use of org.apache.storm.topology.IRichBolt in project storm by apache.
the class Thrift method buildTopology.
public static StormTopology buildTopology(Map<String, SpoutDetails> spoutMap, Map<String, BoltDetails> boltMap) {
TopologyBuilder builder = new TopologyBuilder();
for (Entry<String, SpoutDetails> entry : spoutMap.entrySet()) {
String spoutID = entry.getKey();
SpoutDetails spec = entry.getValue();
SpoutDeclarer spoutDeclarer = builder.setSpout(spoutID, spec.getSpout(), spec.getParallelism());
for (Entry<String, BoltDetails> entry : boltMap.entrySet()) {
String spoutID = entry.getKey();
BoltDetails spec = entry.getValue();
BoltDeclarer boltDeclarer = null;
if (spec.bolt instanceof IRichBolt) {
boltDeclarer = builder.setBolt(spoutID, (IRichBolt) spec.getBolt(), spec.getParallelism());
} else {
boltDeclarer = builder.setBolt(spoutID, (IBasicBolt) spec.getBolt(), spec.getParallelism());
addInputs(boltDeclarer, spec.getInputs());
return builder.createTopology();