use of org.apache.storm.scheduler.resource.RasNode in project storm by apache.
the class SchedulingSearcherState method logNodeCompAssignments.
* Use this method to log the current component assignments on the Node.
* Useful for debugging and tests.
public void logNodeCompAssignments() {
if (nodeCompAssignmentCnts == null || nodeCompAssignmentCnts.isEmpty()) {"Topology {} NodeCompAssignment is empty", topoName);
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
int cntAllNodes = 0;
int cntFilledNodes = 0;
for (RasNode node : new TreeSet<>(nodeCompAssignmentCnts.keySet())) {
Map<String, Integer> oneMap = nodeCompAssignmentCnts.get(node);
if (oneMap.isEmpty()) {
String oneMapJoined = oneMap.entrySet().stream().map(e -> String.format("%s: %s", e.getKey(), e.getValue())).collect(Collectors.joining(","));
sb.append(String.format("\n\t(%d) Node %s: %s", cntFilledNodes, node.getId(), oneMapJoined));
}"Topology {} NodeCompAssignments available for {} of {} nodes {}", topoName, cntFilledNodes, cntAllNodes, sb);"Topology {} Executors assignments attempted (cnt={}) are: \n\t{}", topoName, execs.size(),",")));
use of org.apache.storm.scheduler.resource.RasNode in project storm by apache.
the class NodeSorterHostProximity method sortHosts.
* Nodes are sorted by two criteria.
* <p>1) the number executors of the topology that needs to be scheduled is already on the node in
* descending order. The reasoning to sort based on criterion 1 is so we schedule the rest of a topology on the same node as the
* existing executors of the topology.
* <p>2) the subordinate/subservient resource availability percentage of a node in descending
* order We calculate the resource availability percentage by dividing the resource availability that have exhausted or little of one of
* the resources mentioned above will be ranked after on the node by the resource availability of the entire rack By doing this
* calculation, nodes nodes that have more balanced resource availability. So we will be less likely to pick a node that have a lot of
* one resource but a low amount of another.
* @param availHosts a collection of all the hosts we want to sort
* @param rackId the rack id availNodes are a part of
* @return an iterable of sorted hosts.
private Iterable<ObjectResourcesItem> sortHosts(Collection<String> availHosts, ExecutorDetails exec, String rackId, Map<String, AtomicInteger> scheduledCount) {
ObjectResourcesSummary rackResourcesSummary = new ObjectResourcesSummary("RACK");
availHosts.forEach(h -> {
ObjectResourcesItem hostItem = new ObjectResourcesItem(h);
for (RasNode x : hostnameToNodes.get(h)) {
hostItem.add(new ObjectResourcesItem(x.getId(), x.getTotalAvailableResources(), x.getTotalResources(), 0, 0));
LOG.debug("Rack {}: Overall Avail [ {} ] Total [ {} ]", rackId, rackResourcesSummary.getAvailableResourcesOverall(), rackResourcesSummary.getTotalResourcesOverall());
return sortObjectResources(rackResourcesSummary, exec, (hostId) -> {
AtomicInteger count = scheduledCount.get(hostId);
if (count == null) {
return 0;
return count.get();
use of org.apache.storm.scheduler.resource.RasNode in project storm by apache.
the class BaseResourceAwareStrategy method createSearcherState.
* Create an instance of {@link SchedulingSearcherState}. This method is called by
* {@link #prepareForScheduling(Cluster, TopologyDetails)} and depends on variables initialized therein prior.
* @return a new instance of {@link SchedulingSearcherState}.
private SchedulingSearcherState createSearcherState() {
Map<WorkerSlot, Map<String, Integer>> workerCompCnts = new HashMap<>();
Map<RasNode, Map<String, Integer>> nodeCompCnts = new HashMap<>();
// populate with existing assignments
SchedulerAssignment existingAssignment = cluster.getAssignmentById(topologyDetails.getId());
if (existingAssignment != null) {
existingAssignment.getExecutorToSlot().forEach((exec, ws) -> {
String compId = execToComp.get(exec);
RasNode node = nodes.getNodeById(ws.getNodeId());
Map<String, Integer> compCnts = nodeCompCnts.computeIfAbsent(node, (k) -> new HashMap<>());
// increment
compCnts.put(compId, compCnts.getOrDefault(compId, 0) + 1);
// populate worker to comp assignments
compCnts = workerCompCnts.computeIfAbsent(ws, (k) -> new HashMap<>());
// increment
compCnts.put(compId, compCnts.getOrDefault(compId, 0) + 1);
LinkedList<ExecutorDetails> unassignedAckers = new LinkedList<>();
if (compToExecs.containsKey(Acker.ACKER_COMPONENT_ID)) {
for (ExecutorDetails acker : compToExecs.get(Acker.ACKER_COMPONENT_ID)) {
if (unassignedExecutors.contains(acker)) {
return new SchedulingSearcherState(workerCompCnts, nodeCompCnts, maxStateSearch, maxSchedulingTimeMs, new ArrayList<>(unassignedExecutors), unassignedAckers, topologyDetails, execToComp);
use of org.apache.storm.scheduler.resource.RasNode in project storm by apache.
the class TestDefaultResourceAwareStrategy method testMultipleRacks.
* Test whether strategy will choose correct rack
public void testMultipleRacks() {
final Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMap = new HashMap<>();
final Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMapRack0 = genSupervisors(10, 4, 0, 400, 8000);
// generate another rack of supervisors with less resources
final Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMapRack1 = genSupervisors(10, 4, 10, 200, 4000);
// generate some supervisors that are depleted of one resource
final Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMapRack2 = genSupervisors(10, 4, 20, 0, 8000);
// generate some that has alot of memory but little of cpu
final Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMapRack3 = genSupervisors(10, 4, 30, 10, 8000 * 2 + 4000);
// generate some that has alot of cpu but little of memory
final Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMapRack4 = genSupervisors(10, 4, 40, 400 + 200 + 10, 1000);
// Generate some that have neither resource, to verify that the strategy will prioritize this last
// Also put a generic resource with 0 value in the resources list, to verify that it doesn't affect the sorting
final Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMapRack5 = genSupervisors(10, 4, 50, 0.0, 0.0, Collections.singletonMap("gpu.count", 0.0));
Config config = createClusterConfig(100, 500, 500, null);
INimbus iNimbus = new INimbusTest();
// create test DNSToSwitchMapping plugin
DNSToSwitchMapping TestNetworkTopographyPlugin = new TestDNSToSwitchMapping(supMapRack0, supMapRack1, supMapRack2, supMapRack3, supMapRack4, supMapRack5);
// generate topologies
TopologyDetails topo1 = genTopology("topo-1", config, 8, 0, 2, 0, CURRENT_TIME - 2, 10, "user");
TopologyDetails topo2 = genTopology("topo-2", config, 8, 0, 2, 0, CURRENT_TIME - 2, 10, "user");
Topologies topologies = new Topologies(topo1, topo2);
Cluster cluster = new Cluster(iNimbus, new ResourceMetrics(new StormMetricsRegistry()), supMap, new HashMap<>(), topologies, config);
List<String> supHostnames = new LinkedList<>();
for (SupervisorDetails sup : supMap.values()) {
Map<String, List<String>> rackToNodes = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, String> resolvedSuperVisors = TestNetworkTopographyPlugin.resolve(supHostnames);
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : resolvedSuperVisors.entrySet()) {
String hostName = entry.getKey();
String rack = entry.getValue();
rackToNodes.computeIfAbsent(rack, rid -> new ArrayList<>()).add(hostName);
DefaultResourceAwareStrategyOld rs = new DefaultResourceAwareStrategyOld();
rs.prepareForScheduling(cluster, topo1);
INodeSorter nodeSorter = new NodeSorterHostProximity(cluster, topo1, BaseResourceAwareStrategy.NodeSortType.DEFAULT_RAS);
Iterable<ObjectResourcesItem> sortedRacks = nodeSorter.getSortedRacks();
Iterator<ObjectResourcesItem> it = sortedRacks.iterator();
// Ranked first since rack-0 has the most balanced set of resources
Assert.assertEquals("rack-0 should be ordered first", "rack-0",;
// Ranked second since rack-1 has a balanced set of resources but less than rack-0
Assert.assertEquals("rack-1 should be ordered second", "rack-1",;
// Ranked third since rack-4 has a lot of cpu but not a lot of memory
Assert.assertEquals("rack-4 should be ordered third", "rack-4",;
// Ranked fourth since rack-3 has alot of memory but not cpu
Assert.assertEquals("rack-3 should be ordered fourth", "rack-3",;
// Ranked fifth since rack-2 has not cpu resources
Assert.assertEquals("rack-2 should be ordered fifth", "rack-2",;
// Ranked last since rack-5 has neither CPU nor memory available
assertEquals("Rack-5 should be ordered sixth", "rack-5",;
SchedulingResult schedulingResult = rs.schedule(cluster, topo1);
assert (schedulingResult.isSuccess());
SchedulerAssignment assignment = cluster.getAssignmentById(topo1.getId());
for (WorkerSlot ws : assignment.getSlotToExecutors().keySet()) {
// make sure all workers on scheduled in rack-0
Assert.assertEquals("assert worker scheduled on rack-0", "rack-0", resolvedSuperVisors.get(rs.idToNode(ws.getNodeId()).getHostname()));
Assert.assertEquals("All executors in topo-1 scheduled", 0, cluster.getUnassignedExecutors(topo1).size());
// Test if topology is already partially scheduled on one rack
Iterator<ExecutorDetails> executorIterator = topo2.getExecutors().iterator();
List<String> nodeHostnames = rackToNodes.get("rack-1");
for (int i = 0; i < topo2.getExecutors().size() / 2; i++) {
String nodeHostname = nodeHostnames.get(i % nodeHostnames.size());
RasNode node = rs.hostnameToNodes(nodeHostname).get(0);
WorkerSlot targetSlot = node.getFreeSlots().iterator().next();
ExecutorDetails targetExec =;
// to keep track of free slots
node.assign(targetSlot, topo2, Arrays.asList(targetExec));
rs = new DefaultResourceAwareStrategyOld();
// schedule topo2
schedulingResult = rs.schedule(cluster, topo2);
assert (schedulingResult.isSuccess());
assignment = cluster.getAssignmentById(topo2.getId());
for (WorkerSlot ws : assignment.getSlotToExecutors().keySet()) {
// make sure all workers on scheduled in rack-1
Assert.assertEquals("assert worker scheduled on rack-1", "rack-1", resolvedSuperVisors.get(rs.idToNode(ws.getNodeId()).getHostname()));
Assert.assertEquals("All executors in topo-2 scheduled", 0, cluster.getUnassignedExecutors(topo2).size());
use of org.apache.storm.scheduler.resource.RasNode in project storm by apache.
the class TestDefaultResourceAwareStrategy method testMultipleRacksWithFavoritism.
* Test whether strategy will choose correct rack
public void testMultipleRacksWithFavoritism() {
final Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMap = new HashMap<>();
final Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMapRack0 = genSupervisors(10, 4, 0, 400, 8000);
// generate another rack of supervisors with less resources
final Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMapRack1 = genSupervisors(10, 4, 10, 200, 4000);
// generate some supervisors that are depleted of one resource
final Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMapRack2 = genSupervisors(10, 4, 20, 0, 8000);
// generate some that has alot of memory but little of cpu
final Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMapRack3 = genSupervisors(10, 4, 30, 10, 8000 * 2 + 4000);
// generate some that has alot of cpu but little of memory
final Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMapRack4 = genSupervisors(10, 4, 40, 400 + 200 + 10, 1000);
Config config = createClusterConfig(100, 500, 500, null);
INimbus iNimbus = new INimbusTest();
// create test DNSToSwitchMapping plugin
DNSToSwitchMapping TestNetworkTopographyPlugin = new TestDNSToSwitchMapping(supMapRack0, supMapRack1, supMapRack2, supMapRack3, supMapRack4);
Config t1Conf = new Config();
final List<String> t1FavoredHostNames = Arrays.asList("host-41", "host-42", "host-43");
t1Conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_SCHEDULER_FAVORED_NODES, t1FavoredHostNames);
final List<String> t1UnfavoredHostIds = Arrays.asList("host-1", "host-2", "host-3");
t1Conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_SCHEDULER_UNFAVORED_NODES, t1UnfavoredHostIds);
// generate topologies
TopologyDetails topo1 = genTopology("topo-1", t1Conf, 8, 0, 2, 0, CURRENT_TIME - 2, 10, "user");
Config t2Conf = new Config();
t2Conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_SCHEDULER_FAVORED_NODES, Arrays.asList("host-31", "host-32", "host-33"));
t2Conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_SCHEDULER_UNFAVORED_NODES, Arrays.asList("host-11", "host-12", "host-13"));
TopologyDetails topo2 = genTopology("topo-2", t2Conf, 8, 0, 2, 0, CURRENT_TIME - 2, 10, "user");
Topologies topologies = new Topologies(topo1, topo2);
Cluster cluster = new Cluster(iNimbus, new ResourceMetrics(new StormMetricsRegistry()), supMap, new HashMap<>(), topologies, config);
List<String> supHostnames = new LinkedList<>();
for (SupervisorDetails sup : supMap.values()) {
Map<String, List<String>> rackToNodes = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, String> resolvedSuperVisors = TestNetworkTopographyPlugin.resolve(supHostnames);
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : resolvedSuperVisors.entrySet()) {
String hostName = entry.getKey();
String rack = entry.getValue();
List<String> nodesForRack = rackToNodes.get(rack);
if (nodesForRack == null) {
nodesForRack = new ArrayList<>();
rackToNodes.put(rack, nodesForRack);
DefaultResourceAwareStrategyOld rs = new DefaultResourceAwareStrategyOld();
rs.prepareForScheduling(cluster, topo1);
INodeSorter nodeSorter = new NodeSorterHostProximity(cluster, topo1, BaseResourceAwareStrategy.NodeSortType.DEFAULT_RAS);
Iterable<ObjectResourcesItem> sortedRacks = nodeSorter.getSortedRacks();
Iterator<ObjectResourcesItem> it = sortedRacks.iterator();
// Ranked first since rack-0 has the most balanced set of resources
Assert.assertEquals("rack-0 should be ordered first", "rack-0",;
// Ranked second since rack-1 has a balanced set of resources but less than rack-0
Assert.assertEquals("rack-1 should be ordered second", "rack-1",;
// Ranked third since rack-4 has a lot of cpu but not a lot of memory
Assert.assertEquals("rack-4 should be ordered third", "rack-4",;
// Ranked fourth since rack-3 has alot of memory but not cpu
Assert.assertEquals("rack-3 should be ordered fourth", "rack-3",;
// Ranked last since rack-2 has not cpu resources
Assert.assertEquals("rack-2 should be ordered fifth", "rack-2",;
SchedulingResult schedulingResult = rs.schedule(cluster, topo1);
assert (schedulingResult.isSuccess());
SchedulerAssignment assignment = cluster.getAssignmentById(topo1.getId());
for (WorkerSlot ws : assignment.getSlotToExecutors().keySet()) {
String hostName = rs.idToNode(ws.getNodeId()).getHostname();
String rackId = resolvedSuperVisors.get(hostName);
Assert.assertTrue(ws + " is neither on a favored node " + t1FavoredHostNames + " nor the highest priority rack (rack-0)", t1FavoredHostNames.contains(hostName) || "rack-0".equals(rackId));
Assert.assertFalse(ws + " is a part of an unfavored node " + t1UnfavoredHostIds, t1UnfavoredHostIds.contains(hostName));
Assert.assertEquals("All executors in topo-1 scheduled", 0, cluster.getUnassignedExecutors(topo1).size());
// Test if topology is already partially scheduled on one rack
Iterator<ExecutorDetails> executorIterator = topo2.getExecutors().iterator();
List<String> nodeHostnames = rackToNodes.get("rack-1");
for (int i = 0; i < topo2.getExecutors().size() / 2; i++) {
String nodeHostname = nodeHostnames.get(i % nodeHostnames.size());
RasNode node = rs.hostnameToNodes(nodeHostname).get(0);
WorkerSlot targetSlot = node.getFreeSlots().iterator().next();
ExecutorDetails targetExec =;
// to keep track of free slots
node.assign(targetSlot, topo2, Arrays.asList(targetExec));
rs = new DefaultResourceAwareStrategyOld();
// schedule topo2
schedulingResult = rs.schedule(cluster, topo2);
assert (schedulingResult.isSuccess());
assignment = cluster.getAssignmentById(topo2.getId());
for (WorkerSlot ws : assignment.getSlotToExecutors().keySet()) {
// make sure all workers on scheduled in rack-1
// The favored nodes would have put it on a different rack, but because that rack does not have free space to run the
// topology it falls back to this rack
Assert.assertEquals("assert worker scheduled on rack-1", "rack-1", resolvedSuperVisors.get(rs.idToNode(ws.getNodeId()).getHostname()));
Assert.assertEquals("All executors in topo-2 scheduled", 0, cluster.getUnassignedExecutors(topo2).size());