Search in sources :

Example 6 with SyntaxError

use of in project lucene-solr by apache.

the class QueryParser method Clause.

public final Query Clause(String field) throws ParseException, SyntaxError {
    Query q;
    Token fieldToken = null, boost = null;
    Token localParams = null;
    int flags = 0;
    if (jj_2_3(2)) {
        switch((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) {
            case TERM:
                fieldToken = jj_consume_token(TERM);
                field = discardEscapeChar(fieldToken.image);
            case STAR:
                field = "*";
                jj_la1[7] = jj_gen;
                throw new ParseException();
    } else {
    switch((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) {
        case BAREOPER:
        case STAR:
        case QUOTED:
        case TERM:
        case PREFIXTERM:
        case WILDTERM:
        case REGEXPTERM:
        case RANGEIN_START:
        case RANGEEX_START:
        case NUMBER:
            q = Term(field);
        case LPAREN:
            q = Query(field);
            switch((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) {
                case CARAT:
                    boost = jj_consume_token(NUMBER);
                    jj_la1[8] = jj_gen;
        case FILTER:
            flags = startFilter();
            q = Query(field);
            switch((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) {
                case CARAT:
                    boost = jj_consume_token(NUMBER);
                    jj_la1[9] = jj_gen;
            q = getFilter(q);
        case LPARAMS:
            localParams = jj_consume_token(LPARAMS);
            switch((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) {
                case CARAT:
                    boost = jj_consume_token(NUMBER);
                    jj_la1[10] = jj_gen;
            q = getLocalParams(field, localParams.image);
            jj_la1[11] = jj_gen;
            throw new ParseException();
        if (true)
            return handleBoost(q, boost);
    throw new Error("Missing return statement in function");
Also used : Query( SyntaxError(

Example 7 with SyntaxError

use of in project lucene-solr by apache.

the class GeoDistValueSourceParser method parse.

public ValueSource parse(FunctionQParser fp) throws SyntaxError {
    // TODO: dispatch through SpatialQueryable in the future?
    //note: parseValueSourceList can't handle a field reference to an AbstractSpatialFieldType,
    // so those fields are expressly handled via sfield=
    List<ValueSource> sources = fp.parseValueSourceList();
    // "m" is a multi-value source, "x" is a single-value source
    // allow (m,m) (m,x,x) (x,x,m) (x,x,x,x)
    // if not enough points are present, "pt" will be checked first, followed by "sfield".
    MultiValueSource mv1 = null;
    MultiValueSource mv2 = null;
    if (sources.size() == 0) {
    // nothing to do now
    } else if (sources.size() == 1) {
        ValueSource vs = sources.get(0);
        if (!(vs instanceof MultiValueSource)) {
            throw new SyntaxError("geodist - invalid parameters:" + sources);
        mv1 = (MultiValueSource) vs;
    } else if (sources.size() == 2) {
        ValueSource vs1 = sources.get(0);
        ValueSource vs2 = sources.get(1);
        if (vs1 instanceof MultiValueSource && vs2 instanceof MultiValueSource) {
            mv1 = (MultiValueSource) vs1;
            mv2 = (MultiValueSource) vs2;
        } else {
            mv1 = makeMV(sources, sources);
    } else if (sources.size() == 3) {
        ValueSource vs1 = sources.get(0);
        ValueSource vs2 = sources.get(1);
        if (vs1 instanceof MultiValueSource) {
            // (m,x,x)
            mv1 = (MultiValueSource) vs1;
            mv2 = makeMV(sources.subList(1, 3), sources);
        } else {
            // (x,x,m)
            mv1 = makeMV(sources.subList(0, 2), sources);
            vs1 = sources.get(2);
            if (!(vs1 instanceof MultiValueSource)) {
                throw new SyntaxError("geodist - invalid parameters:" + sources);
            mv2 = (MultiValueSource) vs1;
    } else if (sources.size() == 4) {
        mv1 = makeMV(sources.subList(0, 2), sources);
        mv2 = makeMV(sources.subList(2, 4), sources);
    } else if (sources.size() > 4) {
        throw new SyntaxError("geodist - invalid parameters:" + sources);
    if (mv1 == null) {
        mv1 = parsePoint(fp);
        mv2 = parseSfield(fp);
    } else if (mv2 == null) {
        mv2 = parsePoint(fp);
        if (mv2 == null)
            mv2 = parseSfield(fp);
    if (mv1 == null || mv2 == null) {
        throw new SyntaxError("geodist - not enough parameters:" + sources);
    // We have all the parameters at this point, now check if one of the points is constant
    double[] constants;
    constants = getConstants(mv1);
    MultiValueSource other = mv2;
    if (constants == null) {
        constants = getConstants(mv2);
        other = mv1;
    // sfield can only be in mv2, according to the logic above
    if (mv2 instanceof SpatialStrategyMultiValueSource) {
        if (constants == null)
            throw new SyntaxError("When using AbstractSpatialFieldType (e.g. RPT not LatLonType)," + " the point must be supplied as constants");
        // note: uses Haversine by default but can be changed via distCalc=...
        SpatialStrategy strategy = ((SpatialStrategyMultiValueSource) mv2).strategy;
        DistanceUnits distanceUnits = ((SpatialStrategyMultiValueSource) mv2).distanceUnits;
        Point queryPoint = strategy.getSpatialContext().makePoint(constants[1], constants[0]);
        return strategy.makeDistanceValueSource(queryPoint, distanceUnits.multiplierFromDegreesToThisUnit());
    if (constants != null && other instanceof VectorValueSource) {
        return new HaversineConstFunction(constants[0], constants[1], (VectorValueSource) other);
    return new HaversineFunction(mv1, mv2, DistanceUtils.EARTH_MEAN_RADIUS_KM, true);
Also used : SyntaxError( VectorValueSource(org.apache.lucene.queries.function.valuesource.VectorValueSource) ValueSource(org.apache.lucene.queries.function.ValueSource) DoubleConstValueSource(org.apache.lucene.queries.function.valuesource.DoubleConstValueSource) MultiValueSource(org.apache.lucene.queries.function.valuesource.MultiValueSource) VectorValueSource(org.apache.lucene.queries.function.valuesource.VectorValueSource) DistanceUnits(org.apache.solr.util.DistanceUnits) Point(org.locationtech.spatial4j.shape.Point) MultiValueSource(org.apache.lucene.queries.function.valuesource.MultiValueSource) SpatialStrategy(org.apache.lucene.spatial.SpatialStrategy)

Example 8 with SyntaxError

use of in project lucene-solr by apache.

the class GeoDistValueSourceParser method makeMV.

/** make a MultiValueSource from two non MultiValueSources */
private VectorValueSource makeMV(List<ValueSource> sources, List<ValueSource> orig) throws SyntaxError {
    ValueSource vs1 = sources.get(0);
    ValueSource vs2 = sources.get(1);
    if (vs1 instanceof MultiValueSource || vs2 instanceof MultiValueSource) {
        throw new SyntaxError("geodist - invalid parameters:" + orig);
    return new VectorValueSource(sources);
Also used : SyntaxError( VectorValueSource(org.apache.lucene.queries.function.valuesource.VectorValueSource) ValueSource(org.apache.lucene.queries.function.ValueSource) DoubleConstValueSource(org.apache.lucene.queries.function.valuesource.DoubleConstValueSource) MultiValueSource(org.apache.lucene.queries.function.valuesource.MultiValueSource) VectorValueSource(org.apache.lucene.queries.function.valuesource.VectorValueSource) MultiValueSource(org.apache.lucene.queries.function.valuesource.MultiValueSource)

Example 9 with SyntaxError

use of in project lucene-solr by apache.

the class FacetProcessor method handleBlockJoin.

// returns "true" if filters were applied to fcontext.base already
private boolean handleBlockJoin() throws IOException {
    boolean appliedFilters = false;
    if (!(freq.domain.toChildren || freq.domain.toParent))
        return appliedFilters;
    // TODO: avoid query parsing per-bucket somehow...
    String parentStr = freq.domain.parents;
    Query parentQuery;
    try {
        QParser parser = QParser.getParser(parentStr, fcontext.req);
        parentQuery = parser.getQuery();
    } catch (SyntaxError err) {
        throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Error parsing block join parent specification: " + parentStr);
    BitDocSet parents = fcontext.searcher.getDocSetBits(parentQuery);
    DocSet input = fcontext.base;
    DocSet result;
    if (freq.domain.toChildren) {
        // If there are filters on this facet, then use them as acceptDocs when executing toChildren.
        // We need to remember to not redundantly re-apply these filters after.
        DocSet acceptDocs = this.filter;
        if (acceptDocs == null) {
            acceptDocs = fcontext.searcher.getLiveDocs();
        } else {
            appliedFilters = true;
        result = BlockJoin.toChildren(input, parents, acceptDocs, fcontext.qcontext);
    } else {
        result = BlockJoin.toParents(input, parents, fcontext.qcontext);
    fcontext.base = result;
    return appliedFilters;
Also used : BitDocSet( Query( BooleanQuery( SyntaxError( QParser( SolrException(org.apache.solr.common.SolrException) BitDocSet( DocSet(

Example 10 with SyntaxError

use of in project lucene-solr by apache.

the class FacetProcessor method createProcessor.

/** factory method for invoking json facet framework as whole.
   * Note: this is currently only used from SimpleFacets, not from JSON Facet API itself. */
public static FacetProcessor<?> createProcessor(SolrQueryRequest req, Map<String, Object> params, DocSet docs) {
    FacetParser parser = new FacetTopParser(req);
    FacetRequest facetRequest = null;
    try {
        facetRequest = parser.parse(params);
    } catch (SyntaxError syntaxError) {
        throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, syntaxError);
    FacetContext fcontext = new FacetContext();
    fcontext.base = docs;
    fcontext.req = req;
    fcontext.searcher = req.getSearcher();
    fcontext.qcontext = QueryContext.newContext(fcontext.searcher);
    return facetRequest.createFacetProcessor(fcontext);
Also used : SyntaxError( SolrException(org.apache.solr.common.SolrException)


SyntaxError ( SolrException (org.apache.solr.common.SolrException)23 Query ( QParser ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)10 SchemaField (org.apache.solr.schema.SchemaField)10 BooleanQuery ( SolrParams (org.apache.solr.common.params.SolrParams)8 ModifiableSolrParams (org.apache.solr.common.params.ModifiableSolrParams)6 SolrIndexSearcher ( IOException ( List (java.util.List)5 NamedList (org.apache.solr.common.util.NamedList)5 SimpleOrderedMap (org.apache.solr.common.util.SimpleOrderedMap)5 Map (java.util.Map)4 SolrQueryRequest (org.apache.solr.request.SolrQueryRequest)4 SolrQueryResponse (org.apache.solr.response.SolrQueryResponse)4 FieldType (org.apache.solr.schema.FieldType)4 IndexSchema (org.apache.solr.schema.IndexSchema)4 DocList (