use of org.apache.storm.testing.TestWordSpout in project storm by apache.
the class TestResourceAwareScheduler method testScheduleResilience.
public void testScheduleResilience() {
INimbus iNimbus = new INimbusTest();
Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMap = genSupervisors(2, 2, 400, 2000);
TopologyBuilder builder1 = new TopologyBuilder();
builder1.setSpout("wordSpout1", new TestWordSpout(), 3);
StormTopology stormTopology1 = builder1.createTopology();
Config config1 = new Config();
Map<ExecutorDetails, String> executorMap1 = genExecsAndComps(stormTopology1);
TopologyDetails topology1 = new TopologyDetails("topology1", config1, stormTopology1, 3, executorMap1, 0, "user");
TopologyBuilder builder2 = new TopologyBuilder();
builder2.setSpout("wordSpout2", new TestWordSpout(), 2);
StormTopology stormTopology2 = builder2.createTopology();
Config config2 = new Config();
// memory requirement is large enough so that two executors can not be fully assigned to one node
Map<ExecutorDetails, String> executorMap2 = genExecsAndComps(stormTopology2);
TopologyDetails topology2 = new TopologyDetails("topology2", config2, stormTopology2, 2, executorMap2, 0, "user");
// Test1: When a worker fails, RAS does not alter existing assignments on healthy workers
scheduler = new ResourceAwareScheduler();
Topologies topologies = new Topologies(topology2);
Cluster cluster = new Cluster(iNimbus, new ResourceMetrics(new StormMetricsRegistry()), supMap, new HashMap<>(), topologies, config1);
scheduler.prepare(config1, new StormMetricsRegistry());
scheduler.schedule(topologies, cluster);
SchedulerAssignment assignment = cluster.getAssignmentById(topology2.getId());
// pick a worker to mock as failed
WorkerSlot failedWorker = new ArrayList<>(assignment.getSlots()).get(0);
Map<ExecutorDetails, WorkerSlot> executorToSlot = assignment.getExecutorToSlot();
List<ExecutorDetails> failedExecutors = new ArrayList<>();
for (Map.Entry<ExecutorDetails, WorkerSlot> entry : executorToSlot.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue().equals(failedWorker)) {
for (ExecutorDetails executor : failedExecutors) {
// remove executor details assigned to the failed worker
Map<ExecutorDetails, WorkerSlot> copyOfOldMapping = new HashMap<>(executorToSlot);
Set<ExecutorDetails> healthyExecutors = copyOfOldMapping.keySet();
scheduler.schedule(topologies, cluster);
SchedulerAssignment newAssignment = cluster.getAssignmentById(topology2.getId());
Map<ExecutorDetails, WorkerSlot> newExecutorToSlot = newAssignment.getExecutorToSlot();
for (ExecutorDetails executor : healthyExecutors) {
assertEquals(copyOfOldMapping.get(executor), newExecutorToSlot.get(executor));
assertTrue(cluster.getStatusMap().get(topology2.getId()).startsWith("Running - Fully Scheduled by DefaultResourceAwareStrategy"));
// end of Test1
// Test2: When a supervisor fails, RAS does not alter existing assignments
executorToSlot = new HashMap<>();
executorToSlot.put(new ExecutorDetails(0, 0), new WorkerSlot("r000s000", 0));
executorToSlot.put(new ExecutorDetails(1, 1), new WorkerSlot("r000s000", 1));
executorToSlot.put(new ExecutorDetails(2, 2), new WorkerSlot("r000s001", 1));
Map<String, SchedulerAssignment> existingAssignments = new HashMap<>();
assignment = new SchedulerAssignmentImpl(topology1.getId(), executorToSlot, null, null);
existingAssignments.put(topology1.getId(), assignment);
copyOfOldMapping = new HashMap<>(executorToSlot);
Set<ExecutorDetails> existingExecutors = copyOfOldMapping.keySet();
Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMap1 = new HashMap<>(supMap);
// mock the supervisor r000s000 as a failed supervisor
topologies = new Topologies(topology1);
Cluster cluster1 = new Cluster(iNimbus, new ResourceMetrics(new StormMetricsRegistry()), supMap1, existingAssignments, topologies, config1);
scheduler.schedule(topologies, cluster1);
newAssignment = cluster1.getAssignmentById(topology1.getId());
newExecutorToSlot = newAssignment.getExecutorToSlot();
for (ExecutorDetails executor : existingExecutors) {
assertEquals(copyOfOldMapping.get(executor), newExecutorToSlot.get(executor));
assertEquals("Fully Scheduled", cluster1.getStatusMap().get(topology1.getId()));
// end of Test2
// Test3: When a supervisor and a worker on it fails, RAS does not alter existing assignments
executorToSlot = new HashMap<>();
// the worker to orphan
executorToSlot.put(new ExecutorDetails(0, 0), new WorkerSlot("r000s000", 1));
// the worker that fails
executorToSlot.put(new ExecutorDetails(1, 1), new WorkerSlot("r000s000", 2));
// the healthy worker
executorToSlot.put(new ExecutorDetails(2, 2), new WorkerSlot("r000s001", 1));
existingAssignments = new HashMap<>();
assignment = new SchedulerAssignmentImpl(topology1.getId(), executorToSlot, null, null);
existingAssignments.put(topology1.getId(), assignment);
// delete one worker of r000s000 (failed) from topo1 assignment to enable actual schedule for testing
executorToSlot.remove(new ExecutorDetails(1, 1));
copyOfOldMapping = new HashMap<>(executorToSlot);
// namely the two eds on the orphaned worker and the healthy worker
existingExecutors = copyOfOldMapping.keySet();
supMap1 = new HashMap<>(supMap);
// mock the supervisor r000s000 as a failed supervisor
topologies = new Topologies(topology1);
cluster1 = new Cluster(iNimbus, new ResourceMetrics(new StormMetricsRegistry()), supMap1, existingAssignments, topologies, config1);
scheduler.schedule(topologies, cluster1);
newAssignment = cluster1.getAssignmentById(topology1.getId());
newExecutorToSlot = newAssignment.getExecutorToSlot();
for (ExecutorDetails executor : existingExecutors) {
assertEquals(copyOfOldMapping.get(executor), newExecutorToSlot.get(executor));
assertEquals("Fully Scheduled", cluster1.getStatusMap().get(topology1.getId()));
// end of Test3
// Test4: Scheduling a new topology does not disturb other assignments unnecessarily
topologies = new Topologies(topology1);
cluster1 = new Cluster(iNimbus, new ResourceMetrics(new StormMetricsRegistry()), supMap, new HashMap<>(), topologies, config1);
scheduler.schedule(topologies, cluster1);
assignment = cluster1.getAssignmentById(topology1.getId());
executorToSlot = assignment.getExecutorToSlot();
copyOfOldMapping = new HashMap<>(executorToSlot);
topologies = addTopologies(topologies, topology2);
cluster1 = new Cluster(iNimbus, new ResourceMetrics(new StormMetricsRegistry()), supMap, new HashMap<>(), topologies, config1);
scheduler.schedule(topologies, cluster1);
newAssignment = cluster1.getAssignmentById(topology1.getId());
newExecutorToSlot = newAssignment.getExecutorToSlot();
for (ExecutorDetails executor : copyOfOldMapping.keySet()) {
assertEquals(copyOfOldMapping.get(executor), newExecutorToSlot.get(executor));
String expectedStatusPrefix = "Running - Fully Scheduled by DefaultResourceAwareStrategy";
use of org.apache.storm.testing.TestWordSpout in project storm by apache.
the class TestResourceAwareScheduler method testTopologySetCpuAndMemLoad.
public void testTopologySetCpuAndMemLoad() {
INimbus iNimbus = new INimbusTest();
Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMap = genSupervisors(2, 2, 400, 2000);
// a topology with multiple spouts
TopologyBuilder builder1 = new TopologyBuilder();
builder1.setSpout("wordSpout", new TestWordSpout(), 1).setCPULoad(20.0).setMemoryLoad(200.0);
builder1.setBolt("wordCountBolt", new TestWordCounter(), 1).shuffleGrouping("wordSpout").setCPULoad(20.0).setMemoryLoad(200.0);
StormTopology stormTopology1 = builder1.createTopology();
Config config = new Config();
Map<ExecutorDetails, String> executorMap1 = genExecsAndComps(stormTopology1);
TopologyDetails topology1 = new TopologyDetails("topology1", config, stormTopology1, 0, executorMap1, 0, "user");
ResourceAwareScheduler rs = new ResourceAwareScheduler();
scheduler = rs;
Topologies topologies = new Topologies(topology1);
Cluster cluster = new Cluster(iNimbus, new ResourceMetrics(new StormMetricsRegistry()), supMap, new HashMap<>(), topologies, config);
rs.prepare(config, new StormMetricsRegistry());
rs.schedule(topologies, cluster);
SchedulerAssignment assignment1 = cluster.getAssignmentById(topology1.getId());
Map<WorkerSlot, WorkerResources> assignedSlots1 = assignment1.getScheduledResources();
double assignedMemory = 0.0;
double assignedCpu = 0.0;
Set<String> nodesIDs1 = new HashSet<>();
for (Entry<WorkerSlot, WorkerResources> entry : assignedSlots1.entrySet()) {
WorkerResources wr = entry.getValue();
assignedMemory += wr.get_mem_on_heap() + wr.get_mem_off_heap();
assignedCpu += wr.get_cpu();
Collection<ExecutorDetails> executors1 = assignment1.getExecutors();
assertEquals(1, assignedSlots1.size());
assertEquals(1, nodesIDs1.size());
assertEquals(2, executors1.size());
assertEquals(400.0, assignedMemory, 0.001);
assertEquals(40.0, assignedCpu, 0.001);
String expectedStatusPrefix = "Running - Fully Scheduled by DefaultResourceAwareStrategy";
use of org.apache.storm.testing.TestWordSpout in project storm by apache.
the class ResourceAwareExampleTopology method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
TopologyBuilder builder = new TopologyBuilder();
// A topology can set resources in terms of CPU and Memory for each component
// These can be chained (like with setting the CPU requirement)
SpoutDeclarer spout = builder.setSpout("word", new TestWordSpout(), 10).setCPULoad(20);
// Or done separately like with setting the
// onheap and offheap memory requirement
spout.setMemoryLoad(64, 16);
// On heap memory is used to help calculate the heap of the java process for the worker
// off heap memory is for things like JNI memory allocated off heap, or when using the
// ShellBolt or ShellSpout. In this case the 16 MB of off heap is just as an example
// as we are not using it.
// Some times a Bolt or Spout will have some memory that is shared between the instances
// These are typically caches, but could be anything like a static database that is memory
// mapped into the processes. These can be declared separately and added to the bolts and
// spouts that use them. Or if only one uses it they can be created inline with the add
SharedOnHeap exclaimCache = new SharedOnHeap(100, "exclaim-cache");
SharedOffHeapWithinNode notImplementedButJustAnExample = new SharedOffHeapWithinNode(500, "not-implemented-node-level-cache");
// If CPU or memory is not set the values stored in topology.component.resources.onheap.memory.mb,
// topology.component.resources.offheap.memory.mb and topology.component.cpu.pcore.percent
// will be used instead
builder.setBolt("exclaim1", new ExclamationBolt(), 3).shuffleGrouping("word").addSharedMemory(exclaimCache);
builder.setBolt("exclaim2", new ExclamationBolt(), 2).shuffleGrouping("exclaim1").setMemoryLoad(100).addSharedMemory(exclaimCache).addSharedMemory(notImplementedButJustAnExample);
Config conf = new Config();
// Under RAS the number of workers is determined by the scheduler and the settings in the conf are ignored
// conf.setNumWorkers(3);
// Instead the scheduler lets you set the maximum heap size for any worker.
// The scheduler generally will try to pack executors into workers until the max heap size is met, but
// this can vary depending on the specific scheduling strategy selected.
// The reason for this is to try and balance the maximum pause time GC might take (which is larger for larger heaps)
// against better performance because of not needing to serialize/deserialize tuples.
// The priority of a topology describes the importance of the topology in decreasing importance
// starting from 0 (i.e. 0 is the highest priority and the priority importance decreases as the priority number increases).
// Recommended range of 0-29 but no hard limit set.
// If there are not enough resources in a cluster the priority in combination with how far over a guarantees
// a user is will decide which topologies are run and which ones are not.
// set to use the default resource aware strategy when using the MultitenantResourceAwareBridgeScheduler
String topoName = "test";
if (args != null && args.length > 0) {
topoName = args[0];
StormSubmitter.submitTopologyWithProgressBar(topoName, conf, builder.createTopology());
use of org.apache.storm.testing.TestWordSpout in project storm by apache.
the class MultipleLoggerTopology method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
TopologyBuilder builder = new TopologyBuilder();
builder.setSpout("word", new TestWordSpout(), 10);
builder.setBolt("exclaim1", new ExclamationLoggingBolt(), 3).shuffleGrouping("word");
builder.setBolt("exclaim2", new ExclamationLoggingBolt(), 2).shuffleGrouping("exclaim1");
Config conf = new Config();
String topoName = MultipleLoggerTopology.class.getName();
if (args != null && args.length > 0) {
topoName = args[0];
StormSubmitter.submitTopologyWithProgressBar(topoName, conf, builder.createTopology());
use of org.apache.storm.testing.TestWordSpout in project storm by apache.
the class TopologyIntegrationTest method mkInvalidateTopology2.
private StormTopology mkInvalidateTopology2() {
TopologyBuilder builder = new TopologyBuilder();
builder.setSpout("1", new TestWordSpout(true), 3);
builder.setBolt("2", new TestWordCounter(), 4).fieldsGrouping("1", new Fields("non-exists-field"));
return builder.createTopology();