLocalModel(info.project, inlinedModel, new File(directory), pattern, env.logger);
        } else {
            // use multiple fallbacks here only in case the default model directory is not explicitly set
            File defaultModelDirectory = new File(info.project.getBasedir(), "src/main/provisioning");
            if (defaultModelDirectory.exists()) {
                env.logger.debug("Try to extract model from default provisioning directory " + defaultModelDirectory.getAbsolutePath());
                info.localModel = readLocalModel(info.project, inlinedModel, defaultModelDirectory, pattern, env.logger);
            } else {
                File defaultModelDirectoryInTest = new File(info.project.getBasedir(), "src/test/provisioning");
                env.logger.debug("Try to extract model from default test provisioning directory " + defaultModelDirectoryInTest.getAbsolutePath());
                info.localModel = readLocalModel(info.project, inlinedModel, defaultModelDirectoryInTest, pattern, env.logger);
                scope = Artifact.SCOPE_TEST;
    } catch (final IOException ioe) {
        throw new MavenExecutionException(ioe.getMessage(), ioe);
    // process attachments
    processAttachments(env, info);
    // is the maven classpath supposed to be extended?
    info.extendMavenClassPath = !nodeBooleanValue(info.plugin, AbstractSlingStartMojo.CONFIGURATION_NAME_DISABLE_EXTENDING_CLASSPATH, false);
    // check for setting version
    if (nodeBooleanValue(info.plugin, "setFeatureVersions", false)) {
        for (final Feature f : info.localModel.getFeatures()) {
            if (f.getVersion() == null) {
    // prepare resolver options
    ResolverOptions resolverOptions = new ResolverOptions();
    if (nodeBooleanValue(info.plugin, "usePomVariables", false)) {
        resolverOptions.variableResolver(new PomVariableResolver(info.project));
    if (nodeBooleanValue(info.plugin, "usePomDependencies", false)) {
        resolverOptions.artifactVersionResolver(new PomArtifactVersionResolver(info.project, nodeBooleanValue(info.plugin, "allowUnresolvedPomDependencies", false)));
    final Model copyModel = new Model();
    this.mergeModels(copyModel, info.localModel);
    // we have to create an effective model to add the dependencies
    final Model effectiveModel = ModelUtility.getEffectiveModel(copyModel, resolverOptions);
    final List<Model> dependencies = searchSlingstartDependencies(env, info, copyModel, effectiveModel);
    info.model = new Model();
    for (final Model d : dependencies) {
        this.mergeModels(info.model, d);
    this.mergeModels(info.model, copyModel);
    info.model = ModelUtility.getEffectiveModel(info.model, resolverOptions);
    final Map<Traceable, String> errors = ModelUtility.validate(info.model);
    if (errors != null) {
        throw new MavenExecutionException("Unable to create model file for " + info.project + " : " + errors, (File) null);
    if (info.extendMavenClassPath) {
        addDependenciesFromModel(env, info, scope);"Extended Maven classpath (scope '" + scope + "') by the dependencies extracted from the Sling model.");
    } else {
        env.logger.debug("Do not enrich Maven classpath with Sling model!");
    try {
    } catch (final IOException ioe) {
        throw new MavenExecutionException(ioe.getMessage(), ioe);
    return info.model;
Also used : MavenExecutionException(org.apache.maven.MavenExecutionException) Model( IOException( Traceable( File( Feature( ResolverOptions(

Example 8 with Traceable

use of in project sling by apache.

the class ModelPreprocessor method processSlingstartDependencies.

private Model processSlingstartDependencies(final Environment env, final ProjectInfo info, final Dependency dep, final Model rawModel) throws MavenExecutionException {
    env.logger.debug("Processing dependency " + dep);
    // we have to create an effective model to add the dependencies
    final Model effectiveModel = ModelUtility.getEffectiveModel(rawModel, new ResolverOptions());
    final List<Model> dependencies = searchSlingstartDependencies(env, info, rawModel, effectiveModel);
    Model mergingModel = new Model();
    for (final Model d : dependencies) {
        this.mergeModels(mergingModel, d);
    this.mergeModels(mergingModel, rawModel);
    final Map<Traceable, String> errors = ModelUtility.validate(ModelUtility.getEffectiveModel(mergingModel, new ResolverOptions()));
    if (errors != null) {
        throw new MavenExecutionException("Unable to create model file for " + dep + " : " + errors, (File) null);
    return mergingModel;
Also used : MavenExecutionException(org.apache.maven.MavenExecutionException) Model( Traceable( ResolverOptions(

Example 9 with Traceable

use of in project sling by apache.

the class IOTest method testReadWrite.

public void testReadWrite() throws Exception {
    final Model result = U.readCompleteTestModel();
    U.verifyTestModel(result, false);
    // Write the merged raw model
    StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
    try {
        ModelWriter.write(writer, result);
    } finally {
    // read it again
    StringReader reader = new StringReader(writer.toString());
    final Model readModel =, "memory");
    final Map<Traceable, String> readErrors = ModelUtility.validate(readModel);
    if (readErrors != null) {
        throw new Exception("Invalid read model : " + readErrors);
    // and verify the result
    U.verifyTestModel(readModel, false);
    // Resolve variables and verify the result
    final Model effective = ModelUtility.getEffectiveModel(readModel);
    U.verifyTestModel(effective, true);
    // write effective model
    writer = new StringWriter();
    ModelWriter.write(writer, effective);
    reader = new StringReader(writer.toString());
    final Model readModel2 =, "memory");
    final Map<Traceable, String> readErrors2 = ModelUtility.validate(readModel2);
    if (readErrors2 != null) {
        throw new Exception("Invalid read model : " + readErrors2);
    // and verify the result
    U.verifyTestModel(readModel2, true);
Also used : StringWriter( Model( StringReader( Traceable( Test(org.junit.Test)


Traceable ( Model ( File ( IOException ( Feature ( MavenExecutionException (org.apache.maven.MavenExecutionException)4 Artifact ( ArtifactGroup ( RunMode ( InputStream ( Reader ( StringReader ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 ModelReader ( FileReader ( StringWriter ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)2 ResolverOptions ( ModelArchiveReader ( FileInputStream (