use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.ParForProgramBlock.PartitionFormat in project systemml by apache.
the class ParForStatementBlock method determineDataPartitionFormat.
* Determines the PDataPartitioningFormat for read-only parent variables according
* to the access pattern of that variable within the parfor statement block.
* Row-wise or column wise partitioning is only suggested if we see pure row-wise or
* column-wise access patterns.
* @param var variables
* @return partition format
public PartitionFormat determineDataPartitionFormat(String var) {
PartitionFormat dpf = null;
List<PartitionFormat> dpfc = new LinkedList<>();
try {
// determine partitioning candidates
ParForStatement dpfs = (ParForStatement) _statements.get(0);
rDeterminePartitioningCandidates(var, dpfs.getBody(), dpfc);
// determine final solution
for (PartitionFormat tmp : dpfc) dpf = // if no consensus
(dpf != null && !dpf.equals(tmp)) ? PartitionFormat.NONE : tmp;
if (dpf == null)
dpf = PartitionFormat.NONE;
} catch (LanguageException e) {
LOG.trace("Unable to determine partitioning candidates.", e);
dpf = PartitionFormat.NONE;
return dpf;
use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.ParForProgramBlock.PartitionFormat in project systemml by apache.
the class ParForStatementBlock method determineAccessPattern.
private PartitionFormat determineAccessPattern(IndexedIdentifier dat) {
boolean isSpark = OptimizerUtils.isSparkExecutionMode();
int blksz = ConfigurationManager.getBlocksize();
PartitionFormat dpf = null;
// 1) get all bounds expressions for index access
Expression rowL = dat.getRowLowerBound();
Expression rowU = dat.getRowUpperBound();
Expression colL = dat.getColLowerBound();
Expression colU = dat.getColUpperBound();
boolean allRows = (rowL == null && rowU == null);
boolean allCols = (colL == null && colU == null);
try {
// COLUMN_WISE if all rows and access to single column
if (allRows && colL != null && colL.equals(colU)) {
dpf = PartitionFormat.COLUMN_WISE;
} else // ROW_WISE if all cols and access to single row
if (allCols && rowL != null && rowL.equals(rowU)) {
dpf = PartitionFormat.ROW_WISE;
if (isSpark && allRows && colL != colU) {
LinearFunction l1 = getLinearFunction(colL, true);
LinearFunction l2 = getLinearFunction(colU, true);
dpf = !isAlignedBlocking(l1, l2, blksz) ? PartitionFormat.NONE : new PartitionFormat(PDataPartitionFormat.COLUMN_BLOCK_WISE_N, (int) l1._b[0]);
} else // ROW_BLOCK_WISE
if (isSpark && allCols && rowL != rowU) {
LinearFunction l1 = getLinearFunction(rowL, true);
LinearFunction l2 = getLinearFunction(rowU, true);
dpf = !isAlignedBlocking(l1, l2, blksz) ? PartitionFormat.NONE : new PartitionFormat(PDataPartitionFormat.ROW_BLOCK_WISE_N, (int) l1._b[0]);
} else
// NONE otherwise (conservative)
dpf = PartitionFormat.NONE;
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
return dpf;
use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.ParForProgramBlock.PartitionFormat in project systemml by apache.
the class ProgramConverter method serializeDataObject.
public static String serializeDataObject(String key, Data dat) {
// SCHEMA: <name>|<datatype>|<valuetype>|value
// (scalars are serialize by value, matrices by filename)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
// prepare data for serialization
String name = key;
DataType datatype = dat.getDataType();
ValueType valuetype = dat.getValueType();
String value = null;
String[] matrixMetaData = null;
switch(datatype) {
case SCALAR:
ScalarObject so = (ScalarObject) dat;
// name = so.getName();
value = so.getStringValue();
case MATRIX:
MatrixObject mo = (MatrixObject) dat;
MetaDataFormat md = (MetaDataFormat) dat.getMetaData();
MatrixCharacteristics mc = md.getMatrixCharacteristics();
value = mo.getFileName();
PartitionFormat partFormat = (mo.getPartitionFormat() != null) ? new PartitionFormat(mo.getPartitionFormat(), mo.getPartitionSize()) : PartitionFormat.NONE;
matrixMetaData = new String[9];
matrixMetaData[0] = String.valueOf(mc.getRows());
matrixMetaData[1] = String.valueOf(mc.getCols());
matrixMetaData[2] = String.valueOf(mc.getRowsPerBlock());
matrixMetaData[3] = String.valueOf(mc.getColsPerBlock());
matrixMetaData[4] = String.valueOf(mc.getNonZeros());
matrixMetaData[5] = InputInfo.inputInfoToString(md.getInputInfo());
matrixMetaData[6] = OutputInfo.outputInfoToString(md.getOutputInfo());
matrixMetaData[7] = String.valueOf(partFormat);
matrixMetaData[8] = String.valueOf(mo.getUpdateType());
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Unable to serialize datatype " + datatype);
// serialize data
if (matrixMetaData != null)
for (int i = 0; i < matrixMetaData.length; i++) {
return sb.toString();
use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.ParForProgramBlock.PartitionFormat in project systemml by apache.
the class DataPartitionMR method processPartitionInstructions.
private static void processPartitionInstructions(String shuffleInst, MatrixObject[] inputMatrices, byte[] resultIndices, MatrixObject[] outputMatrices, int numReducers, int replication, MatrixCharacteristics[] sts) {
int i = 0;
for (String inst : shuffleInst.split(Instruction.INSTRUCTION_DELIM)) {
if (InstructionUtils.getOpCode(inst).equalsIgnoreCase("partition")) {
// long begin = System.currentTimeMillis();
String[] parts = InstructionUtils.getInstructionParts(inst);
int input_index = Integer.parseInt(parts[1]);
int output_index = Integer.parseInt(parts[2]);
MatrixObject in = inputMatrices[input_index];
MatrixObject out = outputMatrices[findResultIndex(resultIndices, output_index)];
PDataPartitionFormat pformat = PDataPartitionFormat.valueOf(parts[3]);
long rlen = in.getNumRows();
long clen = in.getNumColumns();
long brlen = in.getNumRowsPerBlock();
long bclen = in.getNumColumnsPerBlock();
long N = -1;
switch(pformat) {
long numRowBlocks = (long) Math.ceil(((double) DistributedCacheInput.PARTITION_SIZE) / clen / brlen);
N = numRowBlocks * brlen;
long numColBlocks = (long) Math.ceil(((double) DistributedCacheInput.PARTITION_SIZE) / rlen / bclen);
N = numColBlocks * bclen;
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Unsupported partition format for distributed cache input: " + pformat);
PartitionFormat pf = new PartitionFormat(pformat, (int) N);
DataPartitioner dpart = new DataPartitionerRemoteMR(pf, -1, numReducers, replication, false, true);
out = dpart.createPartitionedMatrixObject(in, out, true);
sts[i] = out.getMatrixCharacteristics();