use of org.apache.sysml.parser.IfStatement in project systemml by apache.
the class IPAPassPropagateReplaceLiterals method rReplaceLiterals.
private void rReplaceLiterals(StatementBlock sb, LocalVariableMap constants) {
// remove updated literals
for (String varname : sb.variablesUpdated().getVariableNames()) if (constants.keySet().contains(varname))
// propagate and replace literals
if (sb instanceof WhileStatementBlock) {
WhileStatementBlock wsb = (WhileStatementBlock) sb;
WhileStatement ws = (WhileStatement) sb.getStatement(0);
replaceLiterals(wsb.getPredicateHops(), constants);
for (StatementBlock current : ws.getBody()) rReplaceLiterals(current, constants);
} else if (sb instanceof IfStatementBlock) {
IfStatementBlock isb = (IfStatementBlock) sb;
IfStatement ifs = (IfStatement) sb.getStatement(0);
replaceLiterals(isb.getPredicateHops(), constants);
for (StatementBlock current : ifs.getIfBody()) rReplaceLiterals(current, constants);
for (StatementBlock current : ifs.getElseBody()) rReplaceLiterals(current, constants);
} else if (sb instanceof ForStatementBlock) {
ForStatementBlock fsb = (ForStatementBlock) sb;
ForStatement fs = (ForStatement) sb.getStatement(0);
replaceLiterals(fsb.getFromHops(), constants);
replaceLiterals(fsb.getToHops(), constants);
replaceLiterals(fsb.getIncrementHops(), constants);
for (StatementBlock current : fs.getBody()) rReplaceLiterals(current, constants);
} else {
replaceLiterals(sb.getHops(), constants);
use of org.apache.sysml.parser.IfStatement in project systemml by apache.
the class IPAPassRemoveConstantBinaryOps method rRemoveConstantBinaryOp.
private static void rRemoveConstantBinaryOp(StatementBlock sb, HashMap<String, Hop> mOnes) {
if (sb instanceof IfStatementBlock) {
IfStatementBlock isb = (IfStatementBlock) sb;
IfStatement istmt = (IfStatement) isb.getStatement(0);
for (StatementBlock c : istmt.getIfBody()) rRemoveConstantBinaryOp(c, mOnes);
if (istmt.getElseBody() != null)
for (StatementBlock c : istmt.getElseBody()) rRemoveConstantBinaryOp(c, mOnes);
} else if (sb instanceof WhileStatementBlock) {
WhileStatementBlock wsb = (WhileStatementBlock) sb;
WhileStatement wstmt = (WhileStatement) wsb.getStatement(0);
for (StatementBlock c : wstmt.getBody()) rRemoveConstantBinaryOp(c, mOnes);
} else if (sb instanceof ForStatementBlock) {
ForStatementBlock fsb = (ForStatementBlock) sb;
ForStatement fstmt = (ForStatement) fsb.getStatement(0);
for (StatementBlock c : fstmt.getBody()) rRemoveConstantBinaryOp(c, mOnes);
} else {
if (sb.getHops() != null) {
for (Hop hop : sb.getHops()) rRemoveConstantBinaryOp(hop, mOnes);
use of org.apache.sysml.parser.IfStatement in project systemml by apache.
the class InterProceduralAnalysis method propagateStatisticsAcrossBlock.
// ///////////////////////////
// ////
private void propagateStatisticsAcrossBlock(StatementBlock sb, LocalVariableMap callVars, FunctionCallSizeInfo fcallSizes, Set<String> fnStack) {
if (sb instanceof FunctionStatementBlock) {
FunctionStatementBlock fsb = (FunctionStatementBlock) sb;
FunctionStatement fstmt = (FunctionStatement) fsb.getStatement(0);
for (StatementBlock sbi : fstmt.getBody()) propagateStatisticsAcrossBlock(sbi, callVars, fcallSizes, fnStack);
} else if (sb instanceof WhileStatementBlock) {
WhileStatementBlock wsb = (WhileStatementBlock) sb;
WhileStatement wstmt = (WhileStatement) wsb.getStatement(0);
// old stats into predicate
propagateStatisticsAcrossPredicateDAG(wsb.getPredicateHops(), callVars);
// remove updated constant scalars
Recompiler.removeUpdatedScalars(callVars, wsb);
// check and propagate stats into body
LocalVariableMap oldCallVars = (LocalVariableMap) callVars.clone();
for (StatementBlock sbi : wstmt.getBody()) propagateStatisticsAcrossBlock(sbi, callVars, fcallSizes, fnStack);
if (Recompiler.reconcileUpdatedCallVarsLoops(oldCallVars, callVars, wsb)) {
// second pass if required
propagateStatisticsAcrossPredicateDAG(wsb.getPredicateHops(), callVars);
for (StatementBlock sbi : wstmt.getBody()) propagateStatisticsAcrossBlock(sbi, callVars, fcallSizes, fnStack);
// remove updated constant scalars
Recompiler.removeUpdatedScalars(callVars, sb);
} else if (sb instanceof IfStatementBlock) {
IfStatementBlock isb = (IfStatementBlock) sb;
IfStatement istmt = (IfStatement) isb.getStatement(0);
// old stats into predicate
propagateStatisticsAcrossPredicateDAG(isb.getPredicateHops(), callVars);
// check and propagate stats into body
LocalVariableMap oldCallVars = (LocalVariableMap) callVars.clone();
LocalVariableMap callVarsElse = (LocalVariableMap) callVars.clone();
for (StatementBlock sbi : istmt.getIfBody()) propagateStatisticsAcrossBlock(sbi, callVars, fcallSizes, fnStack);
for (StatementBlock sbi : istmt.getElseBody()) propagateStatisticsAcrossBlock(sbi, callVarsElse, fcallSizes, fnStack);
callVars = Recompiler.reconcileUpdatedCallVarsIf(oldCallVars, callVars, callVarsElse, isb);
// remove updated constant scalars
Recompiler.removeUpdatedScalars(callVars, sb);
} else if (// incl parfor
sb instanceof ForStatementBlock) {
ForStatementBlock fsb = (ForStatementBlock) sb;
ForStatement fstmt = (ForStatement) fsb.getStatement(0);
// old stats into predicate
propagateStatisticsAcrossPredicateDAG(fsb.getFromHops(), callVars);
propagateStatisticsAcrossPredicateDAG(fsb.getToHops(), callVars);
propagateStatisticsAcrossPredicateDAG(fsb.getIncrementHops(), callVars);
// remove updated constant scalars
Recompiler.removeUpdatedScalars(callVars, fsb);
// check and propagate stats into body
LocalVariableMap oldCallVars = (LocalVariableMap) callVars.clone();
for (StatementBlock sbi : fstmt.getBody()) propagateStatisticsAcrossBlock(sbi, callVars, fcallSizes, fnStack);
if (Recompiler.reconcileUpdatedCallVarsLoops(oldCallVars, callVars, fsb))
for (StatementBlock sbi : fstmt.getBody()) propagateStatisticsAcrossBlock(sbi, callVars, fcallSizes, fnStack);
// remove updated constant scalars
Recompiler.removeUpdatedScalars(callVars, sb);
} else // generic (last-level)
// remove updated constant scalars
Recompiler.removeUpdatedScalars(callVars, sb);
// old stats in, new stats out if updated
ArrayList<Hop> roots = sb.getHops();
DMLProgram prog = sb.getDMLProg();
// replace scalar reads with literals
propagateScalarsAcrossDAG(roots, callVars);
// refresh stats across dag
propagateStatisticsAcrossDAG(roots, callVars);
// propagate stats into function calls
propagateStatisticsIntoFunctions(prog, roots, callVars, fcallSizes, fnStack);
use of org.apache.sysml.parser.IfStatement in project systemml by apache.
the class RewriteRemoveUnnecessaryBranches method rewriteStatementBlock.
public List<StatementBlock> rewriteStatementBlock(StatementBlock sb, ProgramRewriteStatus state) {
ArrayList<StatementBlock> ret = new ArrayList<>();
if (sb instanceof IfStatementBlock) {
IfStatementBlock isb = (IfStatementBlock) sb;
Hop pred = isb.getPredicateHops().getInput().get(0);
// apply rewrite if literal op (constant value)
if (pred instanceof LiteralOp) {
IfStatement istmt = (IfStatement) isb.getStatement(0);
LiteralOp litpred = (LiteralOp) pred;
boolean condition = HopRewriteUtils.getBooleanValue(litpred);
if (condition) {
// pull-out simple if body
if (!istmt.getIfBody().isEmpty())
// pull if-branch
// otherwise: add nothing (remove if-else)
} else {
// pull-out simple else body
if (!istmt.getElseBody().isEmpty())
// pull else-branch
// otherwise: add nothing (remove if-else)
LOG.debug("Applied removeUnnecessaryBranches (lines " + sb.getBeginLine() + "-" + sb.getEndLine() + ").");
} else
// keep original sb (non-constant condition)
} else
// keep original sb (no if)
return ret;
use of org.apache.sysml.parser.IfStatement in project systemml by apache.
the class ProgramRecompiler method isApplicableForReuseVariable.
private static boolean isApplicableForReuseVariable(StatementBlock sb, StatementBlock parforSB, String var) {
boolean ret = false;
if (sb instanceof IfStatementBlock) {
IfStatement is = (IfStatement) sb.getStatement(0);
for (StatementBlock lsb : is.getIfBody()) ret |= isApplicableForReuseVariable(lsb, parforSB, var);
for (StatementBlock lsb : is.getElseBody()) ret |= isApplicableForReuseVariable(lsb, parforSB, var);
} else if (sb instanceof WhileStatementBlock) {
WhileStatement ws = (WhileStatement) sb.getStatement(0);
for (StatementBlock lsb : ws.getBody()) ret |= isApplicableForReuseVariable(lsb, parforSB, var);
} else if (sb instanceof ForStatementBlock) {
// for or parfor
ForStatementBlock fsb = (ForStatementBlock) sb;
ForStatement fs = (ForStatement) fsb.getStatement(0);
if (fsb == parforSB) {
// found parfor statement
ret = true;
} else {
for (StatementBlock lsb : fs.getBody()) ret |= isApplicableForReuseVariable(lsb, parforSB, var);
return ret && !sb.variablesUpdated().containsVariable(var);