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Example 51 with Timing

use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.parfor.stat.Timing in project incubator-systemml by apache.

the class FrameLeftIndexingTest method execDMLScriptviaJMLC.

private static ArrayList<String[][]> execDMLScriptviaJMLC(String testname, String[][] F1, String[][] M, boolean modelReuse) throws IOException {
    Timing time = new Timing(true);
    ArrayList<String[][]> ret = new ArrayList<String[][]>();
    // establish connection to SystemML
    Connection conn = new Connection();
    try {
        // prepare input arguments
        HashMap<String, String> args = new HashMap<String, String>();
        args.put("$TRANSFORM_SPEC1", "{ \"ids\": true ,\"recode\": [ 1, 2] }");
        args.put("$TRANSFORM_SPEC2", "{ \"ids\": true ,\"recode\": [ 1] }");
        // read and precompile script
        String script = conn.readScript(SCRIPT_DIR + TEST_DIR + testname + ".dml");
        PreparedScript pstmt = conn.prepareScript(script, args, new String[] { "F1", "M" }, new String[] { "F2" }, false);
        if (modelReuse)
            pstmt.setFrame("M", M, true);
        // execute script multiple times
        for (int i = 0; i < nRuns; i++) {
            // bind input parameters
            if (!modelReuse)
                pstmt.setFrame("M", M);
            pstmt.setFrame("F1", F1);
            // execute script
            ResultVariables rs = pstmt.executeScript();
            // get output parameter
            String[][] Y = rs.getFrame("F2");
            // keep result for comparison
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new IOException(ex);
    } finally {
    System.out.println("JMLC scoring w/ " + nRuns + " runs in " + time.stop() + "ms.");
    return ret;
Also used : PreparedScript(org.apache.sysml.api.jmlc.PreparedScript) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ResultVariables(org.apache.sysml.api.jmlc.ResultVariables) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Connection(org.apache.sysml.api.jmlc.Connection) IOException( IOException( Timing(org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.parfor.stat.Timing)

Example 52 with Timing

use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.parfor.stat.Timing in project incubator-systemml by apache.

the class MulticlassSVMScoreTest method execDMLScriptviaJMLC.

private static ArrayList<double[][]> execDMLScriptviaJMLC(ArrayList<double[][]> X, boolean flags) throws IOException {
    Timing time = new Timing(true);
    ArrayList<double[][]> ret = new ArrayList<double[][]>();
    // establish connection to SystemML
    Connection conn = !flags ? new Connection() : new Connection(ConfigType.PARALLEL_CP_MATRIX_OPERATIONS, ConfigType.PARALLEL_LOCAL_OR_REMOTE_PARFOR, ConfigType.ALLOW_DYN_RECOMPILATION);
    try {
        // For now, JMLC pipeline only allows dml
        boolean parsePyDML = false;
        // read and precompile script
        String script = conn.readScript(SCRIPT_DIR + TEST_DIR + TEST_NAME + ".dml");
        PreparedScript pstmt = conn.prepareScript(script, new String[] { "X", "W" }, new String[] { "predicted_y" }, parsePyDML);
        // read model
        String modelData = conn.readScript(SCRIPT_DIR + TEST_DIR + MODEL_FILE);
        double[][] W = conn.convertToDoubleMatrix(modelData, rows, cols);
        // execute script multiple times
        for (int i = 0; i < nRuns; i++) {
            // bind input parameters
            pstmt.setMatrix("W", W);
            pstmt.setMatrix("X", X.get(i));
            // execute script
            ResultVariables rs = pstmt.executeScript();
            // get output parameter
            double[][] Y = rs.getMatrix("predicted_y");
            // keep result for comparison
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new IOException(ex);
    } finally {
        if (conn != null)
    System.out.println("JMLC scoring w/ " + nRuns + " runs in " + time.stop() + "ms.");
    return ret;
Also used : PreparedScript(org.apache.sysml.api.jmlc.PreparedScript) ResultVariables(org.apache.sysml.api.jmlc.ResultVariables) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Connection(org.apache.sysml.api.jmlc.Connection) Timing(org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.parfor.stat.Timing) IOException( IOException(

Example 53 with Timing

use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.parfor.stat.Timing in project incubator-systemml by apache.

the class ReuseModelVariablesTest method execDMLScriptviaJMLC.

private static ArrayList<double[][]> execDMLScriptviaJMLC(String testname, ArrayList<double[][]> X, boolean modelReuse) throws IOException {
    Timing time = new Timing(true);
    ArrayList<double[][]> ret = new ArrayList<double[][]>();
    // establish connection to SystemML
    Connection conn = new Connection();
    try {
        // For now, JMLC pipeline only allows dml
        boolean parsePyDML = false;
        // read and precompile script
        String script = conn.readScript(SCRIPT_DIR + TEST_DIR + testname + ".dml");
        PreparedScript pstmt = conn.prepareScript(script, new String[] { "X", "W" }, new String[] { "predicted_y" }, parsePyDML);
        // read model
        String modelData = conn.readScript(SCRIPT_DIR + TEST_DIR + MODEL_FILE);
        double[][] W = conn.convertToDoubleMatrix(modelData, rows, cols);
        if (modelReuse)
            pstmt.setMatrix("W", W, true);
        // execute script multiple times
        for (int i = 0; i < nRuns; i++) {
            // bind input parameters
            if (!modelReuse)
                pstmt.setMatrix("W", W);
            pstmt.setMatrix("X", X.get(i));
            // execute script
            ResultVariables rs = pstmt.executeScript();
            // get output parameter
            double[][] Y = rs.getMatrix("predicted_y");
            // keep result for comparison
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new IOException(ex);
    } finally {
    System.out.println("JMLC scoring w/ " + nRuns + " runs in " + time.stop() + "ms.");
    return ret;
Also used : PreparedScript(org.apache.sysml.api.jmlc.PreparedScript) ResultVariables(org.apache.sysml.api.jmlc.ResultVariables) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Connection(org.apache.sysml.api.jmlc.Connection) Timing(org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.parfor.stat.Timing) IOException( IOException(

Example 54 with Timing

use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.parfor.stat.Timing in project incubator-systemml by apache.

the class ParForStatementBlock method validate.

public VariableSet validate(DMLProgram dmlProg, VariableSet ids, HashMap<String, ConstIdentifier> constVars, boolean conditional) {
    LOG.trace("PARFOR(" + _ID + "): validating ParForStatementBlock.");
    // create parent variable set via cloning
    _vsParent = new VariableSet(ids);
    if (// note: A is matrix, and A[i,1] is scalar
        for (DataIdentifier di : _vsParent.getVariables().values()) LOG.trace("PARFOR: non-local " + di._name + ": " + di.getDataType().toString() + " with rowDim = " + di.getDim1());
    // normal validate via ForStatement (sequential)
    // NOTES:
    // * validate/dependency checking of nested parfor-loops happens at this point
    // * validate includes also constant propagation for from, to, incr expressions
    // * this includes also function inlining
    VariableSet vs = super.validate(dmlProg, ids, constVars, conditional);
    // check of correctness of specified parfor parameter names and
    // set default parameter values for all not specified parameters
    ParForStatement pfs = (ParForStatement) _statements.get(0);
    IterablePredicate predicate = pfs.getIterablePredicate();
    HashMap<String, String> params = predicate.getParForParams();
    if (// if parameter specified
    params != null) {
        // check for valid parameter types
        for (String key : params.keySet()) if (// always unconditional
            raiseValidateError("PARFOR: The specified parameter '" + key + "' is no valid parfor parameter.", false);
        // set defaults for all non-specified values
        // (except if CONSTRAINT optimizer, in order to distinguish specified parameters)
        boolean constrained = (params.containsKey(OPT_MODE) && params.get(OPT_MODE).equals(POptMode.CONSTRAINED.toString()));
        for (String key : _paramNames) if (!params.containsKey(key)) {
            if (constrained) {
                params.put(key, _paramDefaults2.get(key));
            } else // special treatment for degree of parallelism
            if (key.equals(PAR) && params.containsKey(EXEC_MODE) && params.get(EXEC_MODE).equals(PExecMode.REMOTE_MR.toString())) {
                int maxPMap = InfrastructureAnalyzer.getRemoteParallelMapTasks();
                // correction max number of reducers on yarn clusters
                if (InfrastructureAnalyzer.isYarnEnabled())
                    maxPMap = (int) Math.max(maxPMap, YarnClusterAnalyzer.getNumCores());
                params.put(key, String.valueOf(maxPMap));
            } else if (key.equals(PAR) && params.containsKey(EXEC_MODE) && params.get(EXEC_MODE).equals(PExecMode.REMOTE_MR_DP.toString())) {
                int maxPRed = InfrastructureAnalyzer.getRemoteParallelReduceTasks();
                // correction max number of reducers on yarn clusters
                if (InfrastructureAnalyzer.isYarnEnabled())
                    maxPRed = (int) Math.max(maxPRed, YarnClusterAnalyzer.getNumCores() / 2);
                params.put(key, String.valueOf(maxPRed));
            } else
                // default case
                params.put(key, _paramDefaults.get(key));
    } else {
        // set all defaults
        params = new HashMap<>();
    // start time measurement for normalization and dependency analysis
    Timing time = new Timing(true);
    // LOOP DEPENDENCY ANALYSIS (test for dependency existence)
    // no false negative guaranteed, but possibly false positives
    /* Basic intuition: WRITES to NON-local variables are only permitted iff
		 *   - no data dep (no read other than own iteration w i < r j)
		 *   - no anti dep (no read other than own iteration w i > r j)
		 *   - no output dep (no write other than own iteration)
		 * 1) Determine candidates C (writes to non-local variables)
		 * 2) Prune all c from C where no dependencies --> C'
		 * 3) Raise an exception/warning if C' not the empty set 
		 * - array subscripts of non-local variables must be linear functions of the form 
		 *   a0+ a1*i + ... + a2*j, where i and j are for or parfor indexes.
		 * - for and parfor increments must be integer values 
		 * - only static (integer lower, upper bounds) range indexing
		 * - only input variables considered as potential candidates for checking 
		 *   (TODO: in order to remove the last restriction, dependencies must be checked again after 
		 *   live variable analysis against LIVEOUT)
		 * NOTE: validity is only checked during compilation, i.e., for dynamic from, to, incr MIN MAX values assumed.
    LOG.trace("PARFOR: running loop dependency analysis ...");
    // ### Step 1 ###: determine candidate set C
    HashSet<Candidate> C = new HashSet<>();
    HashSet<Candidate> C2 = new HashSet<>();
    // object for call by ref
    Integer sCount = 0;
    rDetermineCandidates(pfs.getBody(), C, sCount);
    if (LOG.isTraceEnabled())
        for (Candidate c : C) LOG.trace("PARFOR: dependency candidate: var '" + c._var + "' (accum=" + c._isAccum + ")");
    boolean check = (Integer.parseInt(params.get(CHECK)) == 1);
    if (check) {
        // ### Step 2 ###: prune c without dependencies
        _bounds = new Bounds();
        for (FunctionStatementBlock fsb : dmlProg.getFunctionStatementBlocks()) // writes to _bounds
        rDetermineBounds(fsb, false);
        // writes to _bounds
        rDetermineBounds(dmlProg.getStatementBlocks(), false);
        for (Candidate c : C) {
            // might be different in DataIdentifier
            DataType cdt = _vsParent.getVariables().get(c._var).getDataType();
            // assume no dependency
            sCount = 0;
            // output, data, anti
            boolean[] dep = new boolean[] { false, false, false };
            rCheckCandidates(c, cdt, pfs.getBody(), sCount, dep);
            if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
                if (dep[0])
                    LOG.trace("PARFOR: output dependency detected for var '" + c._var + "'.");
                if (dep[1])
                    LOG.trace("PARFOR: data dependency detected for var '" + c._var + "'.");
                if (dep[2])
                    LOG.trace("PARFOR: anti dependency detected for var '" + c._var + "'.");
            if (dep[0] || dep[1] || dep[2]) {
                if (ABORT_ON_FIRST_DEPENDENCY)
        // ### Step 3 ###: raise an exception / warning
        if (C2.size() > 0) {
            LOG.trace("PARFOR: loop dependencies detected.");
            StringBuilder depVars = new StringBuilder();
            for (Candidate c : C2) {
                if (depVars.length() > 0)
                    depVars.append(", ");
            // always unconditional (to ensure we always raise dependency issues)
            raiseValidateError("PARFOR loop dependency analysis: " + "inter-iteration (loop-carried) dependencies detected for variable(s): " + depVars.toString() + ". \n " + "Please, ensure independence of iterations.", false);
        } else {
            LOG.trace("PARFOR: no loop dependencies detected.");
    } else {
        LOG.debug("INFO: PARFOR(" + _ID + "): loop dependency analysis skipped.");
    // a) add own candidates
    for (Candidate var : C) if (check || var._dat.getDataType() != DataType.SCALAR)
        addToResultVariablesNoDup(var._var, var._isAccum);
    // b) get and add child result vars (if required)
    ArrayList<ResultVar> tmp = new ArrayList<>();
    rConsolidateResultVars(pfs.getBody(), tmp);
    for (ResultVar var : tmp) if (_vsParent.containsVariable(var._name))
    if (LDEBUG)
        for (ResultVar rvar : _resultVars) LOG.debug("INFO: PARFOR final result variable: " + rvar._name);
    // cleanup function cache in order to prevent side effects between parfor statements
    if (USE_FN_CACHE)
    LOG.debug("INFO: PARFOR(" + _ID + "): validate successful (no dependencies) in " + time.stop() + "ms.");
    return vs;
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) DataType(org.apache.sysml.parser.Expression.DataType) Timing(org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.parfor.stat.Timing) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 55 with Timing

use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.parfor.stat.Timing in project incubator-systemml by apache.

the class OptimizationWrapper method optimize.

private static void optimize(POptMode otype, int ck, double cm, ParForStatementBlock sb, ParForProgramBlock pb, ExecutionContext ec, boolean monitor) {
    Timing time = new Timing(true);
    // maintain statistics
    if (DMLScript.STATISTICS)
    // create specified optimizer
    Optimizer opt = createOptimizer(otype);
    CostModelType cmtype = opt.getCostModelType();
    LOG.trace("ParFOR Opt: Created optimizer (" + otype + "," + opt.getPlanInputType() + "," + opt.getCostModelType());
    OptTree tree = null;
    // recompile parfor body
    if (ConfigurationManager.isDynamicRecompilation()) {
        ForStatement fs = (ForStatement) sb.getStatement(0);
        // debug output before recompilation
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            try {
                tree = OptTreeConverter.createOptTree(ck, cm, opt.getPlanInputType(), sb, pb, ec);
                LOG.debug("ParFOR Opt: Input plan (before recompilation):\n" + tree.explain(false));
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                throw new DMLRuntimeException("Unable to create opt tree.", ex);
        // separate propagation required because recompile in-place without literal replacement)
        try {
            LocalVariableMap constVars = ProgramRecompiler.getReusableScalarVariables(sb.getDMLProg(), sb, ec.getVariables());
            ProgramRecompiler.replaceConstantScalarVariables(sb, constVars);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new DMLRuntimeException(ex);
        // program rewrites (e.g., constant folding, branch removal) according to replaced literals
        try {
            ProgramRewriter rewriter = createProgramRewriterWithRuleSets();
            ProgramRewriteStatus state = new ProgramRewriteStatus();
            rewriter.rRewriteStatementBlockHopDAGs(sb, state);
            fs.setBody(rewriter.rRewriteStatementBlocks(fs.getBody(), state, true));
            if (state.getRemovedBranches()) {
                LOG.debug("ParFOR Opt: Removed branches during program rewrites, rebuilding runtime program");
                pb.setChildBlocks(ProgramRecompiler.generatePartitialRuntimeProgram(pb.getProgram(), fs.getBody()));
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new DMLRuntimeException(ex);
        // recompilation of parfor body and called functions (if safe)
        try {
            // core parfor body recompilation (based on symbol table entries)
            // * clone of variables in order to allow for statistics propagation across DAGs
            // (tid=0, because deep copies created after opt)
            LocalVariableMap tmp = (LocalVariableMap) ec.getVariables().clone();
            ResetType reset = ConfigurationManager.isCodegenEnabled() ? ResetType.RESET_KNOWN_DIMS : ResetType.RESET;
            Recompiler.recompileProgramBlockHierarchy(pb.getChildBlocks(), tmp, 0, reset);
            // inter-procedural optimization (based on previous recompilation)
            if (pb.hasFunctions()) {
                InterProceduralAnalysis ipa = new InterProceduralAnalysis(sb);
                Set<String> fcand = ipa.analyzeSubProgram();
                if (!fcand.isEmpty()) {
                    // regenerate runtime program of modified functions
                    for (String func : fcand) {
                        String[] funcparts = DMLProgram.splitFunctionKey(func);
                        FunctionProgramBlock fpb = pb.getProgram().getFunctionProgramBlock(funcparts[0], funcparts[1]);
                        // reset recompilation flags according to recompileOnce because it is only safe if function is recompileOnce
                        // because then recompiled for every execution (otherwise potential issues if func also called outside parfor)
                        ResetType reset2 = fpb.isRecompileOnce() ? reset : ResetType.NO_RESET;
                        Recompiler.recompileProgramBlockHierarchy(fpb.getChildBlocks(), new LocalVariableMap(), 0, reset2);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new DMLRuntimeException(ex);
    // create opt tree (before optimization)
    try {
        tree = OptTreeConverter.createOptTree(ck, cm, opt.getPlanInputType(), sb, pb, ec);
        LOG.debug("ParFOR Opt: Input plan (before optimization):\n" + tree.explain(false));
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new DMLRuntimeException("Unable to create opt tree.", ex);
    // create cost estimator
    CostEstimator est = createCostEstimator(cmtype, ec.getVariables());
    LOG.trace("ParFOR Opt: Created cost estimator (" + cmtype + ")");
    // core optimize
    opt.optimize(sb, pb, tree, est, ec);
    LOG.debug("ParFOR Opt: Optimized plan (after optimization): \n" + tree.explain(false));
    // assert plan correctness
    if (CHECK_PLAN_CORRECTNESS && LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        try {
            OptTreePlanChecker.checkProgramCorrectness(pb, sb, new HashSet<String>());
            LOG.debug("ParFOR Opt: Checked plan and program correctness.");
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new DMLRuntimeException("Failed to check program correctness.", ex);
    long ltime = (long) time.stop();
    LOG.trace("ParFOR Opt: Optimized plan in " + ltime + "ms.");
    if (DMLScript.STATISTICS)
    // cleanup phase
    // monitor stats
    if (monitor) {
        StatisticMonitor.putPFStat(pb.getID(), Stat.OPT_OPTIMIZER, otype.ordinal());
        StatisticMonitor.putPFStat(pb.getID(), Stat.OPT_NUMTPLANS, opt.getNumTotalPlans());
        StatisticMonitor.putPFStat(pb.getID(), Stat.OPT_NUMEPLANS, opt.getNumEvaluatedPlans());
Also used : FunctionProgramBlock(org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.FunctionProgramBlock) ProgramRewriter(org.apache.sysml.hops.rewrite.ProgramRewriter) DMLRuntimeException(org.apache.sysml.runtime.DMLRuntimeException) DMLRuntimeException(org.apache.sysml.runtime.DMLRuntimeException) LocalVariableMap(org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.LocalVariableMap) CostModelType(org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.parfor.opt.Optimizer.CostModelType) InterProceduralAnalysis(org.apache.sysml.hops.ipa.InterProceduralAnalysis) ResetType(org.apache.sysml.hops.recompile.Recompiler.ResetType) Timing(org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.parfor.stat.Timing) ForStatement(org.apache.sysml.parser.ForStatement) ProgramRewriteStatus(org.apache.sysml.hops.rewrite.ProgramRewriteStatus)


Timing (org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.parfor.stat.Timing)78 IOException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)29 DMLRuntimeException (org.apache.sysml.runtime.DMLRuntimeException)25 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)24 Connection (org.apache.sysml.api.jmlc.Connection)17 PreparedScript (org.apache.sysml.api.jmlc.PreparedScript)17 ResultVariables (org.apache.sysml.api.jmlc.ResultVariables)17 MatrixBlock ( MatrixObject (org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.caching.MatrixObject)14 ParForStatementBlock (org.apache.sysml.parser.ParForStatementBlock)10 TaskPartitioner (org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.parfor.TaskPartitioner)10 ParForBody (org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.parfor.ParForBody)8 RemoteParForJobReturn (org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.parfor.RemoteParForJobReturn)8 LocalVariableMap (org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.LocalVariableMap)7 ProgramBlock (org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.ProgramBlock)7 ExecutorService (java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService)6 Future (java.util.concurrent.Future)6 LocalTaskQueue (org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.parfor.LocalTaskQueue)6 Task (org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.parfor.Task)6