use of org.apache.storm.generated.StreamInfo in project storm by apache.
the class StormCommon method addMetricStreams.
public static void addMetricStreams(StormTopology topology) {
for (Object component : allComponents(topology).values()) {
ComponentCommon common = getComponentCommon(component);
StreamInfo streamInfo = Thrift.outputFields(Arrays.asList("task-info", "data-points"));
common.put_to_streams(Constants.METRICS_STREAM_ID, streamInfo);
use of org.apache.storm.generated.StreamInfo in project storm by apache.
the class StormCommon method validateStructure.
public static void validateStructure(StormTopology topology) throws InvalidTopologyException {
Map<String, Object> componentMap = allComponents(topology);
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : componentMap.entrySet()) {
String componentId = entry.getKey();
ComponentCommon common = getComponentCommon(entry.getValue());
Map<GlobalStreamId, Grouping> inputs = common.get_inputs();
for (Map.Entry<GlobalStreamId, Grouping> input : inputs.entrySet()) {
String sourceStreamId = input.getKey().get_streamId();
String sourceComponentId = input.getKey().get_componentId();
if (!componentMap.keySet().contains(sourceComponentId)) {
throw new InvalidTopologyException("Component: [" + componentId + "] subscribes from non-existent component [" + sourceComponentId + "]");
ComponentCommon sourceComponent = getComponentCommon(componentMap.get(sourceComponentId));
if (!sourceComponent.get_streams().containsKey(sourceStreamId)) {
throw new InvalidTopologyException("Component: [" + componentId + "] subscribes from non-existent stream: " + "[" + sourceStreamId + "] of component [" + sourceComponentId + "]");
Grouping grouping = input.getValue();
if (Thrift.groupingType(grouping) == Grouping._Fields.FIELDS) {
List<String> fields = new ArrayList<>(grouping.get_fields());
Map<String, StreamInfo> streams = sourceComponent.get_streams();
Set<String> sourceOutputFields = getStreamOutputFields(streams);
if (fields.size() != 0) {
throw new InvalidTopologyException("Component: [" + componentId + "] subscribes from stream: [" + sourceStreamId + "] of component " + "[" + sourceComponentId + "] + with non-existent fields: " + fields);
use of org.apache.storm.generated.StreamInfo in project flink by apache.
the class WrapperSetupHelper method processSingleOperator.
* Sets up {@code taskToComponents}, {@code componentToSortedTasks}, and {@code componentToStreamToFields} for a
* single instance of a Spout or Bolt (ie, task or executor). Furthermore, is computes the unique task-id.
* @param componentId
* The ID of the Spout/Bolt in the topology.
* @param common
* The common operator object (that is all Spouts and Bolts have).
* @param operatorName
* The Flink operator name.
* @param index
* The index of the currently processed tasks with its operator.
* @param dop
* The parallelism of the operator.
* @param taskToComponents
* OUTPUT: A map from all task IDs of the topology to their component IDs.
* @param componentToSortedTasks
* OUTPUT: A map from all component IDs to their sorted list of corresponding task IDs.
* @param componentToStreamToFields
* OUTPUT: A map from all component IDs to there output streams and output fields.
* @return A unique task ID if the currently processed Spout or Bolt ({@code componentId}) is equal to the current
* Flink operator {@code operatorName} -- {@code null} otherwise.
private static Integer processSingleOperator(final String componentId, final ComponentCommon common, final String operatorName, final int index, final int dop, final Map<Integer, String> taskToComponents, final Map<String, List<Integer>> componentToSortedTasks, final Map<String, Map<String, Fields>> componentToStreamToFields) {
final int parallelism_hint = common.get_parallelism_hint();
Integer taskId = null;
if (componentId.equals(operatorName)) {
taskId = tid + index;
List<Integer> sortedTasks = new ArrayList<Integer>(dop);
for (int i = 0; i < parallelism_hint; ++i) {
taskToComponents.put(tid, componentId);
componentToSortedTasks.put(componentId, sortedTasks);
Map<String, Fields> outputStreams = new HashMap<String, Fields>();
for (Entry<String, StreamInfo> outStream : common.get_streams().entrySet()) {
outputStreams.put(outStream.getKey(), new Fields(outStream.getValue().get_output_fields()));
componentToStreamToFields.put(componentId, outputStreams);
return taskId;
use of org.apache.storm.generated.StreamInfo in project storm by apache.
the class ClojureBolt method declareOutputFields.
public void declareOutputFields(OutputFieldsDeclarer declarer) {
for (String stream : _fields.keySet()) {
StreamInfo info = _fields.get(stream);
declarer.declareStream(stream, info.is_direct(), new Fields(info.get_output_fields()));