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Example 6 with DMLConfig

use of org.apache.sysml.conf.DMLConfig in project incubator-systemml by apache.

the class GMR method runJob.

	 * Execute job.
	 * @param inst MR job instruction
	 * @param inputs input matrices, the inputs are indexed by 0, 1, 2, .. based on the position in this string
	 * @param inputInfos the input format information for the input matrices
	 * @param rlens array of number of rows
	 * @param clens array of number of columns
	 * @param brlens array of number of rows in block
	 * @param bclens array of number of columns in block
	 * @param partitioned boolean array of partitioned status
	 * @param pformats array of data partition formats
	 * @param psizes does nothing
	 * @param recordReaderInstruction record reader instruction
	 * @param instructionsInMapper in Mapper, the set of unary operations that need to be performed on each input matrix
	 * @param aggInstructionsInReducer in Reducer, right after sorting, the set of aggreagte operations
	 * that need to be performed on each input matrix
	 * @param otherInstructionsInReducer the mixed operations that need to be performed on matrices after the aggregate operations
	 * @param numReducers the number of reducers
	 * @param replication the replication factor for the output
	 * @param jvmReuse if true, reuse JVM
	 * @param resultIndexes the indexes of the result matrices that needs to be outputted
	 * @param dimsUnknownFilePrefix file path prefix when dimensions unknown
	 * @param outputs the names for the output directories, one for each result index
	 * @param outputInfos output format information for the output matrices
	 * @return job return object
	 * @throws Exception if Exception occurs
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public static JobReturn runJob(MRJobInstruction inst, String[] inputs, InputInfo[] inputInfos, long[] rlens, long[] clens, int[] brlens, int[] bclens, boolean[] partitioned, PDataPartitionFormat[] pformats, int[] psizes, String recordReaderInstruction, String instructionsInMapper, String aggInstructionsInReducer, String otherInstructionsInReducer, int numReducers, int replication, boolean jvmReuse, byte[] resultIndexes, String dimsUnknownFilePrefix, String[] outputs, OutputInfo[] outputInfos) throws Exception {
    JobConf job = new JobConf(GMR.class);
    boolean inBlockRepresentation = MRJobConfiguration.deriveRepresentation(inputInfos);
    //whether use block representation or cell representation
    MRJobConfiguration.setMatrixValueClass(job, inBlockRepresentation);
    //added for handling recordreader instruction
    String[] realinputs = inputs;
    InputInfo[] realinputInfos = inputInfos;
    long[] realrlens = rlens;
    long[] realclens = clens;
    int[] realbrlens = brlens;
    int[] realbclens = bclens;
    byte[] realIndexes = new byte[inputs.length];
    for (byte b = 0; b < realIndexes.length; b++) realIndexes[b] = b;
    if (recordReaderInstruction != null && !recordReaderInstruction.isEmpty()) {
        assert (inputs.length <= 2);
        PickByCountInstruction ins = (PickByCountInstruction) PickByCountInstruction.parseInstruction(recordReaderInstruction);
        PickFromCompactInputFormat.setKeyValueClasses(job, (Class<? extends WritableComparable>) inputInfos[ins.input1].inputKeyClass, inputInfos[ins.input1].inputValueClass);
        PickFromCompactInputFormat.setZeroValues(job, (NumItemsByEachReducerMetaData) inputInfos[ins.input1].metadata);
        if (ins.isValuePick) {
            double[] probs = MapReduceTool.readColumnVectorFromHDFS(inputs[ins.input2], inputInfos[ins.input2], rlens[ins.input2], clens[ins.input2], brlens[ins.input2], bclens[ins.input2]);
            PickFromCompactInputFormat.setPickRecordsInEachPartFile(job, (NumItemsByEachReducerMetaData) inputInfos[ins.input1].metadata, probs);
            realinputs = new String[inputs.length - 1];
            realinputInfos = new InputInfo[inputs.length - 1];
            realrlens = new long[inputs.length - 1];
            realclens = new long[inputs.length - 1];
            realbrlens = new int[inputs.length - 1];
            realbclens = new int[inputs.length - 1];
            realIndexes = new byte[inputs.length - 1];
            byte realIndex = 0;
            for (byte i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
                if (i == ins.input2)
                realinputs[realIndex] = inputs[i];
                realinputInfos[realIndex] = inputInfos[i];
                if (i == ins.input1) {
                    realrlens[realIndex] = rlens[ins.input2];
                    realclens[realIndex] = clens[ins.input2];
                    realbrlens[realIndex] = 1;
                    realbclens[realIndex] = 1;
                    realIndexes[realIndex] = ins.output;
                } else {
                    realrlens[realIndex] = rlens[i];
                    realclens[realIndex] = clens[i];
                    realbrlens[realIndex] = brlens[i];
                    realbclens[realIndex] = bclens[i];
                    realIndexes[realIndex] = i;
        } else {
            //PickFromCompactInputFormat.setPickRecordsInEachPartFile(job, (NumItemsByEachReducerMetaData) inputInfos[ins.input1].metadata, ins.cst, 1-ins.cst);
            PickFromCompactInputFormat.setRangePickPartFiles(job, (NumItemsByEachReducerMetaData) inputInfos[ins.input1].metadata, ins.cst, 1 - ins.cst);
            realrlens[ins.input1] = UtilFunctions.getLengthForInterQuantile((NumItemsByEachReducerMetaData) inputInfos[ins.input1].metadata, ins.cst);
            realclens[ins.input1] = clens[ins.input1];
            realbrlens[ins.input1] = 1;
            realbclens[ins.input1] = 1;
            realIndexes[ins.input1] = ins.output;
    boolean resetDistCache = setupDistributedCache(job, instructionsInMapper, otherInstructionsInReducer, realinputs, realrlens, realclens);
    //set up the input files and their format information
    boolean[] distCacheOnly = getDistCacheOnlyInputs(realIndexes, recordReaderInstruction, instructionsInMapper, aggInstructionsInReducer, otherInstructionsInReducer);
    MRJobConfiguration.setUpMultipleInputs(job, realIndexes, realinputs, realinputInfos, realbrlens, realbclens, distCacheOnly, true, inBlockRepresentation ? ConvertTarget.BLOCK : ConvertTarget.CELL);
    MRJobConfiguration.setInputPartitioningInfo(job, pformats);
    //set up the dimensions of input matrices
    MRJobConfiguration.setMatricesDimensions(job, realIndexes, realrlens, realclens);
    MRJobConfiguration.setDimsUnknownFilePrefix(job, dimsUnknownFilePrefix);
    //set up the block size
    MRJobConfiguration.setBlocksSizes(job, realIndexes, realbrlens, realbclens);
    //set up unary instructions that will perform in the mapper
    MRJobConfiguration.setInstructionsInMapper(job, instructionsInMapper);
    //set up the aggregate instructions that will happen in the combiner and reducer
    MRJobConfiguration.setAggregateInstructions(job, aggInstructionsInReducer);
    //set up the instructions that will happen in the reducer, after the aggregation instructions
    MRJobConfiguration.setInstructionsInReducer(job, otherInstructionsInReducer);
    //set up the replication factor for the results
    job.setInt(MRConfigurationNames.DFS_REPLICATION, replication);
    //set up preferred custom serialization framework for binary block format
    //set up map/reduce memory configurations (if in AM context)
    DMLConfig config = ConfigurationManager.getDMLConfig();
    DMLAppMasterUtils.setupMRJobRemoteMaxMemory(job, config);
    //set up custom map/reduce configurations 
    MRJobConfiguration.setupCustomMRConfigurations(job, config);
    //set up jvm reuse (incl. reuse of loaded dist cache matrices)
    if (jvmReuse)
    //set up what matrices are needed to pass from the mapper to reducer
    HashSet<Byte> mapoutputIndexes = MRJobConfiguration.setUpOutputIndexesForMapper(job, realIndexes, instructionsInMapper, aggInstructionsInReducer, otherInstructionsInReducer, resultIndexes);
    MatrixChar_N_ReducerGroups ret = MRJobConfiguration.computeMatrixCharacteristics(job, realIndexes, instructionsInMapper, aggInstructionsInReducer, null, otherInstructionsInReducer, resultIndexes, mapoutputIndexes, false);
    MatrixCharacteristics[] stats = ret.stats;
    //set up the number of reducers
    MRJobConfiguration.setNumReducers(job, ret.numReducerGroups, numReducers);
    // Print the complete instruction
    if (LOG.isTraceEnabled())
    // Update resultDimsUnknown based on computed "stats"
    byte[] dimsUnknown = new byte[resultIndexes.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < resultIndexes.length; i++) {
        if (stats[i].getRows() == -1 || stats[i].getCols() == -1) {
            dimsUnknown[i] = (byte) 1;
        } else {
            dimsUnknown[i] = (byte) 0;
    //set up the multiple output files, and their format information
    MRJobConfiguration.setUpMultipleOutputs(job, resultIndexes, dimsUnknown, outputs, outputInfos, inBlockRepresentation, true);
    // configure mapper and the mapper output key value pairs
    if (numReducers == 0) {
    } else {
        if (inBlockRepresentation)
    //set up combiner
    if (numReducers != 0 && aggInstructionsInReducer != null && !aggInstructionsInReducer.isEmpty()) {
    //configure reducer
    // By default, the job executes in "cluster" mode.
    // Determine if we can optimize and run it in "local" mode.
    MatrixCharacteristics[] inputStats = new MatrixCharacteristics[inputs.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
        inputStats[i] = new MatrixCharacteristics(rlens[i], clens[i], brlens[i], bclens[i]);
    //set unique working dir
    RunningJob runjob = JobClient.runJob(job);
    Group group = runjob.getCounters().getGroup(MRJobConfiguration.NUM_NONZERO_CELLS);
    for (int i = 0; i < resultIndexes.length; i++) stats[i].setNonZeros(group.getCounter(Integer.toString(i)));
    String dir = dimsUnknownFilePrefix + "/" + runjob.getID().toString() + "_dimsFile";
    stats = MapReduceTool.processDimsFiles(dir, stats);
    if (resetDistCache)
    return new JobReturn(stats, outputInfos, runjob.isSuccessful());
Also used : Group(org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Counters.Group) PickByCountInstruction( TaggedMatrixPackedCell( InputInfo( JobConf(org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf) DMLConfig(org.apache.sysml.conf.DMLConfig) TaggedMatrixBlock( NumItemsByEachReducerMetaData( MatrixChar_N_ReducerGroups(org.apache.sysml.runtime.matrix.mapred.MRJobConfiguration.MatrixChar_N_ReducerGroups) RunningJob(org.apache.hadoop.mapred.RunningJob)

Example 7 with DMLConfig

use of org.apache.sysml.conf.DMLConfig in project incubator-systemml by apache.

the class GroupedAggMR method runJob.

public static JobReturn runJob(MRJobInstruction inst, String[] inputs, InputInfo[] inputInfos, long[] rlens, long[] clens, int[] brlens, int[] bclens, String grpAggInstructions, String simpleReduceInstructions, /*only scalar or reorg instructions allowed*/
int numReducers, int replication, byte[] resultIndexes, String dimsUnknownFilePrefix, String[] outputs, OutputInfo[] outputInfos) throws Exception {
    JobConf job = new JobConf(GroupedAggMR.class);
    //whether use block representation or cell representation
    //MRJobConfiguration.setMatrixValueClassForCM_N_COM(job, true);
    MRJobConfiguration.setMatrixValueClass(job, false);
    //added for handling recordreader instruction
    String[] realinputs = inputs;
    InputInfo[] realinputInfos = inputInfos;
    long[] realrlens = rlens;
    long[] realclens = clens;
    int[] realbrlens = brlens;
    int[] realbclens = bclens;
    byte[] realIndexes = new byte[inputs.length];
    for (byte b = 0; b < realIndexes.length; b++) realIndexes[b] = b;
    //set up the input files and their format information
    MRJobConfiguration.setUpMultipleInputs(job, realIndexes, realinputs, realinputInfos, realbrlens, realbclens, true, ConvertTarget.WEIGHTEDCELL);
    //set up the dimensions of input matrices
    MRJobConfiguration.setMatricesDimensions(job, realIndexes, realrlens, realclens);
    MRJobConfiguration.setDimsUnknownFilePrefix(job, dimsUnknownFilePrefix);
    //set up the block size
    MRJobConfiguration.setBlocksSizes(job, realIndexes, realbrlens, realbclens);
    //set up the grouped aggregate instructions that will happen in the combiner and reducer
    MRJobConfiguration.setGroupedAggInstructions(job, grpAggInstructions);
    //set up the instructions that will happen in the reducer, after the aggregation instrucions
    MRJobConfiguration.setInstructionsInReducer(job, simpleReduceInstructions);
    //set up the number of reducers
    MRJobConfiguration.setNumReducers(job, numReducers, numReducers);
    //set up the replication factor for the results
    job.setInt(MRConfigurationNames.DFS_REPLICATION, replication);
    //set up custom map/reduce configurations 
    DMLConfig config = ConfigurationManager.getDMLConfig();
    MRJobConfiguration.setupCustomMRConfigurations(job, config);
    //set up what matrices are needed to pass from the mapper to reducer
    MRJobConfiguration.setUpOutputIndexesForMapper(job, realIndexes, null, null, grpAggInstructions, resultIndexes);
    MatrixCharacteristics[] stats = new MatrixCharacteristics[resultIndexes.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < resultIndexes.length; i++) stats[i] = new MatrixCharacteristics();
    // Print the complete instruction
    if (LOG.isTraceEnabled())
    byte[] resultDimsUnknown = new byte[resultIndexes.length];
    // Update resultDimsUnknown based on computed "stats"
    for (int i = 0; i < resultIndexes.length; i++) resultDimsUnknown[i] = (byte) 2;
    //set up the multiple output files, and their format information
    MRJobConfiguration.setUpMultipleOutputs(job, resultIndexes, resultDimsUnknown, outputs, outputInfos, false);
    // configure mapper and the mapper output key value pairs
    //configure reducer
    //set unique working dir
    //execute job
    RunningJob runjob = JobClient.runJob(job);
    //get important output statistics 
    Group group = runjob.getCounters().getGroup(MRJobConfiguration.NUM_NONZERO_CELLS);
    for (int i = 0; i < resultIndexes.length; i++) {
        // number of non-zeros
        stats[i] = new MatrixCharacteristics();
    String dir = dimsUnknownFilePrefix + "/" + runjob.getID().toString() + "_dimsFile";
    stats = MapReduceTool.processDimsFiles(dir, stats);
    return new JobReturn(stats, outputInfos, runjob.isSuccessful());
Also used : Group(org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Counters.Group) DMLConfig(org.apache.sysml.conf.DMLConfig) InputInfo( RunningJob(org.apache.hadoop.mapred.RunningJob) JobConf(org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf)

Example 8 with DMLConfig

use of org.apache.sysml.conf.DMLConfig in project incubator-systemml by apache.

the class CombineMR method runJob.

public static JobReturn runJob(MRJobInstruction inst, String[] inputs, InputInfo[] inputInfos, long[] rlens, long[] clens, int[] brlens, int[] bclens, String combineInstructions, int numReducers, int replication, byte[] resultIndexes, String[] outputs, OutputInfo[] outputInfos) throws Exception {
    JobConf job;
    job = new JobConf(CombineMR.class);
    boolean inBlockRepresentation = MRJobConfiguration.deriveRepresentation(inputInfos);
    //whether use block representation or cell representation
    MRJobConfiguration.setMatrixValueClass(job, inBlockRepresentation);
    byte[] inputIndexes = new byte[inputs.length];
    for (byte b = 0; b < inputs.length; b++) inputIndexes[b] = b;
    //set up the input files and their format information
    MRJobConfiguration.setUpMultipleInputs(job, inputIndexes, inputs, inputInfos, brlens, bclens, true, inBlockRepresentation ? ConvertTarget.BLOCK : ConvertTarget.CELL);
    //set up the dimensions of input matrices
    MRJobConfiguration.setMatricesDimensions(job, inputIndexes, rlens, clens);
    //set up the block size
    MRJobConfiguration.setBlocksSizes(job, inputIndexes, brlens, bclens);
    //set up unary instructions that will perform in the mapper
    MRJobConfiguration.setInstructionsInMapper(job, "");
    //set up the aggregate instructions that will happen in the combiner and reducer
    MRJobConfiguration.setAggregateInstructions(job, "");
    //set up the instructions that will happen in the reducer, after the aggregation instrucions
    MRJobConfiguration.setInstructionsInReducer(job, "");
    MRJobConfiguration.setCombineInstructions(job, combineInstructions);
    //set up the replication factor for the results
    job.setInt(MRConfigurationNames.DFS_REPLICATION, replication);
    //set up custom map/reduce configurations 
    DMLConfig config = ConfigurationManager.getDMLConfig();
    MRJobConfiguration.setupCustomMRConfigurations(job, config);
    //set up what matrices are needed to pass from the mapper to reducer
    HashSet<Byte> mapoutputIndexes = MRJobConfiguration.setUpOutputIndexesForMapper(job, inputIndexes, null, null, combineInstructions, resultIndexes);
    //set up the multiple output files, and their format information
    MRJobConfiguration.setUpMultipleOutputs(job, resultIndexes, null, outputs, outputInfos, inBlockRepresentation);
    // configure mapper and the mapper output key value pairs
    if (inBlockRepresentation)
    //configure reducer
    MatrixChar_N_ReducerGroups ret = MRJobConfiguration.computeMatrixCharacteristics(job, inputIndexes, null, null, null, combineInstructions, resultIndexes, mapoutputIndexes, false);
    MatrixCharacteristics[] stats = ret.stats;
    //set up the number of reducers
    MRJobConfiguration.setNumReducers(job, ret.numReducerGroups, numReducers);
    // Print the complete instruction
    if (LOG.isTraceEnabled())
    // By default, the job executes in "cluster" mode.
    // Determine if we can optimize and run it in "local" mode.
    MatrixCharacteristics[] inputStats = new MatrixCharacteristics[inputs.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
        inputStats[i] = new MatrixCharacteristics(rlens[i], clens[i], brlens[i], bclens[i]);
    //set unique working dir
    RunningJob runjob = JobClient.runJob(job);
    return new JobReturn(stats, runjob.isSuccessful());
Also used : DMLConfig(org.apache.sysml.conf.DMLConfig) TaggedMatrixBlock( MatrixChar_N_ReducerGroups(org.apache.sysml.runtime.matrix.mapred.MRJobConfiguration.MatrixChar_N_ReducerGroups) TaggedMatrixCell( RunningJob(org.apache.hadoop.mapred.RunningJob) JobConf(org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf)

Example 9 with DMLConfig

use of org.apache.sysml.conf.DMLConfig in project incubator-systemml by apache.

the class DMLAppMaster method writeMessageToHDFSWorkingDir.

private void writeMessageToHDFSWorkingDir(String msg) {
    //construct working directory (consistent with client)
    DMLConfig conf = ConfigurationManager.getDMLConfig();
    String hdfsWD = DMLAppMasterUtils.constructHDFSWorkingDir(conf, _appId);
    Path msgPath = new Path(hdfsWD, DMLYarnClient.DML_STOPMSG_NAME);
    //write given message to hdfs
    try {
        FileSystem fs = IOUtilFunctions.getFileSystem(msgPath, _conf);
        try (FSDataOutputStream fout = fs.create(msgPath, true)) {
        LOG.debug("Stop message written to HDFS file: " + msgPath);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        LOG.error("Failed to write stop message to HDFS file: " + msgPath, ex);
Also used : Path(org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path) DMLConfig(org.apache.sysml.conf.DMLConfig) FileSystem(org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem) FSDataOutputStream(org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream) IOException( DMLScriptException(org.apache.sysml.runtime.DMLScriptException) YarnException(org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.YarnException)

Example 10 with DMLConfig

use of org.apache.sysml.conf.DMLConfig in project incubator-systemml by apache.

the class CSVReblockMR method runCSVReblockJob.

private static JobReturn runCSVReblockJob(MRJobInstruction inst, String[] inputs, InputInfo[] inputInfos, long[] rlens, long[] clens, int[] brlens, int[] bclens, String reblockInstructions, String otherInstructionsInReducer, int numReducers, int replication, byte[] resultIndexes, String[] outputs, OutputInfo[] outputInfos, Path counterFile, String[] smallestFiles) throws Exception {
    JobConf job;
    job = new JobConf(ReblockMR.class);
    byte[] realIndexes = new byte[inputs.length];
    for (byte b = 0; b < realIndexes.length; b++) realIndexes[b] = b;
    //set up the input files and their format information
    MRJobConfiguration.setUpMultipleInputs(job, realIndexes, inputs, inputInfos, brlens, bclens, false, ConvertTarget.CELL);
    job.setStrings(SMALLEST_FILE_NAME_PER_INPUT, smallestFiles);
    //set up the dimensions of input matrices
    MRJobConfiguration.setMatricesDimensions(job, realIndexes, rlens, clens);
    //set up the block size
    MRJobConfiguration.setBlocksSizes(job, realIndexes, brlens, bclens);
    //set up the aggregate instructions that will happen in the combiner and reducer
    MRJobConfiguration.setCSVReblockInstructions(job, reblockInstructions);
    //set up the instructions that will happen in the reducer, after the aggregation instrucions
    MRJobConfiguration.setInstructionsInReducer(job, otherInstructionsInReducer);
    //set up the replication factor for the results
    job.setInt(MRConfigurationNames.DFS_REPLICATION, replication);
    //set up preferred custom serialization framework for binary block format
    //set up custom map/reduce configurations 
    DMLConfig config = ConfigurationManager.getDMLConfig();
    MRJobConfiguration.setupCustomMRConfigurations(job, config);
    //set up what matrices are needed to pass from the mapper to reducer
    HashSet<Byte> mapoutputIndexes = MRJobConfiguration.setUpOutputIndexesForMapper(job, realIndexes, null, reblockInstructions, null, otherInstructionsInReducer, resultIndexes);
    MatrixChar_N_ReducerGroups ret = MRJobConfiguration.computeMatrixCharacteristics(job, realIndexes, null, reblockInstructions, null, null, otherInstructionsInReducer, resultIndexes, mapoutputIndexes, false);
    MatrixCharacteristics[] stats = ret.stats;
    //set up the number of reducers
    int numRed = WriteCSVMR.determineNumReducers(rlens, clens, config.getIntValue(DMLConfig.NUM_REDUCERS), ret.numReducerGroups);
    // Print the complete instruction
    //if (LOG.isTraceEnabled())
    //	inst.printCompelteMRJobInstruction(stats);
    // Update resultDimsUnknown based on computed "stats"
    byte[] resultDimsUnknown = new byte[resultIndexes.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < resultIndexes.length; i++) {
        if (stats[i].getRows() == -1 || stats[i].getCols() == -1) {
            resultDimsUnknown[i] = (byte) 1;
        } else {
            resultDimsUnknown[i] = (byte) 0;
    //set up the multiple output files, and their format information
    MRJobConfiguration.setUpMultipleOutputs(job, resultIndexes, resultDimsUnknown, outputs, outputInfos, true, true);
    // configure mapper and the mapper output key value pairs
    //configure reducer
    //turn off adaptivemr
    job.setBoolean("", false);
    //set unique working dir
    Path cachefile = new Path(counterFile, "part-00000");
    DistributedCache.addCacheFile(cachefile.toUri(), job);
    job.set(ROWID_FILE_NAME, cachefile.toString());
    RunningJob runjob = JobClient.runJob(job);
    MapReduceTool.deleteFileIfExistOnHDFS(counterFile, job);
    /* Process different counters */
    Group group = runjob.getCounters().getGroup(MRJobConfiguration.NUM_NONZERO_CELLS);
    for (int i = 0; i < resultIndexes.length; i++) {
        // number of non-zeros
    //	System.out.println("result #"+resultIndexes[i]+" ===>\n"+stats[i]);
    return new JobReturn(stats, outputInfos, runjob.isSuccessful());
Also used : Path(org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path) Group(org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Counters.Group) DMLConfig(org.apache.sysml.conf.DMLConfig) MatrixChar_N_ReducerGroups(org.apache.sysml.runtime.matrix.mapred.MRJobConfiguration.MatrixChar_N_ReducerGroups) RunningJob(org.apache.hadoop.mapred.RunningJob) JobConf(org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf)


DMLConfig (org.apache.sysml.conf.DMLConfig)31 JobConf (org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf)17 RunningJob (org.apache.hadoop.mapred.RunningJob)13 Group (org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Counters.Group)11 DMLRuntimeException (org.apache.sysml.runtime.DMLRuntimeException)11 Path (org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path)10 MatrixChar_N_ReducerGroups (org.apache.sysml.runtime.matrix.mapred.MRJobConfiguration.MatrixChar_N_ReducerGroups)7 IOException ( DMLProgram (org.apache.sysml.parser.DMLProgram)6 DMLTranslator (org.apache.sysml.parser.DMLTranslator)5 FileSystem (org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem)4 ParserWrapper (org.apache.sysml.parser.ParserWrapper)4 InputInfo ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)3 LanguageException (org.apache.sysml.parser.LanguageException)3 TaggedFirstSecondIndexes ( BufferedReader ( FileReader ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 CompilerConfig (org.apache.sysml.conf.CompilerConfig)2