use of org.apache.storm.sql.parser.SqlCreateFunction in project storm by apache.
the class StormSqlImpl method submit.
public void submit(String name, Iterable<String> statements, Map<String, Object> topoConf, SubmitOptions opts, StormSubmitter.ProgressListener progressListener, String asUser) throws Exception {
for (String sql : statements) {
StormParser parser = new StormParser(sql);
SqlNode node = parser.impl().parseSqlStmtEof();
if (node instanceof SqlCreateTable) {
sqlContext.interpretCreateTable((SqlCreateTable) node);
} else if (node instanceof SqlCreateFunction) {
sqlContext.interpretCreateFunction((SqlCreateFunction) node);
} else {
AbstractStreamsProcessor processor = sqlContext.compileSql(sql);
StormTopology topo =;
Path jarPath = null;
try {
// QueryPlanner on Streams mode configures the topology with compiled classes,
// so we need to add new classes into topology jar
// Topology will be serialized and sent to Nimbus, and deserialized and executed in workers.
jarPath = Files.createTempFile("storm-sql", ".jar");
System.setProperty("storm.jar", jarPath.toString());
packageTopology(jarPath, processor);
StormSubmitter.submitTopologyAs(name, topoConf, topo, opts, progressListener, asUser);
} finally {
if (jarPath != null) {
use of org.apache.storm.sql.parser.SqlCreateFunction in project storm by apache.
the class StormSqlContext method interpretCreateFunction.
public void interpretCreateFunction(SqlCreateFunction sqlCreateFunction) throws ClassNotFoundException {
if (sqlCreateFunction.jarName() != null) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("UDF 'USING JAR' not implemented");
Method method;
Function function;
if ((method = findMethod(sqlCreateFunction.className(), "evaluate")) != null) {
function = ScalarFunctionImpl.create(method);
} else if (findMethod(sqlCreateFunction.className(), "add") != null) {
function = AggregateFunctionImpl.create(Class.forName(sqlCreateFunction.className()));
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid scalar or aggregate function");
schema.add(sqlCreateFunction.functionName().toUpperCase(), function);
hasUdf = true;