use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.instructions.Instruction in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class ExternalFunctionProgramBlock method getCell2BlockInstructions.
* Method to generate a reblock job to convert the cell representation into block representation
* @param outputParams list out output data identifiers
* @param blockedFileNames map of blocked file names
* @return list of instructions
private ArrayList<Instruction> getCell2BlockInstructions(ArrayList<DataIdentifier> outputParams, HashMap<String, String> blockedFileNames) {
ArrayList<Instruction> c2binst = null;
// list of matrices that need to be reblocked
ArrayList<DataIdentifier> matrices = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<DataIdentifier> matricesNoReblock = new ArrayList<>();
// identify outputs that are matrices
for (int i = 0; i < outputParams.size(); i++) {
if (outputParams.get(i).getDataType().isMatrix()) {
if (_skipOutReblock.contains(outputParams.get(i).getName()))
if (!matrices.isEmpty()) {
c2binst = new ArrayList<>();
MRJobInstruction reblkInst = new MRJobInstruction(JobType.REBLOCK);
TreeMap<Integer, ArrayList<String>> MRJobLineNumbers = null;
MRJobLineNumbers = new TreeMap<>();
ArrayList<String> inLabels = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<String> outLabels = new ArrayList<>();
String[] outputs = new String[matrices.size()];
byte[] resultIndex = new byte[matrices.size()];
String reblock = "";
// Keep a copy of a single MR reblock instruction
String reblockStr = "";
String scratchSpaceLoc = ConfigurationManager.getScratchSpace();
try {
// create a RBLK job that transforms each output matrix from cell to block
for (int i = 0; i < matrices.size(); i++) {
outLabels.add(matrices.get(i).getName() + "_extFnOutput");
outputs[i] = scratchSpaceLoc + Lop.FILE_SEPARATOR + Lop.PROCESS_PREFIX + DMLScript.getUUID() + Lop.FILE_SEPARATOR + _otherParams.get(ExternalFunctionStatement.CLASS_NAME) + _runID + "_" + i + "Output";
blockedFileNames.put(matrices.get(i).getName(), outputs[i]);
// (matrices.size()+i);
resultIndex[i] = (byte) i;
if (i > 0)
reblock += "MR" + Lop.OPERAND_DELIMITOR + "rblk" + Lop.OPERAND_DELIMITOR + i + Lop.DATATYPE_PREFIX + matrices.get(i).getDataType() + Lop.VALUETYPE_PREFIX + matrices.get(i).getValueType() + Lop.OPERAND_DELIMITOR + i + Lop.DATATYPE_PREFIX + matrices.get(i).getDataType() + Lop.VALUETYPE_PREFIX + matrices.get(i).getValueType() + Lop.OPERAND_DELIMITOR + ConfigurationManager.getBlocksize() + Lop.OPERAND_DELIMITOR + ConfigurationManager.getBlocksize() + Lop.OPERAND_DELIMITOR + "true";
// Create a copy of reblock instruction but as a single instruction (FOR DEBUGGER)
reblockStr = "MR" + Lop.OPERAND_DELIMITOR + "rblk" + Lop.OPERAND_DELIMITOR + i + Lop.DATATYPE_PREFIX + matrices.get(i).getDataType() + Lop.VALUETYPE_PREFIX + matrices.get(i).getValueType() + Lop.OPERAND_DELIMITOR + i + Lop.DATATYPE_PREFIX + matrices.get(i).getDataType() + Lop.VALUETYPE_PREFIX + matrices.get(i).getValueType() + Lop.OPERAND_DELIMITOR + ConfigurationManager.getBlocksize() + Lop.OPERAND_DELIMITOR + ConfigurationManager.getBlocksize() + Lop.OPERAND_DELIMITOR + "true";
// Set MR reblock instruction line number (FOR DEBUGGER)
if (!MRJobLineNumbers.containsKey(matrices.get(i).getBeginLine())) {
MRJobLineNumbers.put(matrices.get(i).getBeginLine(), new ArrayList<String>());
// create metadata instructions to populate symbol table
// with variables that hold blocked matrices
Instruction createInst = VariableCPInstruction.prepareCreateMatrixVariableInstruction(outLabels.get(i), outputs[i], false, OutputInfo.outputInfoToString(OutputInfo.BinaryBlockOutputInfo));
reblkInst.setReBlockInstructions(inLabels.toArray(new String[inLabels.size()]), "", reblock, "", outLabels.toArray(new String[inLabels.size()]), resultIndex, 1, 1);
// generate instructions that rename the output variables of REBLOCK job
Instruction cpInst = null, rmInst = null;
for (int i = 0; i < matrices.size(); i++) {
cpInst = VariableCPInstruction.prepareCopyInstruction(outLabels.get(i), matrices.get(i).getName());
rmInst = VariableCPInstruction.prepareRemoveInstruction(outLabels.get(i));
// c2binst.add(CPInstructionParser.parseSingleInstruction("CP" + Lops.OPERAND_DELIMITOR + "cpvar"+Lops.OPERAND_DELIMITOR+ outLabels.get(i) + Lops.OPERAND_DELIMITOR + matrices.get(i).getName()));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(this.printBlockErrorLocation() + "error generating instructions", e);
// LOGGING instructions
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOG.trace("\n--- Cell-2-Block Instructions ---");
for (Instruction i : c2binst) {
// null if no output matrices
return c2binst;
use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.instructions.Instruction in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class ProgramBlock method executeSingleInstruction.
private void executeSingleInstruction(Instruction currInst, ExecutionContext ec) {
try {
// start time measurement for statistics
long t0 = (DMLScript.STATISTICS || LOG.isTraceEnabled()) ? System.nanoTime() : 0;
// pre-process instruction (debug state, inst patching, listeners)
Instruction tmp = currInst.preprocessInstruction(ec);
// process actual instruction
// post-process instruction (debug)
// maintain aggregate statistics
Statistics.maintainCPHeavyHitters(tmp.getExtendedOpcode(), System.nanoTime() - t0);
// optional trace information (instruction and runtime)
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
long t1 = System.nanoTime();
String time = String.format("%.3f", ((double) t1 - t0) / 1000000000);
LOG.trace("Instruction: " + tmp + " (executed in " + time + "s).");
// variables in symbol table (for tracking source of wrong representation)
checkSparsity(tmp, ec.getVariables());
} catch (Exception e) {
if (e instanceof DMLScriptException)
throw (DMLScriptException) e;
throw new DMLRuntimeException(this.printBlockErrorLocation() + "Error evaluating instruction: " + currInst.toString(), e);
} else {
use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.instructions.Instruction in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class ProgramBlock method executePredicate.
* Executes given predicate instructions (incl recompilation if required)
* @param inst list of instructions
* @param hops high-level operator
* @param requiresRecompile true if requires recompile
* @param retType value type of the return type
* @param ec execution context
* @return scalar object
public ScalarObject executePredicate(ArrayList<Instruction> inst, Hop hops, boolean requiresRecompile, ValueType retType, ExecutionContext ec) {
ArrayList<Instruction> tmp = inst;
// dynamically recompile instructions if enabled and required
try {
long t0 = DMLScript.STATISTICS ? System.nanoTime() : 0;
if (ConfigurationManager.isDynamicRecompilation() && requiresRecompile) {
tmp = Recompiler.recompileHopsDag(hops, ec.getVariables(), null, false, true, _tid);
tmp = JMLCUtils.cleanupRuntimeInstructions(tmp, PRED_VAR);
long t1 = System.nanoTime();
Statistics.incrementHOPRecompileTime(t1 - t0);
if (tmp != inst)
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Unable to recompile predicate instructions.", ex);
// actual instruction execution
return executePredicateInstructions(tmp, retType, ec);
use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.instructions.Instruction in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class SPInstruction method preprocessInstruction.
public Instruction preprocessInstruction(ExecutionContext ec) {
// default pre-process behavior (e.g., debug state)
Instruction tmp = super.preprocessInstruction(ec);
// instruction patching
if (// update labels only if required
tmp.requiresLabelUpdate()) {
// note: no exchange of updated instruction as labels might change in the general case
String updInst = RunMRJobs.updateLabels(tmp.toString(), ec.getVariables());
tmp = SPInstructionParser.parseSingleInstruction(updInst);
return tmp;
use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.instructions.Instruction in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class MRJobConfiguration method computeMatrixCharacteristics.
* NOTE: this method needs to be in-sync with MRBaseForCommonInstructions.processOneInstruction,
* otherwise, the latter will potentially fail with missing dimension information.
* @param job job configuration
* @param inputIndexes array of byte indexes
* @param dataGenInstructions data gen instructions as a string
* @param instructionsInMapper instruction in mapper as a string
* @param reblockInstructions reblock instructions as a string
* @param aggInstructionsInReducer aggregate instructions in reducer as a string
* @param aggBinInstructions binary aggregate instructions as a string
* @param otherInstructionsInReducer other instructions in reducer as a string
* @param resultIndexes array of byte result indexes
* @param mapOutputIndexes set of map output indexes
* @param forMMCJ ?
* @return reducer groups
public static MatrixChar_N_ReducerGroups computeMatrixCharacteristics(JobConf job, byte[] inputIndexes, String dataGenInstructions, String instructionsInMapper, String reblockInstructions, String aggInstructionsInReducer, String aggBinInstructions, String otherInstructionsInReducer, byte[] resultIndexes, HashSet<Byte> mapOutputIndexes, boolean forMMCJ) {
HashSet<Byte> intermediateMatrixIndexes = new HashSet<>();
HashMap<Byte, MatrixCharacteristics> dims = new HashMap<>();
for (byte i : inputIndexes) {
MatrixCharacteristics dim = new MatrixCharacteristics(getNumRows(job, i), getNumColumns(job, i), getNumRowsPerBlock(job, i), getNumColumnsPerBlock(job, i), getNumNonZero(job, i));
dims.put(i, dim);
DataGenMRInstruction[] dataGenIns = null;
dataGenIns = MRInstructionParser.parseDataGenInstructions(dataGenInstructions);
if (dataGenIns != null) {
for (DataGenMRInstruction ins : dataGenIns) {
MatrixCharacteristics.computeDimension(dims, ins);
MRInstruction[] insMapper = MRInstructionParser.parseMixedInstructions(instructionsInMapper);
if (insMapper != null) {
for (MRInstruction ins : insMapper) {
MatrixCharacteristics.computeDimension(dims, ins);
if (ins instanceof UnaryMRInstructionBase) {
UnaryMRInstructionBase tempIns = (UnaryMRInstructionBase) ins;
setIntermediateMatrixCharactristics(job, tempIns.input, dims.get(tempIns.input));
} else if (ins instanceof AppendMInstruction) {
AppendMInstruction tempIns = (AppendMInstruction) ins;
setIntermediateMatrixCharactristics(job, tempIns.input1, dims.get(tempIns.input1));
} else if (ins instanceof AppendGInstruction) {
AppendGInstruction tempIns = (AppendGInstruction) ins;
setIntermediateMatrixCharactristics(job, tempIns.input1, dims.get(tempIns.input1));
} else if (ins instanceof BinaryMInstruction) {
BinaryMInstruction tempIns = (BinaryMInstruction) ins;
setIntermediateMatrixCharactristics(job, tempIns.input1, dims.get(tempIns.input1));
} else if (ins instanceof AggregateBinaryInstruction) {
AggregateBinaryInstruction tempIns = (AggregateBinaryInstruction) ins;
setIntermediateMatrixCharactristics(job, tempIns.input1, dims.get(tempIns.input1));
} else if (ins instanceof MapMultChainInstruction) {
MapMultChainInstruction tempIns = (MapMultChainInstruction) ins;
setIntermediateMatrixCharactristics(job, tempIns.getInput1(), dims.get(tempIns.getInput2()));
} else if (ins instanceof PMMJMRInstruction) {
PMMJMRInstruction tempIns = (PMMJMRInstruction) ins;
setIntermediateMatrixCharactristics(job, tempIns.input2, dims.get(tempIns.input2));
ReblockInstruction[] reblockIns = MRInstructionParser.parseReblockInstructions(reblockInstructions);
if (reblockIns != null) {
for (ReblockInstruction ins : reblockIns) {
MatrixCharacteristics.computeDimension(dims, ins);
setMatrixCharactristicsForReblock(job, ins.output, dims.get(ins.output));
Instruction[] aggIns = MRInstructionParser.parseAggregateInstructions(aggInstructionsInReducer);
if (aggIns != null) {
for (Instruction ins : aggIns) {
MatrixCharacteristics.computeDimension(dims, (MRInstruction) ins);
// if instruction's output is not in resultIndexes, then add its dimensions to jobconf
MRInstruction mrins = (MRInstruction) ins;
boolean found = false;
for (byte b : resultIndexes) {
if (b == mrins.output) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
setIntermediateMatrixCharactristics(job, mrins.output, dims.get(mrins.output));
long numReduceGroups = 0;
AggregateBinaryInstruction[] aggBinIns = getAggregateBinaryInstructions(job);
if (aggBinIns != null) {
for (AggregateBinaryInstruction ins : aggBinIns) {
MatrixCharacteristics dim1 = dims.get(ins.input1);
MatrixCharacteristics dim2 = dims.get(ins.input2);
setMatrixCharactristicsForBinAgg(job, ins.input1, dim1);
setMatrixCharactristicsForBinAgg(job, ins.input2, dim2);
MatrixCharacteristics.computeDimension(dims, ins);
if (// there will be only one aggbin operation for MMCJ
numReduceGroups = (long) Math.ceil((double) dim1.getCols() / (double) dim1.getColsPerBlock());
if (!forMMCJ) {
// store the skylines
ArrayList<Long> xs = new ArrayList<>(mapOutputIndexes.size());
ArrayList<Long> ys = new ArrayList<>(mapOutputIndexes.size());
for (byte idx : mapOutputIndexes) {
MatrixCharacteristics dim = dims.get(idx);
long x = (long) Math.ceil((double) dim.getRows() / (double) dim.getRowsPerBlock());
long y = (long) Math.ceil((double) dim.getCols() / (double) dim.getColsPerBlock());
int i = 0;
boolean toadd = true;
while (i < xs.size()) {
if ((x >= xs.get(i) && y > ys.get(i)) || (x > xs.get(i) && y >= ys.get(i))) {
// remove any included x's and y's
} else if (// if included in others, stop
x <= xs.get(i) && y <= ys.get(i)) {
toadd = false;
} else
if (toadd) {
// sort by x
TreeMap<Long, Long> map = new TreeMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < xs.size(); i++) map.put(xs.get(i), ys.get(i));
numReduceGroups = 0;
// compute area
long prev = 0;
for (Entry<Long, Long> e : map.entrySet()) {
numReduceGroups += (e.getKey() - prev) * e.getValue();
prev = e.getKey();
MRInstruction[] insReducer = MRInstructionParser.parseMixedInstructions(otherInstructionsInReducer);
if (insReducer != null) {
for (MRInstruction ins : insReducer) {
MatrixCharacteristics.computeDimension(dims, ins);
if (ins instanceof UnaryMRInstructionBase) {
UnaryMRInstructionBase tempIns = (UnaryMRInstructionBase) ins;
setIntermediateMatrixCharactristics(job, tempIns.input, dims.get(tempIns.input));
} else if (ins instanceof RemoveEmptyMRInstruction) {
RemoveEmptyMRInstruction tempIns = (RemoveEmptyMRInstruction) ins;
setIntermediateMatrixCharactristics(job, tempIns.input1, dims.get(tempIns.input1));
// if instruction's output is not in resultIndexes, then add its dimensions to jobconf
boolean found = false;
for (byte b : resultIndexes) {
if (b == ins.output) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
setIntermediateMatrixCharactristics(job, ins.output, dims.get(ins.output));
setIntermediateMatrixIndexes(job, intermediateMatrixIndexes);
for (byte tag : mapOutputIndexes) setMatrixCharactristicsForMapperOutput(job, tag, dims.get(tag));
MatrixCharacteristics[] stats = new MatrixCharacteristics[resultIndexes.length];
MatrixCharacteristics resultDims;
for (int i = 0; i < resultIndexes.length; i++) {
resultDims = dims.get(resultIndexes[i]);
stats[i] = resultDims;
setMatrixCharactristicsForOutput(job, resultIndexes[i], stats[i]);
return new MatrixChar_N_ReducerGroups(stats, numReduceGroups);