use of org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class HdfsWriteToMultipleCollectionsTest method test.
public void test() throws Exception {
int docCount = random().nextInt(1313) + 1;
int cnt = random().nextInt(4) + 1;
for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
createCollection(ACOLLECTION + i, 2, 2, 9);
for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
waitForRecoveriesToFinish(ACOLLECTION + i, false);
List<CloudSolrClient> cloudClients = new ArrayList<>();
List<StoppableIndexingThread> threads = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
CloudSolrClient client = getCloudSolrClient(zkServer.getZkAddress());
client.setDefaultCollection(ACOLLECTION + i);
StoppableIndexingThread indexThread = new StoppableIndexingThread(null, client, "1", true, docCount, 1, true);
int addCnt = 0;
for (StoppableIndexingThread thread : threads) {
addCnt += thread.getNumAdds() - thread.getNumDeletes();
long collectionsCount = 0;
for (CloudSolrClient client : cloudClients) {
collectionsCount += client.query(new SolrQuery("*:*")).getResults().getNumFound();
assertEquals(addCnt, collectionsCount);
BlockCache lastBlockCache = null;
// assert that we are using the block directory and that write and read caching are being used
for (JettySolrRunner jetty : jettys) {
CoreContainer cores = jetty.getCoreContainer();
Collection<SolrCore> solrCores = cores.getCores();
for (SolrCore core : solrCores) {
if (core.getCoreDescriptor().getCloudDescriptor().getCollectionName().startsWith(ACOLLECTION)) {
DirectoryFactory factory = core.getDirectoryFactory();
assertTrue("Found: " + core.getDirectoryFactory().getClass().getName(), factory instanceof HdfsDirectoryFactory);
Directory dir = factory.get(core.getDataDir(), null, null);
try {
long dataDirSize = factory.size(dir);
FileSystem fileSystem = null;
fileSystem = FileSystem.newInstance(new Path(core.getDataDir()).toUri(), new Configuration());
long size = fileSystem.getContentSummary(new Path(core.getDataDir())).getLength();
assertEquals(size, dataDirSize);
} finally {
RefCounted<IndexWriter> iwRef = core.getUpdateHandler().getSolrCoreState().getIndexWriter(core);
try {
IndexWriter iw = iwRef.get();
NRTCachingDirectory directory = (NRTCachingDirectory) iw.getDirectory();
BlockDirectory blockDirectory = (BlockDirectory) directory.getDelegate();
// see SOLR-6424
Cache cache = blockDirectory.getCache();
// we know it's a BlockDirectoryCache, but future proof
assertTrue(cache instanceof BlockDirectoryCache);
BlockCache blockCache = ((BlockDirectoryCache) cache).getBlockCache();
if (lastBlockCache != null) {
if (Boolean.getBoolean(SOLR_HDFS_BLOCKCACHE_GLOBAL)) {
assertEquals(lastBlockCache, blockCache);
} else {
assertNotSame(lastBlockCache, blockCache);
lastBlockCache = blockCache;
} finally {
use of org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class TestReplicationHandler method checkForSingleIndex.
private void checkForSingleIndex(JettySolrRunner jetty, boolean afterReload) {
CoreContainer cores = jetty.getCoreContainer();
Collection<SolrCore> theCores = cores.getCores();
for (SolrCore core : theCores) {
String ddir = core.getDataDir();
CachingDirectoryFactory dirFactory = getCachingDirectoryFactory(core);
synchronized (dirFactory) {
Set<String> livePaths = dirFactory.getLivePaths();
// we also allow one extra index dir - it may not be removed until the core is closed
if (afterReload) {
assertTrue(livePaths.toString() + ":" + livePaths.size(), 3 == livePaths.size() || 4 == livePaths.size());
} else {
assertTrue(livePaths.toString() + ":" + livePaths.size(), 3 == livePaths.size());
// :TODO: assert that one of the paths is a subpath of hte other
if (dirFactory instanceof StandardDirectoryFactory) {
System.out.println(Arrays.asList(new File(ddir).list()));
// we also allow one extra index dir - it may not be removed until the core is closed
int cnt = indexDirCount(ddir);
// if after reload, there may be 2 index dirs while the reloaded SolrCore closes.
if (afterReload) {
assertTrue("found:" + cnt + Arrays.asList(new File(ddir).list()).toString(), 1 == cnt || 2 == cnt);
} else {
assertTrue("found:" + cnt + Arrays.asList(new File(ddir).list()).toString(), 1 == cnt);
use of org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class DirectSolrSpellCheckerTest method test.
public void test() throws Exception {
DirectSolrSpellChecker checker = new DirectSolrSpellChecker();
NamedList spellchecker = new NamedList();
spellchecker.add("classname", DirectSolrSpellChecker.class.getName());
spellchecker.add(SolrSpellChecker.FIELD, "teststop");
// we will try "fob"
spellchecker.add(DirectSolrSpellChecker.MINQUERYLENGTH, 2);
SolrCore core = h.getCore();
checker.init(spellchecker, core);
RefCounted<SolrIndexSearcher> searcher = core.getSearcher();
Collection<Token> tokens = queryConverter.convert("fob");
SpellingOptions spellOpts = new SpellingOptions(tokens, searcher.get().getIndexReader());
SpellingResult result = checker.getSuggestions(spellOpts);
assertTrue("result is null and it shouldn't be", result != null);
Map<String, Integer> suggestions = result.get(tokens.iterator().next());
Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry = suggestions.entrySet().iterator().next();
assertTrue(entry.getKey() + " is not equal to " + "foo", entry.getKey().equals("foo") == true);
assertFalse(entry.getValue() + " equals: " + SpellingResult.NO_FREQUENCY_INFO, entry.getValue() == SpellingResult.NO_FREQUENCY_INFO);
spellOpts.tokens = queryConverter.convert("super");
result = checker.getSuggestions(spellOpts);
assertTrue("result is null and it shouldn't be", result != null);
suggestions = result.get(tokens.iterator().next());
assertTrue("suggestions is not null and it should be", suggestions == null);
use of org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class FileBasedSpellCheckerTest method test.
public void test() throws Exception {
FileBasedSpellChecker checker = new FileBasedSpellChecker();
NamedList spellchecker = new NamedList();
spellchecker.add("classname", FileBasedSpellChecker.class.getName());
spellchecker.add(SolrSpellChecker.DICTIONARY_NAME, "external");
spellchecker.add(AbstractLuceneSpellChecker.LOCATION, "spellings.txt");
spellchecker.add(AbstractLuceneSpellChecker.FIELD, "teststop");
spellchecker.add(FileBasedSpellChecker.SOURCE_FILE_CHAR_ENCODING, "UTF-8");
File indexDir = createTempDir(LuceneTestCase.getTestClass().getSimpleName()).toFile();
spellchecker.add(AbstractLuceneSpellChecker.INDEX_DIR, indexDir.getAbsolutePath());
SolrCore core = h.getCore();
String dictName = checker.init(spellchecker, core);
assertTrue(dictName + " is not equal to " + "external", dictName.equals("external") == true);, null);
RefCounted<SolrIndexSearcher> searcher = core.getSearcher();
Collection<Token> tokens = queryConverter.convert("fob");
SpellingOptions spellOpts = new SpellingOptions(tokens, searcher.get().getIndexReader());
SpellingResult result = checker.getSuggestions(spellOpts);
assertTrue("result is null and it shouldn't be", result != null);
Map<String, Integer> suggestions = result.get(tokens.iterator().next());
Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry = suggestions.entrySet().iterator().next();
assertTrue(entry.getKey() + " is not equal to " + "foo", entry.getKey().equals("foo") == true);
assertTrue(entry.getValue() + " does not equal: " + SpellingResult.NO_FREQUENCY_INFO, entry.getValue() == SpellingResult.NO_FREQUENCY_INFO);
spellOpts.tokens = queryConverter.convert("super");
result = checker.getSuggestions(spellOpts);
assertTrue("result is null and it shouldn't be", result != null);
suggestions = result.get(tokens.iterator().next());
assertTrue("suggestions is not null and it should be", suggestions == null);
use of org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class FileBasedSpellCheckerTest method testRAMDirectory.
* No indexDir location set
public void testRAMDirectory() throws Exception {
FileBasedSpellChecker checker = new FileBasedSpellChecker();
NamedList spellchecker = new NamedList();
spellchecker.add("classname", FileBasedSpellChecker.class.getName());
spellchecker.add(SolrSpellChecker.DICTIONARY_NAME, "external");
spellchecker.add(AbstractLuceneSpellChecker.LOCATION, "spellings.txt");
spellchecker.add(FileBasedSpellChecker.SOURCE_FILE_CHAR_ENCODING, "UTF-8");
spellchecker.add(AbstractLuceneSpellChecker.FIELD, "teststop");
spellchecker.add(SolrSpellChecker.FIELD_TYPE, "teststop");
spellchecker.add(AbstractLuceneSpellChecker.SPELLCHECKER_ARG_NAME, spellchecker);
SolrCore core = h.getCore();
String dictName = checker.init(spellchecker, core);
assertTrue(dictName + " is not equal to " + "external", dictName.equals("external") == true);, null);
RefCounted<SolrIndexSearcher> searcher = core.getSearcher();
Collection<Token> tokens = queryConverter.convert("solar");
SpellingOptions spellOpts = new SpellingOptions(tokens, searcher.get().getIndexReader());
SpellingResult result = checker.getSuggestions(spellOpts);
assertTrue("result is null and it shouldn't be", result != null);
//should be lowercased, b/c we are using a lowercasing analyzer
Map<String, Integer> suggestions = result.get(tokens.iterator().next());
assertTrue("suggestions Size: " + suggestions.size() + " is not: " + 1, suggestions.size() == 1);
Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry = suggestions.entrySet().iterator().next();
assertTrue(entry.getKey() + " is not equal to " + "solr", entry.getKey().equals("solr") == true);
assertTrue(entry.getValue() + " does not equal: " + SpellingResult.NO_FREQUENCY_INFO, entry.getValue() == SpellingResult.NO_FREQUENCY_INFO);
spellOpts.tokens = queryConverter.convert("super");
result = checker.getSuggestions(spellOpts);
assertTrue("result is null and it shouldn't be", result != null);
suggestions = result.get(spellOpts.tokens.iterator().next());
assertTrue("suggestions size should be 0", suggestions.size() == 0);