use of org.apache.sysml.parser.StatementBlock in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class InterProceduralAnalysis method analyzeProgram.
* Main interface to perform IPA over a given DML program.
* @param repetitions number of IPA rounds
public void analyzeProgram(int repetitions) {
// sanity check for valid number of repetitions
if (repetitions <= 0)
throw new HopsException("Invalid number of IPA repetitions: " + repetitions);
// perform number of requested IPA iterations
FunctionCallSizeInfo lastSizes = null;
for (int i = 0; i < repetitions; i++) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
LOG.debug("IPA: start IPA iteration " + (i + 1) + "/" + repetitions + ".");
// get function call size infos to obtain candidates for statistics propagation
FunctionCallSizeInfo fcallSizes = new FunctionCallSizeInfo(_fgraph);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
LOG.debug("IPA: Initial FunctionCallSummary: \n" + fcallSizes);
// step 1: intra- and inter-procedural
// get unary dimension-preserving non-candidate functions
for (String tmp : fcallSizes.getInvalidFunctions()) if (isUnarySizePreservingFunction(_prog.getFunctionStatementBlock(tmp)))
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
LOG.debug("IPA: Extended FunctionCallSummary: \n" + fcallSizes);
// propagate statistics and scalars into functions and across DAGs
// (callVars used to chain outputs/inputs of multiple functions calls)
LocalVariableMap callVars = new LocalVariableMap();
for (// propagate stats into candidates
StatementBlock sb : // propagate stats into candidates
_prog.getStatementBlocks()) propagateStatisticsAcrossBlock(sb, callVars, fcallSizes, new HashSet<String>());
// step 2: apply additional IPA passes
for (IPAPass pass : _passes) if (pass.isApplicable(_fgraph))
pass.rewriteProgram(_prog, _fgraph, fcallSizes);
// early abort without functions or on reached fixpoint
if (_fgraph.getReachableFunctions().isEmpty() || (lastSizes != null && lastSizes.equals(fcallSizes))) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
LOG.debug("IPA: Early abort after " + (i + 1) + "/" + repetitions + " repetitions due to reached fixpoint.");
// cleanup pass: remove unused functions
FunctionCallGraph graph2 = new FunctionCallGraph(_prog);
IPAPass rmFuns = new IPAPassRemoveUnusedFunctions();
if (rmFuns.isApplicable(graph2))
rmFuns.rewriteProgram(_prog, graph2, null);
use of org.apache.sysml.parser.StatementBlock in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class SpoofCompiler method generateCodeFromStatementBlock.
public static void generateCodeFromStatementBlock(StatementBlock current) {
if (current instanceof FunctionStatementBlock) {
FunctionStatementBlock fsb = (FunctionStatementBlock) current;
FunctionStatement fstmt = (FunctionStatement) fsb.getStatement(0);
for (StatementBlock sb : fstmt.getBody()) generateCodeFromStatementBlock(sb);
} else if (current instanceof WhileStatementBlock) {
WhileStatementBlock wsb = (WhileStatementBlock) current;
WhileStatement wstmt = (WhileStatement) wsb.getStatement(0);
wsb.setPredicateHops(optimize(wsb.getPredicateHops(), false));
for (StatementBlock sb : wstmt.getBody()) generateCodeFromStatementBlock(sb);
} else if (current instanceof IfStatementBlock) {
IfStatementBlock isb = (IfStatementBlock) current;
IfStatement istmt = (IfStatement) isb.getStatement(0);
isb.setPredicateHops(optimize(isb.getPredicateHops(), false));
for (StatementBlock sb : istmt.getIfBody()) generateCodeFromStatementBlock(sb);
for (StatementBlock sb : istmt.getElseBody()) generateCodeFromStatementBlock(sb);
} else if (// incl parfor
current instanceof ForStatementBlock) {
ForStatementBlock fsb = (ForStatementBlock) current;
ForStatement fstmt = (ForStatement) fsb.getStatement(0);
fsb.setFromHops(optimize(fsb.getFromHops(), false));
fsb.setToHops(optimize(fsb.getToHops(), false));
fsb.setIncrementHops(optimize(fsb.getIncrementHops(), false));
for (StatementBlock sb : fstmt.getBody()) generateCodeFromStatementBlock(sb);
} else // generic (last-level)
use of org.apache.sysml.parser.StatementBlock in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class SpoofCompiler method generateCode.
public static void generateCode(DMLProgram dmlprog) {
// for each namespace, handle function statement blocks
for (String namespaceKey : dmlprog.getNamespaces().keySet()) {
for (String fname : dmlprog.getFunctionStatementBlocks(namespaceKey).keySet()) {
FunctionStatementBlock fsblock = dmlprog.getFunctionStatementBlock(namespaceKey, fname);
// handle regular statement blocks in "main" method
for (int i = 0; i < dmlprog.getNumStatementBlocks(); i++) {
StatementBlock current = dmlprog.getStatementBlock(i);
use of org.apache.sysml.parser.StatementBlock in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class RewriteCompressedReblock method rAnalyzeProgram.
private static void rAnalyzeProgram(StatementBlock sb, ProbeStatus status) {
if (sb instanceof FunctionStatementBlock) {
FunctionStatementBlock fsb = (FunctionStatementBlock) sb;
FunctionStatement fstmt = (FunctionStatement) fsb.getStatement(0);
for (StatementBlock csb : fstmt.getBody()) rAnalyzeProgram(csb, status);
} else if (sb instanceof WhileStatementBlock) {
WhileStatementBlock wsb = (WhileStatementBlock) sb;
WhileStatement wstmt = (WhileStatement) wsb.getStatement(0);
for (StatementBlock csb : wstmt.getBody()) rAnalyzeProgram(csb, status);
if (wsb.variablesRead().containsAnyName(status.compMtx))
status.usedInLoop = true;
} else if (sb instanceof IfStatementBlock) {
IfStatementBlock isb = (IfStatementBlock) sb;
IfStatement istmt = (IfStatement) isb.getStatement(0);
for (StatementBlock csb : istmt.getIfBody()) rAnalyzeProgram(csb, status);
for (StatementBlock csb : istmt.getElseBody()) rAnalyzeProgram(csb, status);
if (isb.variablesUpdated().containsAnyName(status.compMtx))
status.condUpdate = true;
} else if (sb instanceof ForStatementBlock) {
// incl parfor
ForStatementBlock fsb = (ForStatementBlock) sb;
ForStatement fstmt = (ForStatement) fsb.getStatement(0);
for (StatementBlock csb : fstmt.getBody()) rAnalyzeProgram(csb, status);
if (fsb.variablesRead().containsAnyName(status.compMtx))
status.usedInLoop = true;
} else if (sb.getHops() != null) {
// generic (last-level)
ArrayList<Hop> roots = sb.getHops();
// process entire HOP DAG starting from the roots
for (Hop root : roots) rAnalyzeHopDag(root, status);
// remove temporary variables
status.compMtx.removeIf(n -> n.startsWith(TMP_PREFIX));
use of org.apache.sysml.parser.StatementBlock in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class RewriteCompressedReblock method satisfiesAutoCompressionCondition.
private static boolean satisfiesAutoCompressionCondition(Hop hop, DMLProgram prog) {
// check for basic compression condition
if (!(satisfiesCompressionCondition(hop) && OptimizerUtils.isSparkExecutionMode()))
return false;
// determine if data size exceeds aggregate cluster storage memory
double matrixPSize = OptimizerUtils.estimatePartitionedSizeExactSparsity(hop.getDim1(), hop.getDim2(), hop.getRowsInBlock(), hop.getColsInBlock(), hop.getNnz());
double cacheSize = SparkExecutionContext.getDataMemoryBudget(true, true);
boolean outOfCore = matrixPSize > cacheSize;
// determine if matrix is ultra sparse (and hence serialized)
double sparsity = OptimizerUtils.getSparsity(hop.getDim1(), hop.getDim2(), hop.getNnz());
boolean ultraSparse = sparsity < MatrixBlock.ULTRA_SPARSITY_TURN_POINT;
// but conditionally only if all other conditions are met
if (hop.dimsKnown(true) && outOfCore && !ultraSparse) {
// analyze program recursively, including called functions
ProbeStatus status = new ProbeStatus(hop.getHopID(), prog);
for (StatementBlock sb : prog.getStatementBlocks()) rAnalyzeProgram(sb, status);
// applicable if used in loop (amortized compressed costs),
// no conditional updates in if-else branches
// and all operations are applicable (no decompression costs)
boolean ret = status.foundStart && status.usedInLoop && !status.condUpdate && !status.nonApplicable;
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Auto compression: " + ret + " (dimsKnown=" + hop.dimsKnown(true) + ", outOfCore=" + outOfCore + ", !ultraSparse=" + !ultraSparse + ", foundStart=" + status.foundStart + ", usedInLoop=" + status.foundStart + ", !condUpdate=" + !status.condUpdate + ", !nonApplicable=" + !status.nonApplicable + ")");
return ret;
} else if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Auto compression: false (dimsKnown=" + hop.dimsKnown(true) + ", outOfCore=" + outOfCore + ", !ultraSparse=" + !ultraSparse + ")");
return false;