use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.matrix.operators.Operator in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class RandInstruction method parseInstruction.
public static RandInstruction parseInstruction(String str) throws DMLRuntimeException {
InstructionUtils.checkNumFields(str, 13);
String[] parts = InstructionUtils.getInstructionParts(str);
Operator op = null;
byte input = Byte.parseByte(parts[1]);
byte output = Byte.parseByte(parts[2]);
long rows = Double.valueOf(parts[3]).longValue();
long cols = Double.valueOf(parts[4]).longValue();
int rpb = Integer.parseInt(parts[5]);
int cpb = Integer.parseInt(parts[6]);
double minValue = Double.parseDouble(parts[7]);
double maxValue = Double.parseDouble(parts[8]);
double sparsity = Double.parseDouble(parts[9]);
long seed = Long.parseLong(parts[10]);
String baseDir = parts[11];
String pdf = parts[12];
String pdfParams = parts[13];
return new RandInstruction(op, input, output, rows, cols, rpb, cpb, minValue, maxValue, sparsity, seed, pdf, pdfParams, baseDir, str);
use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.matrix.operators.Operator in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class MatrixReshapeMRInstruction method parseInstruction.
public static MatrixReshapeMRInstruction parseInstruction(String str) throws DMLRuntimeException {
InstructionUtils.checkNumFields(str, 5);
String[] parts = InstructionUtils.getInstructionParts(str);
String opcode = parts[0];
byte in = Byte.parseByte(parts[1]);
//save cast
long rows = UtilFunctions.toLong(Double.parseDouble(parts[2]));
//save cast
long cols = UtilFunctions.toLong(Double.parseDouble(parts[3]));
boolean byrow = Boolean.parseBoolean(parts[4]);
byte out = Byte.parseByte(parts[5]);
if (!opcode.equalsIgnoreCase("rshape"))
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Unknown opcode while parsing an MatrixReshapeMRInstruction: " + str);
return new MatrixReshapeMRInstruction(new Operator(true), in, rows, cols, byrow, out, str);
use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.matrix.operators.Operator in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class DataGenCPInstruction method parseInstruction.
public static DataGenCPInstruction parseInstruction(String str) throws DMLRuntimeException {
DataGenMethod method = DataGenMethod.INVALID;
String[] s = InstructionUtils.getInstructionPartsWithValueType(str);
String opcode = s[0];
if (opcode.equalsIgnoreCase(DataGen.RAND_OPCODE)) {
method = DataGenMethod.RAND;
InstructionUtils.checkNumFields(s, 12);
} else if (opcode.equalsIgnoreCase(DataGen.SEQ_OPCODE)) {
method = DataGenMethod.SEQ;
// 8 operands: rows, cols, rpb, cpb, from, to, incr, outvar
InstructionUtils.checkNumFields(s, 8);
} else if (opcode.equalsIgnoreCase(DataGen.SAMPLE_OPCODE)) {
method = DataGenMethod.SAMPLE;
// 7 operands: range, size, replace, seed, rpb, cpb, outvar
InstructionUtils.checkNumFields(s, 7);
// ouput is specified by the last operand
CPOperand out = new CPOperand(s[s.length - 1]);
Operator op = null;
if (method == DataGenMethod.RAND) {
long rows = -1, cols = -1;
if (!s[1].contains(Lop.VARIABLE_NAME_PLACEHOLDER)) {
rows = Double.valueOf(s[1]).longValue();
if (!s[2].contains(Lop.VARIABLE_NAME_PLACEHOLDER)) {
cols = Double.valueOf(s[2]).longValue();
int rpb = Integer.parseInt(s[3]);
int cpb = Integer.parseInt(s[4]);
double minValue = -1, maxValue = -1;
if (!s[5].contains(Lop.VARIABLE_NAME_PLACEHOLDER)) {
minValue = Double.valueOf(s[5]).doubleValue();
if (!s[6].contains(Lop.VARIABLE_NAME_PLACEHOLDER)) {
maxValue = Double.valueOf(s[6]).doubleValue();
double sparsity = -1;
if (!s[7].contains(Lop.VARIABLE_NAME_PLACEHOLDER)) {
sparsity = Double.valueOf(s[7]);
long seed = DataGenOp.UNSPECIFIED_SEED;
if (!s[8].contains(Lop.VARIABLE_NAME_PLACEHOLDER)) {
seed = Long.parseLong(s[8]);
String pdf = s[9];
String pdfParams = null;
if (!s[10].contains(Lop.VARIABLE_NAME_PLACEHOLDER)) {
pdfParams = s[10];
int k = Integer.parseInt(s[11]);
return new DataGenCPInstruction(op, method, null, out, rows, cols, rpb, cpb, minValue, maxValue, sparsity, seed, pdf, pdfParams, k, opcode, str);
} else if (method == DataGenMethod.SEQ) {
// Example Instruction: CP:seq:11:1:1000:1000:1:0:-0.1:scratch_space/_p7932_192.168.1.120//_t0/:mVar1
long rows = Double.valueOf(s[1]).longValue();
long cols = Double.valueOf(s[2]).longValue();
int rpb = Integer.parseInt(s[3]);
int cpb = Integer.parseInt(s[4]);
double from, to, incr;
from = to = incr = Double.NaN;
if (!s[5].contains(Lop.VARIABLE_NAME_PLACEHOLDER)) {
from = Double.valueOf(s[5]);
if (!s[6].contains(Lop.VARIABLE_NAME_PLACEHOLDER)) {
to = Double.valueOf(s[6]);
if (!s[7].contains(Lop.VARIABLE_NAME_PLACEHOLDER)) {
incr = Double.valueOf(s[7]);
return new DataGenCPInstruction(op, method, null, out, rows, cols, rpb, cpb, from, to, incr, opcode, str);
} else if (method == DataGenMethod.SAMPLE) {
// Example Instruction: CP:sample:10:100:false:1000:1000:_mVar2·MATRIX·DOUBLE
double max = 0;
long rows = 0, cols;
boolean replace = false;
if (!s[1].contains(Lop.VARIABLE_NAME_PLACEHOLDER))
max = Double.valueOf(s[1]);
if (!s[2].contains(Lop.VARIABLE_NAME_PLACEHOLDER))
rows = Double.valueOf(s[2]).longValue();
cols = 1;
if (!s[3].contains(Lop.VARIABLE_NAME_PLACEHOLDER))
replace = Boolean.valueOf(s[3]);
long seed = Long.parseLong(s[4]);
int rpb = Integer.parseInt(s[5]);
int cpb = Integer.parseInt(s[6]);
return new DataGenCPInstruction(op, method, null, out, rows, cols, rpb, cpb, max, replace, seed, opcode, str);
} else
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Unrecognized data generation method: " + method);
use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.matrix.operators.Operator in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class ArithmeticBinaryCPInstruction method parseInstruction.
public static ArithmeticBinaryCPInstruction parseInstruction(String str) throws DMLRuntimeException {
CPOperand in1 = new CPOperand("", ValueType.UNKNOWN, DataType.UNKNOWN);
CPOperand in2 = new CPOperand("", ValueType.UNKNOWN, DataType.UNKNOWN);
CPOperand out = new CPOperand("", ValueType.UNKNOWN, DataType.UNKNOWN);
String opcode = parseBinaryInstruction(str, in1, in2, out);
checkOutputDataType(in1, in2, out);
Operator operator = (in1.getDataType() != in2.getDataType()) ? InstructionUtils.parseScalarBinaryOperator(opcode, (in1.getDataType() == DataType.SCALAR)) : InstructionUtils.parseBinaryOperator(opcode);
if (in1.getDataType() == DataType.SCALAR && in2.getDataType() == DataType.SCALAR)
return new ScalarScalarArithmeticCPInstruction(operator, in1, in2, out, opcode, str);
else if (in1.getDataType() == DataType.MATRIX && in2.getDataType() == DataType.MATRIX)
return new MatrixMatrixArithmeticCPInstruction(operator, in1, in2, out, opcode, str);
return new ScalarMatrixArithmeticCPInstruction(operator, in1, in2, out, opcode, str);
use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.matrix.operators.Operator in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class ReblockSPInstruction method parseInstruction.
public static ReblockSPInstruction parseInstruction(String str) throws DMLRuntimeException {
String[] parts = InstructionUtils.getInstructionPartsWithValueType(str);
String opcode = parts[0];
if (!opcode.equals("rblk")) {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Incorrect opcode for ReblockSPInstruction:" + opcode);
CPOperand in = new CPOperand(parts[1]);
CPOperand out = new CPOperand(parts[2]);
int brlen = Integer.parseInt(parts[3]);
int bclen = Integer.parseInt(parts[4]);
boolean outputEmptyBlocks = Boolean.parseBoolean(parts[5]);
// no operator for ReblockSPInstruction
Operator op = null;
return new ReblockSPInstruction(op, in, out, brlen, bclen, outputEmptyBlocks, opcode, str);