use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.matrix.MetaDataFormat in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class MRJobInstruction method populateInputs.
* Auxiliary data structures that store information required to spawn MR jobs.
* These data structures are populated by pulling out information from symbol
* table. More specifically, from information stored in <code>inputMatrices</code>
* and <code>outputMatrices</code>.
private void populateInputs() {
// Since inputVars can potentially contain scalar variables,
// auxiliary data structures of size <code>inputMatrices.length</code>
// are allocated instead of size <code>inputVars.length</code>
// Allocate space
inputs = new String[inputMatrices.length];
inputInfos = new InputInfo[inputMatrices.length];
rlens = new long[inputMatrices.length];
clens = new long[inputMatrices.length];
brlens = new int[inputMatrices.length];
bclens = new int[inputMatrices.length];
partitioned = new boolean[inputMatrices.length];
pformats = new PDataPartitionFormat[inputMatrices.length];
psizes = new int[inputMatrices.length];
// populate information
for (int i = 0; i < inputMatrices.length; i++) {
inputs[i] = inputMatrices[i].getFileName();
MatrixCharacteristics mc = inputMatrices[i].getMatrixCharacteristics();
rlens[i] = mc.getRows();
clens[i] = mc.getCols();
brlens[i] = mc.getRowsPerBlock();
bclens[i] = mc.getColsPerBlock();
if (inputMatrices[i].getMetaData() instanceof MetaDataFormat) {
inputInfos[i] = ((MetaDataFormat) inputMatrices[i].getMetaData()).getInputInfo();
} else if (inputMatrices[i].getMetaData() instanceof MetaDataNumItemsByEachReducer) {
inputInfos[i] = InputInfo.InputInfoForSortOutput;
inputInfos[i].metadata = inputMatrices[i].getMetaData();
partitioned[i] = inputMatrices[i].isPartitioned();
pformats[i] = inputMatrices[i].getPartitionFormat();
psizes[i] = inputMatrices[i].getPartitionSize();
use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.matrix.MetaDataFormat in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class MRJobInstruction method populateOutputs.
* Pulls out information from symbol table for output variables (i.e., outputMatrices)
* and populates auxiliary data structutes that are used in setting up MR jobs.
private void populateOutputs() {
// Note: (outputVars.length == outputMatrices.length) -> true
// Allocate space
outputs = new String[outputVars.length];
outputInfos = new OutputInfo[outputVars.length];
// Populate information
for (int i = 0; i < outputVars.length; i++) {
outputs[i] = outputMatrices[i].getFileName();
MetaDataFormat md = (MetaDataFormat) outputMatrices[i].getMetaData();
outputInfos[i] = md.getOutputInfo();
use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.matrix.MetaDataFormat in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class DataPartitionCPInstruction method processInstruction.
public void processInstruction(ExecutionContext ec) {
// get input
MatrixObject moIn = ec.getMatrixObject(input1.getName());
MatrixBlock mb = moIn.acquireRead();
// execute operations
MatrixObject moOut = (MatrixObject) ec.getVariable(output.getName());
String fname = moOut.getFileName();
// modify meta data output
moOut.setPartitioned(_pformat, -1);
try {
// write matrix partitions to hdfs
WriterBinaryBlock.writePartitionedBinaryBlockMatrixToHDFS(new Path(fname), new JobConf(ConfigurationManager.getCachedJobConf()), mb, moIn.getNumRows(), moIn.getNumColumns(), (int) moIn.getNumRowsPerBlock(), (int) moIn.getNumColumnsPerBlock(), _pformat);
// ensure correctness of output characteristics (required if input unknown during compile and no recompile)
MatrixCharacteristics mc = new MatrixCharacteristics(moIn.getNumRows(), moIn.getNumColumns(), (int) moIn.getNumRowsPerBlock(), (int) moIn.getNumColumnsPerBlock(), moIn.getNnz());
MetaDataFormat meta = new MetaDataFormat(mc, OutputInfo.BinaryBlockOutputInfo, InputInfo.BinaryBlockInputInfo);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Failed to execute data partitioning instruction.", ex);
// release input
ec.releaseMatrixInput(input1.getName(), getExtendedOpcode());
use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.matrix.MetaDataFormat in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class Matrix method setMatrixDoubleArray.
* Method to set matrix as double array. This should only be used if the
* user knows the matrix fits in memory. We are using the dense
* representation.
* @param mb matrix block
* @param oinfo output info
* @param iinfo input info
* @throws IOException if IOException occurs
public void setMatrixDoubleArray(MatrixBlock mb, OutputInfo oinfo, InputInfo iinfo) throws IOException {
_rows = mb.getNumRows();
_cols = mb.getNumColumns();
long nnz = mb.getNonZeros();
int rblen = ConfigurationManager.getBlocksize();
int cblen = ConfigurationManager.getBlocksize();
MatrixCharacteristics mc = new MatrixCharacteristics(_rows, _cols, rblen, cblen, nnz);
MetaDataFormat mfmd = new MetaDataFormat(mc, oinfo, iinfo);
try {
// check for correct sparse/dense representation
if (mb.getInMemorySize() < OptimizerUtils.SAFE_REP_CHANGE_THRES)
// construct output matrix object
_mo = new MatrixObject(Expression.ValueType.DOUBLE, _filePath, mfmd);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IOException(e);