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Example 6 with ThrottleException

use of org.apache.synapse.commons.throttle.core.ThrottleException in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.

the class APIThrottleHandler method doRoleBasedAccessThrottling.

private boolean doRoleBasedAccessThrottling(MessageContext synCtx, ConfigurationContext cc) {
    boolean canAccess = true;
    ThrottleDataHolder dataHolder = (ThrottleDataHolder) cc.getPropertyNonReplicable(ThrottleConstants.THROTTLE_INFO_KEY);
    if (throttle.getThrottleContext(ThrottleConstants.ROLE_BASED_THROTTLE_KEY) == null) {
        // skip role base throttling
        return true;
    ConcurrentAccessController cac = null;
    if (isClusteringEnable) {
        // for clustered  env.,gets it from axis configuration context
        cac = (ConcurrentAccessController) cc.getProperty(key);
    if (!synCtx.isResponse()) {
        // gets the remote caller role name
        AuthenticationContext authContext = APISecurityUtils.getAuthenticationContext(synCtx);
        String accessToken;
        String consumerKey;
        String authorizedUser;
        String roleID;
        String applicationId;
        String applicationTier;
        if (authContext != null) {
            // Although the method says getApiKey, what is actually returned is the Bearer header (accessToken)
            accessToken = authContext.getApiKey();
            consumerKey = authContext.getConsumerKey();
            authorizedUser = authContext.getUsername();
            roleID = authContext.getTier();
            applicationTier = authContext.getApplicationTier();
            applicationId = authContext.getApplicationId();
            if (accessToken == null || roleID == null) {
                log.warn("No consumer key or role information found on the request - " + "Throttling not applied");
                return true;
        } else {
            log.warn("No authentication context information found on the request - " + "Throttling not applied");
            return true;
        // Domain name based throttling
        // check whether a configuration has been defined for this role name or not
        // loads the ThrottleContext
        ThrottleContext resourceContext = throttle.getThrottleContext(RESOURCE_THROTTLE_KEY);
        if (resourceContext == null) {
            log.warn("Unable to load throttle context");
            return true;
        // Loads the ThrottleConfiguration
        ThrottleConfiguration config = resourceContext.getThrottleConfiguration();
        if (config != null) {
            String applicationRoleId = null;
            // If an application level tier has been specified and it is not 'Unlimited'
            if (applicationTier != null && !APIConstants.UNLIMITED_TIER.equals(applicationTier)) {
                // Get the configuration role of the application
                // applicationRoleId = config.getConfigurationKeyOfCaller(applicationTier);
                applicationRoleId = applicationTier;
            AccessInformation info = null;
            // If application level throttling is applied
            if (applicationRoleId != null) {
                ThrottleContext applicationThrottleContext = getApplicationThrottleContext(synCtx, dataHolder, applicationId);
                if (isClusteringEnable) {
                // First throttle by application
                try {
                    info = applicationRoleBasedAccessController.canAccess(applicationThrottleContext, applicationId, applicationRoleId);
                    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        log.debug("Throttle by Application " + applicationId);
                        log.debug("Allowed = " + (info != null ? info.isAccessAllowed() : "false"));
                } catch (ThrottleException e) {
                    log.warn("Exception occurred while performing role " + "based throttling", e);
                    synCtx.setProperty(APIThrottleConstants.THROTTLED_OUT_REASON, APIThrottleConstants.APPLICATION_LIMIT_EXCEEDED);
                    return false;
                // check for the permission for access
                if (info != null && !info.isAccessAllowed()) {
          "Exceeded the allocated quota in Application level.");
                    // if the access has denied by rate based throttling
                    if (cac != null) {
                        // set back if this is a clustered env
                        if (isClusteringEnable) {
                            cc.setProperty(key, cac);
                            // replicate the current state of ConcurrentAccessController
                            try {
                                Replicator.replicate(cc, new String[] { key });
                            } catch (ClusteringFault clusteringFault) {
                                log.error("Error during replicating states", clusteringFault);
                    synCtx.setProperty(APIThrottleConstants.THROTTLED_OUT_REASON, APIThrottleConstants.APPLICATION_LIMIT_EXCEEDED);
                    return false;
            // ---------------End of application level throttling------------
            // ==============================Start of Resource level throttling======================================
            // get throttling information for given request with resource path and http verb
            // VerbInfoDTO verbInfoDTO = null;
            // verbInfoDTO = validator.getVerbInfoDTOFromAPIData(apiContext, apiVersion, requestPath, httpMethod);
            VerbInfoDTO verbInfoDTO = (VerbInfoDTO) synCtx.getProperty(APIConstants.VERB_INFO_DTO);
            String resourceLevelRoleId = null;
            // no data related to verb information data
            if (verbInfoDTO == null) {
                log.warn("Error while getting throttling information for resource and http verb");
                return false;
            } else {
                // Not only we can proceed
                String resourceAndHTTPVerbThrottlingTier = verbInfoDTO.getThrottling();
                // If there no any tier then we need to set it as unlimited
                if (resourceAndHTTPVerbThrottlingTier == null) {
                    log.warn("Unable to find throttling information for resource and http verb. Throttling will " + "not apply");
                } else {
                    resourceLevelRoleId = resourceAndHTTPVerbThrottlingTier;
                // adding consumerKey and authz_user combination instead of access token to resourceAndHTTPVerbKey
                // This avoids sending more than the permitted number of requests in a unit time by
                // regenerating the access token
                String resourceAndHTTPVerbKey = verbInfoDTO.getRequestKey() + '-' + consumerKey + ':' + authorizedUser;
                // if request not null then only we proceed
                if (resourceLevelRoleId != null) {
                    try {
                        // if application level throttling has passed
                        if (!APIConstants.UNLIMITED_TIER.equals(resourceLevelRoleId) && (info == null || info.isAccessAllowed())) {
                            // If this is a clustered env.
                            if (isClusteringEnable) {
                                resourceContext.setThrottleId(id + "resource");
                            info = roleBasedAccessController.canAccess(resourceContext, resourceAndHTTPVerbKey, resourceAndHTTPVerbThrottlingTier);
                    } catch (ThrottleException e) {
                        log.warn("Exception occurred while performing resource" + "based throttling", e);
                        synCtx.setProperty(APIThrottleConstants.THROTTLED_OUT_REASON, APIThrottleConstants.RESOURCE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED);
                        return false;
                    // check for the permission for access
                    if (info != null && !info.isAccessAllowed()) {
              "Exceeded the allocated quota in Resource level.");
                        // if the access has denied by rate based throttling
                        if (cac != null) {
                            // set back if this is a clustered env
                            if (isClusteringEnable) {
                                cc.setProperty(key, cac);
                                // replicate the current state of ConcurrentAccessController
                                try {
                                    Replicator.replicate(cc, new String[] { key });
                                } catch (ClusteringFault clusteringFault) {
                                    log.error("Error during replicating states", clusteringFault);
                        if (isContinueOnThrottleReached(resourceAndHTTPVerbThrottlingTier)) {
                            // limit has reached.
                            if (synCtx.getProperty(APIConstants.API_USAGE_THROTTLE_OUT_PROPERTY_KEY) == null) {
                                synCtx.setProperty(APIConstants.API_USAGE_THROTTLE_OUT_PROPERTY_KEY, Boolean.TRUE);
                        } else {
                            synCtx.setProperty(APIThrottleConstants.THROTTLED_OUT_REASON, APIThrottleConstants.RESOURCE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED);
                            return false;
                } else {
                    log.warn("Unable to find the throttle policy for role.");
            // ==============================End of Resource level throttling=======================================
            // ---------------Start of API level throttling------------------
            // Domain name based throttling
            // check whether a configuration has been defined for this role name or not
            // loads the ThrottleContext
            ThrottleContext context = throttle.getThrottleContext(ThrottleConstants.ROLE_BASED_THROTTLE_KEY);
            String apiKey;
            if (context == null) {
                log.warn("Unable to load throttle context");
                return true;
            // If this is a clustered env.
            // check for configuration role of the caller
            config = context.getThrottleConfiguration();
            String consumerRoleID = config.getConfigurationKeyOfCaller(roleID);
            if (isClusteringEnable) {
            try {
                String apiContext = (String) synCtx.getProperty(RESTConstants.REST_API_CONTEXT);
                String apiVersion = (String) synCtx.getProperty(RESTConstants.SYNAPSE_REST_API_VERSION);
                apiContext = apiContext != null ? apiContext : "";
                apiVersion = apiVersion != null ? apiVersion : "";
                // adding consumerKey and authz_user combination instead of access token to apiKey
                // This avoids sending more than the permitted number of requests in a unit time by
                // regenerating the access token
                apiKey = apiContext + ':' + apiVersion + ':' + consumerKey + ':' + authorizedUser;
                // if application level throttling has passed
                if (!APIConstants.UNLIMITED_TIER.equals(roleID) && (info == null || info.isAccessAllowed())) {
                    // Throttle by access token
                    info = roleBasedAccessController.canAccess(context, apiKey, consumerRoleID);
            } catch (ThrottleException e) {
                log.warn("Exception occurred while performing role " + "based throttling", e);
                synCtx.setProperty(APIThrottleConstants.THROTTLED_OUT_REASON, APIThrottleConstants.API_LIMIT_EXCEEDED);
                return false;
            // check for the permission for access
            if (info != null && !info.isAccessAllowed()) {
      "Exceeded the allocated quota in API level.");
                // if the access has denied by rate based throttling
                if (cac != null) {
                    // set back if this is a clustered env
                    if (isClusteringEnable) {
                        cc.setProperty(key, cac);
                        // replicate the current state of ConcurrentAccessController
                        try {
                            Replicator.replicate(cc, new String[] { key });
                        } catch (ClusteringFault clusteringFault) {
                            log.error("Error during replicating states", clusteringFault);
                if (isContinueOnThrottleReached(consumerRoleID)) {
                    // limit has reached.
                    if (synCtx.getProperty(APIConstants.API_USAGE_THROTTLE_OUT_PROPERTY_KEY) == null) {
                        synCtx.setProperty(APIConstants.API_USAGE_THROTTLE_OUT_PROPERTY_KEY, Boolean.TRUE);
                    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        log.debug("Request throttled at API level for throttle key" + apiKey + ". But role " + consumerRoleID + "allows to continue to serve requests");
                } else {
                    synCtx.setProperty(APIThrottleConstants.THROTTLED_OUT_REASON, APIThrottleConstants.API_LIMIT_EXCEEDED);
                    return false;
    // ---------------End of API level throttling------------------
    // ---------------Start of Hard throttling------------------
    ThrottleContext hardThrottleContext = throttle.getThrottleContext(APIThrottleConstants.HARD_THROTTLING_CONFIGURATION);
    try {
        String apiContext = (String) synCtx.getProperty(RESTConstants.REST_API_CONTEXT);
        String apiVersion = (String) synCtx.getProperty(RESTConstants.SYNAPSE_REST_API_VERSION);
        apiContext = apiContext != null ? apiContext : "";
        apiVersion = apiVersion != null ? apiVersion : "";
        AuthenticationContext authContext = APISecurityUtils.getAuthenticationContext(synCtx);
        if (hardThrottleContext != null && authContext.getKeyType() != null) {
            String throttleKey = apiContext + ':' + apiVersion + ':' + authContext.getKeyType();
            AccessInformation info = null;
            if (isClusteringEnable) {
            if (APIConstants.API_KEY_TYPE_PRODUCTION.equals(authContext.getKeyType())) {
                hardThrottleContext.setThrottleId(id + APIThrottleConstants.PRODUCTION_HARD_LIMIT);
                info = roleBasedAccessController.canAccess(hardThrottleContext, throttleKey, APIThrottleConstants.PRODUCTION_HARD_LIMIT);
            } else if (APIConstants.API_KEY_TYPE_SANDBOX.equals(authContext.getKeyType())) {
                hardThrottleContext.setThrottleId(id + APIThrottleConstants.SANDBOX_HARD_LIMIT);
                info = roleBasedAccessController.canAccess(hardThrottleContext, throttleKey, APIThrottleConstants.SANDBOX_HARD_LIMIT);
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("Throttle by hard limit " + throttleKey);
                log.debug("Allowed = " + (info != null ? info.isAccessAllowed() : "false"));
            if (info != null && !info.isAccessAllowed()) {
                synCtx.setProperty(APIThrottleConstants.THROTTLED_OUT_REASON, APIThrottleConstants.HARD_LIMIT_EXCEEDED);
      "Hard Throttling limit exceeded.");
                return false;
    } catch (ThrottleException e) {
        log.warn("Exception occurred while performing role based throttling", e);
        synCtx.setProperty(APIThrottleConstants.THROTTLED_OUT_REASON, APIThrottleConstants.HARD_LIMIT_EXCEEDED);
        return false;
    return canAccess;
Also used : ThrottleContext(org.apache.synapse.commons.throttle.core.ThrottleContext) ThrottleDataHolder(org.apache.synapse.commons.throttle.core.ThrottleDataHolder) AuthenticationContext( VerbInfoDTO(org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.dto.VerbInfoDTO) AccessInformation(org.apache.synapse.commons.throttle.core.AccessInformation) ThrottleException(org.apache.synapse.commons.throttle.core.ThrottleException) ThrottleConfiguration(org.apache.synapse.commons.throttle.core.ThrottleConfiguration) ConcurrentAccessController(org.apache.synapse.commons.throttle.core.ConcurrentAccessController) ClusteringFault(org.apache.axis2.clustering.ClusteringFault)

Example 7 with ThrottleException

use of org.apache.synapse.commons.throttle.core.ThrottleException in project wso2-synapse by wso2.

the class ThrottleEnguageUtils method enguage.

public static void enguage(AxisDescription axisDescription, ConfigurationContext configctx, Throttle defaultThrottle) throws AxisFault {
    String currentServiceName;
    if (axisDescription instanceof AxisService) {
        Throttle throttle = null;
        AxisService currentService = ((AxisService) axisDescription);
        PolicySubject policySubject = currentService.getPolicySubject();
        if (policySubject != null) {
            try {
                List policies = new ArrayList(policySubject.getAttachedPolicyComponents());
                Policy currentPolicy = PolicyUtil.getMergedPolicy(policies, currentService);
                if (currentPolicy != null) {
                    throttle = ThrottleFactory.createServiceThrottle(currentPolicy);
                    if (throttle == null) {
                        // this is for the scenario when throttle policy is empty rather than
                        // null (eg: removing the throttle policy via policy editor)
                        throttle = defaultThrottle;
                // todo - done by isuru, recheck
                } else {
                    AxisConfiguration axisConfig = configctx.getAxisConfiguration();
                    AxisModule throttleModule = axisConfig.getModule(ThrottleConstants.THROTTLE_MODULE_NAME);
                    policySubject = throttleModule.getPolicySubject();
                    if (policySubject != null) {
                        currentPolicy = ThrottleEnguageUtils.getThrottlePolicy(policySubject.getAttachedPolicyComponents());
                        if (currentPolicy != null) {
                            throttle = ThrottleFactory.createModuleThrottle(currentPolicy);
                // todo - done by isuru
            } catch (ThrottleException e) {
                log.error("Error was occurred when engaging throttle module for" + " the service :" + currentService.getName() + e.getMessage());
      "Throttling will occur using default module policy");
                throttle = defaultThrottle;
            if (throttle != null) {
                Map throttles = (Map) configctx.getPropertyNonReplicable(ThrottleConstants.THROTTLES_MAP);
                if (throttles == null) {
                    throttles = new HashMap();
                    configctx.setNonReplicableProperty(ThrottleConstants.THROTTLES_MAP, throttles);
                String serviceName = currentService.getName();
                throttles.put(serviceName, throttle);
                ConcurrentAccessController cac = throttle.getConcurrentAccessController();
                if (cac != null) {
                    String cacKey = ThrottleConstants.THROTTLE_PROPERTY_PREFIX + serviceName + ThrottleConstants.CAC_SUFFIX;
                    configctx.setProperty(cacKey, cac);
    } else if (axisDescription instanceof AxisOperation) {
        Throttle throttle = null;
        AxisOperation currentOperation = ((AxisOperation) axisDescription);
        AxisService axisService = (AxisService) currentOperation.getParent();
        if (axisService != null) {
            currentServiceName = axisService.getName();
            PolicySubject policySubject = currentOperation.getPolicySubject();
            if (policySubject != null) {
                try {
                    List policies = new ArrayList(policySubject.getAttachedPolicyComponents());
                    Policy currentPolicy = PolicyUtil.getMergedPolicy(policies, currentOperation);
                    if (currentPolicy != null) {
                        throttle = ThrottleFactory.createOperationThrottle(currentPolicy);
                } catch (ThrottleException e) {
                    log.error("Error was occurred when engaging throttle module " + "for operation : " + currentOperation.getName() + " in the service :" + currentServiceName + e.getMessage());
          "Throttling will occur using default module policy");
                // if current throttle is null, use the default throttle
                if (throttle == null) {
                    throttle = defaultThrottle;
                Map throttles = (Map) configctx.getPropertyNonReplicable(ThrottleConstants.THROTTLES_MAP);
                if (throttles == null) {
                    throttles = new HashMap();
                    configctx.setNonReplicableProperty(ThrottleConstants.THROTTLES_MAP, throttles);
                QName opQName = currentOperation.getName();
                if (opQName != null) {
                    String opName = opQName.getLocalPart();
                    String key = currentServiceName + opName;
                    throttles.put(key, throttle);
                    ConcurrentAccessController cac = throttle.getConcurrentAccessController();
                    if (cac != null) {
                        String cacKey = ThrottleConstants.THROTTLE_PROPERTY_PREFIX + key + ThrottleConstants.CAC_SUFFIX;
                        configctx.setProperty(cacKey, cac);
Also used : Policy(org.apache.neethi.Policy) AxisConfiguration(org.apache.axis2.engine.AxisConfiguration) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) QName(javax.xml.namespace.QName) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Throttle(org.apache.synapse.commons.throttle.core.Throttle) ThrottleException(org.apache.synapse.commons.throttle.core.ThrottleException) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) ConcurrentAccessController(org.apache.synapse.commons.throttle.core.ConcurrentAccessController) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map)

Example 8 with ThrottleException

use of org.apache.synapse.commons.throttle.core.ThrottleException in project wso2-synapse by wso2.

the class ThrottleHandler method loadThrottle.

 * Loads a throttle metadata for a particular throttle type
 * @param messageContext - The messageContext
 * @param throttleType   - The type of throttle
 * @return IPBaseThrottleConfiguration     - The IPBaseThrottleConfiguration - load from AxisConfiguration
 * @throws ThrottleException Throws if the throttle type is unsupported
public Throttle loadThrottle(MessageContext messageContext, int throttleType) throws ThrottleException {
    Throttle throttle = null;
    ConfigurationContext configContext = messageContext.getConfigurationContext();
    // the Parameter which hold throttle ipbase object
    // to get throttles map from the configuration context
    Map throttles = (Map) configContext.getPropertyNonReplicable(ThrottleConstants.THROTTLES_MAP);
    if (throttles == null) {
        if (debugOn) {
            log.debug("Couldn't find throttles object map .. thottlling will not be occurred ");
        return null;
    switch(throttleType) {
        case ThrottleConstants.GLOBAL_THROTTLE:
                throttle = (Throttle) throttles.get(ThrottleConstants.GLOBAL_THROTTLE_KEY);
        case ThrottleConstants.OPERATION_BASED_THROTTLE:
                AxisOperation axisOperation = messageContext.getAxisOperation();
                if (axisOperation != null) {
                    QName opName = axisOperation.getName();
                    if (opName != null) {
                        AxisService service = (AxisService) axisOperation.getParent();
                        if (service != null) {
                            String currentServiceName = service.getName();
                            if (currentServiceName != null) {
                                throttle = (Throttle) throttles.get(currentServiceName + opName.getLocalPart());
                } else {
                    if (debugOn) {
                        log.debug("Couldn't find axis operation ");
                    return null;
        case ThrottleConstants.SERVICE_BASED_THROTTLE:
                AxisService axisService = messageContext.getAxisService();
                if (axisService != null) {
                    throttle = (Throttle) throttles.get(axisService.getName());
                } else {
                    if (debugOn) {
                        log.debug("Couldn't find axis service ");
                    return null;
                throw new ThrottleException("Unsupported Throttle type");
    return throttle;
Also used : ConfigurationContext(org.apache.axis2.context.ConfigurationContext) AxisOperation(org.apache.axis2.description.AxisOperation) QName(javax.xml.namespace.QName) ThrottleException(org.apache.synapse.commons.throttle.core.ThrottleException) AxisService(org.apache.axis2.description.AxisService) Map(java.util.Map) Throttle(org.apache.synapse.commons.throttle.core.Throttle)

Example 9 with ThrottleException

use of org.apache.synapse.commons.throttle.core.ThrottleException in project wso2-synapse by wso2.

the class ThrottleMediator method doInitializeThrottleDynamicPolicy.

 * Helper method that handles dynamic policy initialization
 * @param synCtx MessageContext(Synapse)
private void doInitializeThrottleDynamicPolicy(MessageContext synCtx, SynapseLog synLog) {
    if (policyKey == null) {
    if (synLog.isTraceOrDebugEnabled()) {
        synLog.traceOrDebug("Throttle mediator : Initializing dynamic Policy");
    // If the policy has specified as a registry key.
    // load or re-load policy from registry or local entry if not already available
    Entry entry = synCtx.getConfiguration().getEntryDefinition(policyKey);
    if (entry == null) {
        handleException("Cannot find throttling policy using key : " + policyKey, synCtx);
    } else {
        boolean reCreate = false;
        // if the key refers to a dynamic resource
        if (entry.isDynamic()) {
            if ((!entry.isCached() || entry.isExpired()) && version != entry.getVersion()) {
                reCreate = true;
                version = entry.getVersion();
        // we ignore the static initialization case
        if (reCreate || throttle == null) {
            Object entryValue = synCtx.getEntry(policyKey);
            if (entryValue == null) {
                handleException("Null throttling policy returned by Entry : " + policyKey, synCtx);
            } else {
                if (!(entryValue instanceof OMElement)) {
                    handleException("Policy returned from key : " + policyKey + " is not an OMElement", synCtx);
                } else {
                    // is not null and throttle is not null , then must reload.
                    if (isClusteringEnable && concurrentAccessController != null && throttle != null) {
                        // set null ,
                        concurrentAccessController = null;
                    // because need to reload when throttle gets created again
                    try {
                        // try to create a throttle object
                        synchronized (throttleLock) {
                            // Creates the throttle from the policy
                            if (throttle == null) {
                                throttle = ThrottleFactory.createMediatorThrottle(PolicyEngine.getPolicy((OMElement) entryValue));
                            // then must re-initiates
                            if (throttle != null && (concurrentAccessController == null || !isClusteringEnable)) {
                                concurrentAccessController = throttle.getConcurrentAccessController();
                                if (concurrentAccessController != null) {
                                    dataHolder.setConcurrentAccessController(key, concurrentAccessController);
                    } catch (ThrottleException e) {
                        handleException("Error processing the throttling policy", e, synCtx);
Also used : Entry(org.apache.synapse.config.Entry) ThrottleException(org.apache.synapse.commons.throttle.core.ThrottleException) OMElement(

Example 10 with ThrottleException

use of org.apache.synapse.commons.throttle.core.ThrottleException in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.

the class ApplicationThrottleControllerTest method testCreatingThrottleContextThrowsSynapseExceptionWhenCreatingThrottlingMediatorFails.

@Test(expected = SynapseException.class)
public void testCreatingThrottleContextThrowsSynapseExceptionWhenCreatingThrottlingMediatorFails() throws UserStoreException, RegistryException, ThrottleException {
    PowerMockito.when(ThrottleFactory.createMediatorThrottle((Policy) Mockito.anyObject())).thenThrow(new ThrottleException());
    ApplicationThrottleController.getApplicationThrottleContext(messageContext, throttleDataHolder, applicationId, THROTTLE_POLICY_KEY);
Also used : ThrottleException(org.apache.synapse.commons.throttle.core.ThrottleException) PrepareForTest(org.powermock.core.classloader.annotations.PrepareForTest) Test(org.junit.Test)


ThrottleException (org.apache.synapse.commons.throttle.core.ThrottleException)14 ThrottleContext (org.apache.synapse.commons.throttle.core.ThrottleContext)9 Throttle (org.apache.synapse.commons.throttle.core.Throttle)6 ThrottleConfiguration (org.apache.synapse.commons.throttle.core.ThrottleConfiguration)6 AccessInformation (org.apache.synapse.commons.throttle.core.AccessInformation)5 Map (java.util.Map)4 OMElement ( ConfigurationContext (org.apache.axis2.context.ConfigurationContext)3 AuthenticationContext ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)2 QName (javax.xml.namespace.QName)2 ConcurrentAccessController (org.apache.synapse.commons.throttle.core.ConcurrentAccessController)2 ThrottleDataHolder (org.apache.synapse.commons.throttle.core.ThrottleDataHolder)2 Entry (org.apache.synapse.config.Entry)2 Axis2MessageContext (org.apache.synapse.core.axis2.Axis2MessageContext)2 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)1 List (java.util.List)1 TreeMap (java.util.TreeMap)1 ClusteringAgent (org.apache.axis2.clustering.ClusteringAgent)1