use of org.apache.solr.client.solrj.request.UpdateRequest in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class StreamExpressionTest method testFetchStream.
public void testFetchStream() throws Exception {
//TODO share in @Before ; close in @After ?
SolrClientCache solrClientCache = new SolrClientCache();
new UpdateRequest().add(id, "0", "a_s", "hello0", "a_i", "0", "a_f", "1", "subject", "blah blah blah 0").add(id, "2", "a_s", "hello0", "a_i", "2", "a_f", "2", "subject", "blah blah blah 2").add(id, "3", "a_s", "hello3", "a_i", "3", "a_f", "3", "subject", "blah blah blah 3").add(id, "4", "a_s", "hello4", "a_i", "4", "a_f", "4", "subject", "blah blah blah 4").add(id, "1", "a_s", "hello0", "a_i", "1", "a_f", "5", "subject", "blah blah blah 1").add(id, "5", "a_s", "hello3", "a_i", "5", "a_f", "6", "subject", "blah blah blah 5").add(id, "6", "a_s", "hello4", "a_i", "6", "a_f", "7", "subject", "blah blah blah 6").add(id, "7", "a_s", "hello3", "a_i", "7", "a_f", "8", "subject", "blah blah blah 7").add(id, "8", "a_s", "hello3", "a_i", "8", "a_f", "9", "subject", "blah blah blah 8").add(id, "9", "a_s", "hello0", "a_i", "9", "a_f", "10", "subject", "blah blah blah 9").commit(cluster.getSolrClient(), COLLECTIONORALIAS);
TupleStream stream;
List<Tuple> tuples;
StreamFactory factory = new StreamFactory().withCollectionZkHost(COLLECTIONORALIAS, cluster.getZkServer().getZkAddress()).withFunctionName("search", CloudSolrStream.class).withFunctionName("fetch", FetchStream.class);
stream = factory.constructStream("fetch(" + COLLECTIONORALIAS + ", search(" + COLLECTIONORALIAS + ", q=*:*, fl=\"id,a_s,a_i,a_f\", sort=\"a_f asc\"), on=\"id=a_i\", batchSize=\"2\", fl=\"subject\")");
StreamContext context = new StreamContext();
tuples = getTuples(stream);
assert (tuples.size() == 10);
Tuple t = tuples.get(0);
assertTrue("blah blah blah 0".equals(t.getString("subject")));
t = tuples.get(1);
assertTrue("blah blah blah 2".equals(t.getString("subject")));
t = tuples.get(2);
assertTrue("blah blah blah 3".equals(t.getString("subject")));
t = tuples.get(3);
assertTrue("blah blah blah 4".equals(t.getString("subject")));
t = tuples.get(4);
assertTrue("blah blah blah 1".equals(t.getString("subject")));
t = tuples.get(5);
assertTrue("blah blah blah 5".equals(t.getString("subject")));
t = tuples.get(6);
assertTrue("blah blah blah 6".equals(t.getString("subject")));
t = tuples.get(7);
assertTrue("blah blah blah 7".equals(t.getString("subject")));
t = tuples.get(8);
assertTrue("blah blah blah 8".equals(t.getString("subject")));
t = tuples.get(9);
assertTrue("blah blah blah 9".equals(t.getString("subject")));
//Change the batch size
stream = factory.constructStream("fetch(" + COLLECTIONORALIAS + ", search(" + COLLECTIONORALIAS + ", q=*:*, fl=\"id,a_s,a_i,a_f\", sort=\"a_f asc\"), on=\"id=a_i\", batchSize=\"3\", fl=\"subject\")");
context = new StreamContext();
tuples = getTuples(stream);
assert (tuples.size() == 10);
t = tuples.get(0);
assertTrue("blah blah blah 0".equals(t.getString("subject")));
t = tuples.get(1);
assertTrue("blah blah blah 2".equals(t.getString("subject")));
t = tuples.get(2);
assertTrue("blah blah blah 3".equals(t.getString("subject")));
t = tuples.get(3);
assertTrue("blah blah blah 4".equals(t.getString("subject")));
t = tuples.get(4);
assertTrue("blah blah blah 1".equals(t.getString("subject")));
t = tuples.get(5);
assertTrue("blah blah blah 5".equals(t.getString("subject")));
t = tuples.get(6);
assertTrue("blah blah blah 6".equals(t.getString("subject")));
t = tuples.get(7);
assertTrue("blah blah blah 7".equals(t.getString("subject")));
t = tuples.get(8);
assertTrue("blah blah blah 8".equals(t.getString("subject")));
t = tuples.get(9);
assertTrue("blah blah blah 9".equals(t.getString("subject")));
// SOLR-10404 test that "hello 99" as a value gets escaped
new UpdateRequest().add(id, "99", "a1_s", "hello 99", "a2_s", "hello 99", "subject", "blah blah blah 99").commit(cluster.getSolrClient(), COLLECTIONORALIAS);
stream = factory.constructStream("fetch(" + COLLECTIONORALIAS + ", search(" + COLLECTIONORALIAS + ", q=" + id + ":99, fl=\"id,a1_s\", sort=\"id asc\"), on=\"a1_s=a2_s\", fl=\"subject\")");
context = new StreamContext();
tuples = getTuples(stream);
assertEquals(1, tuples.size());
t = tuples.get(0);
assertTrue("blah blah blah 99".equals(t.getString("subject")));
use of org.apache.solr.client.solrj.request.UpdateRequest in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class StreamExpressionTest method testParameterSubstitution.
public void testParameterSubstitution() throws Exception {
new UpdateRequest().add(id, "0", "a_s", "hello0", "a_i", "0", "a_f", "0").add(id, "2", "a_s", "hello2", "a_i", "2", "a_f", "0").add(id, "3", "a_s", "hello3", "a_i", "3", "a_f", "3").add(id, "4", "a_s", "hello4", "a_i", "4", "a_f", "4").add(id, "1", "a_s", "hello1", "a_i", "1", "a_f", "1").commit(cluster.getSolrClient(), COLLECTIONORALIAS);
String url = cluster.getJettySolrRunners().get(0).getBaseUrl().toString() + "/" + COLLECTIONORALIAS;
List<Tuple> tuples;
TupleStream stream;
// Basic test
ModifiableSolrParams sParams = new ModifiableSolrParams();
sParams.set("expr", "merge(" + "${q1}," + "${q2}," + "on=${mySort})");
sParams.set(CommonParams.QT, "/stream");
sParams.set("q1", "search(" + COLLECTIONORALIAS + ", q=\"id:(0 3 4)\", fl=\"id,a_s,a_i,a_f\", sort=${mySort})");
sParams.set("q2", "search(" + COLLECTIONORALIAS + ", q=\"id:(1)\", fl=\"id,a_s,a_i,a_f\", sort=${mySort})");
sParams.set("mySort", "a_f asc");
stream = new SolrStream(url, sParams);
tuples = getTuples(stream);
assertEquals(4, tuples.size());
assertOrder(tuples, 0, 1, 3, 4);
// Basic test desc
sParams.set("mySort", "a_f desc");
stream = new SolrStream(url, sParams);
tuples = getTuples(stream);
assertEquals(4, tuples.size());
assertOrder(tuples, 4, 3, 1, 0);
// Basic w/ multi comp
sParams.set("q2", "search(" + COLLECTIONORALIAS + ", q=\"id:(1 2)\", fl=\"id,a_s,a_i,a_f\", sort=${mySort})");
sParams.set("mySort", "\"a_f asc, a_s asc\"");
stream = new SolrStream(url, sParams);
tuples = getTuples(stream);
assertEquals(5, tuples.size());
assertOrder(tuples, 0, 2, 1, 3, 4);
use of org.apache.solr.client.solrj.request.UpdateRequest in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class StreamExpressionTest method testParallelDaemonCommitStream.
public void testParallelDaemonCommitStream() throws Exception {
CollectionAdminRequest.createCollection("parallelDestinationCollection1", "conf", 2, 1).process(cluster.getSolrClient());
AbstractDistribZkTestBase.waitForRecoveriesToFinish("parallelDestinationCollection1", cluster.getSolrClient().getZkStateReader(), false, true, TIMEOUT);
new UpdateRequest().add(id, "0", "a_s", "hello0", "a_i", "0", "a_f", "0", "s_multi", "aaaa", "s_multi", "bbbb", "i_multi", "4", "i_multi", "7").add(id, "2", "a_s", "hello2", "a_i", "2", "a_f", "0", "s_multi", "aaaa1", "s_multi", "bbbb1", "i_multi", "44", "i_multi", "77").add(id, "3", "a_s", "hello3", "a_i", "3", "a_f", "3", "s_multi", "aaaa2", "s_multi", "bbbb2", "i_multi", "444", "i_multi", "777").add(id, "4", "a_s", "hello4", "a_i", "4", "a_f", "4", "s_multi", "aaaa3", "s_multi", "bbbb3", "i_multi", "4444", "i_multi", "7777").add(id, "1", "a_s", "hello1", "a_i", "1", "a_f", "1", "s_multi", "aaaa4", "s_multi", "bbbb4", "i_multi", "44444", "i_multi", "77777").commit(cluster.getSolrClient(), "collection1");
StreamExpression expression;
TupleStream stream;
Tuple t;
StreamContext streamContext = new StreamContext();
SolrClientCache solrClientCache = new SolrClientCache();
String zkHost = cluster.getZkServer().getZkAddress();
StreamFactory factory = new StreamFactory().withCollectionZkHost("collection1", cluster.getZkServer().getZkAddress()).withCollectionZkHost("parallelDestinationCollection1", cluster.getZkServer().getZkAddress()).withFunctionName("search", CloudSolrStream.class).withFunctionName("update", UpdateStream.class).withFunctionName("commit", CommitStream.class).withFunctionName("parallel", ParallelStream.class).withFunctionName("daemon", DaemonStream.class);
try {
//Copy all docs to destinationCollection
String updateExpression = "daemon(commit(parallelDestinationCollection1, batchSize=0, zkHost=\"" + cluster.getZkServer().getZkAddress() + "\", update(parallelDestinationCollection1, batchSize=2, search(collection1, q=*:*, fl=\"id,a_s,a_i,a_f,s_multi,i_multi\", sort=\"a_f asc, a_i asc\", partitionKeys=\"a_f\"))), runInterval=\"1000\", id=\"test\")";
TupleStream parallelUpdateStream = factory.constructStream("parallel(collection1, " + updateExpression + ", workers=\"2\", zkHost=\"" + zkHost + "\", sort=\"batchNumber asc\")");
List<Tuple> tuples = getTuples(parallelUpdateStream);
assert (tuples.size() == 2);
//Lets sleep long enough for daemon updates to run.
//Lets stop the daemons
ModifiableSolrParams sParams = new ModifiableSolrParams(StreamingTest.mapParams(CommonParams.QT, "/stream", "action", "list"));
int workersComplete = 0;
for (JettySolrRunner jetty : cluster.getJettySolrRunners()) {
int iterations = 0;
INNER: while (iterations == 0) {
SolrStream solrStream = new SolrStream(jetty.getBaseUrl().toString() + "/collection1", sParams);
Tuple tupleResponse =;
if (tupleResponse.EOF) {
break INNER;
} else {
long l = tupleResponse.getLong("iterations");
if (l > 0) {
} else {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
iterations = (int) l;
assertEquals(cluster.getJettySolrRunners().size(), workersComplete);
//Lets stop the daemons
sParams = new ModifiableSolrParams();
sParams.set(CommonParams.QT, "/stream");
sParams.set("action", "stop");
sParams.set("id", "test");
for (JettySolrRunner jetty : cluster.getJettySolrRunners()) {
SolrStream solrStream = new SolrStream(jetty.getBaseUrl() + "/collection1", sParams);
Tuple tupleResponse =;
sParams = new ModifiableSolrParams();
sParams.set(CommonParams.QT, "/stream");
sParams.set("action", "list");
workersComplete = 0;
for (JettySolrRunner jetty : cluster.getJettySolrRunners()) {
long stopTime = 0;
INNER: while (stopTime == 0) {
SolrStream solrStream = new SolrStream(jetty.getBaseUrl() + "/collection1", sParams);
Tuple tupleResponse =;
if (tupleResponse.EOF) {
break INNER;
} else {
stopTime = tupleResponse.getLong("stopTime");
if (stopTime > 0) {
} else {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
assertEquals(cluster.getJettySolrRunners().size(), workersComplete);
//Ensure that destinationCollection actually has the new docs.
expression = StreamExpressionParser.parse("search(parallelDestinationCollection1, q=*:*, fl=\"id,a_s,a_i,a_f,s_multi,i_multi\", sort=\"a_i asc\")");
stream = new CloudSolrStream(expression, factory);
tuples = getTuples(stream);
assertEquals(5, tuples.size());
Tuple tuple = tuples.get(0);
assert (tuple.getLong("id") == 0);
assert (tuple.get("a_s").equals("hello0"));
assert (tuple.getLong("a_i") == 0);
assert (tuple.getDouble("a_f") == 0.0);
assertList(tuple.getStrings("s_multi"), "aaaa", "bbbb");
assertList(tuple.getLongs("i_multi"), Long.parseLong("4"), Long.parseLong("7"));
tuple = tuples.get(1);
assert (tuple.getLong("id") == 1);
assert (tuple.get("a_s").equals("hello1"));
assert (tuple.getLong("a_i") == 1);
assert (tuple.getDouble("a_f") == 1.0);
assertList(tuple.getStrings("s_multi"), "aaaa4", "bbbb4");
assertList(tuple.getLongs("i_multi"), Long.parseLong("44444"), Long.parseLong("77777"));
tuple = tuples.get(2);
assert (tuple.getLong("id") == 2);
assert (tuple.get("a_s").equals("hello2"));
assert (tuple.getLong("a_i") == 2);
assert (tuple.getDouble("a_f") == 0.0);
assertList(tuple.getStrings("s_multi"), "aaaa1", "bbbb1");
assertList(tuple.getLongs("i_multi"), Long.parseLong("44"), Long.parseLong("77"));
tuple = tuples.get(3);
assert (tuple.getLong("id") == 3);
assert (tuple.get("a_s").equals("hello3"));
assert (tuple.getLong("a_i") == 3);
assert (tuple.getDouble("a_f") == 3.0);
assertList(tuple.getStrings("s_multi"), "aaaa2", "bbbb2");
assertList(tuple.getLongs("i_multi"), Long.parseLong("444"), Long.parseLong("777"));
tuple = tuples.get(4);
assert (tuple.getLong("id") == 4);
assert (tuple.get("a_s").equals("hello4"));
assert (tuple.getLong("a_i") == 4);
assert (tuple.getDouble("a_f") == 4.0);
assertList(tuple.getStrings("s_multi"), "aaaa3", "bbbb3");
assertList(tuple.getLongs("i_multi"), Long.parseLong("4444"), Long.parseLong("7777"));
} finally {
use of org.apache.solr.client.solrj.request.UpdateRequest in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class StreamExpressionTest method testStatsStream.
public void testStatsStream() throws Exception {
new UpdateRequest().add(id, "0", "a_s", "hello0", "a_i", "0", "a_f", "1").add(id, "2", "a_s", "hello0", "a_i", "2", "a_f", "2").add(id, "3", "a_s", "hello3", "a_i", "3", "a_f", "3").add(id, "4", "a_s", "hello4", "a_i", "4", "a_f", "4").add(id, "1", "a_s", "hello0", "a_i", "1", "a_f", "5").add(id, "5", "a_s", "hello3", "a_i", "10", "a_f", "6").add(id, "6", "a_s", "hello4", "a_i", "11", "a_f", "7").add(id, "7", "a_s", "hello3", "a_i", "12", "a_f", "8").add(id, "8", "a_s", "hello3", "a_i", "13", "a_f", "9").add(id, "9", "a_s", "hello0", "a_i", "14", "a_f", "10").commit(cluster.getSolrClient(), COLLECTIONORALIAS);
StreamFactory factory = new StreamFactory().withCollectionZkHost(COLLECTIONORALIAS, cluster.getZkServer().getZkAddress()).withFunctionName("stats", StatsStream.class).withFunctionName("sum", SumMetric.class).withFunctionName("min", MinMetric.class).withFunctionName("max", MaxMetric.class).withFunctionName("avg", MeanMetric.class).withFunctionName("count", CountMetric.class);
StreamExpression expression;
TupleStream stream;
List<Tuple> tuples;
StreamContext streamContext = new StreamContext();
SolrClientCache cache = new SolrClientCache();
try {
String expr = "stats(" + COLLECTIONORALIAS + ", q=*:*, sum(a_i), sum(a_f), min(a_i), min(a_f), max(a_i), max(a_f), avg(a_i), avg(a_f), count(*))";
expression = StreamExpressionParser.parse(expr);
stream = factory.constructStream(expression);
tuples = getTuples(stream);
assert (tuples.size() == 1);
//Test Long and Double Sums
Tuple tuple = tuples.get(0);
Double sumi = tuple.getDouble("sum(a_i)");
Double sumf = tuple.getDouble("sum(a_f)");
Double mini = tuple.getDouble("min(a_i)");
Double minf = tuple.getDouble("min(a_f)");
Double maxi = tuple.getDouble("max(a_i)");
Double maxf = tuple.getDouble("max(a_f)");
Double avgi = tuple.getDouble("avg(a_i)");
Double avgf = tuple.getDouble("avg(a_f)");
Double count = tuple.getDouble("count(*)");
assertTrue(sumi.longValue() == 70);
assertTrue(sumf.doubleValue() == 55.0D);
assertTrue(mini.doubleValue() == 0.0D);
assertTrue(minf.doubleValue() == 1.0D);
assertTrue(maxi.doubleValue() == 14.0D);
assertTrue(maxf.doubleValue() == 10.0D);
assertTrue(avgi.doubleValue() == 7.0D);
assertTrue(avgf.doubleValue() == 5.5D);
assertTrue(count.doubleValue() == 10);
//Test with shards parameter
List<String> shardUrls = TupleStream.getShards(cluster.getZkServer().getZkAddress(), COLLECTIONORALIAS, streamContext);
expr = "stats(myCollection, q=*:*, sum(a_i), sum(a_f), min(a_i), min(a_f), max(a_i), max(a_f), avg(a_i), avg(a_f), count(*))";
Map<String, List<String>> shardsMap = new HashMap();
shardsMap.put("myCollection", shardUrls);
StreamContext context = new StreamContext();
context.put("shards", shardsMap);
stream = factory.constructStream(expr);
tuples = getTuples(stream);
assert (tuples.size() == 1);
//Test Long and Double Sums
tuple = tuples.get(0);
sumi = tuple.getDouble("sum(a_i)");
sumf = tuple.getDouble("sum(a_f)");
mini = tuple.getDouble("min(a_i)");
minf = tuple.getDouble("min(a_f)");
maxi = tuple.getDouble("max(a_i)");
maxf = tuple.getDouble("max(a_f)");
avgi = tuple.getDouble("avg(a_i)");
avgf = tuple.getDouble("avg(a_f)");
count = tuple.getDouble("count(*)");
assertTrue(sumi.longValue() == 70);
assertTrue(sumf.doubleValue() == 55.0D);
assertTrue(mini.doubleValue() == 0.0D);
assertTrue(minf.doubleValue() == 1.0D);
assertTrue(maxi.doubleValue() == 14.0D);
assertTrue(maxf.doubleValue() == 10.0D);
assertTrue(avgi.doubleValue() == 7.0D);
assertTrue(avgf.doubleValue() == 5.5D);
assertTrue(count.doubleValue() == 10);
//Execersise the /stream hander
//Add the shards http parameter for the myCollection
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
for (String shardUrl : shardUrls) {
if (buf.length() > 0) {
ModifiableSolrParams solrParams = new ModifiableSolrParams();
solrParams.add("qt", "/stream");
solrParams.add("expr", expr);
solrParams.add("myCollection.shards", buf.toString());
SolrStream solrStream = new SolrStream(shardUrls.get(0), solrParams);
tuples = getTuples(solrStream);
assert (tuples.size() == 1);
tuple = tuples.get(0);
sumi = tuple.getDouble("sum(a_i)");
sumf = tuple.getDouble("sum(a_f)");
mini = tuple.getDouble("min(a_i)");
minf = tuple.getDouble("min(a_f)");
maxi = tuple.getDouble("max(a_i)");
maxf = tuple.getDouble("max(a_f)");
avgi = tuple.getDouble("avg(a_i)");
avgf = tuple.getDouble("avg(a_f)");
count = tuple.getDouble("count(*)");
assertTrue(sumi.longValue() == 70);
assertTrue(sumf.doubleValue() == 55.0D);
assertTrue(mini.doubleValue() == 0.0D);
assertTrue(minf.doubleValue() == 1.0D);
assertTrue(maxi.doubleValue() == 14.0D);
assertTrue(maxf.doubleValue() == 10.0D);
assertTrue(avgi.doubleValue() == 7.0D);
assertTrue(avgf.doubleValue() == 5.5D);
assertTrue(count.doubleValue() == 10);
try {
ModifiableSolrParams solrParamsBad = new ModifiableSolrParams();
solrParamsBad.add("qt", "/stream");
solrParamsBad.add("expr", expr);
solrStream = new SolrStream(shardUrls.get(0), solrParamsBad);
tuples = getTuples(solrStream);
throw new Exception("Exception should have been thrown above");
} catch (IOException e) {
assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("Collection not found: myCollection"));
} finally {
use of org.apache.solr.client.solrj.request.UpdateRequest in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class StreamExpressionTest method testRankTransform.
public void testRankTransform() throws Exception {
UpdateRequest updateRequest = new UpdateRequest();
int i = 0;
while (i < 50) {
updateRequest.add(id, "id_" + (++i), "test_dt", getDateString("2016", "5", "1"), "price_f", "400.00");
while (i < 100) {
updateRequest.add(id, "id_" + (++i), "test_dt", getDateString("2015", "5", "1"), "price_f", "300.0");
while (i < 150) {
updateRequest.add(id, "id_" + (++i), "test_dt", getDateString("2014", "5", "1"), "price_f", "500.0");
while (i < 250) {
updateRequest.add(id, "id_" + (++i), "test_dt", getDateString("2013", "5", "1"), "price_f", "100.00");
updateRequest.commit(cluster.getSolrClient(), COLLECTIONORALIAS);
String expr = "timeseries(" + COLLECTIONORALIAS + ", q=\"*:*\", start=\"2013-01-01T01:00:00.000Z\", " + "end=\"2016-12-01T01:00:00.000Z\", " + "gap=\"+1YEAR\", " + "field=\"test_dt\", " + "count(*), sum(price_f), max(price_f), min(price_f))";
String cexpr = "let(a=" + expr + ", c=col(a, max(price_f)), tuple(reverse=rev(c), ranked=rank(c)))";
ModifiableSolrParams paramsLoc = new ModifiableSolrParams();
paramsLoc.set("expr", cexpr);
paramsLoc.set("qt", "/stream");
String url = cluster.getJettySolrRunners().get(0).getBaseUrl().toString() + "/" + COLLECTIONORALIAS;
TupleStream solrStream = new SolrStream(url, paramsLoc);
StreamContext context = new StreamContext();
List<Tuple> tuples = getTuples(solrStream);
assertTrue(tuples.size() == 1);
List<Number> reverse = (List<Number>) tuples.get(0).get("reverse");
assertTrue(reverse.size() == 4);
assertTrue(reverse.get(0).doubleValue() == 400D);
assertTrue(reverse.get(1).doubleValue() == 300D);
assertTrue(reverse.get(2).doubleValue() == 500D);
assertTrue(reverse.get(3).doubleValue() == 100D);
List<Number> ranked = (List<Number>) tuples.get(0).get("ranked");
assertTrue(ranked.size() == 4);
assertTrue(ranked.get(0).doubleValue() == 1D);
assertTrue(ranked.get(1).doubleValue() == 4D);
assertTrue(ranked.get(2).doubleValue() == 2D);
assertTrue(ranked.get(3).doubleValue() == 3D);