use of org.apache.stanbol.entityhub.servicesapi.model.Representation in project stanbol by apache.
the class SolrYardIndexingDestinationTest method validateSolrDestination.
* Checks if the SolrYardIndexingDestination returned by the
* {@link IndexingConfig} is valid and functional
* @param config the configuration
* @throws YardException indicates problems while working with the {@link SolrYard}
* returned by {@link IndexingDestination#getYard()}
* @throws IOException indicates problems while validating the SolrArchives
* created by the {@link IndexingDestination#finalise()} method
private void validateSolrDestination(IndexingConfig config) throws YardException, IOException {
//get the destination
IndexingDestination destination = config.getIndexingDestination();
assertEquals(destination.getClass(), SolrYardIndexingDestination.class);
//test that the returned Yard instance is functional
Yard yard = destination.getYard();
assertEquals(yard.getClass(), SolrYard.class);
Representation rep = yard.getValueFactory().createRepresentation("");
rep.add(NamespaceEnum.rdfs + "label", "test");
rep.add(NamespaceEnum.rdfs + "description", "Representation to test storage while indexing");
rep.add(RdfResourceEnum.entityRank.getUri(), Float.valueOf(0.8f));;
//test the archives
File expectedSolrArchiveFile = new File(config.getDistributionFolder(), config.getName() + "");
// validate the archive
ZipFile archive = new ZipFile(expectedSolrArchiveFile);
Set<String> expected = new HashSet<String>(EXPECTED_INDEX_ARCHIVE_FILE_NAMES);
for (Enumeration<? extends ZipEntry> entries = archive.entries(); entries.hasMoreElements(); ) {
ZipEntry entry = entries.nextElement();
//the name of the index MUST be the root folder within the Archive!
String name = FilenameUtils.getName(entry.getName());
if (expected.remove(name)) {"found expected Entry '{}'", entry.getName());
Assert.assertFalse("found unexpected Entry '" + entry.getName() + "' in " + "SolrIndexArchive", UNEXPECTED_INDEX_ARCHIVE_FILE_NAMES.contains(name));
assertTrue("missing Files in index archive: " + expected, expected.isEmpty());
//TODO: reimplement to validate the created bundle!
// //check for the solrArchive reference file and validate required properties
// File expectedSolrArchiveReferenceFile =
// new File(,config.getName()+".solrindex.ref");
// assertTrue(expectedSolrArchiveReferenceFile.isFile());
// Properties solrRefProperties = new Properties();
// solrRefProperties.load(new FileInputStream(expectedSolrArchiveReferenceFile));
// assertTrue(solrRefProperties.getProperty("Index-Archive").equals(expectedSolrArchiveFile.getName()));
// assertTrue(solrRefProperties.getProperty("Name") != null);
use of org.apache.stanbol.entityhub.servicesapi.model.Representation in project stanbol by apache.
the class DummyEntityIdSource method next.
public EntityScore next() {
Representation next =;
Number score = next.getFirst(RdfResourceEnum.entityRank.getUri(), Number.class);
return new EntityScore(next.getId(), score == null ? 0 : score.floatValue());
use of org.apache.stanbol.entityhub.servicesapi.model.Representation in project stanbol by apache.
the class FieldValueFilterTest method testExcludeConfig.
public void testExcludeConfig() {
EntityProcessor filter = new FieldValueFilter(nsPrefixProvider, "rdf:type", "*;!foaf:Person");
Representation r = getRepresentation(NamespaceEnum.foaf + "Person");
r = getRepresentation(NamespaceEnum.skos + "Concept");
r = getRepresentation(NamespaceEnum.skos + "Concept", NamespaceEnum.foaf + "Person");
//test empty value
filter = new FieldValueFilter(nsPrefixProvider, "skos:releated", "*;!null");
filter = new FieldValueFilter(nsPrefixProvider, "skos:releated", "*;!");
filter = new FieldValueFilter(nsPrefixProvider, "skos:releated", "*;!;!foaf:Person");
use of org.apache.stanbol.entityhub.servicesapi.model.Representation in project stanbol by apache.
the class EntityDataBasedIndexingDaemon method run.
public void run() {"...start iterating over Entity data");
EntityDataIterator dataIterator = dataIterable.entityDataIterator();
while (dataIterator.hasNext()) {
Long start = Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis());
String id =;
Representation rep = null;
Float score;
if (!scoreProvider.needsData()) {
score = scoreProvider.process(id);
} else {
rep = dataIterator.getRepresentation();
score = scoreProvider.process(rep);
//normalise the score
if (normaliser != null) {
score = normaliser.normalise(score);
if (//all entities are indexed anyway
indexAllEntitiesState || //no score available
score == null || score.compareTo(ScoreNormaliser.ZERO) >= 0) {
//score >= 0
if (rep == null) {
rep = dataIterator.getRepresentation();
produce(rep, score, start);
// else ignore this entity
use of org.apache.stanbol.entityhub.servicesapi.model.Representation in project stanbol by apache.
the class EntityhubImpl method loadEntity.
* Loads the Entity based on the parsed representation. The parsed
* {@link Representation} can be both the data and the metadata. In case the
* parsed representation are metadat the id of the returned Entity will be
* not the same as the id of the parsed {@link Representation}.
* @param rep the representation or metadata of an entity
* @return the created Entity including both data and metadata or
* <code>null</code> if the parsed Representation does not represent a
* Representation managed by the Entityhub (this may be the case if an other
* thread has deleted that Entity in the meantime)
* @throws YardException On any error with the parsed Yard.
private Entity loadEntity(Representation rep) throws YardException {
if (rep != null) {
Representation data;
Representation metadata = null;
String entityId = ModelUtils.getAboutRepresentation(rep);
if (entityId != null) {
data = entityhubYard.getRepresentation(entityId);
metadata = rep;
} else {
data = rep;
//needed for logs
entityId = rep.getId();
if (data != null) {
metadata = lookupMetadata(rep.getId(), true);
return new EntityImpl(config.getID(), data, metadata);
} else {
log.warn("Unable find representation for Entity {} (metadata: {}", entityId, metadata);
return null;
} else {
return null;