use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.Program in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class ProgramConverter method parseProgram.
public static Program parseProgram(String in, int id) throws DMLRuntimeException {
String lin = in.substring(PARFOR_PROG_BEGIN.length(), in.length() - PARFOR_PROG_END.length()).trim();
Program prog = new Program();
HashMap<String, FunctionProgramBlock> fc = parseFunctionProgramBlocks(lin, prog, id);
for (Entry<String, FunctionProgramBlock> e : fc.entrySet()) {
String[] keypart = e.getKey().split(Program.KEY_DELIM);
String namespace = keypart[0];
String name = keypart[1];
prog.addFunctionProgramBlock(namespace, name, e.getValue());
return prog;
use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.Program in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class OptimizerRuleBased method rFindAndUnfoldRecursiveFunction.
protected void rFindAndUnfoldRecursiveFunction(OptNode n, ParForProgramBlock parfor, HashSet<ParForProgramBlock> recPBs, LocalVariableMap vars) throws DMLRuntimeException, HopsException, LanguageException {
//unfold if found
if (n.getNodeType() == NodeType.FUNCCALL && n.isRecursive()) {
boolean exists = rContainsNode(n, parfor);
if (exists) {
String fnameKey = n.getParam(ParamType.OPSTRING);
String[] names = fnameKey.split(Program.KEY_DELIM);
String fnamespace = names[0];
String fname = names[1];
String fnameNew = FUNCTION_UNFOLD_NAMEPREFIX + fname;
//unfold function
FunctionOp fop = (FunctionOp) OptTreeConverter.getAbstractPlanMapping().getMappedHop(n.getID());
Program prog = parfor.getProgram();
DMLProgram dmlprog = parfor.getStatementBlock().getDMLProg();
FunctionProgramBlock fpb = prog.getFunctionProgramBlock(fnamespace, fname);
FunctionProgramBlock copyfpb = ProgramConverter.createDeepCopyFunctionProgramBlock(fpb, new HashSet<String>(), new HashSet<String>());
prog.addFunctionProgramBlock(fnamespace, fnameNew, copyfpb);
dmlprog.addFunctionStatementBlock(fnamespace, fnameNew, (FunctionStatementBlock) copyfpb.getStatementBlock());
//replace function names in old subtree (link to new function)
rReplaceFunctionNames(n, fname, fnameNew);
//recreate sub opttree
String fnameNewKey = fnamespace + Program.KEY_DELIM + fnameNew;
OptNode nNew = new OptNode(NodeType.FUNCCALL);
OptTreeConverter.getAbstractPlanMapping().putHopMapping(fop, nNew);
nNew.addParam(ParamType.OPSTRING, fnameNewKey);
long parentID = OptTreeConverter.getAbstractPlanMapping().getMappedParentID(n.getID());
OptTreeConverter.getAbstractPlanMapping().getOptNode(parentID).exchangeChild(n, nNew);
HashSet<String> memo = new HashSet<String>();
//required if functionop not shared (because not replaced yet)
//requied if functionop shared (indirectly replaced)
for (int i = 0; i < copyfpb.getChildBlocks().size(); /*&& i<len*/
i++) {
ProgramBlock lpb = copyfpb.getChildBlocks().get(i);
StatementBlock lsb = lpb.getStatementBlock();
nNew.addChild(OptTreeConverter.rCreateAbstractOptNode(lsb, lpb, vars, false, memo));
//compute delta for recPB set (use for removing parfor)
recPBs.removeAll(rGetAllParForPBs(n, new HashSet<ParForProgramBlock>()));
recPBs.addAll(rGetAllParForPBs(nNew, new HashSet<ParForProgramBlock>()));
//replace function names in new subtree (recursive link to new function)
rReplaceFunctionNames(nNew, fname, fnameNew);
//recursive invocation (only for non-recursive functions)
if (!n.isLeaf())
for (OptNode c : n.getChilds()) rFindAndUnfoldRecursiveFunction(c, parfor, recPBs, vars);
use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.Program in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class OptTreePlanChecker method checkProgramCorrectness.
public static void checkProgramCorrectness(ProgramBlock pb, StatementBlock sb, Set<String> fnStack) throws HopsException, DMLRuntimeException {
Program prog = pb.getProgram();
DMLProgram dprog = sb.getDMLProg();
if (pb instanceof FunctionProgramBlock && sb instanceof FunctionStatementBlock) {
FunctionProgramBlock fpb = (FunctionProgramBlock) pb;
FunctionStatementBlock fsb = (FunctionStatementBlock) sb;
FunctionStatement fstmt = (FunctionStatement) fsb.getStatement(0);
for (int i = 0; i < fpb.getChildBlocks().size(); i++) {
ProgramBlock pbc = fpb.getChildBlocks().get(i);
StatementBlock sbc = fstmt.getBody().get(i);
checkProgramCorrectness(pbc, sbc, fnStack);
//checkLinksProgramStatementBlock(fpb, fsb);
} else if (pb instanceof WhileProgramBlock && sb instanceof WhileStatementBlock) {
WhileProgramBlock wpb = (WhileProgramBlock) pb;
WhileStatementBlock wsb = (WhileStatementBlock) sb;
WhileStatement wstmt = (WhileStatement) wsb.getStatement(0);
checkHopDagCorrectness(prog, dprog, wsb.getPredicateHops(), wpb.getPredicate(), fnStack);
for (int i = 0; i < wpb.getChildBlocks().size(); i++) {
ProgramBlock pbc = wpb.getChildBlocks().get(i);
StatementBlock sbc = wstmt.getBody().get(i);
checkProgramCorrectness(pbc, sbc, fnStack);
checkLinksProgramStatementBlock(wpb, wsb);
} else if (pb instanceof IfProgramBlock && sb instanceof IfStatementBlock) {
IfProgramBlock ipb = (IfProgramBlock) pb;
IfStatementBlock isb = (IfStatementBlock) sb;
IfStatement istmt = (IfStatement) isb.getStatement(0);
checkHopDagCorrectness(prog, dprog, isb.getPredicateHops(), ipb.getPredicate(), fnStack);
for (int i = 0; i < ipb.getChildBlocksIfBody().size(); i++) {
ProgramBlock pbc = ipb.getChildBlocksIfBody().get(i);
StatementBlock sbc = istmt.getIfBody().get(i);
checkProgramCorrectness(pbc, sbc, fnStack);
for (int i = 0; i < ipb.getChildBlocksElseBody().size(); i++) {
ProgramBlock pbc = ipb.getChildBlocksElseBody().get(i);
StatementBlock sbc = istmt.getElseBody().get(i);
checkProgramCorrectness(pbc, sbc, fnStack);
checkLinksProgramStatementBlock(ipb, isb);
} else if (//incl parfor
pb instanceof ForProgramBlock && sb instanceof ForStatementBlock) {
ForProgramBlock fpb = (ForProgramBlock) pb;
ForStatementBlock fsb = (ForStatementBlock) sb;
ForStatement fstmt = (ForStatement) sb.getStatement(0);
checkHopDagCorrectness(prog, dprog, fsb.getFromHops(), fpb.getFromInstructions(), fnStack);
checkHopDagCorrectness(prog, dprog, fsb.getToHops(), fpb.getToInstructions(), fnStack);
checkHopDagCorrectness(prog, dprog, fsb.getIncrementHops(), fpb.getIncrementInstructions(), fnStack);
for (int i = 0; i < fpb.getChildBlocks().size(); i++) {
ProgramBlock pbc = fpb.getChildBlocks().get(i);
StatementBlock sbc = fstmt.getBody().get(i);
checkProgramCorrectness(pbc, sbc, fnStack);
checkLinksProgramStatementBlock(fpb, fsb);
} else {
checkHopDagCorrectness(prog, dprog, sb.get_hops(), pb.getInstructions(), fnStack);
//checkLinksProgramStatementBlock(pb, sb);
use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.Program in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class DMLScript method execute.
// private internal interface
// (core compilation and execute)
* The running body of DMLScript execution. This method should be called after execution properties have been correctly set,
* and customized parameters have been put into _argVals
* @param dmlScriptStr DML script string
* @param fnameOptConfig configuration file
* @param argVals map of argument values
* @param allArgs arguments
* @param scriptType type of script (DML or PyDML)
* @throws ParseException if ParseException occurs
* @throws IOException if IOException occurs
* @throws DMLRuntimeException if DMLRuntimeException occurs
* @throws LanguageException if LanguageException occurs
* @throws HopsException if HopsException occurs
* @throws LopsException if LopsException occurs
private static void execute(String dmlScriptStr, String fnameOptConfig, Map<String, String> argVals, String[] allArgs, ScriptType scriptType) throws ParseException, IOException, DMLRuntimeException, LanguageException, HopsException, LopsException {
SCRIPT_TYPE = scriptType;
//print basic time and environment info
//Step 1: parse configuration files
DMLConfig dmlconf = DMLConfig.readConfigurationFile(fnameOptConfig);
CompilerConfig cconf = OptimizerUtils.constructCompilerConfig(dmlconf);
LOG.debug("\nDML config: \n" + dmlconf.getConfigInfo());
//Step 2: set local/remote memory if requested (for compile in AM context)
if (dmlconf.getBooleanValue(DMLConfig.YARN_APPMASTER)) {
//Step 3: parse dml script
ParserWrapper parser = ParserFactory.createParser(scriptType);
DMLProgram prog = parser.parse(DML_FILE_PATH_ANTLR_PARSER, dmlScriptStr, argVals);
//Step 4: construct HOP DAGs (incl LVA, validate, and setup)
DMLTranslator dmlt = new DMLTranslator(prog);
//init working directories (before usage by following compilation steps)
//Step 5: rewrite HOP DAGs (incl IPA and memory estimates)
//Step 5.1: Generate code for the rewritten Hop dags
if (dmlconf.getBooleanValue(DMLConfig.CODEGEN)) {
SpoofCompiler.PLAN_CACHE_POLICY = PlanCachePolicy.get(dmlconf.getBooleanValue(DMLConfig.CODEGEN_PLANCACHE), dmlconf.getIntValue(DMLConfig.CODEGEN_LITERALS) == 2);
if (SpoofCompiler.INTEGRATION == IntegrationType.HOPS)
//Step 6: construct lops (incl exec type and op selection)
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("\n********************** LOPS DAG *******************");
//Step 7: generate runtime program
Program rtprog = prog.getRuntimeProgram(dmlconf);
//Step 7.1: Generate code for the rewritten Hop dags w/o modify
if (dmlconf.getBooleanValue(DMLConfig.CODEGEN) && SpoofCompiler.INTEGRATION == IntegrationType.RUNTIME) {
//Step 8: [optional global data flow optimization]
if (OptimizerUtils.isOptLevel(OptimizationLevel.O4_GLOBAL_TIME_MEMORY)) {
LOG.warn("Optimization level '" + OptimizationLevel.O4_GLOBAL_TIME_MEMORY + "' " + "is still in experimental state and not intended for production use.");
rtprog = GlobalOptimizerWrapper.optimizeProgram(prog, rtprog);
//launch SystemML appmaster (if requested and not already in launched AM)
if (dmlconf.getBooleanValue(DMLConfig.YARN_APPMASTER)) {
if (!isActiveAM() && DMLYarnClientProxy.launchDMLYarnAppmaster(dmlScriptStr, dmlconf, allArgs, rtprog))
//if AM launch unsuccessful, fall back to normal execute
if (//in AM context (not failed AM launch)
//Step 9: prepare statistics [and optional explain output]
//count number compiled MR jobs / SP instructions
ExplainCounts counts = Explain.countDistributedOperations(rtprog);
//explain plan of program (hops or runtime)
if (EXPLAIN != ExplainType.NONE) {"EXPLAIN (" + EXPLAIN.toString() + "):\n" + Explain.explainMemoryBudget(counts) + "\n" + Explain.explainDegreeOfParallelism(counts) + Explain.explain(prog, rtprog, EXPLAIN));
//double costs = CostEstimationWrapper.getTimeEstimate(rtprog, ExecutionContextFactory.createContext());
//System.out.println("Estimated costs: "+costs);
//Step 10: execute runtime program
ExecutionContext ec = null;
try {
ec = ExecutionContextFactory.createContext(rtprog);
ScriptExecutorUtils.executeRuntimeProgram(rtprog, ec, dmlconf, STATISTICS ? STATISTICS_COUNT : 0);
} finally {
if (ec != null && ec instanceof SparkExecutionContext)
((SparkExecutionContext) ec).close();"END DML run " + getDateTime());
//cleanup scratch_space and all working dirs
use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.Program in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class GDFEnumOptimizer method costRuntimePlan.
private static double costRuntimePlan(Plan p) throws DMLRuntimeException {
Program prog = p.getNode().getProgram();
if (prog == null)
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Program not available for runtime plan costing.");
//put data flow configuration into program
rSetRuntimePlanConfig(p, new HashMap<Long, Plan>());
double costs = -1;
if (COST_FULL_PROGRAMS || (p.getNode().getHop() == null || p.getNode().getProgramBlock() == null)) {
//recompile entire runtime program
Recompiler.recompileProgramBlockHierarchy(prog.getProgramBlocks(), new LocalVariableMap(), 0, false);
//cost entire runtime program
ExecutionContext ec = ExecutionContextFactory.createContext(prog);
costs = CostEstimationWrapper.getTimeEstimate(prog, ec);
} else {
Hop currentHop = p.getNode().getHop();
ProgramBlock pb = p.getNode().getProgramBlock();
try {
//keep the old dag roots
ArrayList<Hop> oldRoots = pb.getStatementBlock().get_hops();
Hop tmpHop = null;
if (!(currentHop instanceof DataOp && ((DataOp) currentHop).isWrite())) {
ArrayList<Hop> newRoots = new ArrayList<Hop>();
tmpHop = new DataOp("_tmp", currentHop.getDataType(), currentHop.getValueType(), currentHop, DataOpTypes.TRANSIENTWRITE, "tmp");
//ensure recursive visitstatus reset on recompile
//recompile modified runtime program
Recompiler.recompileProgramBlockHierarchy(prog.getProgramBlocks(), new LocalVariableMap(), 0, false);
//cost partial runtime program up to current hop
ExecutionContext ec = ExecutionContextFactory.createContext(prog);
costs = CostEstimationWrapper.getTimeEstimate(prog, ec);
//restore original hop dag
if (tmpHop != null)
HopRewriteUtils.removeChildReference(tmpHop, currentHop);
} catch (HopsException ex) {
throw new DMLRuntimeException(ex);
//release forced data flow configuration from program
rResetRuntimePlanConfig(p, new HashMap<Long, Plan>());
return costs;