use of org.apache.storm.scheduler.resource.ResourceAwareScheduler in project storm by apache.
the class TestDefaultResourceAwareStrategy method testDefaultResourceAwareStrategy.
* test if the scheduling logic for the DefaultResourceAwareStrategy is correct
public void testDefaultResourceAwareStrategy() {
int spoutParallelism = 1;
int boltParallelism = 2;
TopologyBuilder builder = new TopologyBuilder();
builder.setSpout("spout", new TestUtilsForResourceAwareScheduler.TestSpout(), spoutParallelism);
builder.setBolt("bolt-1", new TestUtilsForResourceAwareScheduler.TestBolt(), boltParallelism).shuffleGrouping("spout");
builder.setBolt("bolt-2", new TestUtilsForResourceAwareScheduler.TestBolt(), boltParallelism).shuffleGrouping("bolt-1");
builder.setBolt("bolt-3", new TestUtilsForResourceAwareScheduler.TestBolt(), boltParallelism).shuffleGrouping("bolt-2");
StormTopology stormToplogy = builder.createTopology();
Config conf = new Config();
INimbus iNimbus = new TestUtilsForResourceAwareScheduler.INimbusTest();
Map<String, Number> resourceMap = new HashMap<String, Number>();
resourceMap.put(Config.SUPERVISOR_CPU_CAPACITY, 150.0);
resourceMap.put(Config.SUPERVISOR_MEMORY_CAPACITY_MB, 1500.0);
Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMap = TestUtilsForResourceAwareScheduler.genSupervisors(4, 4, resourceMap);
conf.put(Config.RESOURCE_AWARE_SCHEDULER_EVICTION_STRATEGY, org.apache.storm.scheduler.resource.strategies.eviction.DefaultEvictionStrategy.class.getName());
conf.put(Config.RESOURCE_AWARE_SCHEDULER_PRIORITY_STRATEGY, org.apache.storm.scheduler.resource.strategies.priority.DefaultSchedulingPriorityStrategy.class.getName());
conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_SCHEDULER_STRATEGY, org.apache.storm.scheduler.resource.strategies.scheduling.DefaultResourceAwareStrategy.class.getName());
conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_PRIORITY, 0);
conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_NAME, "testTopology");
TopologyDetails topo = new TopologyDetails("testTopology-id", conf, stormToplogy, 0, TestUtilsForResourceAwareScheduler.genExecsAndComps(stormToplogy), this.currentTime);
Map<String, TopologyDetails> topoMap = new HashMap<String, TopologyDetails>();
topoMap.put(topo.getId(), topo);
Topologies topologies = new Topologies(topoMap);
Cluster cluster = new Cluster(iNimbus, supMap, new HashMap<String, SchedulerAssignmentImpl>(), conf);
ResourceAwareScheduler rs = new ResourceAwareScheduler();
rs.schedule(topologies, cluster);
Map<String, List<String>> nodeToComps = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
for (Map.Entry<ExecutorDetails, WorkerSlot> entry : cluster.getAssignments().get("testTopology-id").getExecutorToSlot().entrySet()) {
WorkerSlot ws = entry.getValue();
ExecutorDetails exec = entry.getKey();
if (!nodeToComps.containsKey(ws.getNodeId())) {
nodeToComps.put(ws.getNodeId(), new LinkedList<String>());
* check for correct scheduling
* Since all the resource availabilites on nodes are the same in the beginining
* DefaultResourceAwareStrategy can arbitrarily pick one thus we must find if a particular scheduling
* exists on a node the the cluster.
//one node should have the below scheduling
List<String> node1 = new LinkedList<>();
Assert.assertTrue("Check DefaultResourceAwareStrategy scheduling", checkDefaultStrategyScheduling(nodeToComps, node1));
//one node should have the below scheduling
List<String> node2 = new LinkedList<>();
Assert.assertTrue("Check DefaultResourceAwareStrategy scheduling", checkDefaultStrategyScheduling(nodeToComps, node2));
//one node should have the below scheduling
List<String> node3 = new LinkedList<>();
Assert.assertTrue("Check DefaultResourceAwareStrategy scheduling", checkDefaultStrategyScheduling(nodeToComps, node3));
//three used and one node should be empty
Assert.assertEquals("only three nodes should be used", 3, nodeToComps.size());
use of org.apache.storm.scheduler.resource.ResourceAwareScheduler in project storm by apache.
the class TestGenericResourceAwareStrategy method testGenericResourceAwareStrategyWithoutSettingAckerExecutors.
* Test if the scheduling logic for the GenericResourceAwareStrategy is correct
* without setting {@link Config#TOPOLOGY_ACKER_EXECUTORS}.
* Test details refer to {@link TestDefaultResourceAwareStrategy#testDefaultResourceAwareStrategyWithoutSettingAckerExecutors(int)}
@ValueSource(ints = { -1, 0, 1, 2 })
public void testGenericResourceAwareStrategyWithoutSettingAckerExecutors(int numOfAckersPerWorker) throws InvalidTopologyException {
int spoutParallelism = 1;
int boltParallelism = 2;
TopologyBuilder builder = new TopologyBuilder();
builder.setSpout("spout", new TestSpout(), spoutParallelism);
builder.setBolt("bolt-1", new TestBolt(), boltParallelism).shuffleGrouping("spout");
builder.setBolt("bolt-2", new TestBolt(), boltParallelism).shuffleGrouping("bolt-1").addResource("gpu.count", 1.0);
builder.setBolt("bolt-3", new TestBolt(), boltParallelism).shuffleGrouping("bolt-2").addResource("gpu.count", 2.0);
String topoName = "testTopology";
StormTopology stormToplogy = builder.createTopology();
INimbus iNimbus = new INimbusTest();
Config conf = createGrasClusterConfig(50, 500, 0, null, Collections.emptyMap());
Map<String, Double> genericResourcesMap = new HashMap<>();
genericResourcesMap.put("gpu.count", 2.0);
Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMap = genSupervisors(4, 4, 200, 2000, genericResourcesMap);
conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_PRIORITY, 0);
conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_NAME, topoName);
conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_WORKER_MAX_HEAP_SIZE_MB, 2000);
conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_SUBMITTER_USER, "user");
// Parameterized test on different numOfAckersPerWorker
if (numOfAckersPerWorker == -1) {
// Default will be 2 (estimate num of workers) and 1 respectively
} else {
conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_RAS_ACKER_EXECUTORS_PER_WORKER, numOfAckersPerWorker);
int estimatedNumWorker = ServerUtils.getEstimatedWorkerCountForRasTopo(conf, stormToplogy);
Nimbus.setUpAckerExecutorConfigs(topoName, conf, conf, estimatedNumWorker);
TopologyDetails topo = new TopologyDetails("testTopology-id", conf, stormToplogy, 0, genExecsAndComps(StormCommon.systemTopology(conf, stormToplogy)), currentTime, "user");
Topologies topologies = new Topologies(topo);
Cluster cluster = new Cluster(iNimbus, new ResourceMetrics(new StormMetricsRegistry()), supMap, new HashMap<>(), topologies, conf);
scheduler = new ResourceAwareScheduler();
scheduler.prepare(conf, new StormMetricsRegistry());
scheduler.schedule(topologies, cluster);
// We need to have 3 slots on 3 separate hosts. The topology needs 6 GPUs 3500 MB memory and 350% CPU
// The bolt-3 instances must be on separate nodes because they each need 2 GPUs.
// The bolt-2 instances must be on the same node as they each need 1 GPU
// (this assumes that we are packing the components to avoid fragmentation).
// The bolt-1 and spout instances fill in the rest.
// Ordered execs: [[6, 6], [2, 2], [4, 4], [5, 5], [1, 1], [3, 3], [0, 0]]
// Ackers: [[8, 8], [7, 7]] (+ [[9, 9], [10, 10]] when numOfAckersPerWorker=2)
HashSet<HashSet<ExecutorDetails>> expectedScheduling = new HashSet<>();
if (numOfAckersPerWorker == -1 || numOfAckersPerWorker == 1) {
expectedScheduling.add(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(// bolt-3 - 500 MB, 50% CPU, 2 GPU
new ExecutorDetails(3, 3))));
// Total 500 MB, 50% CPU, 2 - GPU -> this node has 1500 MB, 150% cpu, 0 GPU left
expectedScheduling.add(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(// bolt-2 - 500 MB, 50% CPU, 1 GPU
new ExecutorDetails(6, 6), // bolt-1 - 500 MB, 50% CPU, 0 GPU
new ExecutorDetails(2, 2), // bolt-2 - 500 MB, 50% CPU, 1 GPU
new ExecutorDetails(5, 5), // acker - 250 MB, 50% CPU, 0 GPU
new ExecutorDetails(8, 8))));
// Total 1750 MB, 200% CPU, 2 GPU -> this node has 250 MB, 0% CPU, 0 GPU left
expectedScheduling.add(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(// bolt-3 500 MB, 50% cpu, 2 GPU
new ExecutorDetails(4, 4), // bolt-1 - 500 MB, 50% CPU, 0 GPU
new ExecutorDetails(1, 1), // Spout - 500 MB, 50% CPU, 0 GPU
new ExecutorDetails(0, 0), // acker - 250 MB, 50% CPU, 0 GPU
new ExecutorDetails(7, 7))));
// Total 1750 MB, 200% CPU, 2 GPU -> this node has 250 MB, 0% CPU, 0 GPU left
} else if (numOfAckersPerWorker == 0) {
expectedScheduling.add(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(// bolt-3 - 500 MB, 50% CPU, 2 GPU
new ExecutorDetails(3, 3))));
// Total 500 MB, 50% CPU, 2 - GPU -> this node has 1500 MB, 150% cpu, 0 GPU left
expectedScheduling.add(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(// bolt-2 - 500 MB, 50% CPU, 1 GPU
new ExecutorDetails(6, 6), // bolt-1 - 500 MB, 50% CPU, 0 GPU
new ExecutorDetails(2, 2), // bolt-2 - 500 MB, 50% CPU, 1 GPU
new ExecutorDetails(5, 5), // bolt-1 - 500 MB, 50% CPU, 0 GPU
new ExecutorDetails(1, 1))));
// Total 2000 MB, 200% CPU, 2 GPU -> this node has 0 MB, 0% CPU, 0 GPU left
expectedScheduling.add(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(// Spout - 500 MB, 50% CPU, 0 GPU
new ExecutorDetails(0, 0), // bolt-3 500 MB, 50% cpu, 2 GPU
new ExecutorDetails(4, 4))));
// Total 1000 MB, 100% CPU, 2 GPU -> this node has 1000 MB, 100% CPU, 0 GPU left
} else if (numOfAckersPerWorker == 2) {
expectedScheduling.add(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(// bolt-3 - 500 MB, 50% CPU, 2 GPU
new ExecutorDetails(3, 3))));
// Total 500 MB, 50% CPU, 2 - GPU -> this node has 1500 MB, 150% cpu, 0 GPU left
expectedScheduling.add(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(// acker - 250 MB, 50% CPU, 0 GPU
new ExecutorDetails(7, 7), // acker - 250 MB, 50% CPU, 0 GPU
new ExecutorDetails(8, 8), // bolt-2 - 500 MB, 50% CPU, 1 GPU
new ExecutorDetails(6, 6), // bolt-1 - 500 MB, 50% CPU, 0 GPU
new ExecutorDetails(2, 2))));
// Total 1500 MB, 200% CPU, 2 GPU -> this node has 500 MB, 0% CPU, 0 GPU left
expectedScheduling.add(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(// acker- 250 MB, 50% CPU, 0 GPU
new ExecutorDetails(9, 9), // acker- 250 MB, 50% CPU, 0 GPU
new ExecutorDetails(10, 10), // bolt-1 - 500 MB, 50% CPU, 0 GPU
new ExecutorDetails(1, 1), // bolt-3 500 MB, 50% cpu, 2 GPU
new ExecutorDetails(4, 4))));
// Total 1500 MB, 200% CPU, 2 GPU -> this node has 500 MB, 0% CPU, 0 GPU left
expectedScheduling.add(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(// Spout - 500 MB, 50% CPU, 0 GPU
new ExecutorDetails(0, 0), // bolt-2 - 500 MB, 50% CPU, 1 GPU
new ExecutorDetails(5, 5))));
// Total 1000 MB, 100% CPU, 2 GPU -> this node has 1000 MB, 100% CPU, 0 GPU left
HashSet<HashSet<ExecutorDetails>> foundScheduling = new HashSet<>();
SchedulerAssignment assignment = cluster.getAssignmentById("testTopology-id");
for (Collection<ExecutorDetails> execs : assignment.getSlotToExecutors().values()) {
foundScheduling.add(new HashSet<>(execs));
assertEquals(expectedScheduling, foundScheduling);
use of org.apache.storm.scheduler.resource.ResourceAwareScheduler in project storm by apache.
the class TestGenericResourceAwareStrategy method testGenericResourceAwareStrategyInFavorOfShuffle.
* test if the scheduling logic for the GenericResourceAwareStrategy (when in favor of shuffle) is correct.
public void testGenericResourceAwareStrategyInFavorOfShuffle() throws InvalidTopologyException {
int spoutParallelism = 1;
int boltParallelism = 2;
TopologyBuilder builder = new TopologyBuilder();
builder.setSpout("spout", new TestSpout(), spoutParallelism);
builder.setBolt("bolt-1", new TestBolt(), boltParallelism).shuffleGrouping("spout");
builder.setBolt("bolt-2", new TestBolt(), boltParallelism).shuffleGrouping("bolt-1").addResource("gpu.count", 1.0);
builder.setBolt("bolt-3", new TestBolt(), boltParallelism).shuffleGrouping("bolt-2").addResource("gpu.count", 2.0);
StormTopology stormToplogy = builder.createTopology();
INimbus iNimbus = new INimbusTest();
Config conf = createGrasClusterConfig(50, 250, 250, null, Collections.emptyMap());
Map<String, Double> genericResourcesMap = new HashMap<>();
genericResourcesMap.put("gpu.count", 2.0);
Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMap = genSupervisors(4, 4, 200, 2000, genericResourcesMap);
conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_PRIORITY, 0);
conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_NAME, "testTopology");
conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_SUBMITTER_USER, "user");
TopologyDetails topo = new TopologyDetails("testTopology-id", conf, stormToplogy, 0, genExecsAndComps(StormCommon.systemTopology(conf, stormToplogy)), currentTime, "user");
Topologies topologies = new Topologies(topo);
Cluster cluster = new Cluster(iNimbus, new ResourceMetrics(new StormMetricsRegistry()), supMap, new HashMap<>(), topologies, conf);
ResourceAwareScheduler rs = new ResourceAwareScheduler();
rs.prepare(conf, new StormMetricsRegistry());
rs.schedule(topologies, cluster);
// Sorted execs: [[0, 0], [2, 2], [6, 6], [4, 4], [1, 1], [5, 5], [3, 3], [7, 7]]
// Ackers: [[7, 7]]]
HashSet<HashSet<ExecutorDetails>> expectedScheduling = new HashSet<>();
expectedScheduling.add(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(// spout
new ExecutorDetails(0, 0), // bolt-1
new ExecutorDetails(2, 2), // bolt-2
new ExecutorDetails(6, 6), // acker
new ExecutorDetails(7, 7))));
expectedScheduling.add(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(// bolt-3
new ExecutorDetails(4, 4), // bolt-1
new ExecutorDetails(1, 1))));
// bolt-2
expectedScheduling.add(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(new ExecutorDetails(5, 5))));
// bolt-3
expectedScheduling.add(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(new ExecutorDetails(3, 3))));
HashSet<HashSet<ExecutorDetails>> foundScheduling = new HashSet<>();
SchedulerAssignment assignment = cluster.getAssignmentById("testTopology-id");
for (Collection<ExecutorDetails> execs : assignment.getSlotToExecutors().values()) {
foundScheduling.add(new HashSet<>(execs));
assertEquals(expectedScheduling, foundScheduling);
use of org.apache.storm.scheduler.resource.ResourceAwareScheduler in project storm by apache.
the class TestGenericResourceAwareStrategy method testGrasRequiringEviction.
* test requiring eviction until Generic Resource (gpu) is evicted.
public void testGrasRequiringEviction() {
int spoutParallelism = 3;
double cpuPercent = 10;
double memoryOnHeap = 10;
double memoryOffHeap = 10;
// Sufficient Cpu/Memory. But insufficient gpu to schedule all topologies (gpu1, noGpu, gpu2).
// gpu topology (requires 3 gpu's in total)
TopologyBuilder builder = new TopologyBuilder();
builder.setSpout("spout", new TestSpout(), spoutParallelism).addResource("gpu.count", 1.0);
StormTopology stormTopologyWithGpu = builder.createTopology();
// non-gpu topology
builder = new TopologyBuilder();
builder.setSpout("spout", new TestSpout(), spoutParallelism);
StormTopology stormTopologyNoGpu = builder.createTopology();
Config conf = createGrasClusterConfig(cpuPercent, memoryOnHeap, memoryOffHeap, null, Collections.emptyMap());
// allow 1 round of evictions
String gpu1 = "hasGpu1";
String noGpu = "hasNoGpu";
String gpu2 = "hasGpu2";
TopologyDetails[] topo = { createTestStormTopology(stormTopologyWithGpu, 10, gpu1, conf), createTestStormTopology(stormTopologyNoGpu, 10, noGpu, conf), createTestStormTopology(stormTopologyWithGpu, 9, gpu2, conf) };
Topologies topologies = new Topologies(topo[0], topo[1]);
Map<String, Double> genericResourcesMap = new HashMap<>();
genericResourcesMap.put("gpu.count", 1.0);
Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMap = genSupervisors(4, 4, 500, 2000, genericResourcesMap);
Cluster cluster = new Cluster(new INimbusTest(), new ResourceMetrics(new StormMetricsRegistry()), supMap, new HashMap<>(), topologies, conf);
// should schedule gpu1 and noGpu successfully
scheduler = new ResourceAwareScheduler();
scheduler.prepare(conf, new StormMetricsRegistry());
scheduler.schedule(topologies, cluster);
assertTopologiesFullyScheduled(cluster, gpu1);
assertTopologiesFullyScheduled(cluster, noGpu);
// should evict gpu1 and noGpu topologies in order to schedule gpu2 topology; then fail to reschedule gpu1 topology;
// then schedule noGpu topology.
// Scheduling used to ignore gpu resource when deciding when to stop evicting, and gpu2 would fail to schedule.
topologies = new Topologies(topo[0], topo[1], topo[2]);
cluster = new Cluster(cluster, topologies);
scheduler.schedule(topologies, cluster);
assertTopologiesNotScheduled(cluster, gpu1);
assertTopologiesFullyScheduled(cluster, noGpu);
assertTopologiesFullyScheduled(cluster, gpu2);
use of org.apache.storm.scheduler.resource.ResourceAwareScheduler in project storm by apache.
the class TestGenericResourceAwareStrategy method testAntiAffinityWithMultipleTopologies.
public void testAntiAffinityWithMultipleTopologies() {
INimbus iNimbus = new INimbusTest();
Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMap = genSupervisorsWithRacks(1, 40, 66, 0, 0, 4700, 226200, new HashMap<>());
HashMap<String, Double> extraResources = new HashMap<>();
extraResources.put("my.gpu", 1.0);
supMap.putAll(genSupervisorsWithRacks(1, 40, 66, 1, 0, 4700, 226200, extraResources));
Config config = new Config();
config.putAll(createGrasClusterConfig(88, 775, 25, null, null));
scheduler = new ResourceAwareScheduler();
scheduler.prepare(config, new StormMetricsRegistry());
TopologyDetails tdSimple = genTopology("topology-simple", config, 1, 5, 100, 300, 0, 0, "user", 8192);
// Schedule the simple topology first
Topologies topologies = new Topologies(tdSimple);
Cluster cluster = new Cluster(iNimbus, new ResourceMetrics(new StormMetricsRegistry()), supMap, new HashMap<>(), topologies, config);
scheduler.schedule(topologies, cluster);
TopologyBuilder builder = topologyBuilder(1, 5, 100, 300);
builder.setBolt("gpu-bolt", new TestBolt(), 40).addResource("my.gpu", 1.0).shuffleGrouping("spout-0");
TopologyDetails tdGpu = topoToTopologyDetails("topology-gpu", config, builder.createTopology(), 0, 0, "user", 8192);
// Now schedule GPU but with the simple topology in place.
topologies = new Topologies(tdSimple, tdGpu);
cluster = new Cluster(cluster, topologies);
scheduler.schedule(topologies, cluster);
Map<String, SchedulerAssignment> assignments = new TreeMap<>(cluster.getAssignments());
assertEquals(2, assignments.size());
Map<String, Map<String, AtomicLong>> topoPerRackCount = new HashMap<>();
for (Entry<String, SchedulerAssignment> entry : assignments.entrySet()) {
SchedulerAssignment sa = entry.getValue();
Map<String, AtomicLong> slotsPerRack = new TreeMap<>();
for (WorkerSlot slot : sa.getSlots()) {
String nodeId = slot.getNodeId();
String rack = supervisorIdToRackName(nodeId);
slotsPerRack.computeIfAbsent(rack, (r) -> new AtomicLong(0)).incrementAndGet();
}"{} => {}", entry.getKey(), slotsPerRack);
topoPerRackCount.put(entry.getKey(), slotsPerRack);
Map<String, AtomicLong> simpleCount = topoPerRackCount.get("topology-simple-0");
// Because the simple topology was scheduled first we want to be sure that it didn't put anything on
// the GPU nodes.
// Only 1 rack is in use
assertEquals(1, simpleCount.size());
// r001 is the second rack with GPUs
// r000 is the first rack with no GPUs
// We don't really care too much about the scheduling of topology-gpu-0, because it was scheduled.