use of org.apache.syncope.core.persistence.api.entity.AnyType in project syncope by apache.
the class ResourceLogic method removeSyncToken.
@PreAuthorize("hasRole('" + StandardEntitlement.RESOURCE_UPDATE + "')")
public void removeSyncToken(final String key, final String anyTypeKey) {
ExternalResource resource = resourceDAO.authFind(key);
if (resource == null) {
throw new NotFoundException("Resource '" + key + "'");
if (SyncopeConstants.REALM_ANYTYPE.equals(anyTypeKey)) {
if (resource.getOrgUnit() == null) {
throw new NotFoundException("Realm provision not enabled for Resource '" + key + "'");
} else {
AnyType anyType = anyTypeDAO.find(anyTypeKey);
if (anyType == null) {
throw new NotFoundException("AnyType '" + anyTypeKey + "'");
Optional<? extends Provision> provision = resource.getProvision(anyType);
if (!provision.isPresent()) {
throw new NotFoundException("Provision for AnyType '" + anyTypeKey + "' in Resource '" + key + "'");
Set<String> effectiveRealms = RealmUtils.getEffective(AuthContextUtils.getAuthorizations().get(StandardEntitlement.RESOURCE_UPDATE), resource.getConnector().getAdminRealm().getFullPath());
securityChecks(effectiveRealms, resource.getConnector().getAdminRealm().getFullPath(), resource.getKey());;
use of org.apache.syncope.core.persistence.api.entity.AnyType in project syncope by apache.
the class ResourceLogic method readConnObject.
@PreAuthorize("hasRole('" + StandardEntitlement.RESOURCE_GET_CONNOBJECT + "')")
@Transactional(readOnly = true)
public ConnObjectTO readConnObject(final String key, final String anyTypeKey, final String anyKey) {
Triple<ExternalResource, AnyType, Provision> init = connObjectInit(key, anyTypeKey);
// 1. find any
Any<?> any = init.getMiddle().getKind() == AnyTypeKind.USER ? userDAO.find(anyKey) : init.getMiddle().getKind() == AnyTypeKind.ANY_OBJECT ? anyObjectDAO.find(anyKey) : groupDAO.find(anyKey);
if (any == null) {
throw new NotFoundException(init.getMiddle() + " " + anyKey);
// 2. build connObjectKeyItem
Optional<MappingItem> connObjectKeyItem = MappingUtils.getConnObjectKeyItem(init.getRight());
if (!connObjectKeyItem.isPresent()) {
throw new NotFoundException("ConnObjectKey mapping for " + init.getMiddle() + " " + anyKey + " on resource '" + key + "'");
Optional<String> connObjectKeyValue = mappingManager.getConnObjectKeyValue(any, init.getRight());
// 3. determine attributes to query
Set<MappingItem> linkinMappingItems = virSchemaDAO.findByProvision(init.getRight()).stream().map(virSchema -> virSchema.asLinkingMappingItem()).collect(Collectors.toSet());
Iterator<MappingItem> mapItems = new IteratorChain<>(init.getRight().getMapping().getItems().iterator(), linkinMappingItems.iterator());
// 4. read from the underlying connector
Connector connector = connFactory.getConnector(init.getLeft());
ConnectorObject connectorObject = connector.getObject(init.getRight().getObjectClass(),, connObjectKeyValue.get()), MappingUtils.buildOperationOptions(mapItems));
if (connectorObject == null) {
throw new NotFoundException("Object " + connObjectKeyValue.get() + " with class " + init.getRight().getObjectClass() + " not found on resource " + key);
// 5. build result
Set<Attribute> attributes = connectorObject.getAttributes();
if (AttributeUtil.find(Uid.NAME, attributes) == null) {
if (AttributeUtil.find(Name.NAME, attributes) == null) {
return ConnObjectUtils.getConnObjectTO(connectorObject);
use of org.apache.syncope.core.persistence.api.entity.AnyType in project syncope by apache.
the class JPAAnyObjectDAO method countByRealm.
public Map<String, Integer> countByRealm(final AnyType anyType) {
Query query = entityManager().createQuery("SELECT e.realm, COUNT(e) FROM " + JPAAnyObject.class.getSimpleName() + " e " + "WHERE e.type=:type GROUP BY e.realm");
query.setParameter("type", anyType);
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Object[]> results = query.getResultList();
return -> ((Realm) result[0]).getFullPath(), result -> ((Number) result[1]).intValue()));
use of org.apache.syncope.core.persistence.api.entity.AnyType in project syncope by apache.
the class JPAAnyObjectDAO method countByType.
public Map<AnyType, Integer> countByType() {
Query query = entityManager().createQuery("SELECT e.type, COUNT(e) AS countByType FROM " + JPAAnyObject.class.getSimpleName() + " e " + "GROUP BY e.type ORDER BY countByType DESC");
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Object[]> results = query.getResultList();
Map<AnyType, Integer> countByRealm = new LinkedHashMap<>(results.size());
for (Object[] result : results) {
countByRealm.put((AnyType) result[0], ((Number) result[1]).intValue());
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(countByRealm);
use of org.apache.syncope.core.persistence.api.entity.AnyType in project syncope by apache.
the class JPAAnyTypeDAO method delete.
public void delete(final String key) {
AnyType anyType = find(key);
if (anyType == null) {
if (anyType.equals(findUser()) || anyType.equals(findGroup())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(key + " cannot be deleted");
remediationDAO.findByAnyType(anyType).forEach(remediation -> {