use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.LocalVariableMap in project systemml by apache.
the class RemoteDPParForMR method runJob.
public static RemoteParForJobReturn runJob(long pfid, String itervar, String matrixvar, String program, // config params
String resultFile, // config params
MatrixObject input, // config params
PartitionFormat dpf, // config params
OutputInfo oi, // config params
boolean tSparseCol, // opt params
boolean enableCPCaching, // opt params
int numReducers, // opt params
int replication) {
RemoteParForJobReturn ret = null;
String jobname = "ParFor-DPEMR";
long t0 = DMLScript.STATISTICS ? System.nanoTime() : 0;
JobConf job;
job = new JobConf(RemoteDPParForMR.class);
job.setJobName(jobname + pfid);
// maintain dml script counters
try {
// ///
// configure the MR job
// set arbitrary CP program blocks that will perform in the reducers
MRJobConfiguration.setProgramBlocks(job, program);
// enable/disable caching
MRJobConfiguration.setParforCachingConfig(job, enableCPCaching);
// setup input matrix
Path path = new Path(input.getFileName());
long rlen = input.getNumRows();
long clen = input.getNumColumns();
int brlen = (int) input.getNumRowsPerBlock();
int bclen = (int) input.getNumColumnsPerBlock();
MRJobConfiguration.setPartitioningInfo(job, rlen, clen, brlen, bclen, InputInfo.BinaryBlockInputInfo, oi, dpf._dpf, dpf._N, input.getFileName(), itervar, matrixvar, tSparseCol);
FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, path);
// set mapper and reducers classes
// set output format
// set output path
FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, new Path(resultFile));
// set the output key, value schema
// parfor partitioning outputs (intermediates)
if (oi == OutputInfo.BinaryBlockOutputInfo)
else if (oi == OutputInfo.BinaryCellOutputInfo)
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Unsupported intermrediate output info: " + oi);
// parfor exec output
// ////
// set optimization parameters
// set the number of mappers and reducers
// disable automatic tasks timeouts and speculative task exec
job.setInt(MRConfigurationNames.MR_TASK_TIMEOUT, 0);
// set up preferred custom serialization framework for binary block format
// set up map/reduce memory configurations (if in AM context)
DMLConfig config = ConfigurationManager.getDMLConfig();
DMLAppMasterUtils.setupMRJobRemoteMaxMemory(job, config);
// set up custom map/reduce configurations
MRJobConfiguration.setupCustomMRConfigurations(job, config);
// disable JVM reuse
// -1 for unlimited
// set the replication factor for the results
job.setInt(MRConfigurationNames.DFS_REPLICATION, replication);
// set the max number of retries per map task
// note: currently disabled to use cluster config
// job.setInt(MRConfigurationNames.MR_MAP_MAXATTEMPTS, max_retry);
// set unique working dir
// ///
// execute the MR job
RunningJob runjob = JobClient.runJob(job);
// Process different counters
Group pgroup = runjob.getCounters().getGroup(ParForProgramBlock.PARFOR_COUNTER_GROUP_NAME);
int numTasks = (int) pgroup.getCounter(Stat.PARFOR_NUMTASKS.toString());
int numIters = (int) pgroup.getCounter(Stat.PARFOR_NUMITERS.toString());
if (DMLScript.STATISTICS && !InfrastructureAnalyzer.isLocalMode()) {
Group cgroup = runjob.getCounters().getGroup(CacheableData.CACHING_COUNTER_GROUP_NAME.toString());
CacheStatistics.incrementMemHits((int) cgroup.getCounter(CacheStatistics.Stat.CACHE_HITS_MEM.toString()));
CacheStatistics.incrementFSBuffHits((int) cgroup.getCounter(CacheStatistics.Stat.CACHE_HITS_FSBUFF.toString()));
CacheStatistics.incrementFSHits((int) cgroup.getCounter(CacheStatistics.Stat.CACHE_HITS_FS.toString()));
CacheStatistics.incrementHDFSHits((int) cgroup.getCounter(CacheStatistics.Stat.CACHE_HITS_HDFS.toString()));
CacheStatistics.incrementFSBuffWrites((int) cgroup.getCounter(CacheStatistics.Stat.CACHE_WRITES_FSBUFF.toString()));
CacheStatistics.incrementFSWrites((int) cgroup.getCounter(CacheStatistics.Stat.CACHE_WRITES_FS.toString()));
CacheStatistics.incrementHDFSWrites((int) cgroup.getCounter(CacheStatistics.Stat.CACHE_WRITES_HDFS.toString()));
// read all files of result variables and prepare for return
LocalVariableMap[] results = readResultFile(job, resultFile);
ret = new RemoteParForJobReturn(runjob.isSuccessful(), numTasks, numIters, results);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new DMLRuntimeException(ex);
} finally {
// remove created files
try {
MapReduceTool.deleteFileIfExistOnHDFS(new Path(resultFile), job);
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new DMLRuntimeException(ex);
long t1 = System.nanoTime();
Statistics.maintainCPHeavyHitters("MR-Job_" + jobname, t1 - t0);
return ret;
use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.LocalVariableMap in project systemml by apache.
the class RemoteDPParForMR method readResultFile.
* Result file contains hierarchy of workerID-resultvar(incl filename). We deduplicate
* on the workerID. Without JVM reuse each task refers to a unique workerID, so we
* will not find any duplicates. With JVM reuse, however, each slot refers to a workerID,
* and there are duplicate filenames due to partial aggregation and overwrite of fname
* (the RemoteParWorkerMapper ensures uniqueness of those files independent of the
* runtime implementation).
* @param job job configuration
* @param fname file name
* @return array of local variable maps
* @throws IOException if IOException occurs
public static LocalVariableMap[] readResultFile(JobConf job, String fname) throws IOException {
HashMap<Long, LocalVariableMap> tmp = new HashMap<>();
Path path = new Path(fname);
FileSystem fs = IOUtilFunctions.getFileSystem(path, job);
// workerID
LongWritable key = new LongWritable();
// serialized var header (incl filename)
Text value = new Text();
int countAll = 0;
for (Path lpath : IOUtilFunctions.getSequenceFilePaths(fs, path)) {
SequenceFile.Reader reader = new SequenceFile.Reader(fs, lpath, job);
try {
while (, value)) {
if (!tmp.containsKey(key.get()))
tmp.put(key.get(), new LocalVariableMap());
Object[] dat = ProgramConverter.parseDataObject(value.toString());
tmp.get(key.get()).put((String) dat[0], (Data) dat[1]);
} finally {
LOG.debug("Num remote worker results (before deduplication): " + countAll);
LOG.debug("Num remote worker results: " + tmp.size());
// create return array
return tmp.values().toArray(new LocalVariableMap[0]);
use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.LocalVariableMap in project systemml by apache.
the class RemoteDPParForSpark method runJob.
public static RemoteParForJobReturn runJob(long pfid, String itervar, String matrixvar, String program, HashMap<String, byte[]> clsMap, String resultFile, MatrixObject input, ExecutionContext ec, PartitionFormat dpf, OutputInfo oi, boolean tSparseCol, boolean enableCPCaching, int numReducers) {
String jobname = "ParFor-DPESP";
long t0 = DMLScript.STATISTICS ? System.nanoTime() : 0;
SparkExecutionContext sec = (SparkExecutionContext) ec;
JavaSparkContext sc = sec.getSparkContext();
// prepare input parameters
MatrixObject mo = sec.getMatrixObject(matrixvar);
MatrixCharacteristics mc = mo.getMatrixCharacteristics();
// initialize accumulators for tasks/iterations, and inputs
JavaPairRDD<MatrixIndexes, MatrixBlock> in = sec.getBinaryBlockRDDHandleForVariable(matrixvar);
LongAccumulator aTasks ="tasks");
LongAccumulator aIters ="iterations");
// compute number of reducers (to avoid OOMs and reduce memory pressure)
int numParts = SparkUtils.getNumPreferredPartitions(mc, in);
int numReducers2 = Math.max(numReducers, Math.min(numParts, (int) dpf.getNumParts(mc)));
// core parfor datapartition-execute (w/ or w/o shuffle, depending on data characteristics)
RemoteDPParForSparkWorker efun = new RemoteDPParForSparkWorker(program, clsMap, matrixvar, itervar, enableCPCaching, mc, tSparseCol, dpf, oi, aTasks, aIters);
JavaPairRDD<Long, Writable> tmp = getPartitionedInput(sec, matrixvar, oi, dpf);
List<Tuple2<Long, String>> out = (requiresGrouping(dpf, mo) ? tmp.groupByKey(numReducers2) : PseudoGrouping())).mapPartitionsToPair(// execute parfor tasks, incl cleanup
// de-serialize results
LocalVariableMap[] results = RemoteParForUtils.getResults(out, LOG);
// get accumulator value
int numTasks = aTasks.value().intValue();
// get accumulator value
int numIters = aIters.value().intValue();
// create output symbol table entries
RemoteParForJobReturn ret = new RemoteParForJobReturn(true, numTasks, numIters, results);
// maintain statistics
Statistics.maintainCPHeavyHitters(jobname, System.nanoTime() - t0);
return ret;
use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.LocalVariableMap in project systemml by apache.
the class RemoteParForMR method readResultFile.
* Result file contains hierarchy of workerID-resultvar(incl filename). We deduplicate
* on the workerID. Without JVM reuse each task refers to a unique workerID, so we
* will not find any duplicates. With JVM reuse, however, each slot refers to a workerID,
* and there are duplicate filenames due to partial aggregation and overwrite of fname
* (the RemoteParWorkerMapper ensures uniqueness of those files independent of the
* runtime implementation).
* @param job job configuration
* @param fname file name
* @return array of local variable maps
* @throws IOException if IOException occurs
public static LocalVariableMap[] readResultFile(JobConf job, String fname) throws IOException {
HashMap<Long, LocalVariableMap> tmp = new HashMap<>();
Path path = new Path(fname);
FileSystem fs = IOUtilFunctions.getFileSystem(path, job);
// workerID
LongWritable key = new LongWritable();
// serialized var header (incl filename)
Text value = new Text();
int countAll = 0;
for (Path lpath : IOUtilFunctions.getSequenceFilePaths(fs, path)) {
SequenceFile.Reader reader = new SequenceFile.Reader(fs, lpath, job);
try {
while (, value)) {
if (!tmp.containsKey(key.get()))
tmp.put(key.get(), new LocalVariableMap());
Object[] dat = ProgramConverter.parseDataObject(value.toString());
tmp.get(key.get()).put((String) dat[0], (Data) dat[1]);
} finally {
LOG.debug("Num remote worker results (before deduplication): " + countAll);
LOG.debug("Num remote worker results: " + tmp.size());
// create return array
return tmp.values().toArray(new LocalVariableMap[0]);
use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.LocalVariableMap in project systemml by apache.
the class IPAPassPropagateReplaceLiterals method rewriteProgram.
public void rewriteProgram(DMLProgram prog, FunctionCallGraph fgraph, FunctionCallSizeInfo fcallSizes) {
for (String fkey : fgraph.getReachableFunctions()) {
FunctionOp first = fgraph.getFunctionCalls(fkey).get(0);
// propagate and replace amenable literals into function
if (fcallSizes.hasSafeLiterals(fkey)) {
FunctionStatementBlock fsb = prog.getFunctionStatementBlock(fkey);
FunctionStatement fstmt = (FunctionStatement) fsb.getStatement(0);
ArrayList<DataIdentifier> finputs = fstmt.getInputParams();
// populate call vars with amenable literals
LocalVariableMap callVars = new LocalVariableMap();
for (int j = 0; j < finputs.size(); j++) if (fcallSizes.isSafeLiteral(fkey, j)) {
LiteralOp lit = (LiteralOp) first.getInput().get(j);
callVars.put(finputs.get(j).getName(), ScalarObjectFactory.createScalarObject(lit.getValueType(), lit));
// propagate and replace literals
for (StatementBlock sb : fstmt.getBody()) rReplaceLiterals(sb, callVars);