use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.instructions.cp.CPInstruction in project systemml by apache.
the class ProgramConverter method cloneInstruction.
public static Instruction cloneInstruction(Instruction oInst, long pid, boolean plain, boolean cpFunctions) {
Instruction inst = null;
String tmpString = oInst.toString();
try {
if (oInst instanceof CPInstruction || oInst instanceof SPInstruction || oInst instanceof MRInstruction || oInst instanceof GPUInstruction) {
if (oInst instanceof FunctionCallCPInstruction && cpFunctions) {
FunctionCallCPInstruction tmp = (FunctionCallCPInstruction) oInst;
if (!plain) {
// safe replacement because target variables might include the function name
// note: this is no update-in-place in order to keep the original function name as basis
tmpString = tmp.updateInstStringFunctionName(tmp.getFunctionName(), tmp.getFunctionName() + CP_CHILD_THREAD + pid);
// otherwise: preserve function name
inst = InstructionParser.parseSingleInstruction(tmpString);
} else if (oInst instanceof MRJobInstruction) {
// clone via copy constructor
inst = new MRJobInstruction((MRJobInstruction) oInst);
} else
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Failed to clone instruction: " + oInst);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new DMLRuntimeException(ex);
// save replacement of thread id references in instructions
inst = saveReplaceThreadID(inst, ProgramConverter.CP_ROOT_THREAD_ID, ProgramConverter.CP_CHILD_THREAD + pid);
return inst;
use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.instructions.cp.CPInstruction in project systemml by apache.
the class DMLDebuggerFunctions method printRuntimeInstructions.
* Print range of program runtime instructions
* @param DMLInstMap Mapping between source code line number and corresponding runtime instruction(s)
* @param range Range of lines of DML code to be displayed
public void printRuntimeInstructions(TreeMap<Integer, ArrayList<Instruction>> DMLInstMap, IntRange range) {
// Display instructions
for (int lineNumber = range.getMinimumInteger(); lineNumber <= range.getMaximumInteger(); lineNumber++) {
if (DMLInstMap.get(lineNumber) != null) {
for (Instruction currInst : DMLInstMap.get(lineNumber)) {
if (currInst instanceof CPInstruction)
System.out.format("\t\t id %4d: %s\n", currInst.getInstID(), prepareInstruction(currInst.toString()));
else if (currInst instanceof MRJobInstruction) {
MRJobInstruction currMRInst = (MRJobInstruction) currInst;
System.out.format("\t\t id %4d: %s\n", currInst.getInstID(), prepareInstruction(currMRInst.getMRString(false)));
} else if (currInst instanceof BreakPointInstruction) {
BreakPointInstruction currBPInst = (BreakPointInstruction) currInst;
System.out.format("\t\t id %4d: %s\n", currInst.getInstID(), currBPInst.toString());
use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.instructions.cp.CPInstruction in project systemml by apache.
the class DMLDebuggerFunctions method printInstructions.
* Print range of DML program lines interspersed with corresponding runtime instructions
* @param lines DML script lines of code
* @param DMLInstMap Mapping between source code line number and corresponding runtime instruction(s)
* @param range Range of lines of DML code to be displayed
* @param debug Flag for displaying instructions in debugger test integration
public void printInstructions(String[] lines, TreeMap<Integer, ArrayList<Instruction>> DMLInstMap, IntRange range, boolean debug) {
// Display instructions with corresponding DML line numbers
for (int lineNumber = range.getMinimumInteger(); lineNumber <= range.getMaximumInteger(); lineNumber++) {
System.out.format("line %4d: %s\n", lineNumber, lines[lineNumber - 1]);
if (DMLInstMap.get(lineNumber) != null) {
for (Instruction currInst : DMLInstMap.get(lineNumber)) {
if (currInst instanceof CPInstruction) {
if (!debug)
System.out.format("\t\t id %4d: %s\n", currInst.getInstID(), prepareInstruction(currInst.toString()));
else {
String[] instStr = prepareInstruction(currInst.toString()).split(" ");
System.out.format("\t\t id %4d: %s %s\n", currInst.getInstID(), instStr[0], instStr[1]);
} else if (currInst instanceof MRJobInstruction) {
MRJobInstruction currMRInst = (MRJobInstruction) currInst;
System.out.format("\t\t id %4d: %s\n", currInst.getInstID(), prepareInstruction(currMRInst.getMRString(debug)));
} else if (currInst instanceof BreakPointInstruction) {
BreakPointInstruction currBPInst = (BreakPointInstruction) currInst;
System.out.format("\t\t id %4d: %s\n", currInst.getInstID(), currBPInst.toString());
use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.instructions.cp.CPInstruction in project systemml by apache.
the class DMLDebuggerProgramInfo method accesBreakpointInstruction.
* Access breakpoint instruction at specified line number in set of instructions (if valid)
* @param instructions Instructions for current program block
* @param lineNumber Location for inserting breakpoint
* @param op Breakpoint operation
* @param status Current breakpoint status
private void accesBreakpointInstruction(ArrayList<Instruction> instructions, int lineNumber, int op, BPINSTRUCTION_STATUS status) {
for (int i = 0; i < instructions.size(); i++) {
Instruction currInst = instructions.get(i);
if (op == 0) {
if (currInst instanceof MRJobInstruction) {
MRJobInstruction currMRInst = (MRJobInstruction) currInst;
// Check if current instruction line number correspond to breakpoint line number
if (currMRInst.findMRInstructions(lineNumber)) {
BreakPointInstruction breakpoint = new BreakPointInstruction();
instructions.add(i, breakpoint);
DMLBreakpointManager.insertBreakpoint(breakpoint, lineNumber);
} else if (currInst instanceof CPInstruction || currInst instanceof SPInstruction) {
// Check if current instruction line number correspond to breakpoint line number
if (currInst.getLineNum() == lineNumber) {
BreakPointInstruction breakpoint = new BreakPointInstruction();
instructions.add(i, breakpoint);
DMLBreakpointManager.insertBreakpoint(breakpoint, lineNumber);
} else if (currInst instanceof BreakPointInstruction && currInst.getLineNum() == lineNumber) {
BreakPointInstruction breakpoint = (BreakPointInstruction) currInst;
instructions.set(i, breakpoint);
DMLBreakpointManager.updateBreakpoint(lineNumber, status);
} else {
// Check if current instruction line number correspond to breakpoint line number
if (currInst instanceof BreakPointInstruction && currInst.getLineNum() == lineNumber) {
if (op == 1) {
BreakPointInstruction breakpoint = (BreakPointInstruction) currInst;
instructions.set(i, breakpoint);
DMLBreakpointManager.updateBreakpoint(lineNumber, status);
} else {
DMLBreakpointManager.removeBreakpoint(lineNumber, status);
use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.instructions.cp.CPInstruction in project systemml by apache.
the class DMLDebuggerProgramInfo method setInstMap.
* For each instruction, generate map with corresponding DML
* script line number
* @param instructions Instructions for current program block
private void setInstMap(ArrayList<Instruction> instructions) {
for (int i = 0; i < instructions.size(); i++) {
Instruction currInst = instructions.get(i);
// set instruction unique identifier
if (currInst.getInstID() == 0) {
if (currInst instanceof MRJobInstruction) {
MRJobInstruction currMRInst = (MRJobInstruction) currInst;
int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
// iterate of MR job instructions to identify minimum line number
for (Integer lineNumber : currMRInst.getMRJobInstructionsLineNumbers()) {
if (lineNumber < min)
min = lineNumber;
// set MR job line number
if (min == 0 || min == Integer.MAX_VALUE)
// last seen instruction line number
currMRInst.setLocation(null, prevLineNum, prevLineNum, -1, -1);
// minimum instruction line number for this MR job
currMRInst.setLocation(null, min, min, -1, -1);
// insert current MR instruction into corresponding source code line
if (!disassembler.containsKey(currMRInst.getLineNum()))
disassembler.put(currMRInst.getLineNum(), new ArrayList<Instruction>());
} else if (currInst instanceof CPInstruction || currInst instanceof SPInstruction) {
// if CP instruction line number is not set, then approximate to last seen line number
if (currInst.getLineNum() == 0)
currInst.setLocation(null, prevLineNum, prevLineNum, -1, -1);
// insert current CP instruction into corresponding source code line
if (!disassembler.containsKey(currInst.getLineNum()))
disassembler.put(currInst.getLineNum(), new ArrayList<Instruction>());
} else if (currInst instanceof BreakPointInstruction) {
BreakPointInstruction currBPInst = (BreakPointInstruction) currInst;
// insert current BP instruction into corresponding source code line
if (!disassembler.containsKey(currBPInst.getLineNum()))
disassembler.put(currBPInst.getLineNum(), new ArrayList<Instruction>());
// save instruction's line number as last seen
if (currInst.getLineNum() != 0)
prevLineNum = currInst.getLineNum();