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Example 6 with ReorgOp

use of org.apache.sysml.hops.ReorgOp in project incubator-systemml by apache.

the class RewriteAlgebraicSimplificationDynamic method simplifyEmptySortOperation.

private static Hop simplifyEmptySortOperation(Hop parent, Hop hi, int pos) {
    // order(X, indexreturn=TRUE) -> seq(1,nrow(X),1)
    if (hi instanceof ReorgOp && ((ReorgOp) hi).getOp() == ReOrgOp.SORT) {
        ReorgOp rhi = (ReorgOp) hi;
        Hop input = rhi.getInput().get(0);
        if (// empty input
        HopRewriteUtils.isEmpty(input)) {
            // reorg-operation-specific rewrite
            Hop hnew = null;
            boolean ixret = false;
            if (// index return known
            rhi.getInput().get(3) instanceof LiteralOp) {
                ixret = HopRewriteUtils.getBooleanValue((LiteralOp) rhi.getInput().get(3));
                if (ixret)
                    hnew = HopRewriteUtils.createSeqDataGenOp(input);
                    hnew = HopRewriteUtils.createDataGenOp(input, 0);
            // modify dag if one of the above rules applied
            if (hnew != null) {
                HopRewriteUtils.replaceChildReference(parent, hi, hnew, pos);
                hi = hnew;
                LOG.debug("Applied simplifyEmptySortOperation (indexreturn=" + ixret + ").");
    return hi;
Also used : ReorgOp(org.apache.sysml.hops.ReorgOp) Hop(org.apache.sysml.hops.Hop) LiteralOp(org.apache.sysml.hops.LiteralOp)

Example 7 with ReorgOp

use of org.apache.sysml.hops.ReorgOp in project incubator-systemml by apache.

the class RewriteAlgebraicSimplificationDynamic method simplifyColSumsMVMult.

private static Hop simplifyColSumsMVMult(Hop parent, Hop hi, int pos) {
    // removed by other rewrite if unnecessary, i.e., if Y==t(Z)
    if (hi instanceof AggUnaryOp) {
        AggUnaryOp uhi = (AggUnaryOp) hi;
        Hop input = uhi.getInput().get(0);
        if (// colsums
        uhi.getOp() == AggOp.SUM && uhi.getDirection() == Direction.Col && // b(*)
        HopRewriteUtils.isBinary(input, OpOp2.MULT)) {
            Hop left = input.getInput().get(0);
            Hop right = input.getInput().get(1);
            if (left.getDim1() > 1 && left.getDim2() > 1 && right.getDim1() > 1 && // MV (col vector)
            right.getDim2() == 1) {
                // create new operators
                ReorgOp trans = HopRewriteUtils.createTranspose(right);
                AggBinaryOp mmult = HopRewriteUtils.createMatrixMultiply(trans, left);
                // relink new child
                HopRewriteUtils.replaceChildReference(parent, hi, mmult, pos);
                HopRewriteUtils.cleanupUnreferenced(uhi, input);
                hi = mmult;
                LOG.debug("Applied simplifyColSumsMVMult");
    return hi;
Also used : AggUnaryOp(org.apache.sysml.hops.AggUnaryOp) AggBinaryOp(org.apache.sysml.hops.AggBinaryOp) Hop(org.apache.sysml.hops.Hop) ReorgOp(org.apache.sysml.hops.ReorgOp)

Example 8 with ReorgOp

use of org.apache.sysml.hops.ReorgOp in project incubator-systemml by apache.

the class RewriteAlgebraicSimplificationDynamic method simplifyDotProductSum.

 * NOTE: dot-product-sum could be also applied to sum(a*b). However, we
 * restrict ourselfs to sum(a^2) and transitively sum(a*a) since a general mm
 * a%*%b on MR can be also counter-productive (e.g., MMCJ) while tsmm is always
 * beneficial.
 * @param parent parent high-level operator
 * @param hi high-level operator
 * @param pos position
 * @return high-level operator
private static Hop simplifyDotProductSum(Hop parent, Hop hi, int pos) {
    // w/o materialization of intermediates
    if (// sum
    hi instanceof AggUnaryOp && ((AggUnaryOp) hi).getOp() == AggOp.SUM && // full aggregate
    ((AggUnaryOp) hi).getDirection() == Direction.RowCol && // vector (for correctness)
    hi.getInput().get(0).getDim2() == 1) {
        Hop baLeft = null;
        Hop baRight = null;
        // check for ^2 w/o multiple consumers
        Hop hi2 = hi.getInput().get(0);
        // check for sum(v^2), might have been rewritten from sum(v*v)
        if (HopRewriteUtils.isBinary(hi2, OpOp2.POW) && hi2.getInput().get(1) instanceof LiteralOp && HopRewriteUtils.getDoubleValue((LiteralOp) hi2.getInput().get(1)) == 2 && // no other consumer than sum
        hi2.getParent().size() == 1) {
            Hop input = hi2.getInput().get(0);
            baLeft = input;
            baRight = input;
        } else // check for sum(v1*v2), but prevent to rewrite sum(v1*v2*v3) which is later compiled into a ta+* lop
        if (// no other consumer than sum
        HopRewriteUtils.isBinary(hi2, OpOp2.MULT, 1) && hi2.getInput().get(0).getDim2() == 1 && hi2.getInput().get(1).getDim2() == 1 && !HopRewriteUtils.isBinary(hi2.getInput().get(0), OpOp2.MULT) && !HopRewriteUtils.isBinary(hi2.getInput().get(1), OpOp2.MULT) && (!ALLOW_SUM_PRODUCT_REWRITES || !(// do not rewrite (A^2)*B
        HopRewriteUtils.isBinary(hi2.getInput().get(0), OpOp2.POW) && // let tak+* handle it
        hi2.getInput().get(0).getInput().get(1) instanceof LiteralOp && ((LiteralOp) hi2.getInput().get(0).getInput().get(1)).getLongValue() == 2)) && (!ALLOW_SUM_PRODUCT_REWRITES || !(// do not rewrite B*(A^2)
        HopRewriteUtils.isBinary(hi2.getInput().get(1), OpOp2.POW) && // let tak+* handle it
        hi2.getInput().get(1).getInput().get(1) instanceof LiteralOp && ((LiteralOp) hi2.getInput().get(1).getInput().get(1)).getLongValue() == 2))) {
            baLeft = hi2.getInput().get(0);
            baRight = hi2.getInput().get(1);
        // perform actual rewrite (if necessary)
        if (baLeft != null && baRight != null) {
            // create new operator chain
            ReorgOp trans = HopRewriteUtils.createTranspose(baLeft);
            AggBinaryOp mmult = HopRewriteUtils.createMatrixMultiply(trans, baRight);
            UnaryOp cast = HopRewriteUtils.createUnary(mmult, OpOp1.CAST_AS_SCALAR);
            // rehang new subdag under parent node
            HopRewriteUtils.replaceChildReference(parent, hi, cast, pos);
            HopRewriteUtils.cleanupUnreferenced(hi, hi2);
            hi = cast;
            LOG.debug("Applied simplifyDotProductSum.");
    return hi;
Also used : AggUnaryOp(org.apache.sysml.hops.AggUnaryOp) UnaryOp(org.apache.sysml.hops.UnaryOp) AggUnaryOp(org.apache.sysml.hops.AggUnaryOp) AggBinaryOp(org.apache.sysml.hops.AggBinaryOp) Hop(org.apache.sysml.hops.Hop) ReorgOp(org.apache.sysml.hops.ReorgOp) LiteralOp(org.apache.sysml.hops.LiteralOp)

Example 9 with ReorgOp

use of org.apache.sysml.hops.ReorgOp in project incubator-systemml by apache.

the class RewriteAlgebraicSimplificationDynamic method simplifyDiagMatrixMult.

private static Hop simplifyDiagMatrixMult(Hop parent, Hop hi, int pos) {
    if (// diagM2V
    hi instanceof ReorgOp && ((ReorgOp) hi).getOp() == ReOrgOp.DIAG && hi.getDim2() == 1) {
        Hop hi2 = hi.getInput().get(0);
        if (// X%*%Y
        HopRewriteUtils.isMatrixMultiply(hi2)) {
            Hop left = hi2.getInput().get(0);
            Hop right = hi2.getInput().get(1);
            // create new operators (incl refresh size inside for transpose)
            ReorgOp trans = HopRewriteUtils.createTranspose(right);
            BinaryOp mult = HopRewriteUtils.createBinary(left, trans, OpOp2.MULT);
            AggUnaryOp rowSum = HopRewriteUtils.createAggUnaryOp(mult, AggOp.SUM, Direction.Row);
            // rehang new subdag under parent node
            HopRewriteUtils.replaceChildReference(parent, hi, rowSum, pos);
            HopRewriteUtils.cleanupUnreferenced(hi, hi2);
            hi = rowSum;
            LOG.debug("Applied simplifyDiagMatrixMult");
    return hi;
Also used : AggUnaryOp(org.apache.sysml.hops.AggUnaryOp) ReorgOp(org.apache.sysml.hops.ReorgOp) Hop(org.apache.sysml.hops.Hop) AggBinaryOp(org.apache.sysml.hops.AggBinaryOp) BinaryOp(org.apache.sysml.hops.BinaryOp)

Example 10 with ReorgOp

use of org.apache.sysml.hops.ReorgOp in project incubator-systemml by apache.

the class DMLTranslator method processParameterizedBuiltinFunctionExpression.

 * Construct Hops from parse tree : Process ParameterizedBuiltinFunction Expression in an
 * assignment statement
 * @param source parameterized built-in function
 * @param target data identifier
 * @param hops map of high-level operators
 * @return high-level operator
private Hop processParameterizedBuiltinFunctionExpression(ParameterizedBuiltinFunctionExpression source, DataIdentifier target, HashMap<String, Hop> hops) {
    // this expression has multiple "named" parameters
    HashMap<String, Hop> paramHops = new HashMap<>();
    // -- construct hops for all input parameters
    // -- store them in hashmap so that their "name"s are maintained
    Hop pHop = null;
    for (String paramName : source.getVarParams().keySet()) {
        pHop = processExpression(source.getVarParam(paramName), null, hops);
        paramHops.put(paramName, pHop);
    Hop currBuiltinOp = null;
    if (target == null) {
        target = createTarget(source);
    // construct hop based on opcode
    switch(source.getOpCode()) {
        case CDF:
        case INVCDF:
        case QNORM:
        case QT:
        case QF:
        case QCHISQ:
        case QEXP:
        case PNORM:
        case PT:
        case PF:
        case PCHISQ:
        case PEXP:
            currBuiltinOp = constructDfHop(target.getName(), target.getDataType(), target.getValueType(), source.getOpCode(), paramHops);
        case GROUPEDAGG:
            currBuiltinOp = new ParameterizedBuiltinOp(target.getName(), target.getDataType(), target.getValueType(), ParamBuiltinOp.GROUPEDAGG, paramHops);
        case RMEMPTY:
            currBuiltinOp = new ParameterizedBuiltinOp(target.getName(), target.getDataType(), target.getValueType(), ParamBuiltinOp.RMEMPTY, paramHops);
        case REPLACE:
            currBuiltinOp = new ParameterizedBuiltinOp(target.getName(), target.getDataType(), target.getValueType(), ParamBuiltinOp.REPLACE, paramHops);
        case ORDER:
            ArrayList<Hop> inputs = new ArrayList<>();
            currBuiltinOp = new ReorgOp(target.getName(), target.getDataType(), target.getValueType(), ReOrgOp.SORT, inputs);
        case TRANSFORMAPPLY:
            currBuiltinOp = new ParameterizedBuiltinOp(target.getName(), target.getDataType(), target.getValueType(), ParamBuiltinOp.TRANSFORMAPPLY, paramHops);
            currBuiltinOp = new ParameterizedBuiltinOp(target.getName(), target.getDataType(), target.getValueType(), ParamBuiltinOp.TRANSFORMDECODE, paramHops);
            currBuiltinOp = new ParameterizedBuiltinOp(target.getName(), target.getDataType(), target.getValueType(), ParamBuiltinOp.TRANSFORMCOLMAP, paramHops);
        case TRANSFORMMETA:
            currBuiltinOp = new ParameterizedBuiltinOp(target.getName(), target.getDataType(), target.getValueType(), ParamBuiltinOp.TRANSFORMMETA, paramHops);
        case TOSTRING:
            // check for input data type and only compile toString Hop for matrices/frames,
            // for scalars, we compile (s + "") to ensure consistent string output value types
            currBuiltinOp = !paramHops.get("target").getDataType().isScalar() ? new ParameterizedBuiltinOp(target.getName(), target.getDataType(), target.getValueType(), ParamBuiltinOp.TOSTRING, paramHops) : HopRewriteUtils.createBinary(paramHops.get("target"), new LiteralOp(""), OpOp2.PLUS);
            throw new ParseException(source.printErrorLocation() + "processParameterizedBuiltinFunctionExpression() -- Unknown operation: " + source.getOpCode());
    setIdentifierParams(currBuiltinOp, source.getOutput());
    return currBuiltinOp;
Also used : ParameterizedBuiltinOp(org.apache.sysml.hops.ParameterizedBuiltinOp) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Hop(org.apache.sysml.hops.Hop) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ReorgOp(org.apache.sysml.hops.ReorgOp) LiteralOp(org.apache.sysml.hops.LiteralOp)


ReorgOp (org.apache.sysml.hops.ReorgOp)28 Hop (org.apache.sysml.hops.Hop)26 AggBinaryOp (org.apache.sysml.hops.AggBinaryOp)11 AggUnaryOp (org.apache.sysml.hops.AggUnaryOp)11 LiteralOp (org.apache.sysml.hops.LiteralOp)9 BinaryOp (org.apache.sysml.hops.BinaryOp)6 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)5 DataGenOp (org.apache.sysml.hops.DataGenOp)5 UnaryOp (org.apache.sysml.hops.UnaryOp)5 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)4 ParameterizedBuiltinOp (org.apache.sysml.hops.ParameterizedBuiltinOp)4 TernaryOp (org.apache.sysml.hops.TernaryOp)4 DataOp (org.apache.sysml.hops.DataOp)3 IndexingOp (org.apache.sysml.hops.IndexingOp)3 MultiThreadedHop (org.apache.sysml.hops.Hop.MultiThreadedHop)2 DMLRuntimeException (org.apache.sysml.runtime.DMLRuntimeException)2 ConvolutionOp (org.apache.sysml.hops.ConvolutionOp)1 FunctionOp (org.apache.sysml.hops.FunctionOp)1 DataGenMethod (org.apache.sysml.hops.Hop.DataGenMethod)1 OpOp2 (org.apache.sysml.hops.Hop.OpOp2)1