use of org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrClient in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class BasicAuthIntegrationTest method testBasicAuth.
public void testBasicAuth() throws Exception {
boolean isUseV2Api = random().nextBoolean();
String authcPrefix = "/admin/authentication";
String authzPrefix = "/admin/authorization";
if (isUseV2Api) {
authcPrefix = "/____v2/cluster/security/authentication";
authzPrefix = "/____v2/cluster/security/authorization";
NamedList<Object> rsp;
HttpClient cl = null;
try {
cl = HttpClientUtil.createClient(null);
JettySolrRunner randomJetty = cluster.getRandomJetty(random());
String baseUrl = randomJetty.getBaseUrl().toString();
verifySecurityStatus(cl, baseUrl + authcPrefix, "/errorMessages", null, 20);
zkClient().setData("/security.json", STD_CONF.replaceAll("'", "\"").getBytes(UTF_8), true);
verifySecurityStatus(cl, baseUrl + authcPrefix, "authentication/class", "solr.BasicAuthPlugin", 20);
baseUrl = randomJetty.getBaseUrl().toString();
verifySecurityStatus(cl, baseUrl + authcPrefix, "authentication/class", "solr.BasicAuthPlugin", 20);
String command = "{\n" + "'set-user': {'harry':'HarryIsCool'}\n" + "}";
final SolrRequest genericReq;
if (isUseV2Api) {
genericReq = new V2Request.Builder("/cluster/security/authentication").withMethod(SolrRequest.METHOD.POST).build();
} else {
genericReq = new GenericSolrRequest(SolrRequest.METHOD.POST, authcPrefix, new ModifiableSolrParams());
((GenericSolrRequest) genericReq).setContentStreams(Collections.singletonList(new ContentStreamBase.ByteArrayStream(command.getBytes(UTF_8), "")));
HttpSolrClient.RemoteSolrException exp = expectThrows(HttpSolrClient.RemoteSolrException.class, () -> {
assertEquals(401, exp.code());
command = "{\n" + "'set-user': {'harry':'HarryIsUberCool'}\n" + "}";
HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(baseUrl + authcPrefix);
setBasicAuthHeader(httpPost, "solr", "SolrRocks");
httpPost.setEntity(new ByteArrayEntity(command.getBytes(UTF_8)));
httpPost.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8");
verifySecurityStatus(cl, baseUrl + authcPrefix, "authentication.enabled", "true", 20);
HttpResponse r = cl.execute(httpPost);
int statusCode = r.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
assertEquals("proper_cred sent, but access denied", 200, statusCode);
baseUrl = cluster.getRandomJetty(random()).getBaseUrl().toString();
verifySecurityStatus(cl, baseUrl + authcPrefix, "authentication/credentials/harry", NOT_NULL_PREDICATE, 20);
command = "{\n" + "'set-user-role': {'harry':'admin'}\n" + "}";
executeCommand(baseUrl + authzPrefix, cl, command, "solr", "SolrRocks");
baseUrl = cluster.getRandomJetty(random()).getBaseUrl().toString();
verifySecurityStatus(cl, baseUrl + authzPrefix, "authorization/user-role/harry", NOT_NULL_PREDICATE, 20);
executeCommand(baseUrl + authzPrefix, cl, Utils.toJSONString(singletonMap("set-permission", Utils.makeMap("collection", "x", "path", "/update/*", "role", "dev"))), "harry", "HarryIsUberCool");
verifySecurityStatus(cl, baseUrl + authzPrefix, "authorization/permissions[1]/collection", "x", 20);
executeCommand(baseUrl + authzPrefix, cl, Utils.toJSONString(singletonMap("set-permission", Utils.makeMap("name", "collection-admin-edit", "role", "admin"))), "harry", "HarryIsUberCool");
verifySecurityStatus(cl, baseUrl + authzPrefix, "authorization/permissions[2]/name", "collection-admin-edit", 20);
CollectionAdminRequest.Reload reload = CollectionAdminRequest.reloadCollection(COLLECTION);
try (HttpSolrClient solrClient = getHttpSolrClient(baseUrl)) {
try {
rsp = solrClient.request(reload);
fail("must have failed");
} catch (HttpSolrClient.RemoteSolrException e) {
try {
rsp = solrClient.request(reload);
fail("must have failed");
} catch (HttpSolrClient.RemoteSolrException e) {
cluster.getSolrClient().request(CollectionAdminRequest.reloadCollection(COLLECTION).setBasicAuthCredentials("harry", "HarryIsUberCool"));
try {
cluster.getSolrClient().request(CollectionAdminRequest.reloadCollection(COLLECTION).setBasicAuthCredentials("harry", "Cool12345"));
fail("This should not succeed");
} catch (HttpSolrClient.RemoteSolrException e) {
executeCommand(baseUrl + authzPrefix, cl, "{set-permission : { name : update , role : admin}}", "harry", "HarryIsUberCool");
SolrInputDocument doc = new SolrInputDocument();
doc.setField("id", "4");
UpdateRequest update = new UpdateRequest();
update.setBasicAuthCredentials("harry", "HarryIsUberCool");
cluster.getSolrClient().request(update, COLLECTION);
executeCommand(baseUrl + authcPrefix, cl, "{set-property : { blockUnknown: true}}", "harry", "HarryIsUberCool");
verifySecurityStatus(cl, baseUrl + authcPrefix, "authentication/blockUnknown", "true", 20, "harry", "HarryIsUberCool");
verifySecurityStatus(cl, baseUrl + "/admin/info/key?wt=json", "key", NOT_NULL_PREDICATE, 20);
String[] toolArgs = new String[] { "status", "-solr", baseUrl };
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
PrintStream stdoutSim = new PrintStream(baos, true,;
SolrCLI.StatusTool tool = new SolrCLI.StatusTool(stdoutSim);
try {
System.setProperty("basicauth", "harry:HarryIsUberCool");
tool.runTool(SolrCLI.processCommandLineArgs(SolrCLI.joinCommonAndToolOptions(tool.getOptions()), toolArgs));
Map obj = (Map) Utils.fromJSON(new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray()));
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("RunExampleTool failed due to: " + e + "; stdout from tool prior to failure: " + baos.toString(;
executeCommand(baseUrl + authcPrefix, cl, "{set-property : { blockUnknown: false}}", "harry", "HarryIsUberCool");
} finally {
if (cl != null) {
use of org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrClient in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class BasicAuthStandaloneTest method testBasicAuth.
public void testBasicAuth() throws Exception {
String authcPrefix = "/admin/authentication";
HttpClient cl = null;
HttpSolrClient httpSolrClient = null;
try {
cl = HttpClientUtil.createClient(null);
String baseUrl = buildUrl(jetty.getLocalPort(), "/solr");
httpSolrClient = getHttpSolrClient(baseUrl);
verifySecurityStatus(cl, baseUrl + authcPrefix, "/errorMessages", null, 20);
// Write security.json locally. Should cause security to be initialized
securityConfHandler.persistConf(new SecurityConfHandler.SecurityConfig().setData(Utils.fromJSONString(STD_CONF.replaceAll("'", "\""))));
verifySecurityStatus(cl, baseUrl + authcPrefix, "authentication/class", "solr.BasicAuthPlugin", 20);
String command = "{\n" + "'set-user': {'harry':'HarryIsCool'}\n" + "}";
GenericSolrRequest genericReq = new GenericSolrRequest(SolrRequest.METHOD.POST, authcPrefix, new ModifiableSolrParams());
genericReq.setContentStreams(Collections.singletonList(new ContentStreamBase.ByteArrayStream(command.getBytes(UTF_8), "")));
HttpSolrClient finalHttpSolrClient = httpSolrClient;
HttpSolrClient.RemoteSolrException exp = expectThrows(HttpSolrClient.RemoteSolrException.class, () -> {
assertEquals(401, exp.code());
command = "{\n" + "'set-user': {'harry':'HarryIsUberCool'}\n" + "}";
HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(baseUrl + authcPrefix);
setBasicAuthHeader(httpPost, "solr", "SolrRocks");
httpPost.setEntity(new ByteArrayEntity(command.getBytes(UTF_8)));
httpPost.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8");
verifySecurityStatus(cl, baseUrl + authcPrefix, "authentication.enabled", "true", 20);
HttpResponse r = cl.execute(httpPost);
int statusCode = r.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
assertEquals("proper_cred sent, but access denied", 200, statusCode);
verifySecurityStatus(cl, baseUrl + authcPrefix, "authentication/credentials/harry", NOT_NULL_PREDICATE, 20);
// Read file from SOLR_HOME and verify that it contains our new user
assertTrue(new String(Utils.toJSON(securityConfHandler.getSecurityConfig(false).getData()), Charset.forName("UTF-8")).contains("harry"));
} finally {
if (cl != null) {
use of org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrClient in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class TestInPlaceUpdatesDistrib method reorderedDBQsResurrectionTest.
/* Test for a situation when a document requiring in-place update cannot be "resurrected"
* when the original full indexed document has been deleted by an out of order DBQ.
* Expected behaviour in this case should be to throw the replica into LIR (since this will
* be rare). Here's an example of the situation:
ADD(id=x, val=5, ver=1)
UPD(id=x, val=10, ver = 2)
DBQ(q=val:10, v=4)
DV(id=x, val=5, ver=3)
private void reorderedDBQsResurrectionTest() throws Exception {
if (onlyLeaderIndexes) {"RTG with DBQs are not working in tlog replicas");
// RTG straight from the index
SolrDocument sdoc = LEADER.getById("0");
//assertEquals(value, sdoc.get("inplace_updatable_float"));
assertEquals("title0", sdoc.get("title_s"));
long version0 = (long) sdoc.get("_version_");
String field = "inplace_updatable_int";
// put replica out of sync
List<UpdateRequest> updates = new ArrayList<>();
// full update
updates.add(simulatedUpdateRequest(null, "id", 0, "title_s", "title0_new", field, 5, "_version_", version0 + 1));
// inplace_updatable_float=101
updates.add(simulatedUpdateRequest(version0 + 1, "id", 0, field, 10, "_version_", version0 + 2));
// inplace_updatable_float=101
updates.add(simulatedUpdateRequest(version0 + 2, "id", 0, field, 5, "_version_", version0 + 3));
// supposed to not delete anything
updates.add(simulatedDeleteRequest(field + ":10", version0 + 4));
// order the updates correctly for NONLEADER 1
for (UpdateRequest update : updates) {"Issuing well ordered update: " + update.getDocuments());
// Reordering needs to happen using parallel threads
ExecutorService threadpool = ExecutorUtil.newMDCAwareFixedThreadPool(updates.size() + 1, new DefaultSolrThreadFactory(getTestName()));
// re-order the last two updates for NONLEADER 0
List<UpdateRequest> reorderedUpdates = new ArrayList<>(updates);
Collections.swap(reorderedUpdates, 2, 3);
List<Future<UpdateResponse>> updateResponses = new ArrayList<>();
for (UpdateRequest update : reorderedUpdates) {
// pretend as this update is coming from the other non-leader, so that
// the resurrection can happen from there (instead of the leader)
update.setParam(DistributedUpdateProcessor.DISTRIB_FROM, ((HttpSolrClient) NONLEADERS.get(1)).getBaseURL());
AsyncUpdateWithRandomCommit task = new AsyncUpdateWithRandomCommit(update, NONLEADERS.get(0), random().nextLong());
// while we can't guarantee/trust what order the updates are executed in, since multiple threads
// are involved, but we're trying to bias the thread scheduling to run them in the order submitted
assertTrue("Thread pool didn't terminate within 15 secs", threadpool.awaitTermination(15, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
int successful = 0;
for (Future<UpdateResponse> resp : updateResponses) {
try {
UpdateResponse r = resp.get();
if (r.getStatus() == 0) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (!ex.getMessage().contains("Tried to fetch missing update" + " from the leader, but missing wasn't present at leader.")) {
throw ex;
// All should succeed, i.e. no LIR
assertEquals(updateResponses.size(), successful);"Non leader 0: " + ((HttpSolrClient) NONLEADERS.get(0)).getBaseURL());"Non leader 1: " + ((HttpSolrClient) NONLEADERS.get(1)).getBaseURL());
SolrDocument doc0 = NONLEADERS.get(0).getById(String.valueOf(0), params("distrib", "false"));
SolrDocument doc1 = NONLEADERS.get(1).getById(String.valueOf(0), params("distrib", "false"));"Doc in both replica 0: " + doc0);"Doc in both replica 1: " + doc1);
// assert both replicas have same effect
for (int i = 0; i < NONLEADERS.size(); i++) {
// 0th is re-ordered replica, 1st is well-ordered replica
SolrClient client = NONLEADERS.get(i);
SolrDocument doc = client.getById(String.valueOf(0), params("distrib", "false"));
assertNotNull("Client: " + ((HttpSolrClient) client).getBaseURL(), doc);
assertEquals("Client: " + ((HttpSolrClient) client).getBaseURL(), 5, doc.getFieldValue(field));
}"reorderedDBQsResurrectionTest: This test passed fine...");
use of org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrClient in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class SolrExampleTests method testUpdateField.
public void testUpdateField() throws Exception {
//no versions
SolrClient client = getSolrClient();
SolrInputDocument doc = new SolrInputDocument();
doc.addField("id", "unique");
doc.addField("name", "gadget");
doc.addField("price", 1);
SolrQuery q = new SolrQuery("*:*");
q.setFields("id", "price", "name", "_version_");
QueryResponse resp = client.query(q);
assertEquals("Doc count does not match", 1, resp.getResults().getNumFound());
Long version = (Long) resp.getResults().get(0).getFirstValue("_version_");
assertNotNull("no version returned", version);
assertEquals(1.0f, resp.getResults().get(0).getFirstValue("price"));
//update "price" with incorrect version (optimistic locking)
//need better api for this???
HashMap<String, Object> oper = new HashMap<>();
oper.put("set", 100);
doc = new SolrInputDocument();
doc.addField("id", "unique");
doc.addField("_version_", version + 1);
doc.addField("price", oper);
try {
if (client instanceof HttpSolrClient) {
//XXX concurrent client reports exceptions differently
fail("Operation should throw an exception!");
} else {
//just to be sure the client has sent the doc
ErrorTrackingConcurrentUpdateSolrClient concurrentClient = (ErrorTrackingConcurrentUpdateSolrClient) client;
assertNotNull("ConcurrentUpdateSolrClient did not report an error", concurrentClient.lastError);
assertTrue("ConcurrentUpdateSolrClient did not report an error", concurrentClient.lastError.getMessage().contains("Conflict"));
} catch (SolrException se) {
assertTrue("No identifiable error message", se.getMessage().contains("version conflict for unique"));
//update "price", use correct version (optimistic locking)
doc = new SolrInputDocument();
doc.addField("id", "unique");
doc.addField("_version_", version);
doc.addField("price", oper);
resp = client.query(q);
assertEquals("Doc count does not match", 1, resp.getResults().getNumFound());
assertEquals("price was not updated?", 100.0f, resp.getResults().get(0).getFirstValue("price"));
assertEquals("no name?", "gadget", resp.getResults().get(0).getFirstValue("name"));
//update "price", no version
oper.put("set", 200);
doc = new SolrInputDocument();
doc.addField("id", "unique");
doc.addField("price", oper);
resp = client.query(q);
assertEquals("Doc count does not match", 1, resp.getResults().getNumFound());
assertEquals("price was not updated?", 200.0f, resp.getResults().get(0).getFirstValue("price"));
assertEquals("no name?", "gadget", resp.getResults().get(0).getFirstValue("name"));
use of org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrClient in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class SolrExampleBinaryTest method createNewSolrClient.
public SolrClient createNewSolrClient() {
try {
// setup the server...
String url = jetty.getBaseUrl().toString() + "/collection1";
HttpSolrClient client = getHttpSolrClient(url);
// where the magic happens
client.setParser(new BinaryResponseParser());
client.setRequestWriter(new BinaryRequestWriter());
return client;
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);