use of org.apache.tephra.TransactionExecutor in project cdap by caskdata.
the class IndexedTableTest method testIndexedOperations.
public void testIndexedOperations() throws Exception {
TransactionExecutor txnl = dsFrameworkUtil.newTransactionExecutor(table);
// start a new transaction
txnl.execute(new TransactionExecutor.Subroutine() {
public void apply() throws Exception {
// add a value c with idx = 1, and b with idx = 2
table.put(new Put(keyC).add(idxCol, idx1).add(valCol, valC));
table.put(new Put(keyB).add(idxCol, idx2).add(valCol, valB));
txnl.execute(new TransactionExecutor.Subroutine() {
public void apply() throws Exception {
// read by key c
Row row = table.get(new Get(keyC, colIdxVal));
TableAssert.assertColumns(row, colIdxVal, new byte[][] { idx1, valC });
// read by key b
row = table.get(new Get(keyB, colIdxVal));
TableAssert.assertColumns(row, colIdxVal, new byte[][] { idx2, valB });
// read by idx 1 -> c
row = readFirst(table.readByIndex(idxCol, idx1));
TableAssert.assertColumns(row, colIdxVal, new byte[][] { idx1, valC });
// read by idx 2 -> b
row = readFirst(table.readByIndex(idxCol, idx2));
TableAssert.assertColumns(row, colIdxVal, new byte[][] { idx2, valB });
// test read over empty index (idx 3)
assertEmpty(table.readByIndex(idxCol, idx3));
txnl.execute(new TransactionExecutor.Subroutine() {
public void apply() throws Exception {
// add a value a with idx = 1
table.put(new Put(keyA).add(idxCol, idx1).add(valCol, valA));
// read by idx 1 -> a
txnl.execute(new TransactionExecutor.Subroutine() {
public void apply() throws Exception {
Row row = readFirst(table.readByIndex(idxCol, idx1));
TableAssert.assertColumns(row, colIdxVal, new byte[][] { idx1, valA });
// start a new transaction
txnl.execute(new TransactionExecutor.Subroutine() {
public void apply() throws Exception {
// delete value a
table.delete(new Delete(keyA, colIdxVal));
// read by idx 1 -> c
txnl.execute(new TransactionExecutor.Subroutine() {
public void apply() throws Exception {
Row row = readFirst(table.readByIndex(idxCol, idx1));
TableAssert.assertColumns(row, colIdxVal, new byte[][] { idx1, valC });
// start a new transaction
txnl.execute(new TransactionExecutor.Subroutine() {
public void apply() throws Exception {
// add a value aa with idx 2
table.put(new Put(keyAA).add(idxCol, idx2).add(valCol, valAA));
// read by idx 2 -> aa
txnl.execute(new TransactionExecutor.Subroutine() {
public void apply() throws Exception {
Row row = readFirst(table.readByIndex(idxCol, idx2));
TableAssert.assertColumns(row, colIdxVal, new byte[][] { idx2, valAA });
// start a new transaction
txnl.execute(new TransactionExecutor.Subroutine() {
public void apply() throws Exception {
// swap value for aa to ab
Assert.assertTrue(table.compareAndSwap(keyAA, valCol, valAA, valAB));
// read by idx 2 -> ab
txnl.execute(new TransactionExecutor.Subroutine() {
public void apply() throws Exception {
Row row = readFirst(table.readByIndex(idxCol, idx2));
TableAssert.assertColumns(row, colIdxVal, new byte[][] { idx2, valAB });
// start a new transaction
txnl.execute(new TransactionExecutor.Subroutine() {
public void apply() throws Exception {
// swap value for aa to bb
Assert.assertTrue(table.compareAndSwap(keyAA, valCol, valAB, valBB));
// read by idx 2 -> bb (value of key aa)
txnl.execute(new TransactionExecutor.Subroutine() {
public void apply() throws Exception {
Row row = readFirst(table.readByIndex(idxCol, idx2));
TableAssert.assertColumns(row, colIdxVal, new byte[][] { idx2, valBB });
// start a new transaction
txnl.execute(new TransactionExecutor.Subroutine() {
public void apply() throws Exception {
// swap value for aa to null
Assert.assertTrue(table.compareAndSwap(keyAA, valCol, valBB, null));
// read by idx 2 -> null (value of b)
txnl.execute(new TransactionExecutor.Subroutine() {
public void apply() throws Exception {
Row row = readFirst(table.readByIndex(idxCol, idx2));
TableAssert.assertColumn(row, idxCol, idx2);
// start a new transaction
txnl.execute(new TransactionExecutor.Subroutine() {
public void apply() throws Exception {
// swap idx for c to 3
Assert.assertTrue(table.compareAndSwap(keyC, idxCol, idx1, idx3));
// read by idx 1 -> null (no row has that any more)
txnl.execute(new TransactionExecutor.Subroutine() {
public void apply() throws Exception {
assertEmpty(table.readByIndex(idxCol, idx1));
// read by idx 3 > c
Row row = readFirst(table.readByIndex(idxCol, idx3));
TableAssert.assertColumns(row, new byte[][] { idxCol, valCol }, new byte[][] { idx3, valC });
use of org.apache.tephra.TransactionExecutor in project cdap by caskdata.
the class IndexedTableTest method testIndexedRangeLookups.
public void testIndexedRangeLookups() throws Exception {
DatasetId indexRangedLookupDs = DatasetFrameworkTestUtil.NAMESPACE_ID.dataset("rangeLookup");
dsFrameworkUtil.createInstance("indexedTable", indexRangedLookupDs, DatasetProperties.builder().add(IndexedTable.INDEX_COLUMNS_CONF_KEY, idxColString).build());
final IndexedTable iTable = dsFrameworkUtil.getInstance(indexRangedLookupDs);
TransactionExecutor txnl = dsFrameworkUtil.newTransactionExecutor(iTable);
try {
// start a new transaction
txnl.execute(new TransactionExecutor.Subroutine() {
public void apply() throws Exception {
// perform 5 puts, using idx values 1,2,3,4,5
iTable.put(new Put(keyE).add(idxCol, idx4).add(valCol, valE));
iTable.put(new Put(keyC).add(idxCol, idx1).add(valCol, valC));
iTable.put(new Put(keyD).add(idxCol, idx5).add(valCol, valA));
iTable.put(new Put(keyB).add(idxCol, idx2).add(valCol, valB));
iTable.put(new Put(keyA).add(idxCol, idx3).add(valCol, valD));
txnl.execute(new TransactionExecutor.Subroutine() {
public void apply() throws Exception {
// do a scan using idx value range [idx2, idx5). Assert that we retrieve idx2, idx3, idx4.
Scanner scanner = iTable.scanByIndex(idxCol, idx2, idx5);
Row next =;
Assert.assertTrue(Bytes.equals(keyB, next.getRow()));
Assert.assertTrue(Bytes.equals(valB, next.get(valCol)));
next =;
Assert.assertTrue(Bytes.equals(keyA, next.getRow()));
Assert.assertTrue(Bytes.equals(valD, next.get(valCol)));
next =;
Assert.assertTrue(Bytes.equals(keyE, next.getRow()));
Assert.assertTrue(Bytes.equals(valE, next.get(valCol)));
txnl.execute(new TransactionExecutor.Subroutine() {
public void apply() throws Exception {
// do a scan using idx value range [null (first row), idx3). Assert that we retrieve the values corresponding
// to idx1, idx2.
Scanner scanner = iTable.scanByIndex(idxCol, null, idx3);
Row next =;
Assert.assertTrue(Bytes.equals(keyC, next.getRow()));
Assert.assertTrue(Bytes.equals(valC, next.get(valCol)));
next =;
Assert.assertTrue(Bytes.equals(keyB, next.getRow()));
Assert.assertTrue(Bytes.equals(valB, next.get(valCol)));
} finally {
use of org.apache.tephra.TransactionExecutor in project cdap by caskdata.
the class IndexedTableTest method testIndexKeyDelimiterAmbiguity.
public void testIndexKeyDelimiterAmbiguity() throws Exception {
final byte[] a = { 'a' };
final byte[] ab = { 'a', 0, 'b' };
final byte[] abc = { 'a', 0, 'b', 0, 'c' };
final byte[] bc = { 'b', 0, 'c' };
final byte[] bcd = { 'b', 0, 'c', 'd' };
final byte[] c = { 'c' };
final byte[] d = { 'd' };
final byte[] w = { 'w' };
final byte[] x = { 'x' };
final byte[] y = { 'y' };
final byte[] z = { 'z' };
DatasetId delimTabInstance = DatasetFrameworkTestUtil.NAMESPACE_ID.dataset("delimtab");
dsFrameworkUtil.createInstance("indexedTable", delimTabInstance, DatasetProperties.builder().add(IndexedTable.INDEX_COLUMNS_CONF_KEY, Bytes.toString(a) + "," + Bytes.toString(ab)).build());
final IndexedTable iTable = dsFrameworkUtil.getInstance(delimTabInstance);
try {
TransactionExecutor tx = dsFrameworkUtil.newTransactionExecutor(iTable);
tx.execute(new TransactionExecutor.Subroutine() {
public void apply() throws Exception {
iTable.put(x, a, bc);
iTable.put(y, ab, c);
iTable.put(w, a, bcd);
iTable.put(z, abc, d);
tx.execute(new TransactionExecutor.Subroutine() {
public void apply() throws Exception {
// ensure that readByIndex filters teh false positive rows in index
Scanner scanner = iTable.readByIndex(a, bc);
try {
Row row =;
Assert.assertArrayEquals(x, row.getRow());
Assert.assertArrayEquals(bc, row.get(a));
} finally {
scanner = iTable.readByIndex(ab, c);
try {
Row row =;
Assert.assertArrayEquals(y, row.getRow());
Assert.assertArrayEquals(c, row.get(ab));
} finally {
// ensure that scanByIndex filters the false positive rows in index
scanner = iTable.scanByIndex(a, bcd, null);
try {
Row row =;
Assert.assertArrayEquals(w, row.getRow());
Assert.assertArrayEquals(bcd, row.get(a));
} finally {
scanner = iTable.scanByIndex(a, null, bcd);
try {
Row row =;
Assert.assertArrayEquals(x, row.getRow());
Assert.assertArrayEquals(bc, row.get(a));
} finally {
} finally {
use of org.apache.tephra.TransactionExecutor in project cdap by caskdata.
the class KeyValueTableTest method testScanning.
public void testScanning() throws Exception {
DatasetId tScan = DatasetFrameworkTestUtil.NAMESPACE_ID.dataset("tScan");
dsFrameworkUtil.createInstance("keyValueTable", tScan, DatasetProperties.EMPTY);
final KeyValueTable t = dsFrameworkUtil.getInstance(tScan);
TransactionExecutor txnl = dsFrameworkUtil.newTransactionExecutor(t);
// start a transaction
txnl.execute(new TransactionExecutor.Subroutine() {
public void apply() throws Exception {
// write 0..1000 to the table
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
byte[] key = Bytes.toBytes(i);
t.write(key, key);
// start a transaction, verify scan
txnl.execute(new TransactionExecutor.Subroutine() {
public void apply() throws Exception {
// scan with start row '0' and end row '1000' and make sure we have 1000 records
Iterator<KeyValue<byte[], byte[]>> keyValueIterator = t.scan(Bytes.toBytes(0), Bytes.toBytes(1000));
int rowCount = 0;
while (keyValueIterator.hasNext()) {
Assert.assertEquals(1000, rowCount);
// start a transaction, scan part of them elements using scanner, close the scanner,
// then call next() on scanner, it should fail
txnl.execute(new TransactionExecutor.Subroutine() {
public void apply() throws Exception {
// scan with start row '0' and end row '1000' and make sure we have 1000 records
CloseableIterator<KeyValue<byte[], byte[]>> keyValueIterator = t.scan(Bytes.toBytes(0), Bytes.toBytes(200));
int rowCount = 0;
while (keyValueIterator.hasNext() && (rowCount < 100)) {
try {;"Reading after closing Scanner returned result.");
} catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
use of org.apache.tephra.TransactionExecutor in project cdap by caskdata.
the class ReflectionTableTest method testStructuredRecordRepresentation.
public void testStructuredRecordRepresentation() throws Exception {
dsFrameworkUtil.createInstance("table", users, DatasetProperties.builder().build());
try {
final Table usersTable = dsFrameworkUtil.getInstance(users);
final byte[] rowKey = Bytes.toBytes(123);
final Schema schema = new ReflectionSchemaGenerator().generate(User.class);
// TableDataset is not accessible here, but we know that's the underlying implementation...
TransactionExecutor tx = dsFrameworkUtil.newTransactionExecutor((TransactionAware) usersTable);
tx.execute(new TransactionExecutor.Subroutine() {
public void apply() throws Exception {
Put put = new Put(rowKey);
ReflectionPutWriter<User> putWriter = new ReflectionPutWriter<>(schema);
putWriter.write(SAMUEL, put);
Row row = usersTable.get(rowKey);
ReflectionRowRecordReader rowReader = new ReflectionRowRecordReader(schema, null);
StructuredRecord actual =, schema);
assertRecordEqualsUser(SAMUEL, actual);
} finally {