use of org.apache.tez.history.parser.datamodel.DagInfo in project tez by apache.
the class TestHistoryParser method testParserWithSuccessfulJob.
* Run a word count example in mini cluster and check if it is possible to download
* data from ATS and parse it. Also, run with SimpleHistoryLogging option and verify
* if it matches with ATS data.
* @throws Exception
public void testParserWithSuccessfulJob() throws Exception {
// Run basic word count example.
String dagId = runWordCount(WordCount.TokenProcessor.class.getName(), WordCount.SumProcessor.class.getName(), "WordCount", true);
// Export the data from ATS
String[] args = { "--dagId=" + dagId, "--downloadDir=" + DOWNLOAD_DIR, "--yarnTimelineAddress=" + yarnTimelineAddress };
int result = ATSImportTool.process(args);
assertTrue(result == 0);
// Parse ATS data and verify results
DagInfo dagInfoFromATS = getDagInfo(dagId);
verifyDagInfo(dagInfoFromATS, true);
// Now run with SimpleHistoryLogging
dagId = runWordCount(WordCount.TokenProcessor.class.getName(), WordCount.SumProcessor.class.getName(), "WordCount", false);
// For all flushes to happen and to avoid half-cooked download.
DagInfo shDagInfo = getDagInfoFromSimpleHistory(dagId);
verifyDagInfo(shDagInfo, false);
// Compare dagInfo by parsing ATS data with DagInfo obtained by parsing SimpleHistoryLog
isDAGEqual(dagInfoFromATS, shDagInfo);
use of org.apache.tez.history.parser.datamodel.DagInfo in project tez by apache.
the class TestHistoryParser method getDagInfoFromSimpleHistory.
private DagInfo getDagInfoFromSimpleHistory(String dagId) throws TezException, IOException {
TezDAGID tezDAGID = TezDAGID.fromString(dagId);
ApplicationAttemptId applicationAttemptId = ApplicationAttemptId.newInstance(tezDAGID.getApplicationId(), 1);
Path historyPath = new Path(conf.get("fs.defaultFS") + SIMPLE_HISTORY_DIR + HISTORY_TXT + "." + applicationAttemptId);
FileSystem fs = historyPath.getFileSystem(conf);
Path localPath = new Path(DOWNLOAD_DIR, HISTORY_TXT);
fs.copyToLocalFile(historyPath, localPath);
File localFile = new File(DOWNLOAD_DIR, HISTORY_TXT);
// Now parse via SimpleHistory
SimpleHistoryParser parser = new SimpleHistoryParser(localFile);
DagInfo dagInfo = parser.getDAGData(dagId);
return dagInfo;
use of org.apache.tez.history.parser.datamodel.DagInfo in project tez by apache.
the class TestHistoryParser method getDagInfo.
private DagInfo getDagInfo(String dagId) throws TezException {
// Parse downloaded contents
File downloadedFile = new File(DOWNLOAD_DIR + Path.SEPARATOR + dagId + ".zip");
ATSFileParser parser = new ATSFileParser(downloadedFile);
DagInfo dagInfo = parser.getDAGData(dagId);
return dagInfo;