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Example 6 with Channel

use of in project storm by apache.

the class KerberosSaslClientHandler method handleControlMessage.

private void handleControlMessage(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ControlMessage controlMessage) throws Exception {
    Channel channel =;
    KerberosSaslNettyClient saslNettyClient = getChannelSaslClient(channel);
    if (controlMessage == ControlMessage.SASL_COMPLETE_REQUEST) {
        LOG.debug("Server has sent us the SaslComplete message. Allowing normal work to proceed.");
        if (!saslNettyClient.isComplete()) {
            String errorMessage = "Server returned a Sasl-complete message, but as far as we can tell, we are not authenticated yet.";
            throw new Exception(errorMessage);
        // We call fireChannelRead since the client is allowed to
        // perform this request. The client's request will now proceed
        // to the next pipeline component namely StormClientHandler.
    } else {
        LOG.warn("Unexpected control message: {}", controlMessage);
Also used : Channel( IOException(

Example 7 with Channel

use of in project storm by apache.

the class Client method closeChannel.

private void closeChannel() {
    Channel channel = channelRef.get();
    if (channel != null) {
        LOG.debug("channel to {} closed", dstAddressPrefixedName);
Also used : NioSocketChannel( Channel(

Example 8 with Channel

use of in project storm by apache.

the class PacemakerClient method channelReady.

public synchronized void channelReady(Channel channel) {
    Channel oldChannel = channelRef.get();
    if (oldChannel != null) {
        LOG.debug("Closing oldChannel is connected: {}", oldChannel.toString());
    retryTimes = 0;
    LOG.debug("Channel is ready: {}", channel.toString());
Also used : NioSocketChannel( Channel(

Example 9 with Channel

use of in project storm by apache.

the class KerberosSaslClientHandler method handleSaslMessageToken.

private void handleSaslMessageToken(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, SaslMessageToken saslMessageToken) throws Exception {
    Channel channel =;
    KerberosSaslNettyClient saslNettyClient = getChannelSaslClient(channel);
    LOG.debug("Responding to server's token of length: {}", saslMessageToken.getSaslToken().length);
    // Generate SASL response (but we only actually send the response if
    // it's non-null.
    byte[] responseToServer = saslNettyClient.saslResponse(saslMessageToken);
    if (responseToServer == null) {
        // If we generate a null response, then authentication has completed
        // (if not, warn), and return without sending a response back to the
        // server.
        LOG.debug("Response to server is null: authentication should now be complete.");
        if (!saslNettyClient.isComplete()) {
            LOG.warn("Generated a null response, but authentication is not complete.");
            throw new Exception("Our reponse to the server is null, but as far as we can tell, we are not authenticated yet.");
    } else {
        LOG.debug("Response to server token has length: {}", responseToServer.length);
        // Construct a message containing the SASL response and send it to the server.
        SaslMessageToken saslResponse = new SaslMessageToken(responseToServer);
        channel.writeAndFlush(saslResponse, channel.voidPromise());
Also used : Channel( IOException(

Example 10 with Channel

use of in project storm by apache.

the class Client method send.

 * Enqueue task messages to be sent to the remote destination (cf. `host` and `port`).
public void send(Iterator<TaskMessage> msgs) {
    if (closing) {
        int numMessages = iteratorSize(msgs);
        LOG.error("Dropping {} messages because the Netty client to {} is being closed", numMessages, dstAddressPrefixedName);
    if (!hasMessages(msgs)) {
    Channel channel = getConnectedChannel();
    if (channel == null) {
             * Connection is unavailable. We will drop pending messages and let at-least-once message replay kick in.
             * Another option would be to buffer the messages in memory.  But this option has the risk of causing OOM errors,
             * especially for topologies that disable message acking because we don't know whether the connection recovery will
             * succeed  or not, and how long the recovery will take.
    try {
        while (msgs.hasNext()) {
            TaskMessage message =;
            MessageBatch batch = batcher.add(message);
            if (batch != null) {
                writeMessage(channel, batch);
        MessageBatch batch = batcher.drain();
        if (batch != null) {
            writeMessage(channel, batch);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        LOG.warn("Exception when sending message to remote worker.", e);
Also used : NioSocketChannel( Channel( IOException( TaskMessage(org.apache.storm.messaging.TaskMessage)


Channel ( IOException ( NioSocketChannel ( InetSocketAddress ( SocketAddress ( HBMessage (org.apache.storm.generated.HBMessage)1 TaskMessage (org.apache.storm.messaging.TaskMessage)1