use of in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class IndexBasedSpellCheckerTest method testExtendedResults.
public void testExtendedResults() throws Exception {
IndexBasedSpellChecker checker = new IndexBasedSpellChecker();
NamedList spellchecker = new NamedList();
spellchecker.add("classname", IndexBasedSpellChecker.class.getName());
File indexDir = createTempDir().toFile();
spellchecker.add(AbstractLuceneSpellChecker.INDEX_DIR, indexDir.getAbsolutePath());
spellchecker.add(AbstractLuceneSpellChecker.FIELD, "title");
spellchecker.add(AbstractLuceneSpellChecker.SPELLCHECKER_ARG_NAME, spellchecker);
SolrCore core = h.getCore();
String dictName = checker.init(spellchecker, core);
assertTrue(dictName + " is not equal to " + SolrSpellChecker.DEFAULT_DICTIONARY_NAME, dictName.equals(SolrSpellChecker.DEFAULT_DICTIONARY_NAME) == true);
RefCounted<SolrIndexSearcher> holder = core.getSearcher();
SolrIndexSearcher searcher = holder.get();
try {, searcher);
IndexReader reader = searcher.getIndexReader();
Collection<Token> tokens = queryConverter.convert("documemt");
SpellingOptions spellOpts = new SpellingOptions(tokens, reader, 1, SuggestMode.SUGGEST_WHEN_NOT_IN_INDEX, true, 0.5f, null);
SpellingResult result = checker.getSuggestions(spellOpts);
assertTrue("result is null and it shouldn't be", result != null);
//should be lowercased, b/c we are using a lowercasing analyzer
Map<String, Integer> suggestions = result.get(spellOpts.tokens.iterator().next());
assertTrue("documemt is null and it shouldn't be", suggestions != null);
assertTrue("documemt Size: " + suggestions.size() + " is not: " + 1, suggestions.size() == 1);
Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry = suggestions.entrySet().iterator().next();
assertTrue(entry.getKey() + " is not equal to " + "document", entry.getKey().equals("document") == true);
assertTrue(entry.getValue() + " does not equal: " + 2, entry.getValue() == 2);
//test something not in the spell checker
spellOpts.tokens = queryConverter.convert("super");
result = checker.getSuggestions(spellOpts);
assertTrue("result is null and it shouldn't be", result != null);
suggestions = result.get(spellOpts.tokens.iterator().next());
assertTrue("suggestions size should be 0", suggestions.size() == 0);
spellOpts.tokens = queryConverter.convert("document");
result = checker.getSuggestions(spellOpts);
assertTrue("result is null and it shouldn't be", result != null);
suggestions = result.get(spellOpts.tokens.iterator().next());
assertTrue("suggestions is not null and it should be", suggestions == null);
} finally {
use of in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class IndexBasedSpellCheckerTest method testAlternateDistance.
public void testAlternateDistance() throws Exception {
TestSpellChecker checker = new TestSpellChecker();
NamedList spellchecker = new NamedList();
spellchecker.add("classname", IndexBasedSpellChecker.class.getName());
File indexDir = createTempDir().toFile();
spellchecker.add(AbstractLuceneSpellChecker.INDEX_DIR, indexDir.getAbsolutePath());
spellchecker.add(AbstractLuceneSpellChecker.FIELD, "title");
spellchecker.add(AbstractLuceneSpellChecker.SPELLCHECKER_ARG_NAME, spellchecker);
spellchecker.add(AbstractLuceneSpellChecker.STRING_DISTANCE, JaroWinklerDistance.class.getName());
SolrCore core = h.getCore();
String dictName = checker.init(spellchecker, core);
assertTrue(dictName + " is not equal to " + SolrSpellChecker.DEFAULT_DICTIONARY_NAME, dictName.equals(SolrSpellChecker.DEFAULT_DICTIONARY_NAME) == true);
RefCounted<SolrIndexSearcher> holder = core.getSearcher();
SolrIndexSearcher searcher = holder.get();
try {, searcher);
SpellChecker sc = checker.getSpellChecker();
assertTrue("sc is null and it shouldn't be", sc != null);
StringDistance sd = sc.getStringDistance();
assertTrue("sd is null and it shouldn't be", sd != null);
assertTrue("sd is not an instance of " + JaroWinklerDistance.class.getName(), sd instanceof JaroWinklerDistance);
} finally {
use of in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class AbstractFullDistribZkTestBase method waitForReplicationFromReplicas.
protected void waitForReplicationFromReplicas(String collectionName, ZkStateReader zkStateReader, TimeOut timeout) throws KeeperException, InterruptedException, IOException {
DocCollection collection = zkStateReader.getClusterState().getCollection(collectionName);
Map<String, CoreContainer> containers = new HashMap<>();
for (JettySolrRunner runner : jettys) {
if (!runner.isRunning()) {
containers.put(runner.getNodeName(), runner.getCoreContainer());
for (Slice s : collection.getSlices()) {
Replica leader = s.getLeader();
long leaderIndexVersion = -1;
while (!timeout.hasTimedOut()) {
leaderIndexVersion = getIndexVersion(leader);
if (leaderIndexVersion >= 0) {
if (timeout.hasTimedOut()) {
fail("Unable to get leader indexVersion");
for (Replica pullReplica : s.getReplicas(EnumSet.of(Replica.Type.PULL, Replica.Type.TLOG))) {
if (!zkStateReader.getClusterState().liveNodesContain(pullReplica.getNodeName())) {
while (true) {
long replicaIndexVersion = getIndexVersion(pullReplica);
if (leaderIndexVersion == replicaIndexVersion) {
log.debug("Leader replica's version ({}) in sync with replica({}): {} == {}", leader.getName(), pullReplica.getName(), leaderIndexVersion, replicaIndexVersion);
// Make sure the host is serving the correct version
try (SolrCore core = containers.get(pullReplica.getNodeName()).getCore(pullReplica.getCoreName())) {
RefCounted<SolrIndexSearcher> ref = core.getRegisteredSearcher();
try {
SolrIndexSearcher searcher = ref.get();
String servingVersion = searcher.getIndexReader().getIndexCommit().getUserData().get(SolrIndexWriter.COMMIT_TIME_MSEC_KEY);
if (Long.parseLong(servingVersion) == replicaIndexVersion) {
} else {
log.debug("Replica {} has the correct version replicated, but the searcher is not ready yet. Replicated version: {}, Serving version: {}", pullReplica.getName(), replicaIndexVersion, servingVersion);
} finally {
if (ref != null)
} else {
if (timeout.hasTimedOut()) {
logReplicaTypesReplicationInfo(collectionName, zkStateReader);
fail(String.format(Locale.ROOT, "Timed out waiting for replica %s (%d) to replicate from leader %s (%d)", pullReplica.getName(), replicaIndexVersion, leader.getName(), leaderIndexVersion));
if (leaderIndexVersion > replicaIndexVersion) {
log.debug("{} version is {} and leader's is {}, will wait for replication", pullReplica.getName(), replicaIndexVersion, leaderIndexVersion);
} else {
log.debug("Leader replica's version ({}) is lower than pull replica({}): {} < {}", leader.getName(), pullReplica.getName(), leaderIndexVersion, replicaIndexVersion);
use of in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class TestCodecSupport method assertCompressionMode.
protected void assertCompressionMode(String expectedModeString, SolrCore core) throws IOException {
RefCounted<SolrIndexSearcher> ref = null;
SolrIndexSearcher searcher = null;
try {
ref = core.getSearcher();
searcher = ref.get();
SegmentInfos infos = SegmentInfos.readLatestCommit(searcher.getIndexReader().directory());
SegmentInfo info = - 1).info;
assertEquals("Expecting compression mode string to be " + expectedModeString + " but got: " + info.getAttribute(Lucene50StoredFieldsFormat.MODE_KEY) + "\n SegmentInfo: " + info + "\n SegmentInfos: " + infos + "\n Codec: " + core.getCodec(), expectedModeString, info.getAttribute(Lucene50StoredFieldsFormat.MODE_KEY));
} finally {
if (ref != null)
use of in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class ClassificationUpdateProcessorIntegrationTest method getDoc.
private Document getDoc(String id) throws IOException {
try (SolrQueryRequest req = req()) {
SolrIndexSearcher searcher = req.getSearcher();
TermQuery query = new TermQuery(new Term(ID, id));
TopDocs doc1 =, 1);
ScoreDoc scoreDoc = doc1.scoreDocs[0];
return searcher.doc(scoreDoc.doc);