use of org.apache.sysml.api.jmlc.Connection in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class JMLCInputOutputTest method testScalarOutputString.
public void testScalarOutputString() throws DMLException {
Connection conn = new Connection();
String str = "outString = 'hello';\nwrite(outString, './tmp/outString');";
PreparedScript script = conn.prepareScript(str, new String[] {}, new String[] { "outString" }, false);
String result = script.executeScript().getString("outString");
Assert.assertEquals("hello", result);
use of org.apache.sysml.api.jmlc.Connection in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class JMLCInputOutputTest method testScalarInputStringExplicitValueType.
public void testScalarInputStringExplicitValueType() throws IOException, DMLException {
Connection conn = new Connection();
String str = conn.readScript(baseDirectory + File.separator + "scalar-input-string.dml");
PreparedScript script = conn.prepareScript(str, new String[] { "inScalar1", "inScalar2" }, new String[] {}, false);
String inScalar1 = "hello";
String inScalar2 = "goodbye";
script.setScalar("inScalar1", inScalar1);
script.setScalar("inScalar2", inScalar2);
use of org.apache.sysml.api.jmlc.Connection in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class JMLCInputStreamReadTest method runJMLCInputStreamReadTest.
private void runJMLCInputStreamReadTest(DataType dt, boolean sparse, String format, boolean metaData) throws IOException {
TestConfiguration config = getTestConfiguration(TEST_NAME);
// generate inputs
OutputInfo oinfo = format.equals("csv") ? OutputInfo.CSVOutputInfo : OutputInfo.TextCellOutputInfo;
double[][] data = TestUtils.round(getRandomMatrix(rows, cols, 0.51, 7.49, sparse ? sparsity2 : sparsity1, 7));
Connection conn = new Connection();
try {
if (dt == DataType.MATRIX) {
// write input matrix
MatrixBlock mb = DataConverter.convertToMatrixBlock(data);
MatrixWriter writer = MatrixWriterFactory.createMatrixWriter(oinfo);
writer.writeMatrixToHDFS(mb, output("X"), rows, cols, -1, -1, -1);
// read matrix from input stream
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(output("X"));
double[][] data2 = conn.convertToDoubleMatrix(fis, rows, cols, format);
// compare matrix result
TestUtils.compareMatrices(data, data2, rows, cols, 0);
} else if (dt == DataType.FRAME) {
// write input frame
String[][] fdata = FrameTransformTest.createFrameData(data, "V");
// test quoted tokens w/ inner quotes
fdata[3][1] = "\"ab\"\"cdef\"";
if (format.equals("csv"))
// test delimiter and space tokens
fdata[7][2] = "\"a,bc def\"";
FrameBlock fb = DataConverter.convertToFrameBlock(fdata);
if (metaData) {
fb.setColumnNames(IntStream.range(0, cols).mapToObj(i -> "CC" + i).collect(Collectors.toList()).toArray(new String[0]));
FrameWriter writer = FrameWriterFactory.createFrameWriter(oinfo);
writer.writeFrameToHDFS(fb, output("X"), rows, cols);
// read frame from input stream
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(output("X"));
String[][] fdata2 = conn.convertToStringFrame(fis, rows, cols, format);
// compare frame result
TestUtils.compareFrames(fdata, fdata2, rows, cols);
} else {
throw new IOException("Unsupported data type: " +;
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
} finally {
use of org.apache.sysml.api.jmlc.Connection in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class MulticlassSVMScoreTest method execDMLScriptviaJMLC.
private static ArrayList<double[][]> execDMLScriptviaJMLC(ArrayList<double[][]> X, boolean flags) throws IOException {
Timing time = new Timing(true);
ArrayList<double[][]> ret = new ArrayList<double[][]>();
// establish connection to SystemML
Connection conn = !flags ? new Connection() : new Connection(ConfigType.PARALLEL_CP_MATRIX_OPERATIONS, ConfigType.PARALLEL_LOCAL_OR_REMOTE_PARFOR, ConfigType.ALLOW_DYN_RECOMPILATION);
try {
// For now, JMLC pipeline only allows dml
boolean parsePyDML = false;
// read and precompile script
String script = conn.readScript(SCRIPT_DIR + TEST_DIR + TEST_NAME + ".dml");
PreparedScript pstmt = conn.prepareScript(script, new String[] { "X", "W" }, new String[] { "predicted_y" }, parsePyDML);
// read model
String modelData = conn.readScript(SCRIPT_DIR + TEST_DIR + MODEL_FILE);
double[][] W = conn.convertToDoubleMatrix(modelData, rows, cols);
// execute script multiple times
for (int i = 0; i < nRuns; i++) {
// bind input parameters
pstmt.setMatrix("W", W);
pstmt.setMatrix("X", X.get(i));
// execute script
ResultVariables rs = pstmt.executeScript();
// get output parameter
double[][] Y = rs.getMatrix("predicted_y");
// keep result for comparison
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new IOException(ex);
} finally {
if (conn != null)
System.out.println("JMLC scoring w/ " + nRuns + " runs in " + time.stop() + "ms.");
return ret;
use of org.apache.sysml.api.jmlc.Connection in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class ReuseModelVariablesTest method execDMLScriptviaJMLC.
private static ArrayList<double[][]> execDMLScriptviaJMLC(String testname, ArrayList<double[][]> X, boolean modelReuse) throws IOException {
Timing time = new Timing(true);
ArrayList<double[][]> ret = new ArrayList<double[][]>();
// establish connection to SystemML
Connection conn = new Connection();
try {
// For now, JMLC pipeline only allows dml
boolean parsePyDML = false;
// read and precompile script
String script = conn.readScript(SCRIPT_DIR + TEST_DIR + testname + ".dml");
PreparedScript pstmt = conn.prepareScript(script, new String[] { "X", "W" }, new String[] { "predicted_y" }, parsePyDML);
// read model
String modelData = conn.readScript(SCRIPT_DIR + TEST_DIR + MODEL_FILE);
double[][] W = conn.convertToDoubleMatrix(modelData, rows, cols);
if (modelReuse)
pstmt.setMatrix("W", W, true);
// execute script multiple times
for (int i = 0; i < nRuns; i++) {
// bind input parameters
if (!modelReuse)
pstmt.setMatrix("W", W);
pstmt.setMatrix("X", X.get(i));
// execute script
ResultVariables rs = pstmt.executeScript();
// get output parameter
double[][] Y = rs.getMatrix("predicted_y");
// keep result for comparison
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new IOException(ex);
} finally {
System.out.println("JMLC scoring w/ " + nRuns + " runs in " + time.stop() + "ms.");
return ret;