use of org.apache.sysml.api.jmlc.ResultVariables in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class MulticlassSVMScoreTest method execDMLScriptviaJMLC.
private static ArrayList<double[][]> execDMLScriptviaJMLC(ArrayList<double[][]> X, boolean flags) throws IOException {
Timing time = new Timing(true);
ArrayList<double[][]> ret = new ArrayList<double[][]>();
// establish connection to SystemML
Connection conn = !flags ? new Connection() : new Connection(ConfigType.PARALLEL_CP_MATRIX_OPERATIONS, ConfigType.PARALLEL_LOCAL_OR_REMOTE_PARFOR, ConfigType.ALLOW_DYN_RECOMPILATION);
try {
// For now, JMLC pipeline only allows dml
boolean parsePyDML = false;
// read and precompile script
String script = conn.readScript(SCRIPT_DIR + TEST_DIR + TEST_NAME + ".dml");
PreparedScript pstmt = conn.prepareScript(script, new String[] { "X", "W" }, new String[] { "predicted_y" }, parsePyDML);
// read model
String modelData = conn.readScript(SCRIPT_DIR + TEST_DIR + MODEL_FILE);
double[][] W = conn.convertToDoubleMatrix(modelData, rows, cols);
// execute script multiple times
for (int i = 0; i < nRuns; i++) {
// bind input parameters
pstmt.setMatrix("W", W);
pstmt.setMatrix("X", X.get(i));
// execute script
ResultVariables rs = pstmt.executeScript();
// get output parameter
double[][] Y = rs.getMatrix("predicted_y");
// keep result for comparison
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new IOException(ex);
} finally {
if (conn != null)
System.out.println("JMLC scoring w/ " + nRuns + " runs in " + time.stop() + "ms.");
return ret;
use of org.apache.sysml.api.jmlc.ResultVariables in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class ReuseModelVariablesTest method execDMLScriptviaJMLC.
private static ArrayList<double[][]> execDMLScriptviaJMLC(String testname, ArrayList<double[][]> X, boolean modelReuse) throws IOException {
Timing time = new Timing(true);
ArrayList<double[][]> ret = new ArrayList<double[][]>();
// establish connection to SystemML
Connection conn = new Connection();
try {
// For now, JMLC pipeline only allows dml
boolean parsePyDML = false;
// read and precompile script
String script = conn.readScript(SCRIPT_DIR + TEST_DIR + testname + ".dml");
PreparedScript pstmt = conn.prepareScript(script, new String[] { "X", "W" }, new String[] { "predicted_y" }, parsePyDML);
// read model
String modelData = conn.readScript(SCRIPT_DIR + TEST_DIR + MODEL_FILE);
double[][] W = conn.convertToDoubleMatrix(modelData, rows, cols);
if (modelReuse)
pstmt.setMatrix("W", W, true);
// execute script multiple times
for (int i = 0; i < nRuns; i++) {
// bind input parameters
if (!modelReuse)
pstmt.setMatrix("W", W);
pstmt.setMatrix("X", X.get(i));
// execute script
ResultVariables rs = pstmt.executeScript();
// get output parameter
double[][] Y = rs.getMatrix("predicted_y");
// keep result for comparison
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new IOException(ex);
} finally {
System.out.println("JMLC scoring w/ " + nRuns + " runs in " + time.stop() + "ms.");
return ret;
use of org.apache.sysml.api.jmlc.ResultVariables in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class BuildLiteExecution method jmlcALS.
public static void jmlcALS() throws Exception {
Connection conn = getConfiguredConnection();
String dataGen = conn.readScript("scripts/datagen/genRandData4ALS.dml");
Map<String, String> m = new HashMap<>();
m.put("$rows", "1000");
m.put("$cols", "1000");
m.put("$rank", "100");
m.put("$nnz", "10000");
PreparedScript dataGenScript = conn.prepareScript(dataGen, m, new String[] {}, new String[] { "X", "W", "H" }, false);
ResultVariables dataGenResults = dataGenScript.executeScript();
double[][] x = dataGenResults.getMatrix("X");
Map<String, String> m2 = new HashMap<>();
m2.put("$rank", "100");
String alsCg = conn.readScript("scripts/algorithms/ALS-CG.dml");
PreparedScript alsCgScript = conn.prepareScript(alsCg, m2, new String[] { "X" }, new String[] { "U", "V" }, false);
alsCgScript.setMatrix("X", x);
ResultVariables alsCgResults = alsCgScript.executeScript();
double[][] u = alsCgResults.getMatrix("U");
log.debug("u:" + u);
double[][] v = alsCgResults.getMatrix("V");
log.debug("v:" + v);
String alsDs = conn.readScript("scripts/algorithms/ALS-DS.dml");
PreparedScript alsDsScript = conn.prepareScript(alsDs, m2, new String[] { "V" }, new String[] { "L", "Rt" }, false);
alsDsScript.setMatrix("V", x);
ResultVariables alsDsResults = alsDsScript.executeScript();
double[][] l = alsDsResults.getMatrix("L");
log.debug("l:" + l);
double[][] rt = alsDsResults.getMatrix("Rt");
log.debug("rt:" + rt);
use of org.apache.sysml.api.jmlc.ResultVariables in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class BuildLiteExecution method jmlcL2SVM.
public static void jmlcL2SVM() throws Exception {
Connection conn = getConfiguredConnection();
String dml = conn.readScript("scripts/algorithms/l2-svm.dml");
PreparedScript l2svm = conn.prepareScript(dml, new String[] { "X", "Y", "fmt", "Log" }, new String[] { "w", "debug_str" }, false);
double[][] trainData = new double[150][3];
for (int i = 0; i < 150; i++) {
int one = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(0, 101);
int two = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(0, 101);
int three = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(0, 101);
double[] row = new double[] { one, two, three };
trainData[i] = row;
l2svm.setMatrix("X", trainData);
double[][] trainLabels = new double[150][1];
for (int i = 0; i < 150; i++) {
int one = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(1, 3);
double[] row = new double[] { one };
trainLabels[i] = row;
l2svm.setMatrix("Y", trainLabels);
l2svm.setScalar("fmt", "csv");
l2svm.setScalar("Log", "temp/l2-svm-log.csv");
ResultVariables l2svmResults = l2svm.executeScript();
double[][] model = l2svmResults.getMatrix("w");
String debugString = l2svmResults.getString("debug_str");
log.debug("DEBUG STRING:");
String s = conn.readScript("scripts/algorithms/l2-svm-predict.dml");
Map<String, String> m = new HashMap<>();
m.put("$Y", "temp/1.csv");
m.put("$confusion", "temp/2.csv");
m.put("$scores", "temp/3.csv");
PreparedScript l2svmPredict = conn.prepareScript(s, m, new String[] { "X", "Y", "w", "fmt" }, new String[] { "scores", "confusion_mat" }, false);
double[][] testData = new double[150][3];
for (int i = 0; i < 150; i++) {
int one = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(0, 101);
int two = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(0, 101);
int three = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(0, 101);
double[] row = new double[] { one, two, three };
testData[i] = row;
l2svmPredict.setMatrix("X", testData);
double[][] testLabels = new double[150][1];
for (int i = 0; i < 150; i++) {
int one = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(1, 3);
double[] row = new double[] { one };
testLabels[i] = row;
l2svmPredict.setMatrix("Y", testLabels);
l2svmPredict.setMatrix("w", model);
l2svmPredict.setScalar("fmt", "csv");
ResultVariables l2svmPredictResults = l2svmPredict.executeScript();
double[][] scores = l2svmPredictResults.getMatrix("scores");
double[][] confusionMatrix = l2svmPredictResults.getMatrix("confusion_mat");
log.debug("CONFUSION MATRIX:");
use of org.apache.sysml.api.jmlc.ResultVariables in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class BuildLiteExecution method jmlcKmeans.
public static void jmlcKmeans() throws Exception {
Connection conn = getConfiguredConnection();
Map<String, String> m = new HashMap<>();
m.put("$k", "5");
m.put("$isY", "TRUE");
m.put("$verb", "TRUE");
String kMeans = conn.readScript("scripts/algorithms/Kmeans.dml");
PreparedScript kMeansScript = conn.prepareScript(kMeans, m, new String[] { "X" }, new String[] { "C", "Y" }, false);
double[][] x = randomMatrix(50, 50, -1, 1, 0.1);
kMeansScript.setMatrix("X", x);
ResultVariables kMeansResults = kMeansScript.executeScript();
double[][] c = kMeansResults.getMatrix("C");
double[][] y = kMeansResults.getMatrix("Y");