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Example 16 with ClusterState

use of in project lucene-solr by apache.

the class DistribJoinFromCollectionTest method setupCluster.

public static void setupCluster() throws Exception {
    final Path configDir = Paths.get(TEST_HOME(), "collection1", "conf");
    String configName = "solrCloudCollectionConfig";
    int nodeCount = 5;
    configureCluster(nodeCount).addConfig(configName, configDir).configure();
    Map<String, String> collectionProperties = new HashMap<>();
    collectionProperties.put("config", "solrconfig-tlog.xml");
    collectionProperties.put("schema", "schema.xml");
    // create a collection holding data for the "to" side of the JOIN
    int shards = 2;
    int replicas = 2;
    CollectionAdminRequest.createCollection(toColl, configName, shards, replicas).setProperties(collectionProperties).process(cluster.getSolrClient());
    // get the set of nodes where replicas for the "to" collection exist
    Set<String> nodeSet = new HashSet<>();
    ZkStateReader zkStateReader = cluster.getSolrClient().getZkStateReader();
    ClusterState cs = zkStateReader.getClusterState();
    for (Slice slice : cs.getCollection(toColl).getActiveSlices()) for (Replica replica : slice.getReplicas()) nodeSet.add(replica.getNodeName());
    assertTrue(nodeSet.size() > 0);
    // deploy the "from" collection to all nodes where the "to" collection exists
    CollectionAdminRequest.createCollection(fromColl, configName, 1, 4).setCreateNodeSet(StringUtils.join(nodeSet, ",")).setProperties(collectionProperties).process(cluster.getSolrClient());
    toDocId = indexDoc(toColl, 1001, "a", null, "b");
    indexDoc(fromColl, 2001, "a", "c", null);
    // so the commits fire
Also used : Path(java.nio.file.Path) ZkStateReader( ClusterState( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Slice( Replica( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) BeforeClass(org.junit.BeforeClass)

Example 17 with ClusterState

use of in project lucene-solr by apache.

the class SyncSliceTest method waitTillAllNodesActive.

private void waitTillAllNodesActive() throws Exception {
    for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++) {
        ZkStateReader zkStateReader = cloudClient.getZkStateReader();
        ClusterState clusterState = zkStateReader.getClusterState();
        DocCollection collection1 = clusterState.getCollection("collection1");
        Slice slice = collection1.getSlice("shard1");
        Collection<Replica> replicas = slice.getReplicas();
        boolean allActive = true;
        for (Replica replica : replicas) {
            if (!clusterState.liveNodesContain(replica.getNodeName()) || replica.getState() != Replica.State.ACTIVE) {
                allActive = false;
        if (allActive) {
    fail("timeout waiting to see all nodes active");
Also used : ZkStateReader( ClusterState( Slice( DocCollection( Replica(

Example 18 with ClusterState

use of in project lucene-solr by apache.

the class SliceStateTest method testDefaultSliceState.

public void testDefaultSliceState() {
    Map<String, DocCollection> collectionStates = new HashMap<>();
    Set<String> liveNodes = new HashSet<>();
    Map<String, Slice> slices = new HashMap<>();
    Map<String, Replica> sliceToProps = new HashMap<>();
    Map<String, Object> props = new HashMap<>();
    Replica replica = new Replica("node1", props);
    sliceToProps.put("node1", replica);
    Slice slice = new Slice("shard1", sliceToProps, null);
    assertSame("Default state not set to active", Slice.State.ACTIVE, slice.getState());
    slices.put("shard1", slice);
    collectionStates.put("collection1", new DocCollection("collection1", slices, null, DocRouter.DEFAULT));
    ClusterState clusterState = new ClusterState(-1, liveNodes, collectionStates);
    byte[] bytes = Utils.toJSON(clusterState);
    ClusterState loadedClusterState = ClusterState.load(-1, bytes, liveNodes);
    assertSame("Default state not set to active", Slice.State.ACTIVE, loadedClusterState.getSlice("collection1", "shard1").getState());
Also used : ClusterState( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Replica( Slice( DocCollection( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 19 with ClusterState

use of in project lucene-solr by apache.

the class TestTolerantUpdateProcessorCloud method createMiniSolrCloudCluster.

public static void createMiniSolrCloudCluster() throws Exception {
    final String configName = "solrCloudCollectionConfig";
    final File configDir = new File(TEST_HOME() + File.separator + "collection1" + File.separator + "conf");
    configureCluster(NUM_SERVERS).addConfig(configName, configDir.toPath()).configure();
    CLOUD_CLIENT = cluster.getSolrClient();
    CollectionAdminRequest.createCollection(COLLECTION_NAME, configName, NUM_SHARDS, REPLICATION_FACTOR).withProperty("config", "solrconfig-distrib-update-processor-chains.xml").withProperty("schema", // string id for doc routing prefix
    ZkStateReader zkStateReader = CLOUD_CLIENT.getZkStateReader();
    AbstractDistribZkTestBase.waitForRecoveriesToFinish(COLLECTION_NAME, zkStateReader, true, true, 330);
    // really hackish way to get a URL for specific nodes based on shard/replica hosting
    // inspired by TestMiniSolrCloudCluster
    HashMap<String, String> urlMap = new HashMap<>();
    for (JettySolrRunner jetty : cluster.getJettySolrRunners()) {
        URL jettyURL = jetty.getBaseUrl();
        String nodeKey = jettyURL.getHost() + ":" + jettyURL.getPort() + jettyURL.getPath().replace("/", "_");
        urlMap.put(nodeKey, jettyURL.toString());
    ClusterState clusterState = zkStateReader.getClusterState();
    for (Slice slice : clusterState.getSlices(COLLECTION_NAME)) {
        String shardName = slice.getName();
        Replica leader = slice.getLeader();
        assertNotNull("slice has null leader: " + slice.toString(), leader);
        assertNotNull("slice leader has null node name: " + slice.toString(), leader.getNodeName());
        String leaderUrl = urlMap.remove(leader.getNodeName());
        assertNotNull("could not find URL for " + shardName + " leader: " + leader.getNodeName(), leaderUrl);
        assertEquals("expected two total replicas for: " + slice.getName(), 2, slice.getReplicas().size());
        String passiveUrl = null;
        for (Replica replica : slice.getReplicas()) {
            if (!replica.equals(leader)) {
                passiveUrl = urlMap.remove(replica.getNodeName());
                assertNotNull("could not find URL for " + shardName + " replica: " + replica.getNodeName(), passiveUrl);
        assertNotNull("could not find URL for " + shardName + " replica", passiveUrl);
        if (shardName.equals("shard1")) {
            S_ONE_LEADER_CLIENT = getHttpSolrClient(leaderUrl + "/" + COLLECTION_NAME + "/");
            S_ONE_NON_LEADER_CLIENT = getHttpSolrClient(passiveUrl + "/" + COLLECTION_NAME + "/");
        } else if (shardName.equals("shard2")) {
            S_TWO_LEADER_CLIENT = getHttpSolrClient(leaderUrl + "/" + COLLECTION_NAME + "/");
            S_TWO_NON_LEADER_CLIENT = getHttpSolrClient(passiveUrl + "/" + COLLECTION_NAME + "/");
        } else {
            fail("unexpected shard: " + shardName);
    assertEquals("Should be exactly one server left (nost hosting either shard)", 1, urlMap.size());
    NO_COLLECTION_CLIENT = getHttpSolrClient(urlMap.values().iterator().next() + "/" + COLLECTION_NAME + "/");
    // sanity check that our S_ONE_PRE & S_TWO_PRE really do map to shard1 & shard2 with default routing
    assertEquals(0, CLOUD_CLIENT.add(doc(f("id", S_ONE_PRE + random().nextInt()), f("expected_shard_s", "shard1"))).getStatus());
    assertEquals(0, CLOUD_CLIENT.add(doc(f("id", S_TWO_PRE + random().nextInt()), f("expected_shard_s", "shard2"))).getStatus());
    assertEquals(0, CLOUD_CLIENT.commit().getStatus());
    SolrDocumentList docs = CLOUD_CLIENT.query(params("q", "*:*", "fl", "id,expected_shard_s,[shard]")).getResults();
    assertEquals(2, docs.getNumFound());
    assertEquals(2, docs.size());
    for (SolrDocument doc : docs) {
        String expected = COLLECTION_NAME + "_" + doc.getFirstValue("expected_shard_s") + "_replica";
        String docShard = doc.getFirstValue("[shard]").toString();
        assertTrue("shard routing prefixes don't seem to be aligned anymore, " + "did someone change the default routing rules? " + "and/or the the default core name rules? " + "and/or the numShards used by this test? ... " + "couldn't find " + expected + " as substring of [shard] == '" + docShard + "' ... for docId == " + doc.getFirstValue("id"), docShard.contains(expected));
Also used : ZkStateReader( ClusterState( SolrDocument(org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocument) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) JettySolrRunner(org.apache.solr.client.solrj.embedded.JettySolrRunner) Slice( SolrDocumentList(org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocumentList) File( Replica( URL( BeforeClass(org.junit.BeforeClass)

Example 20 with ClusterState

use of in project lucene-solr by apache.

the class TestRandomRequestDistribution method testRequestTracking.

   * Asserts that requests aren't always sent to the same poor node. See SOLR-7493
private void testRequestTracking() throws Exception {
    CollectionAdminRequest.createCollection("a1x2", 1, 2).setCreateNodeSet(nodeNames.get(0) + ',' + nodeNames.get(1)).process(cloudClient);
    CollectionAdminRequest.createCollection("b1x1", 1, 1).setCreateNodeSet(nodeNames.get(2)).process(cloudClient);
    waitForRecoveriesToFinish("a1x2", true);
    waitForRecoveriesToFinish("b1x1", true);
    ClusterState clusterState = cloudClient.getZkStateReader().getClusterState();
    DocCollection b1x1 = clusterState.getCollection("b1x1");
    Collection<Replica> replicas = b1x1.getSlice("shard1").getReplicas();
    assertEquals(1, replicas.size());
    String baseUrl = replicas.iterator().next().getStr(ZkStateReader.BASE_URL_PROP);
    if (!baseUrl.endsWith("/"))
        baseUrl += "/";
    try (HttpSolrClient client = getHttpSolrClient(baseUrl + "a1x2")) {
        client.setConnectionTimeout(2000);"Making requests to " + baseUrl + "a1x2");
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            client.query(new SolrQuery("*:*"));
    Map<String, Integer> shardVsCount = new HashMap<>();
    for (JettySolrRunner runner : jettys) {
        CoreContainer container = runner.getCoreContainer();
        SolrMetricManager metricManager = container.getMetricManager();
        for (SolrCore core : container.getCores()) {
            String registry = core.getCoreMetricManager().getRegistryName();
            Counter cnt = metricManager.counter(null, registry, "requests", "QUERY.standard");
            SolrRequestHandler select = core.getRequestHandler("");
            //        long c = (long) select.getStatistics().get("requests");
            shardVsCount.put(core.getName(), (int) cnt.getCount());
    }"Shard count map = " + shardVsCount);
    for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : shardVsCount.entrySet()) {
        assertTrue("Shard " + entry.getKey() + " received all 10 requests", entry.getValue() != 10);
Also used : ClusterState( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) JettySolrRunner(org.apache.solr.client.solrj.embedded.JettySolrRunner) SolrCore(org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore) Replica( SolrQuery(org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrQuery) HttpSolrClient(org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrClient) Counter(com.codahale.metrics.Counter) CoreContainer(org.apache.solr.core.CoreContainer) SolrMetricManager(org.apache.solr.metrics.SolrMetricManager) DocCollection( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) SolrRequestHandler(org.apache.solr.request.SolrRequestHandler)


ClusterState ( Slice ( Replica ( ZkStateReader ( DocCollection ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)41 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)36 Map (java.util.Map)24 IOException ( Test (org.junit.Test)18 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)17 SolrException (org.apache.solr.common.SolrException)16 HttpSolrClient (org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrClient)15 SolrQuery (org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrQuery)13 JettySolrRunner (org.apache.solr.client.solrj.embedded.JettySolrRunner)13 ZkCoreNodeProps ( ZkNodeProps ( List (java.util.List)12 ModifiableSolrParams (org.apache.solr.common.params.ModifiableSolrParams)12 NamedList (org.apache.solr.common.util.NamedList)12