use of org.apache.sysml.hops.AggBinaryOp in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class TemplateOuterProduct method rConstructCplan.
private void rConstructCplan(Hop hop, CPlanMemoTable memo, HashMap<Long, CNode> tmp, HashSet<Hop> inHops, HashMap<String, Hop> inHops2, boolean compileLiterals) {
// memoization for common subexpression elimination and to avoid redundant work
if (tmp.containsKey(hop.getHopID()))
// recursively process required childs
MemoTableEntry me = memo.getBest(hop.getHopID(), TemplateType.OUTER, TemplateType.CELL);
for (int i = 0; i < hop.getInput().size(); i++) {
Hop c = hop.getInput().get(i);
if (me.isPlanRef(i))
rConstructCplan(c, memo, tmp, inHops, inHops2, compileLiterals);
else {
CNodeData cdata = TemplateUtils.createCNodeData(c, compileLiterals);
tmp.put(c.getHopID(), cdata);
// construct cnode for current hop
CNode out = null;
if (hop instanceof UnaryOp) {
CNode cdata1 = tmp.get(hop.getInput().get(0).getHopID());
String primitiveOpName = ((UnaryOp) hop).getOp().toString();
out = new CNodeUnary(cdata1, UnaryType.valueOf(primitiveOpName));
} else if (hop instanceof BinaryOp) {
CNode cdata1 = tmp.get(hop.getInput().get(0).getHopID());
CNode cdata2 = tmp.get(hop.getInput().get(1).getHopID());
String primitiveOpName = ((BinaryOp) hop).getOp().toString();
if (HopRewriteUtils.isBinarySparseSafe(hop)) {
if (TemplateUtils.isMatrix(hop.getInput().get(0)) && cdata1 instanceof CNodeData)
inHops2.put("_X", hop.getInput().get(0));
if (TemplateUtils.isMatrix(hop.getInput().get(1)) && cdata2 instanceof CNodeData)
inHops2.put("_X", hop.getInput().get(1));
// add lookups if required
cdata1 = TemplateUtils.wrapLookupIfNecessary(cdata1, hop.getInput().get(0));
cdata2 = TemplateUtils.wrapLookupIfNecessary(cdata2, hop.getInput().get(1));
out = new CNodeBinary(cdata1, cdata2, BinType.valueOf(primitiveOpName));
} else if (hop instanceof AggBinaryOp) {
CNode cdata1 = tmp.get(hop.getInput().get(0).getHopID());
CNode cdata2 = tmp.get(hop.getInput().get(1).getHopID());
// handle transpose in outer or final product
cdata1 = TemplateUtils.skipTranspose(cdata1, hop.getInput().get(0), tmp, compileLiterals);
cdata2 = TemplateUtils.skipTranspose(cdata2, hop.getInput().get(1), tmp, compileLiterals);
// outer product U%*%t(V), see open
if (HopRewriteUtils.isOuterProductLikeMM(hop)) {
// keep U and V for later reference
inHops2.put("_U", hop.getInput().get(0));
if (HopRewriteUtils.isTransposeOperation(hop.getInput().get(1)))
inHops2.put("_V", hop.getInput().get(1).getInput().get(0));
inHops2.put("_V", hop.getInput().get(1));
out = new CNodeBinary(cdata1, cdata2, BinType.DOT_PRODUCT);
} else // final left/right matrix mult, see close
if (cdata1.getDataType().isScalar())
out = new CNodeBinary(cdata2, cdata1, BinType.VECT_MULT_ADD);
out = new CNodeBinary(cdata1, cdata2, BinType.VECT_MULT_ADD);
} else if (HopRewriteUtils.isTransposeOperation(hop)) {
out = tmp.get(hop.getInput().get(0).getHopID());
} else if (hop instanceof AggUnaryOp && ((AggUnaryOp) hop).getOp() == AggOp.SUM && ((AggUnaryOp) hop).getDirection() == Direction.RowCol) {
out = tmp.get(hop.getInput().get(0).getHopID());
tmp.put(hop.getHopID(), out);
use of org.apache.sysml.hops.AggBinaryOp in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class TemplateUtils method getRowType.
public static RowType getRowType(Hop output, Hop... inputs) {
Hop X = inputs[0];
Hop B1 = (inputs.length > 1) ? inputs[1] : null;
if ((X != null && HopRewriteUtils.isEqualSize(output, X)) || X == null || !X.dimsKnown())
return RowType.NO_AGG;
else if (((B1 != null && output.getDim1() == X.getDim1() && output.getDim2() == B1.getDim2()) || (output instanceof IndexingOp && HopRewriteUtils.isColumnRangeIndexing((IndexingOp) output))) && !(output instanceof AggBinaryOp && HopRewriteUtils.isTransposeOfItself(output.getInput().get(0), X)))
return RowType.NO_AGG_B1;
else if (output.getDim1() == X.getDim1() && (output.getDim2() == 1) && !(output instanceof AggBinaryOp && HopRewriteUtils.isTransposeOfItself(output.getInput().get(0), X)))
return RowType.ROW_AGG;
else if (output instanceof AggUnaryOp && ((AggUnaryOp) output).getDirection() == Direction.RowCol)
return RowType.FULL_AGG;
else if (output.getDim1() == X.getDim2() && output.getDim2() == 1)
return RowType.COL_AGG_T;
else if (output.getDim1() == 1 && output.getDim2() == X.getDim2())
return RowType.COL_AGG;
else if (B1 != null && output.getDim1() == X.getDim2() && output.getDim2() == B1.getDim2())
return RowType.COL_AGG_B1_T;
else if (B1 != null && output.getDim1() == B1.getDim2() && output.getDim2() == X.getDim2())
return RowType.COL_AGG_B1;
else if (B1 != null && output.getDim1() == 1 && B1.getDim2() == output.getDim2())
return RowType.COL_AGG_B1R;
else if (X.getDim1() == output.getDim1() && X.getDim2() != output.getDim2())
return RowType.NO_AGG_CONST;
else if (output.getDim1() == 1 && X.getDim2() != output.getDim2())
return RowType.COL_AGG_CONST;
throw new RuntimeException("Unknown row type for hop " + output.getHopID() + ".");
use of org.apache.sysml.hops.AggBinaryOp in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class HopRewriteUtils method createMatrixMultiply.
public static AggBinaryOp createMatrixMultiply(Hop left, Hop right) {
AggBinaryOp mmult = new AggBinaryOp(left.getName(), left.getDataType(), left.getValueType(), OpOp2.MULT, AggOp.SUM, left, right);
mmult.setOutputBlocksizes(left.getRowsInBlock(), right.getColsInBlock());
copyLineNumbers(left, mmult);
return mmult;
use of org.apache.sysml.hops.AggBinaryOp in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class RewriteAlgebraicSimplificationDynamic method simplifyWeightedSquaredLoss.
* Searches for weighted squared loss expressions and replaces them with a quaternary operator.
* Currently, this search includes the following three patterns:
* 1) sum (W * (X - U %*% t(V)) ^ 2) (post weighting)
* 2) sum ((X - W * (U %*% t(V))) ^ 2) (pre weighting)
* 3) sum ((X - (U %*% t(V))) ^ 2) (no weighting)
* NOTE: We include transpose into the pattern because during runtime we need to compute
* U%*% t(V) pointwise; having V and not t(V) at hand allows for a cache-friendly implementation
* without additional memory requirements for internal transpose.
* This rewrite is conceptually a static rewrite; however, the current MR runtime only supports
* U/V factors of rank up to the blocksize (1000). We enforce this contraint here during the general
* rewrite because this is an uncommon case. Also, the intention is to remove this constaint as soon
* as we generalized the runtime or hop/lop compilation.
* @param parent parent high-level operator
* @param hi high-level operator
* @param pos position
* @return high-level operator
private static Hop simplifyWeightedSquaredLoss(Hop parent, Hop hi, int pos) {
// NOTE: there might be also a general simplification without custom operator
// via (X-UVt)^2 -> X^2 - 2X*UVt + UVt^2
Hop hnew = null;
if (hi instanceof AggUnaryOp && ((AggUnaryOp) hi).getDirection() == Direction.RowCol && // all patterns rooted by sum()
((AggUnaryOp) hi).getOp() == AggOp.SUM && // all patterns subrooted by binary op
hi.getInput().get(0) instanceof BinaryOp && // not applied for vector-vector mult
hi.getInput().get(0).getDim2() > 1) {
BinaryOp bop = (BinaryOp) hi.getInput().get(0);
boolean appliedPattern = false;
// alternative pattern: sum (W * (U %*% t(V) - X) ^ 2)
if (bop.getOp() == OpOp2.MULT && HopRewriteUtils.isBinary(bop.getInput().get(1), OpOp2.POW) && bop.getInput().get(0).getDataType() == DataType.MATRIX && // prevent mv
HopRewriteUtils.isEqualSize(bop.getInput().get(0), bop.getInput().get(1)) && bop.getInput().get(1).getInput().get(1) instanceof LiteralOp && HopRewriteUtils.getDoubleValue((LiteralOp) bop.getInput().get(1).getInput().get(1)) == 2) {
Hop W = bop.getInput().get(0);
// (X - U %*% t(V))
Hop tmp = bop.getInput().get(1).getInput().get(0);
if (HopRewriteUtils.isBinary(tmp, OpOp2.MINUS) && // prevent mv
HopRewriteUtils.isEqualSize(tmp.getInput().get(0), tmp.getInput().get(1)) && tmp.getInput().get(0).getDataType() == DataType.MATRIX) {
// a) sum (W * (X - U %*% t(V)) ^ 2)
int uvIndex = -1;
if (// ba gurantees matrices
tmp.getInput().get(1) instanceof AggBinaryOp && // BLOCKSIZE CONSTRAINT
HopRewriteUtils.isSingleBlock(tmp.getInput().get(1).getInput().get(0), true)) {
uvIndex = 1;
} else // b) sum (W * (U %*% t(V) - X) ^ 2)
if (// ba gurantees matrices
tmp.getInput().get(0) instanceof AggBinaryOp && // BLOCKSIZE CONSTRAINT
HopRewriteUtils.isSingleBlock(tmp.getInput().get(0).getInput().get(0), true)) {
uvIndex = 0;
if (// rewrite match
uvIndex >= 0) {
Hop X = tmp.getInput().get((uvIndex == 0) ? 1 : 0);
Hop U = tmp.getInput().get(uvIndex).getInput().get(0);
Hop V = tmp.getInput().get(uvIndex).getInput().get(1);
if (!HopRewriteUtils.isTransposeOperation(V)) {
V = HopRewriteUtils.createTranspose(V);
} else {
V = V.getInput().get(0);
// handle special case of post_nz
if (HopRewriteUtils.isNonZeroIndicator(W, X)) {
W = new LiteralOp(1);
// construct quaternary hop
hnew = new QuaternaryOp(hi.getName(), DataType.SCALAR, ValueType.DOUBLE, OpOp4.WSLOSS, X, U, V, W, true);
appliedPattern = true;
LOG.debug("Applied simplifyWeightedSquaredLoss1" + uvIndex + " (line " + hi.getBeginLine() + ")");
// alternative pattern: sum ((W * (U %*% t(V)) - X) ^ 2)
if (!appliedPattern && bop.getOp() == OpOp2.POW && bop.getInput().get(1) instanceof LiteralOp && HopRewriteUtils.getDoubleValue((LiteralOp) bop.getInput().get(1)) == 2 && HopRewriteUtils.isBinary(bop.getInput().get(0), OpOp2.MINUS) && bop.getInput().get(0).getDataType() == DataType.MATRIX && // prevent mv
HopRewriteUtils.isEqualSize(bop.getInput().get(0).getInput().get(0), bop.getInput().get(0).getInput().get(1)) && bop.getInput().get(0).getInput().get(0).getDataType() == DataType.MATRIX) {
Hop lleft = bop.getInput().get(0).getInput().get(0);
Hop lright = bop.getInput().get(0).getInput().get(1);
// a) sum ((X - W * (U %*% t(V))) ^ 2)
int wuvIndex = -1;
if (lright instanceof BinaryOp && lright.getInput().get(1) instanceof AggBinaryOp) {
wuvIndex = 1;
} else // b) sum ((W * (U %*% t(V)) - X) ^ 2)
if (lleft instanceof BinaryOp && lleft.getInput().get(1) instanceof AggBinaryOp) {
wuvIndex = 0;
if (// rewrite match
wuvIndex >= 0) {
Hop X = bop.getInput().get(0).getInput().get((wuvIndex == 0) ? 1 : 0);
// (W * (U %*% t(V)))
Hop tmp = bop.getInput().get(0).getInput().get(wuvIndex);
if (((BinaryOp) tmp).getOp() == OpOp2.MULT && tmp.getInput().get(0).getDataType() == DataType.MATRIX && // prevent mv
HopRewriteUtils.isEqualSize(tmp.getInput().get(0), tmp.getInput().get(1)) && // BLOCKSIZE CONSTRAINT
HopRewriteUtils.isSingleBlock(tmp.getInput().get(1).getInput().get(0), true)) {
Hop W = tmp.getInput().get(0);
Hop U = tmp.getInput().get(1).getInput().get(0);
Hop V = tmp.getInput().get(1).getInput().get(1);
if (!HopRewriteUtils.isTransposeOperation(V)) {
V = HopRewriteUtils.createTranspose(V);
} else {
V = V.getInput().get(0);
hnew = new QuaternaryOp(hi.getName(), DataType.SCALAR, ValueType.DOUBLE, OpOp4.WSLOSS, X, U, V, W, false);
appliedPattern = true;
LOG.debug("Applied simplifyWeightedSquaredLoss2" + wuvIndex + " (line " + hi.getBeginLine() + ")");
// alternative pattern: sum (((U %*% t(V)) - X) ^ 2)
if (!appliedPattern && bop.getOp() == OpOp2.POW && bop.getInput().get(1) instanceof LiteralOp && HopRewriteUtils.getDoubleValue((LiteralOp) bop.getInput().get(1)) == 2 && HopRewriteUtils.isBinary(bop.getInput().get(0), OpOp2.MINUS) && bop.getInput().get(0).getDataType() == DataType.MATRIX && // prevent mv
HopRewriteUtils.isEqualSize(bop.getInput().get(0).getInput().get(0), bop.getInput().get(0).getInput().get(1)) && bop.getInput().get(0).getInput().get(0).getDataType() == DataType.MATRIX) {
Hop lleft = bop.getInput().get(0).getInput().get(0);
Hop lright = bop.getInput().get(0).getInput().get(1);
// a) sum ((X - (U %*% t(V))) ^ 2)
int uvIndex = -1;
if (// ba gurantees matrices
lright instanceof AggBinaryOp && // BLOCKSIZE CONSTRAINT
HopRewriteUtils.isSingleBlock(lright.getInput().get(0), true)) {
uvIndex = 1;
} else // b) sum (((U %*% t(V)) - X) ^ 2)
if (// ba gurantees matrices
lleft instanceof AggBinaryOp && // BLOCKSIZE CONSTRAINT
HopRewriteUtils.isSingleBlock(lleft.getInput().get(0), true)) {
uvIndex = 0;
if (// rewrite match
uvIndex >= 0) {
Hop X = bop.getInput().get(0).getInput().get((uvIndex == 0) ? 1 : 0);
// (U %*% t(V))
Hop tmp = bop.getInput().get(0).getInput().get(uvIndex);
// no weighting
Hop W = new LiteralOp(1);
Hop U = tmp.getInput().get(0);
Hop V = tmp.getInput().get(1);
if (!HopRewriteUtils.isTransposeOperation(V)) {
V = HopRewriteUtils.createTranspose(V);
} else {
V = V.getInput().get(0);
hnew = new QuaternaryOp(hi.getName(), DataType.SCALAR, ValueType.DOUBLE, OpOp4.WSLOSS, X, U, V, W, false);
appliedPattern = true;
LOG.debug("Applied simplifyWeightedSquaredLoss3" + uvIndex + " (line " + hi.getBeginLine() + ")");
// relink new hop into original position
if (hnew != null) {
HopRewriteUtils.replaceChildReference(parent, hi, hnew, pos);
hi = hnew;
return hi;
use of org.apache.sysml.hops.AggBinaryOp in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class RewriteAlgebraicSimplificationDynamic method simplifySumMatrixMult.
private static Hop simplifySumMatrixMult(Hop parent, Hop hi, int pos) {
// -- if sum not the only consumer, not applied to prevent redundancy
if (// sum
hi instanceof AggUnaryOp && ((AggUnaryOp) hi).getOp() == AggOp.SUM && // A%*%B
hi.getInput().get(0) instanceof AggBinaryOp && // not dot product
(hi.getInput().get(0).getDim1() > 1 || hi.getInput().get(0).getDim2() > 1) && // not multiple consumers of matrix mult
hi.getInput().get(0).getParent().size() == 1) {
Hop hi2 = hi.getInput().get(0);
Hop left = hi2.getInput().get(0);
Hop right = hi2.getInput().get(1);
// remove link from parent to matrix mult
HopRewriteUtils.removeChildReference(hi, hi2);
// create new operators
Hop root = null;
// pattern: sum(A%*%B) -> sum(t(colSums(A))*rowSums(B)), later rewritten to dot-product
if (((AggUnaryOp) hi).getDirection() == Direction.RowCol) {
AggUnaryOp colSum = HopRewriteUtils.createAggUnaryOp(left, AggOp.SUM, Direction.Col);
ReorgOp trans = HopRewriteUtils.createTranspose(colSum);
AggUnaryOp rowSum = HopRewriteUtils.createAggUnaryOp(right, AggOp.SUM, Direction.Row);
root = HopRewriteUtils.createBinary(trans, rowSum, OpOp2.MULT);
LOG.debug("Applied simplifySumMatrixMult RC.");
} else // colSums(A%*%B) -> colSums(A)%*%B
if (((AggUnaryOp) hi).getDirection() == Direction.Col) {
AggUnaryOp colSum = HopRewriteUtils.createAggUnaryOp(left, AggOp.SUM, Direction.Col);
root = HopRewriteUtils.createMatrixMultiply(colSum, right);
LOG.debug("Applied simplifySumMatrixMult C.");
} else // rowSums(A%*%B) -> A%*%rowSums(B)
if (((AggUnaryOp) hi).getDirection() == Direction.Row) {
AggUnaryOp rowSum = HopRewriteUtils.createAggUnaryOp(right, AggOp.SUM, Direction.Row);
root = HopRewriteUtils.createMatrixMultiply(left, rowSum);
LOG.debug("Applied simplifySumMatrixMult R.");
// rehang new subdag under current node (keep hi intact)
HopRewriteUtils.addChildReference(hi, root, 0);
// cleanup if only consumer of intermediate
return hi;