use of org.apache.struts.config.ForwardConfig in project sonarqube by SonarSource.
the class TestActionServlet method testProcessForwardConfigClassSubConfigCustomClass.
* Make sure processForwardConfigClass() returns the same class instance
* if the base config isn't using a custom class.
public void testProcessForwardConfigClassSubConfigCustomClass() throws Exception {
ForwardConfig customSub = new ActionForward();
ForwardConfig result = actionServlet.processForwardConfigClass(customSub, moduleConfig, null);
assertSame("The instance returned should be the param given it.", customSub, result);
use of org.apache.struts.config.ForwardConfig in project sonarqube by SonarSource.
the class TestRequestUtils method testForwardURL1.
// ----------------------------------------------------------- forwardURL()
// Default module (default forwardPattern)
public void testForwardURL1() {
request.setAttribute(Globals.MODULE_KEY, moduleConfig);
request.setPathElements("/myapp", "/", null, null);
ForwardConfig forward = null;
String result = null;
// redirect=false, module=null
forward = moduleConfig.findForwardConfig("moduleForward");
assertNotNull("moduleForward found", forward);
result = RequestUtils.forwardURL(request, forward, null);
assertNotNull("moduleForward computed", result);
assertEquals("moduleForward value", "/module/forward", result);
// redirect=true, module=null
forward = moduleConfig.findForwardConfig("moduleRedirect");
assertNotNull("moduleRedirect found", forward);
result = RequestUtils.forwardURL(request, forward, null);
assertNotNull("moduleRedirect computed", result);
assertEquals("moduleRedirect value", "/module/redirect", result);
// redirect=false, module=/context
forward = moduleConfig.findForwardConfig("contextForward");
assertNotNull("contextForward found", forward);
result = RequestUtils.forwardURL(request, forward, null);
assertNotNull("contextForward computed", result);
assertEquals("contextForward value", "/context/forward", result);
// redirect=true, module=/context
forward = moduleConfig.findForwardConfig("contextRedirect");
assertNotNull("contextRedirect found", forward);
result = RequestUtils.forwardURL(request, forward, null);
assertNotNull("contextRedirect computed", result);
assertEquals("contextRedirct value", "/context/redirect", result);
// noslash, module=null
forward = moduleConfig.findForwardConfig("moduleNoslash");
assertNotNull("moduleNoslash found", forward);
result = RequestUtils.forwardURL(request, forward, null);
assertNotNull("moduleNoslash computed", result);
assertEquals("moduleNoslash value", "/module/noslash", result);
// noslash, module=/
forward = moduleConfig.findForwardConfig("contextNoslash");
assertNotNull("contextNoslash found", forward);
result = RequestUtils.forwardURL(request, forward, null);
assertNotNull("contextNoslash computed", result);
assertEquals("contextNoslash value", "/context/noslash", result);
use of org.apache.struts.config.ForwardConfig in project sonarqube by SonarSource.
the class TestRequestUtils method testForwardURL2.
// Second module (default forwardPattern)
public void testForwardURL2() {
request.setAttribute(Globals.MODULE_KEY, moduleConfig2);
request.setPathElements("/myapp", "/2/", null, null);
ForwardConfig forward = null;
String result = null;
// redirect=false, module=null
forward = moduleConfig2.findForwardConfig("moduleForward");
assertNotNull("moduleForward found", forward);
result = RequestUtils.forwardURL(request, forward, null);
assertNotNull("moduleForward computed", result);
assertEquals("moduleForward value", "/2/module/forward", result);
// redirect=true, module=null
forward = moduleConfig2.findForwardConfig("moduleRedirect");
assertNotNull("moduleRedirect found", forward);
result = RequestUtils.forwardURL(request, forward, null);
assertNotNull("moduleRedirect computed", result);
assertEquals("moduleRedirect value", "/2/module/redirect", result);
// redirect=false, module=/context
forward = moduleConfig2.findForwardConfig("contextForward");
assertNotNull("contextForward found", forward);
result = RequestUtils.forwardURL(request, forward, null);
assertNotNull("contextForward computed", result);
assertEquals("contextForward value", "/context/forward", result);
// redirect=true, module=/context
forward = moduleConfig2.findForwardConfig("contextRedirect");
assertNotNull("contextRedirect found", forward);
result = RequestUtils.forwardURL(request, forward, null);
assertNotNull("contextRedirect computed", result);
assertEquals("contextRedirct value", "/context/redirect", result);
// noslash, module=null
forward = moduleConfig2.findForwardConfig("moduleNoslash");
assertNotNull("moduleNoslash found", forward);
result = RequestUtils.forwardURL(request, forward, null);
assertNotNull("moduleNoslash computed", result);
assertEquals("moduleNoslash value", "/2/module/noslash", result);
// noslash, module=/
forward = moduleConfig2.findForwardConfig("contextNoslash");
assertNotNull("contextNoslash found", forward);
result = RequestUtils.forwardURL(request, forward, null);
assertNotNull("contextNoslash computed", result);
assertEquals("contextNoslash value", "/context/noslash", result);
use of org.apache.struts.config.ForwardConfig in project sonarqube by SonarSource.
the class TestPerformForward method testNullForwardPath.
public void testNullForwardPath() throws Exception {
ForwardConfig config = new ForwardConfig();
try {
command.perform(saContext, config);
fail("Didn't throw an illegal argument exception on null forward path");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
System.out.println("exception: " + ex.getMessage());
// Do nothing, the test passed
use of org.apache.struts.config.ForwardConfig in project sonar-java by SonarSource.
the class TilesPreProcessor method execute.
// ---------------------------------------------------------- Public Methods
* <p>If the current <code>ForwardConfig</code> is using "tiles",
* perform necessary pre-processing to set up the <code>TilesContext</code>
* and substitute a new <code>ForwardConfig</code> which is understandable
* to a <code>RequestDispatcher</code>.</p>
* <p>Note that if the command finds a previously existing
* <code>ComponentContext</code> in the request, then it
* infers that it has been called from within another tile,
* so instead of changing the <code>ForwardConfig</code> in the chain
* <code>Context</code>, the command uses <code>RequestDispatcher</code>
* to <em>include</em> the tile, and returns true, indicating that the processing
* chain is complete.</p>
* @param context The <code>Context</code> for the current request
* @return <code>false</code> in most cases, but true if we determine
* that we're processing in "include" mode.
public boolean execute(Context context) throws Exception {
// Is there a Tiles Definition to be processed?
ServletActionContext sacontext = (ServletActionContext) context;
ForwardConfig forwardConfig = sacontext.getForwardConfig();
if (forwardConfig == null || forwardConfig.getPath() == null) {
log.debug("No forwardConfig or no path, so pass to next command.");
return (false);
ComponentDefinition definition = null;
try {
definition = TilesUtil.getDefinition(forwardConfig.getPath(), sacontext.getRequest(), sacontext.getContext());
} catch (FactoryNotFoundException ex) {
// this is not a serious error, so log at low priority
log.debug("Tiles DefinitionFactory not found, so pass to next command.");
return false;
} catch (NoSuchDefinitionException ex) {
// ignore not found
log.debug("NoSuchDefinitionException " + ex.getMessage());
// Do we do a forward (original behavior) or an include ?
boolean doInclude = false;
ComponentContext tileContext = null;
// Get current tile context if any.
// If context exists, or if the response has already been committed we will do an include
tileContext = ComponentContext.getContext(sacontext.getRequest());
doInclude = (tileContext != null || sacontext.getResponse().isCommitted());
// Controller associated to a definition, if any
Controller controller = null;
// Computed uri to include
String uri = null;
if (definition != null) {
// We have a "forward config" definition.
// We use it to complete missing attribute in context.
// We also get uri, controller.
uri = definition.getPath();
controller = definition.getOrCreateController();
if (tileContext == null) {
tileContext = new ComponentContext(definition.getAttributes());
ComponentContext.setContext(tileContext, sacontext.getRequest());
} else {
// Process definition set in Action, if any. This may override the
// values for uri or controller found using the ForwardConfig, and
// may augment the tileContext with additional attributes.
// :FIXME: the class DefinitionsUtil is deprecated, but I can't find
// the intended alternative to use.
definition = DefinitionsUtil.getActionDefinition(sacontext.getRequest());
if (definition != null) {
// We also overload uri and controller if set in definition.
if (definition.getPath() != null) {
log.debug("Override forward uri " + uri + " with action uri " + definition.getPath());
uri = definition.getPath();
if (definition.getOrCreateController() != null) {
log.debug("Override forward controller with action controller");
controller = definition.getOrCreateController();
if (tileContext == null) {
tileContext = new ComponentContext(definition.getAttributes());
ComponentContext.setContext(tileContext, sacontext.getRequest());
} else {
if (uri == null) {
log.debug("no uri computed, so pass to next command");
return false;
// Execute controller associated to definition, if any.
if (controller != null) {
log.trace("Execute controller: " + controller);
controller.execute(tileContext, sacontext.getRequest(), sacontext.getResponse(), sacontext.getContext());
if (doInclude) {"Tiles process complete; doInclude with " + uri);
doInclude(sacontext, uri);
} else {"Tiles process complete; forward to " + uri);
doForward(sacontext, uri);
log.debug("Tiles processed, so clearing forward config from context.");
return (false);