use of in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class AbstractFullDistribZkTestBase method getTotalReplicas.
/* Total number of replicas (number of cores serving an index to the collection) shown by the cluster state */
protected int getTotalReplicas(String collection) {
ZkStateReader zkStateReader = cloudClient.getZkStateReader();
DocCollection coll = zkStateReader.getClusterState().getCollectionOrNull(collection);
// support for when collection hasn't been created yet
if (coll == null)
return 0;
int cnt = 0;
for (Slice slices : coll.getSlices()) {
cnt += slices.getReplicas().size();
return cnt;
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the class DeleteInactiveReplicaTest method deleteInactiveReplicaTest.
public void deleteInactiveReplicaTest() throws Exception {
String collectionName = "delDeadColl";
int replicationFactor = 2;
int numShards = 2;
int maxShardsPerNode = ((((numShards + 1) * replicationFactor) / cluster.getJettySolrRunners().size())) + 1;
CollectionAdminRequest.createCollection(collectionName, "conf", numShards, replicationFactor).setMaxShardsPerNode(maxShardsPerNode).process(cluster.getSolrClient());
waitForState("Expected a cluster of 2 shards and 2 replicas", collectionName, (n, c) -> {
return DocCollection.isFullyActive(n, c, numShards, replicationFactor);
DocCollection collectionState = getCollectionState(collectionName);
Slice shard = getRandomShard(collectionState);
Replica replica = getRandomReplica(shard);
JettySolrRunner jetty = cluster.getReplicaJetty(replica);
waitForState("Expected replica " + replica.getName() + " on down node to be removed from cluster state", collectionName, (n, c) -> {
Replica r = c.getReplica(replica.getCoreName());
return r == null || r.getState() != Replica.State.ACTIVE;
});"Removing replica {}/{} ", shard.getName(), replica.getName());
CollectionAdminRequest.deleteReplica(collectionName, shard.getName(), replica.getName()).process(cluster.getSolrClient());
waitForState("Expected deleted replica " + replica.getName() + " to be removed from cluster state", collectionName, (n, c) -> {
return c.getReplica(replica.getCoreName()) == null;
cluster.startJettySolrRunner(jetty);"restarted jetty");
CoreContainer cc = jetty.getCoreContainer();
CoreContainer.CoreLoadFailure loadFailure = cc.getCoreInitFailures().get(replica.getCoreName());
assertNotNull("Deleted core was still loaded!", loadFailure);
assertTrue("Unexpected load failure message: " + loadFailure.exception.getMessage(), loadFailure.exception.getMessage().contains("does not exist in shard"));
// Check that we can't create a core with no coreNodeName
try (SolrClient queryClient = getHttpSolrClient(jetty.getBaseUrl().toString())) {
Exception e = expectThrows(Exception.class, () -> {
CoreAdminRequest.Create createRequest = new CoreAdminRequest.Create();
assertTrue("Unexpected error message: " + e.getMessage(), e.getMessage().contains("coreNodeName missing"));
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the class DeleteReplicaTest method deleteReplicaByCount.
public void deleteReplicaByCount() throws Exception {
final String collectionName = "deleteByCount";
pickRandom(CollectionAdminRequest.createCollection(collectionName, "conf", 1, 3), CollectionAdminRequest.createCollection(collectionName, "conf", 1, 1, 1, 1), CollectionAdminRequest.createCollection(collectionName, "conf", 1, 1, 0, 2), CollectionAdminRequest.createCollection(collectionName, "conf", 1, 0, 1, 2)).process(cluster.getSolrClient());
waitForState("Expected a single shard with three replicas", collectionName, clusterShape(1, 3));
CollectionAdminRequest.deleteReplicasFromShard(collectionName, "shard1", 2).process(cluster.getSolrClient());
waitForState("Expected a single shard with a single replica", collectionName, clusterShape(1, 1));
try {
CollectionAdminRequest.deleteReplicasFromShard(collectionName, "shard1", 1).process(cluster.getSolrClient());
fail("Expected Exception, Can't delete the last replica by count");
} catch (SolrException e) {
// expected
assertEquals(SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST.code, e.code());
assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("There is only one replica available"));
DocCollection docCollection = getCollectionState(collectionName);
// We know that since leaders are preserved, PULL replicas should not be left alone in the shard
assertEquals(0, docCollection.getSlice("shard1").getReplicas(EnumSet.of(Replica.Type.PULL)).size());
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the class DeleteReplicaTest method deleteLiveReplicaTest.
public void deleteLiveReplicaTest() throws Exception {
final String collectionName = "delLiveColl";
CollectionAdminRequest.createCollection(collectionName, "conf", 2, 2).process(cluster.getSolrClient());
DocCollection state = getCollectionState(collectionName);
Slice shard = getRandomShard(state);
Replica replica = getRandomReplica(shard, (r) -> r.getState() == Replica.State.ACTIVE);
CoreStatus coreStatus = getCoreStatus(replica);
Path dataDir = Paths.get(coreStatus.getDataDirectory());
Exception e = expectThrows(Exception.class, () -> {
CollectionAdminRequest.deleteReplica(collectionName, shard.getName(), replica.getName()).setOnlyIfDown(true).process(cluster.getSolrClient());
assertTrue("Unexpected error message: " + e.getMessage(), e.getMessage().contains("state is 'active'"));
assertTrue("Data directory for " + replica.getName() + " should not have been deleted", Files.exists(dataDir));
CollectionAdminRequest.deleteReplica(collectionName, shard.getName(), replica.getName()).process(cluster.getSolrClient());
waitForState("Expected replica " + replica.getName() + " to have been removed", collectionName, (n, c) -> {
Slice testShard = c.getSlice(shard.getName());
return testShard.getReplica(replica.getName()) == null;
assertFalse("Data directory for " + replica.getName() + " should have been removed", Files.exists(dataDir));
use of in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest method testCreateNodeSet.
public void testCreateNodeSet() throws Exception {
JettySolrRunner jetty1 = cluster.getRandomJetty(random());
JettySolrRunner jetty2 = cluster.getRandomJetty(random());
List<String> baseUrls = ImmutableList.of(jetty1.getBaseUrl().toString(), jetty2.getBaseUrl().toString());
CollectionAdminRequest.createCollection("nodeset_collection", "conf", 2, 1).setCreateNodeSet(baseUrls.get(0) + "," + baseUrls.get(1)).process(cluster.getSolrClient());
DocCollection collectionState = getCollectionState("nodeset_collection");
for (Replica replica : collectionState.getReplicas()) {
String replicaUrl = replica.getCoreUrl();
boolean matchingJetty = false;
for (String jettyUrl : baseUrls) {
if (replicaUrl.startsWith(jettyUrl))
matchingJetty = true;
if (matchingJetty == false)
fail("Expected replica to be on " + baseUrls + " but was on " + replicaUrl);