use of org.apache.solr.update.AddUpdateCommand in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class CloneFieldUpdateProcessorFactory method getInstance.
public final UpdateRequestProcessor getInstance(SolrQueryRequest req, SolrQueryResponse rsp, UpdateRequestProcessor next) {
final FieldNameSelector srcSelector = getSourceSelector();
return new UpdateRequestProcessor(next) {
public void processAdd(AddUpdateCommand cmd) throws IOException {
final SolrInputDocument doc = cmd.getSolrInputDocument();
// destination may be regex replace string, which can cause multiple output fields.
Map<String, SolrInputField> destMap = new HashMap<>();
// preserve initial values and boost (if any)
for (final String fname : doc.getFieldNames()) {
if (!srcSelector.shouldMutate(fname))
Collection<Object> srcFieldValues = doc.getFieldValues(fname);
if (srcFieldValues == null || srcFieldValues.isEmpty())
String resolvedDest = dest;
if (pattern != null) {
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(fname);
if (matcher.find()) {
resolvedDest = matcher.replaceAll(dest);
} else {
log.debug("CloneFieldUpdateProcessor.srcSelector.shouldMutate(\"{}\") returned true, " + "but replacement pattern did not match, field skipped.", fname);
SolrInputField destField;
if (doc.containsKey(resolvedDest)) {
destField = doc.getField(resolvedDest);
} else {
SolrInputField targetField = destMap.get(resolvedDest);
if (targetField == null) {
destField = new SolrInputField(resolvedDest);
} else {
destField = targetField;
for (Object val : srcFieldValues) {
// put it in map to avoid concurrent modification...
destMap.put(resolvedDest, destField);
for (String dest : destMap.keySet()) {
doc.put(dest, destMap.get(dest));
use of org.apache.solr.update.AddUpdateCommand in project SearchServices by Alfresco.
the class AlfrescoSolrUtils method addStoreRoot.
* Add a store to root.
* @param core
* @param dataModel
* @param rootNodeRef
* @param txid
* @param dbid
* @param acltxid
* @param aclid
* @throws IOException
public static void addStoreRoot(SolrCore core, AlfrescoSolrDataModel dataModel, NodeRef rootNodeRef, int txid, int dbid, int acltxid, int aclid) throws IOException {
SolrServletRequest solrQueryRequest = null;
try {
solrQueryRequest = new SolrServletRequest(core, null);
AddUpdateCommand addDocCmd = new AddUpdateCommand(solrQueryRequest);
addDocCmd.overwrite = true;
addDocCmd.solrDoc = createDocument(dataModel, new Long(txid), new Long(dbid), rootNodeRef, ContentModel.TYPE_STOREROOT, new QName[] { ContentModel.ASPECT_ROOT }, null, null, new Long(aclid), new String[] { "/" }, "system", null, null);
addAcl(solrQueryRequest, core, dataModel, acltxid, aclid, 0, 0);
AddUpdateCommand txCmd = new AddUpdateCommand(solrQueryRequest);
txCmd.overwrite = true;
SolrInputDocument input = new SolrInputDocument();
String id = AlfrescoSolrDataModel.getTransactionDocumentId(new Long(txid));
input.addField(FIELD_SOLR4_ID, id);
input.addField(FIELD_VERSION, "0");
input.addField(FIELD_TXID, txid);
input.addField(FIELD_INTXID, txid);
input.addField(FIELD_TXCOMMITTIME, (new Date()).getTime());
input.addField(FIELD_DOC_TYPE, SolrInformationServer.DOC_TYPE_TX);
txCmd.solrDoc = input;
core.getUpdateHandler().commit(new CommitUpdateCommand(solrQueryRequest, false));
} finally {
use of org.apache.solr.update.AddUpdateCommand in project SearchServices by Alfresco.
the class SolrInformationServer method indexNode.
public void indexNode(Node node, boolean overwrite) throws IOException, AuthenticationException, JSONException {
SolrQueryRequest request = null;
UpdateRequestProcessor processor = null;
try {
request = getLocalSolrQueryRequest();
processor = this.core.getUpdateProcessingChain(null).createProcessor(request, new SolrQueryResponse());
long start = System.nanoTime();
if ((node.getStatus() == SolrApiNodeStatus.DELETED) || (node.getStatus() == SolrApiNodeStatus.NON_SHARD_DELETED) || (node.getStatus() == SolrApiNodeStatus.NON_SHARD_UPDATED) || (node.getStatus() == SolrApiNodeStatus.UNKNOWN)) {
// fix up any secondary paths
NodeMetaDataParameters nmdp = new NodeMetaDataParameters();
List<NodeMetaData> nodeMetaDatas;
if ((node.getStatus() == SolrApiNodeStatus.DELETED) || (node.getStatus() == SolrApiNodeStatus.NON_SHARD_DELETED) || (node.getStatus() == SolrApiNodeStatus.NON_SHARD_UPDATED)) {
// Fake the empty node metadata for this parent deleted node
NodeMetaData nodeMetaData = createDeletedNodeMetaData(node);
nodeMetaDatas = Collections.singletonList(nodeMetaData);
} else {
nodeMetaDatas = repositoryClient.getNodesMetaData(nmdp, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
NodeMetaData nodeMetaData = null;
if (!nodeMetaDatas.isEmpty()) {
nodeMetaData = nodeMetaDatas.get(0);
if (!(nodeMetaData.getTxnId() > node.getTxnId())) {
if (node.getStatus() == SolrApiNodeStatus.DELETED) {
try {
// Lock the node to ensure that no other trackers work with this node until this code completes.
if (!spinLock(nodeMetaData.getId(), 120000)) {
// We haven't acquired the lock in over 2 minutes. This really shouldn't happen unless something has gone wrong.
throw new Exception("Unable to acquire lock on nodeId:" + nodeMetaData.getId());
} finally {
// else, the node has moved on to a later transaction, and it will be indexed later
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug(".. deleting");
deleteNode(processor, request, node);
if ((node.getStatus() == SolrApiNodeStatus.UPDATED) || (node.getStatus() == SolrApiNodeStatus.UNKNOWN) || (node.getStatus() == SolrApiNodeStatus.NON_SHARD_UPDATED)) {".. updating");
long nodeId = node.getId();
try {
if (!spinLock(nodeId, 120000)) {
// We haven't acquired the lock in over 2 minutes. This really shouldn't happen unless something has gone wrong.
throw new Exception("Unable to acquire lock on nodeId:" + nodeId);
NodeMetaDataParameters nmdp = new NodeMetaDataParameters();
List<NodeMetaData> nodeMetaDatas = repositoryClient.getNodesMetaData(nmdp, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
AddUpdateCommand addDocCmd = new AddUpdateCommand(request);
addDocCmd.overwrite = overwrite;
if (!nodeMetaDatas.isEmpty()) {
NodeMetaData nodeMetaData = nodeMetaDatas.get(0);
if (!(nodeMetaData.getTxnId() > node.getTxnId())) {
if (mayHaveChildren(nodeMetaData))
cascadeUpdate(nodeMetaData, overwrite, request, processor);
if (node.getTxnId() == Long.MAX_VALUE) {
// This is a re-index. We need to clear the txnId from the pr
if ((node.getStatus() == SolrApiNodeStatus.UPDATED) || (node.getStatus() == SolrApiNodeStatus.UNKNOWN)) {
// check index control
Map<QName, PropertyValue> properties = nodeMetaData.getProperties();
StringPropertyValue pValue = (StringPropertyValue) properties.get(ContentModel.PROP_IS_INDEXED);
if (pValue != null) {
Boolean isIndexed = Boolean.valueOf(pValue.getValue());
if (!isIndexed.booleanValue()) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug(".. clearing unindexed");
deleteNode(processor, request, node);
SolrInputDocument doc = createNewDoc(nodeMetaData, DOC_TYPE_UNINDEXED_NODE);
solrContentStore.storeDocOnSolrContentStore(nodeMetaData, doc);
addDocCmd.solrDoc = doc;
long end = System.nanoTime();
this.trackerStats.addNodeTime(end - start);
// Make sure any unindexed or error doc is removed.
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug(".. deleting node " + node.getId());
deleteNode(processor, request, node);
SolrInputDocument doc = createNewDoc(nodeMetaData, DOC_TYPE_NODE);
addToNewDocAndCache(nodeMetaData, doc);
addDocCmd.solrDoc = doc;
// Ends checking for a nodeMetaData
} finally {
// Ends checking for updated or unknown node status
long end = System.nanoTime();
this.trackerStats.addNodeTime(end - start);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.warn("Node index failed and skipped for " + node.getId() + " in Tx " + node.getTxnId(), e);
if (processor == null) {
if (request == null) {
request = getLocalSolrQueryRequest();
processor = this.core.getUpdateProcessingChain(null).createProcessor(request, new SolrQueryResponse());
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug(".. deleting on exception");
deleteNode(processor, request, node);
AddUpdateCommand addDocCmd = new AddUpdateCommand(request);
addDocCmd.overwrite = overwrite;
SolrInputDocument doc = new SolrInputDocument();
doc.addField(FIELD_SOLR4_ID, PREFIX_ERROR + node.getId());
doc.addField(FIELD_VERSION, "0");
doc.addField(FIELD_DBID, node.getId());
doc.addField(FIELD_INTXID, node.getTxnId());
doc.addField(FIELD_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE, e.getMessage());
StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(4096);
PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(stringWriter, true);
try {
String stack = stringWriter.toString();
doc.addField(FIELD_EXCEPTION_STACK, stack.length() < 32766 ? stack : stack.substring(0, 32765));
} finally {
addDocCmd.solrDoc = doc;
} finally {
if (processor != null) {
if (request != null) {
use of org.apache.solr.update.AddUpdateCommand in project SearchServices by Alfresco.
the class SolrInformationServer method indexAclTransaction.
public void indexAclTransaction(AclChangeSet changeSet, boolean overwrite) throws IOException {
SolrQueryRequest request = null;
UpdateRequestProcessor processor = null;
try {
request = getLocalSolrQueryRequest();
processor = this.core.getUpdateProcessingChain(null).createProcessor(request, new SolrQueryResponse());
AddUpdateCommand cmd = new AddUpdateCommand(request);
cmd.overwrite = overwrite;
SolrInputDocument input = new SolrInputDocument();
input.addField(FIELD_SOLR4_ID, AlfrescoSolrDataModel.getAclChangeSetDocumentId(changeSet.getId()));
input.addField(FIELD_VERSION, "0");
input.addField(FIELD_ACLTXID, changeSet.getId());
input.addField(FIELD_INACLTXID, changeSet.getId());
input.addField(FIELD_ACLTXCOMMITTIME, changeSet.getCommitTimeMs());
cmd.solrDoc = input;
putAclTransactionState(processor, request, changeSet);
} finally {
if (processor != null) {
if (request != null) {
use of org.apache.solr.update.AddUpdateCommand in project SearchServices by Alfresco.
the class SolrInformationServer method putAclTransactionState.
public void putAclTransactionState(UpdateRequestProcessor processor, SolrQueryRequest request, AclChangeSet changeSet) throws IOException {
String version;
SolrDocument aclState = getState(request, "TRACKER!STATE!ACLTX");
if (aclState != null) {
long aclTxCommitTime = this.getFieldValueLong(aclState, FIELD_S_ACLTXCOMMITTIME);
long aclTxId = this.getFieldValueLong(aclState, FIELD_S_ACLTXID);
// Acl change sets are ordered by commit time and tie-broken by id
if (changeSet.getCommitTimeMs() > aclTxCommitTime || changeSet.getCommitTimeMs() == aclTxCommitTime && changeSet.getId() > aclTxId) {
// Uses optimistic concurrency
version = this.getFieldValueString(aclState, FIELD_VERSION);
} else {
// Should not update in this case
version = null;
} else {
version = "0";
if (version != null) {
AddUpdateCommand cmd = new AddUpdateCommand(request);
cmd.overwrite = true;
SolrInputDocument input = new SolrInputDocument();
input.addField(FIELD_VERSION, version);
input.addField(FIELD_S_ACLTXID, changeSet.getId());
input.addField(FIELD_S_INACLTXID, changeSet.getId());
input.addField(FIELD_S_ACLTXCOMMITTIME, changeSet.getCommitTimeMs());
cmd.solrDoc = input;